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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 5 The value of money-Reading and Thinking教学设计二

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  • 作者:光影设计
  • Unit 5The value of money-Reading and Thinking教学设计

    The Reading section is the third scene ofthe first act in the play. The rich merchant brothers made a bet about giving amillion pound note to a poor man who had nothing and was honest and reliable andto see what would happen. Finally they found Henry Adams, an American boy whowas down and out on the streets of London.

    Teachers can guide students to understandand feel the language of drama through the development of drama plots.

    1.Talk about short stories and dramas.

    2.Learn how to act out a play

    3.Learn how to request and order food

    4.Learn model words and polite expressions

    1. Guide students to grasp the problemcharacteristics of the script.

    2. Analyze the characters emotions andpersonalities through such information as dialogue, ecology, tone and action,and infer their subtext, so as to deeply understand the text content.

    Multi-media, textbook, notebooks.

    Step 1: Warming up

    If a rich person gives you a large amountof money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do?Why?

    Varied answers.

    Buy a big house

    Buy a fancy car.

    Donate money to the people in need…..

    Step2: Fast reading tasks

    Read the passage quickly and tell thestatements a fact (F) or an opinion (O) after a fast reading.

    _____ Henry wantsto find a job in London.

    _____ Henry isgiven an envelop by the two brothers.

    _____ Henry is anunlucky young man.

    _____ The servantis called James.

    _____ Henry isfoolish to go and meet the two brothers.


    Step3: Scan for details.

    Read through the scenes and then answersome questions

    1. Where doesHenry Adams come from? Does he know much about London?

    2. What did hedo in America?

    3. Why did heland in Britain?

    1.Henry comes fromSan Francisco. No, he doesn’t know London at all.

    2.He worked for amining company.

    3.He was sailing outthe bay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was survived by aship for London.

    Step4 : Read and sum up how Henry’s feelings change during theconversation

    What he says or does

    How he feels

    When they seem happy that he has no money

    Replies angrily

    Angry, irritated

    When they give him the envelope

    Wants to open the envelope straightaway

    Irritated that he cannot open the envelope at once

    When they tell him there is money in it

    Explains he wants a job not charity

    Unhappy to be given money rather than working for it

    Before he leaves the house

    Agrees not to open the letter till 2 p.m.

    Interested and curious

    Step 5 Findall the examples of polite requests. Then rewrite them in informal language.

    1. Would you step inside a moment, please?

    2 Good morning, sir, would you please come in?

    Come in, please

    Hello, please come in.

    3. Permit me to lead the way, sir.

    4. How do you do, Mr. …er …?

    Let me show you the way

    Hello Mr. …

    5. May we ask what you’re doing in this country?

    6. I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you’d mind …

    Why are you in England

    Mr. Adams, is it OK if

    Step 6: Critical thinking:

    1.Why do youthink that the brothers chose Henry for their bet?

    • it was his first visit to London so nobodyknew him.

    • He had no money so he would have to relyon the bank note.

    • They thought he looked honest because heasked for a job and not charity.

    2.What kind ofperson do you think Henry is? Why do you think so? Find the original sentencesin the passage to prove Henry’s characteristic


    It is my firsttrip here.

    Well, to behonest, I have none. (no money)

    Well, I can’tsay that I have any plans.

    I don’t wantyour charity. I just want an honest job.


    • I earned mypassage by working as an unpaid hand.

    • Could you offerme some kind of work here?

    • I don’t wantyour charity, I just want an honest job.

    • Careless:I landed in Britain by accident.

    Step 7:Consolidation.

    • Find Henry

    • Roderick and Oliver were I .making a betwhen they saw Henry, a poor young man.

    • Know Henry

    • About a month ago, Henry was sailing andlater he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind. Fortunately, he2.was spotted by a ship. And it was the ship that brought him to 3.England

    • Offer money to Henry

    • Oliver and Roderick gave Henry a letterand told him that there was money in it. They 4.persuaded him to accept it, andmade him 5.promise that it wouldnt be opened until 2 oclock.





