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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 5 The Value of Money-Listening &Speaking教学设计

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 6944 字
  • 大小:505.33KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:南域PPTer
  • Unit 5 The Value of Money-Listening &Speaking教学设计

    Listening andSpeaking introduces the topic of “talking about the good deed of returning lostmoney. This part of listening material opens the main discussion on the valueof money in this unit through a news report about the money found by thecleaner. This section aims to help students familiarize themselves with thestylistic features of news reports and develop their skills in listening tonews.

    Viewing and talkingintroduces the topic of describing people’s changing attitudes in a film clip.

    By watching the filmclip, students can understand the works reflects the phenomenon of moneyworship. The boss, his wife and the waiter all treated Henry differently afterseeing the million –pound bank note, because they treated the poor and the richdifferently in life.

    1. Guide students tomaster the stylistic features of news reports.

    2. Cultivatestudents ability to talk about their opinions about value of money.

    3. Instruct studentsto use functional sentences of the dialogue such as “after that, then, later,so ,but , however etc” appropriately.

    1.Guide students tomaster the stylistic features of news reports.

    2. Cultivatestudents ability to talk about their opinions about value of money.

    Part 1: Listening and Speaking

    Step 1: Lead in

    Is money the basis of a happy life? Why orwhy not?

    No. People can find happiness in some simplethings. Money can’t buy love, health and real friendship.

    Step2: Then, play the radio which is about a news report and fill in the blanks

    1. Chen Liyan a ______________at Taiyuan railway station

    2. Wang Zheng the _______________of the lost money

    3. Ma Dongbao a ______________living in Chen’s apartment building

    4. Liu Xia Chen’s 16-year –old __________________.

    Step 3:After finishing the task above, the teacher play the same material againand after finishing listening, the students need to solve the following task.

    ___________Chen Liyan found Wang Zhengsmoney and returned it to him.

    ___________Chen gave an interview to thelocal newspaper.

    ___________Wang built a website to help raisefunds for Liu Xia.

    ___________Ma Dongbao shared Chens storywith Wang.

    ___________Chen spent all her savings andtook out a large loan.

    ___________Wang offered Chen 5,000 yuan.

    2 6 5 4 1 3

    Step 4: Listenagain and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

    1 It was the first time Chen Liyans storywas reported. T口 F口

    2 Chen found 10,000 yuan in a small plasticbag in Taiyuan railway station口 F口

    3 Wang Zheng apologized to Chen because hecouldnt offer her more money. T口 F口

    4 Chen took out a large loan to cure herdaughter, T口 F口

    5 Wang set up a fundraising website forChens daughter after Chen told him about her situation. T口 F口

    Step 5:After listening, discuss the questions.

    1 What kind of persondo you think Chen Liyan is?

    Chen Liyan is generous and honest because shereturned a large sum of money to the owner.

    2 Did Chen return themoney because she didnt need it?

    No. She returned themoney because it was the right thing to do.

    Evidence for this isthat she refused to accept the reward money because she felt that it had notbeen earned.

    3 Is it common forpeople to do what Chen did?

    It depends on theculture. In some countries it is quite common to return money that has beenfound. In other countries, people believe "Finders are keepers!"

    4 How did Wang Zhengfeel about the return of his money?

    He must have beenvery happy and relieved to have gotten his money back. We know this because he thankedChen repeatedly and even offered her a reward.

    5 Why did Ma Dongbaotell Wang about Chens family?

    He must have hadgreat sympathy for Chen and her daughter and wanted to help them.

    We know this becausehe arranged help for them.

    6 How did the newsreporter feel about Chens actions?

    The news reporterfelt that it showed that money wasnt the most important thing in life. We knowthis because the reporter told us that this is what Chen believes. and thensaid, “thats a great attitude to take."

    Make references

    Sometimes things are not said directly. However, you can make logical guesses on the basis

    of what the speakers say. To draw a conclusion, you need to understand the given information

    and use your background knowledge. Also, while listening, dont ignore the speakers tone

    and intonation- these can be important clues, too.

    Part 2: Viewing and Talking

    Step1: Look at these photos and guess what happensin the film.

    A man looking verypoor are eating a lot of food. After he finished his eating, the boss was veryangry so I guess he couldn’t pay his bill at that time but later, when seeing apaper which might be a large bank note, the boss was surprised and all treatedthis poor man differently.

    Step 2:Watch the film clip and discuss the followingquestions.

    1 Why does the ownerof the restaurant want Henry to sit somewhere else?

    Since Henry is poorly dressed, the owner ofthe restaurant does not want him to sit in the middle of the room whereeveryone can see him.

    2 What does Henryorder? Why is the waiter surprised?

    Henry orders ham and eggs, a nice big juicysteak with all the trimmings and a tall tankard of ale- twice. The waiter issurprised that Henry eats so much food.

    3 Why does the ownerthink Henry hesitates to pay the bill?

    The owner thinks Henry does not have the moneyto pay.

    4 Why does the ownerthink the bank note is probably real?

    Because no one would get into trouble to forgea bill of such a high amount- it would be crazy.

    5 What happens in theend?

    All the people in therestaurant think Henry is an eccentric millionaire and the owner let him leavewithout to pay the bill.





