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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 4 Space Exploration-Reading and Thinking教学设计二

  • 页数:3页
  • 字数:约 3992 字
  • 大小:74.86KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:天行健工作室
  • Unit 4 Space Exploration-Reading and Thinking教学设计

    Space: the final frontier

    The theme of thisunit focuses on “space exploration.” Students will learn about the training and experience needed to becomean astronaut. The text is mainly about the development of space exploration. Onthe one hand, the text helps students to have a good understanding about thegreat feats humans have achieved, on the other hand, they will furtherunderstand the contributions that we Chinese have achieved, and feel confidentand proud about our homeland and strengthen their love for our country.

    Theteacher should instruct students to aim high and study harder to make greatprogress in the space career if possible.

    1. Read about the development and value ofspace exploration.

    2. Explore the mysteries of the universe andthe achievements in space exploration.

    3. Skillfully use the vocabulary of this textto cultivate self-study ability

    4. Develop cooperative learning ability throughdiscussion.

    1. Enable the Ss to talk about the developmentand value of space exploration.

    2. Guide the Ss tosummarize the main idea of each paragraph as well as the main idea of the text.

    3. Help Ss comprehendthe main reasons for space exploration.

    Multi-media,textbook, notebooks.

    Step 1: Warming up and prediction

    Look at the title andthe pictures of the text and predict what the text will be about?

    2. Whatare the main reasons for space exploration?

    Step2: Fast reading tasks

    Read the passagequickly and choose the correct sentence to fill each gap in the text.

    A. Althoughscientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen.

    B. They also reallywish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life.

    C. The future ofspace exploration remains bright.

    D .After manyexperiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earths gravity.

    Step3: scan for details.

    Read it again andfind out the details.

    Which satellite waslaunched by the USSR in 1957?

    2. Who was the firstperson in the world to go into space?

    3. Who was the firstman to orbit Earth in Shenzhou 5 spacecraft?

    4. In whichsatellites, all the astronauts died during their missions?

    5. What’s theattitude to the space exploration according to the author?

    Step4 : Read for main ideas

    Read quickly andfigure out the main idea of each paragraph.

    Paragraph 1

    Paragraph 2

    Paragraph 3

    Paragraph 4

    Paragraph 5

    Step 5: Critical thinking:

    1.What do you thinkof the space exploration?

    2. If you aredetermined to be an astronaut, what should you prepare at present?

    3. Do you think spaceis the final frontier? And why?

    Step 6: consolidation.

    People have always wanted to learn more aboutspace. Before the mid-20th century, most people felt (1)_________ (travel) into space was animpossible dream. However, (2)____ thehelp of scientists, people succeeded inrealizing their dream (3) _________(explore) space. On 4 October 1957, theSputnik 1 satellite (4) ____________(launch) by the USSR.

    (5) ________________ scientists try to makesure nothing goes wrong, accidents canstill happen. These disasters made everyone (6)____________(disappoint), but people still believe in the importance of (7) ________(carry) on spaceexploration. In 2003,





