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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations-Reading and Thinking教学设计

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5308 字
  • 大小:96.62KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:曼达林演示
  • Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations-Reading and Thinking教学设计

    The topic of this part is “Discover the reasons forfestivals and celebrations.

    The Listening & Speaking & Talking part aims attalking about the experiences and feelings or emotions about the festivals andcelebrations. This section aims at detecting the reason why the peoplecelebrate the festivals, the time, the places, the types and the way ofcelebrations. It also explains why some traditions in the old celebrations aredisappearing, like the firecrackers in the big cities and some new things areappearing like the prosperity of business or commerce.

    1.Students can talkabout what festivals they know and the reasons and the way of celebrating them.

    2. Students shouldlearn the reading skills such as the headline and get the topic sentences, thestructures of articles.

    3. Students canunderstand the past, the present situation of some festival around the worldand why there are some changes about them.

    4. Students canhave the international awareness about the festivals.

    1. Students shouldlearn the reading skills such as the headline and get the topic sentences, thestructures of articles.

    2. Students canunderstand the past, the present situation of some festival around the worldand why there are some changes about them.

    Step 1 Leadin---Small talk

    What festival do you like best ? Why ?

    I like the Spring Festivals because I canset off the fireworks, receive the lucky money and enjoy the Gala with myfamilies.

    Step 2 Beforereading---Pair work

    Why do people celebrate different festivals?

    The Spring Festivals is to celebrate theend of winter and the coming of spring and new life.

    The Mid-autumn Day is to celebrate theharvest and admire the moon.

    The Tomb Sweeping Day is in memory of theancestors/to honour the dead.

    Step 3. Analyze the title

    Why do wecelebrate festivals ?

    The subjects: the reason(s) Chinese or the people of othercountries some festivals

    From the title, we can knowthat the article might be about detecting some festivals in China, even aroundthe world and the reasons why the people celebrate them. So we can know that itis an exposition.

    Step 4 Whilereading --- Task 1

    Read the text quickly and find the topicsentences in each paragraph.

    Para 1 Festivalsare celebrated all around the world for the different reasons and the samespirit.

    Para 2 Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found inalmost every culture.

    Para 3 Customsplay a significant role in festivals, but sometimes they can change over time.

    Para 4 Festivalsare becoming more and more commercial.

    Para 5 Festivalsare an important part of society.

    Step 5 Whilereading---Task 2

    Read the text and answer the followingquestions.

    Q1: What do most festivals seem to have in common ?

    The spirit of sharing joy, gratitude,love or peace

    Q2: What festival can be found in almost every culture?

    The harvest festival

    Q3: Why do people celebrate the harvest festival ?

    To show that they are grateful for theyear’s supply of food

    Q4: How do you feel about festival customs that have already faded away ?

    The development of modern society andthe spread of new ideas

    Q5: What is the writer’s attitude towards thecommercialisation of festivals ?

    Not mentioned/neutral

    Q6: Why do you think people around the world find the festivals areimportant ?

    They reflect people’s wishes, beliefs,faiths, and attitudes towards life and allow them to relax and enjoy life, andforget about their work for a little while. They also can help them understandwhere they came from, who they are and what to appreciate.

    Step 6 Postreading---Consolidation

    Complete the following passage usingsuitable words from the text.

    Today’s festivals have a wide 1._______ of origins, including theseasons of the year, famous 2.________, important events, and religions. The3._________ festival is one of the most popular festivals and is celebrated inmany cultures. Customs play a 4.________ role in festivals, but they can changeover time. For example, some Chinese cities no longer allow firecrackers duringthe Spring





