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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 5 The Value of Money-Reading for Writing教学设计二

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 6749 字
  • 大小:107.12KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:肖迪Ppter
  • Unit 5 The Value of Money-Reading forWriting教学设计

    The topic of this part is “Write a dramatic scene”.

    The sectionis the continuous part after Henry Adams went out of the restaurant. This is Act2, Scene 1, during which Henry went into a tailor’s shop and wanted to have a suitcoat because his coat was worn in several places. Just like the experience in therestaurant, he was treated impolitely at first, but he was treated like a upperclass gentleman when he showed the million pound bank note. So it is a second checkfor the humanity before and after the million pound bank note(money).

    Thisplay is partly selected from American writer Mark Twain, whose language featureis realistic and ironic. The Million Pound Bank Note is one of his realistic and ironic novels. Theplay tells that two old and wealthy brothers Rodrick and Oliver hit an amazing ideathat if an intelligent and honest man who had nothing or nobody to rely on but a million bank note was trapped in London,what would be he and his life ? The two brothers argued about it and couldn’t convinceeach other, so they found such a person to make a bet. Henry Adams was just right.They gave him the million pound bank note to him. The following results made themand readers quite surprised. Henry could get free dishes, free accommodation, freeclothing and higher social status because of people’s ingratiation. Besides, heeven received a passion from a beautiful lady, the bank interest about 30,000 and a decent job. He lived a happy lifefrom then on. The writer described the ugly image of people facing the million poundbank note with the cartoon writing skill and uncovered the cruel reality that moneyis everything in the capitalist regime.

    1. Read quickly to get main idea; read carefullyto get the detailed information.

    2. Learn the characteristics of writing and language.

    3. Learn to write a new scene for the play where Henry will try to use the banknote.

    4. Learn to correct others’ writing.

    1. Learn the characteristicsof writing and language.

    2. Learn to write a new scene for the play where Henry will try to use the banknote.

    Step 1 Lead in ---Small talk

    Weknow that money is important, and is it everything? What’s your opinion ?

    I think money is not everything. Because moneycan help you buy a house but can’t help you buy love; money can help you eat deliciousfood but can’t help you live forever.
    I think money is very important. For example,money can help people change their views on you, just like Henry Adam.

    Step 2 Before reading ---Get the main idea

    What is the main idea of thispart ?

    Henry was given a cold welcome when he enteredthe tailor’s shop at first. While he showed the million pound bank note, he gotgreat respect from the owners and clerks.

    Step 3 While reading

    Read the text and answer the followingquestions.
    Q1: Where does Henry go ? What does he want ?
    He goes to a tailor’s shop to have asuit coat because his coat is worn in several places.

    Q2: What do the clerks show Henry at first ? Why ?
    a cold welcome because of his poor look/appearance.

    Q3: What makes the people in the store change their attitudes towards Henry?
    the million pound bank note

    Q4: Why would the owner be willing to wait for a long time to get paid ?

    Because the owner want to makeup to the millionaire(Henry)

    Q5: Is it right to judge people by their clothes ? Why or why not ?

    No, it’s not right. Becauseeveryone should be treated friendly, and there are a lot of people who werepoor at his or her early age, but later he or she became successful.

    Step 4 Post reading

    Summarize the elementsof the play.
    lCharacter names



    lStage directions

    lTitle of the play

    本单元的写作任务是戏剧剧本创作。戏剧是一种综合的舞台艺术,它借助文学、音乐、舞蹈、美术等艺术手段塑造舞台艺术形象, 揭示社会矛盾, 反映社会生活。戏剧剧本属于记叙文。在写作形式上以对话为主, 应主要包括戏剧人物、人物的语言、舞台说明性文字等。

    Step 5 Post reading---Summary
    Answers: 1.tailor’s shop 2. clerks 3. note 4. owner

    Step 6 Before Writing---The requirement

    根据下面提示, 写一篇80词左右的戏剧, 介绍亨利带着100万英镑的支票去理发的过程。

    亨利正走在大街上, 看见了一家理发店, 决定去理发; 理发师用粗鲁的态度接待了他; 亨利坐在椅子上等待; 理发师问他是否付得起理发的费用; 理发结束后, 亨利出示了百万英镑的支票; 理发师十分吃惊, 并告诉他可随时光临。

    Step 7 Writing---Words and phrases

    1. barber 理发师

    2. haircut 理发

    3. shocked 震惊的

    4. wear a big smile 灿烂的笑容

    5. in a rude manner 以粗鲁的方式

    6. walk down the street 在大街上行走

    7. a sign for... ……的标志

    8. much too long 太长

    9. come back 回来

    10. whenever/no matterwhen 无论何时

    Step 8 Writing---make sentences

    1.亨利正在大街上行走, 就在这时, 他看到一家理发店的标志。
    Henry is walking down the street. At thattime, he sees a sign for a place that cuts hair.

    2.您能看到, 我头发太长了。You can see that my hair is much too long.

    3.无论什么时候, 只要您想回来就回来。Please come back whenever you want.

    4.您仅有很少的头发要理! You only have too little hair to cut !

    5.为您服务是我的荣幸!It is my honour to serve you!





