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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 5 The Value of Money-Reading and Thinking教学设计一

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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:二十四设计
  • Unit 5 The Value of Money-Reading and Thinking教学设计

    The topic of the part is “Read about a bet between twowealthy men”.

    The section is a play, which is the first play studentsmeet since senior high school. So students are guided to pay more attention toits inner meaning, essential factors (such as time, place, heroin or hero, theplot) and the features of language. Meanwhile, role play is also helpful toimprove the students’ pronunciation, stress and tone.

    This play is partly selected from American writer MarkTwain, whose language feature is realistic and ironic. The Million Pound Bank Note is one of hisrealistic and ironic novels. The play tells that two old and wealthy brothersRodrick and Oliver hit an amazing idea that if an intelligent and honest manwho had nothing or nobody to rely on buta million bank note was trapped in London, what would be he and his life ? Thetwo brothers argued about it and couldn’t convince each other, so they foundsuch a person to make a bet. Henry Adams was just right. They gave him themillion pound bank note to him. The following results made them and readersquite surprised. Henry could get free dishes, free accommodation, free clothingand higher social status because of people’s ingratiation. Besides, he evenreceived a passion from a beautiful lady, the bank interest about £30,000 and adecent job. He lived a happy life from then on. The writer described the uglyimage of people facing the million pound bank note with the cartoon writingskill and uncovered the cruel reality that money is everything in thecapitalist regime.

    1. Know the writer Mark Twain and itsrepresentative works.

    2. Learn the mainidea of the play and understand the implied meaning.

    3. Criticallythink “ Is money everything”

    1. Learn the mainidea of the play and understand the implied meaning.

    2. Criticallythink “Money is everything”

    Step 1 Leadin---Small talk
    We know money is veryimportant. We can use money do a lot of things. So what would you do if you hada million-pound bank note ?
    I can use it to buy my favorite things like a mansion, a luxurious car,investment for more money, and help people in need, ...

    Step 2 Beforereading---About Mark Twain

    The Million PoundBank Note is partly selected from the works by American writer Mark Twain. Nowlet’s know more about the greatest writer in the 19th century.
    Mark Twain(1835-1910), once said, “Tobelieve yourself to be brave is to be brave; it is the only essential thing.”
    His main novels: The Adventures ofTom Sawyer(《汤姆索亚历险记》)
    The Prince and thePauper (《皇子与贫儿》)
    The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn (《哈克贝利费恩历险记》)

    Step 3 Whilereading --- Task 1

    Read the text and answer the followingquestions.
    Q1: What bet did Roderick and Oliver make ?
    Whether a man has a million-poundbank note could live a month in London.
    Q2: How did Henry come to Britain ?
    By accident. He was sailing out thebay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was spotted by a shipfor England.

    Q3: How does Henry want the brothers to help him ?
    He wants the brothers to offer him work.

    Q4: Why do you thinkHenry does not want the brothers’ charity ?

    Because he is an honest man andhe wants to earn his living by working hard.

    Q5: Why do you thinkthe brothers chose Henry for their bet ?
    Because Henry is penniless, honest and can’t get any help from someone.

    Step 4 Whilereading --- Task 2

    According to the text, think about whatkind of person Henry was and give the reasons.

    1. He was honest. Evidence: 1) Well, I can’t say that I have anyplans. Well, to be honest, I have none.
    2) I don’t want your charity. I justwant a job that earns an honest income.
    3) He promised not to open theenvelope until 2 o’clock.
    2. He was hard-working. Evidence: Could you offer me work here? I justwant a job that earns an honest income.

    Step 5 Postreading --- Study the language

    1. Read these sentences and describe Henry’s feelings using suitableadjectives.

    1) Who? Me, sir ?(surprised)
    2) Well, I can’t say that I have any plans. As a matter of fact, I landed inBritain by accident.(honest)
    3) I’m afraid I don’t quite follow you, sir.( puzzled )
    4) Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me ! if this is your idea of somekind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. (angry)
    5) Well, why don’t you explain what this is all about ?(confused)

    2. Explain what the speakers mean by saying these sentences.
    1) I went to the American consulate to seek help, but...Anyway, I didn’t dareto try again.
    The American consulate didn’t give himany help and might insult him, which made him gave up asking for help formAmerican consulate forever.
    2) You mustn’t worry about that. It’s an advantage.
    We would help you. We want to find aperson like you who can’t also seek any help.
    3) What luck ! Brother, what luck !
    Roderick is very excited about findingsuch a right person.
    4) Oh, this is silly.

    Now that you give it to me, Ican open it. It’s silly of you to ask me to open until 2 o’clock.

    Step 6 Postreading---Retell
    Complete the passage accordingto the text.

    Henry, a San Franciscobusinessman, found himself (1) _______(carry) out to sea by a strong wind. When he was just about to give himself up, he(2) ___________(spot) by a ship, so he landed in London (3) ___accident. Hungryand alone, he walked on the streets of the city when he was (4) ____________(expect) called into a house, (5) ______two rich brothers, Oliver and Roderick,gave him a letter and told him not to open it till two o’clock of the day. Not(6) ________(know) it was a million pound bank note, Henry left the house andwent into a cheap restaurant to stuff his stomach. Everybody was rude to him(7) _________he looked poor. Then, to his surprise, he handed the owner amillion pound bank note to pay (8) ___the meal. Seeing the note, all the peoplein the restaurant became polite and tried their best (9) ________ (please)Henry. Don’t you think it’s (10) ___most incredible tale in the world?

    答案:1.carried 2. spotted 3. by 4.unexpectedly 5.where

    6. knowing 7.because/as 8. for 9.to please 10.the

    Step 7 Critical thinking

    Some people think money is very important,please write an essay with the topic “Is money is important?” and present yourown idea.





