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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 4 Space Exploration-Reading For Writing教学设计一

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5878 字
  • 大小:111.91KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:藍霈悦ppter
  • Unit 4 Space Exploration-ReadingFor Writing教学设计

    This section is about an argumentative essay, whose themeis about the value of space exploration,

    Students ought to read the text for basic understandingand begin to reflect on the question of whether exploring space is worth the moneyand effort.

    1. Get students tohave a good understanding of some features about an argumentative essay.

    2. Study the organization and languagefeatures.

    3. Developstudents’ writing and cooperating abilities.

    4. Strengthenstudents’ great interest in writing discourses.

    1. Stimulate students to have a goodunderstanding of how to write an argumentative.

    2. Cultivate students to write anargumentative properly and concisely.

    Step 1: Skim tostudy the organization of the passage

    1.What’s the main purpose of essay?

    It is to present an idea that exploring space has helps us in many ways.

    2.What is the main idea of the passage?

    It is to present an idea that exploring space has helps us in manyways./benefits us a lot.

    3. Sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

    Para1: Different opinions about space exploration.

    Para2:Exploring space has made a difference in the fight against world hunger.

    Para3:Space exploration has already promoted technological improvements thatbenefit us.

    Para4:Sending astronauts into space has helped people to think about theworld’s problems and even to find ways to solve them.

    Para5:Exploring space provides the world with many benefits, so it shouldcontinue.

    Step2:Read for details.

    1.Why are so many peopleagainst space exploration?

    2.What has space explorationdone for food production?

    3.What did the pictures ofEarth from space make people realize?

    4.How does space explorationbenefit the products that people use nowadays?

    5.What’s the author’s attitude to exploring space? And find out threetopic sentences that support the writer’s idea.

    Step 3: outline

    Different opinions about space exploration

    Some people argue that we should stop exploring,while others feel this is a 1. shallow view.

    Different benefits of exploring space

    It has 2. made a difference in the fight against world hunger.

    It has 3. promoted technological improvements.

    It helps people 4. think about the worlds problems.

    Draw a conclusion

    Exploring space should 5. continue .

    Step 4:








    1.argue with sb.aboutsth.与某人争论某事

    2.with the developmentof science and technology随着科技的进步

    3.My reasons are asfollows...我的理由如下

    4.I dont agree withthe idea that...我反对……

    5.exploring space haspromoted the development of...宇宙探索促进了……的发生

    6.space explorationbenefits farming宇宙探索惠及农业


    1.Different people havedifferent ideas about space exploration.


    2.I hold the view thatmankind should explore space.


    3.Different people lookat the question in different way.


    4.60%of the people hold the view that exploring space will benefit us, on the otherhand, 40% think it wastes lots of time and money.


    5.I think there aremany advantages in exploring space. First,ithas made a difference in the fight against world hunger. Second, it made us realizethat our earths resources are limited.


    6.On the other hand,the rest of the people are against the plan because it may result insome bad effect.


    7.Ihold the belief that space exploration not only enable us to understand how theuniverse began but also help us survived well into the future.


    8.Ithink we should spend more time and money exploring space so as to provide newand better solutions to peoples shortterm and longterm problems.


    9.From my point of view,it is wrong of young people to depend on their telephones too much,which may do harm to both their physical and mental health.







