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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 2 Morals and Virtues-Reading and Thinking教学设计

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 7664 字
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:老余工作室
  • Unit 2 Morals and Virtues-Reading and Thinking教学设计

    The topic of this part is “Learn to make choices inlife”.

    The Listening & Speaking & Talking part aims atthe moral dilemmas, and this part is about making choices in life. The heroinis Lin Qiaozhi, a famous medical scientist, made a great contribution to ourcountry’s medical care. Most importantly, her life experience can inspire ourstudents whether in studying or the development of career. she had moraldilemmas and life choices, which are similar to the students who will step intosociety. Besides, Lin has quite good virtues like kindness, self-improvement, insistence,job-loving , generosity and responsibility, which is worth being learned.

    Concretely, this article is a biography about LinQiaozhi. The article tells her whole life according the timeline, among whichthe life choices is emphasized. For example, whether married or chased herdream, returned home or stayed abroad, family or public, her choices allreflected her faith, spirit, responsibility and devotion.

    1. Fast reading toget the detailed information about Lin Qiaozhi; careful reading to do thedeductive information.

    2. Learn thereading skills--deductive judgement according the context.

    3. Study thestructure features and language features.

    4. Communicateabout Lin’s life choices and reflect their own life choices.

    1. Learn the readingskills--deductive judgement according the context.

    2. Study thestructure features and language features.

    3. Communicateabout Lin’s life choices and reflect their own life choices.

    Step 1 Leadin---Small talk

    What are someimportant life choices?

    Importancechoices: university study, jobs and marriage partners. Because they candetermine our future. But I think the most important choices are moralchoices---how we live our lives and treat others, which may not change ourlife, but they will determine how we are remembered by others, the degree ofrespect and love we get, even have the clean consciences and live withourselves.

    Step 2. Analyze the title

    Mother of TenThousand Babies

    The Chinese meaning: 万婴之母

    From the title and the picture,we can know that the article might be about a brief introduction of a femaledoctor, Lin Qiaozhi, who saved a lot of babies by using her super medical tech.It is a biography, not a narrative.

    (Biography is a kind of articlewhich tells the whole life, contributions and spirit and thoughts about aclassical character. Biography usually uses the third person to tell the story,but sometimes uses the first person, which is called autobiography. Biographyalways introduces the time and place of birth and death, the family background,childhood, great life changes, the characters and virtues, even presents theirown or others’ words to support.)

    So the events are organized bytime order/chronological order.

    Step 3 Whilereading --- Task 1

    Read the text and answer the followingquestions.

    Q1: What hardchoices was Dr Lin faced with throughout her life ?

    At age 18, instead of following thetraditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to studymedicine;

    Dr. Lin, however, rejected the offer;

    Thinking of all the people still in need ofhelp, Dr Lin opened a private clinic;

    She was more interested in tending patients,publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training thenext generation of doctors.

    Q2: What werethe results of her choices ?

    She did not get married;

    She did not stay in the US;

    She spent her time tending patients,publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training thenext generation of doctors rather than government work.

    Q3: What did shegave up and what did she choose ?

    She gave up having a family and personalinterest, choosing to help others.

    Step 4 Whilereading --- Task 2

    Read the following sentences and draw aconclusion.

    1. “I’d ratherstay single to study all my life”

    She is a determined woman because sheovercame

    many difficulties and prejudices to pursueher dream.

    2. ”rejected theoffer”

    3. She didn’t careabout her personal fame, fortune.

    4. “She chargedvery low fees to treat patients and often reduced cots for poor patients”

    5. She devotedherself to serving and treating patients.

    6. “The OB-GYNdepartment cares for two lives , we should be responsible for the patients andtreat them as our sisters.”

    7. She is a kind, caring and responsible person.

    From above sentences, answer the following questions

    Q1: What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in herlife ?

    sacrifice herself, and putothers first

    Q2: What kind of person do you think Dr Lin was ?

    she is kind, hardworking,selfless....

    Q3: How do you feel after youread the passage about Dr Lin ?

    I feel inspired by what Dr Lin has done and want to do more for those inneed.

    Step 5 Postreading---Retell

    Complete thepassage according to the text.

    Lin Qiaozhi is known (1)__ the“mother of ten thousand babies”(2)_______ she had delivered over

    50, 000 babies in her lifetime. When she was 18 years old, she chose (3)_______(study) medicine instead of following the traditional path of marriagelike the majority of girls. (4)_____ graduating from Peking Union MedicalCollege, she immediately became the first woman (5) __________(hire) as aresident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. Then duringthe war, she opened her own clinic to help the patients. After the foundationof the new People’s Republic of China, she held many important(6)________(position), but she was more interested (7) _________(tend)patients. Dr Lin didn’t retire (8)_____ the day she died, 22 April 1983.

    答案:1. as 2.because 3. to study 4. After 5.to be hired

    6. positions 7.intending 8. until

    Step 6 Summary---The structure

    Step 8 Homework

    Review what youhave learned today and fill in the table.





