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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 4 Reading and thinking教学设计

  • 页数:7页
  • 字数:约 8427 字
  • 大小:143.50KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:南域PPTer
  • Unit 4 Reading and thinking教学设计

    Thetheme of the activity section is to learn about the journey across Canada bytrain. This travel journal intoduces the two sisters long journey fromVancouver to the Atlantic coast from west to East is narrated. They havelearned about the natural and human geography of Canada through their journey.The article records what they have seen, heard, thought and so on. Canada is avast country, and they take a long journey Car travel can deeply experience thenatural scenery and cultural customs of different parts of Canada. Tourism isan important form of cultural experience. The form of travel is convenient tocombine the natural scenery and cultural customs.

    Tourism is an importantcultural experience. The form of travel journal is easy to introduce thenatural scenery and human customs, and integrate them into personal travelexperience and emotional experience

    1.Guide the students tostudy the text, sort out and integrate the information, and analyze the structureof the text

    2.To guide students tounderstand the role of discourse markers in texts

    3.Guide students tounderstand the general situation of nature and Humanities in Canada, andperceive and think about the convenience and unique experience of long-distancetravel by train.

    1.Enable Ss to understandCanadas natural, human geography, history and culture, and improve culturalunderstanding and communication skills.

    2. Guide students to readthe text, comb and integrate information, analyze the structure of the text.

    Step1: Before reading:

    1.How do you like rail journeys?

    2.What do you know of Canada?

    3.What do you think you will see if you go on a rail journey inthe country?

    4.What is the style of the passage?

    keys: travel journal

    Step2: 1. Understandthe main idea and structure

    Readthe text and sum up the main idea of each paragraph

    1.Para.1 The _________________of crossing Canada by rail.

    2.Para.2 Their stay in ______________before the journey.

    3.Para.3 Their visit to ____________________

    4.Para.4 Introduction of_______________.

    5.Para.5 Journey across the great__________________.

    6.Para.6 Onthe way to_____________________

    keys: exciting thought;Vancouver ; Lake Louise and Jasper; Edmonton; Canadian Prairie

    2.Divide the passage intothree parts and sum up the main idea of each part.

    Part 1 para(s) 1 Brief______________ to their trip along the way.

    Part 2 para(s) 3 Before starting out, the __________they sawin Vancouver

    Part 3 para(s) 3—6 What they really saw and felt ____________ the train or at some stops.

    keys: introduction; sights; aboard

    Step 3: Write down the route of the girls’ trip

    Vancouver---lake Louise—Jasper---Edmonton---Winnipeg--Torono

    Step 4: detailed reading

    Read paragraph1 and findout: who ; why; how; where

    Para2--3: Read themcarefully and find out:

    1. Find out the main scenery they saw while going eastward in paragraph 3.

    The beautiful mountains;Forest;Bluewater;creatures

    2. What is the weather usually like in Vancouver?

    It is rainy.

    3.What did Li Daiyu andLiu Qian like most about the trip?

    Witnessing many differentkinds of wildlife.

    Para4--6: Read themcarefully and find out:

    1.What is Edmonton mostfamous for?

    Its shopping malls.

    2.What made Li Daiyu andLiu Qian surprised on the train across the great Canadian Prairie?

    The size of Canada.

    3.What did they learnabout Ontario?

    A land of forests, lakesand rolling hills; four great lakes on its southern border, capital is Toronto

    Step5: Read it again andfinish the chart below:




    Before starting out

    The next morning

    After they left Jasper

    After they left Edmonton

    After another day


    The next morning

    the Canadian Rockies

    Mountains; forests; Lake Louise

    After they left Jasper


    centre of Canadas huge oil and gas industry; cold in winter, with daily temperatures averaging-10"C; home to one of the largest

    shopping malls in North America

    After they left Edmonton

    the Canadian Prairie

    An open country; wheat-growing provinces, a bunch of farms

    After another day


    a land of forests, lakes, and rolling hills; four Great Lakes on its southern border; capital is Toronto

    Step 6: retell the journal

    Before starting out, . . .

    During the first day, . . .

    The next day, . . .

    Later, . . .

    The next morning, . . .

    When the train arrived at the station, . . .

    After a night, . . . In addition to seeing. . . From Jasper, they.. . One of the first stops was. . . From Edmonton, the train. . . Daiyu and LiuQian did not anticipate. . . Later they saw. . .

    After another day, eventually. . . Then, they spent the night. . .Night came again, the train. . . When they woke up the next morning, . . . At9: 30,they finally. . . All in all, . . .

    Step 7: Read and understand the following language details

    1.Rather than travel bycommercial airline all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then takethe train.

    他们决定乘飞机去温哥华, 然后坐火车,而不是坐商业航空公司的飞机。

    【句式剖析】rather than“与其;不愿;而不是”,连接两个并列成分。

    Songs that are spokenrather than sung are called rap.


    It is those who arewilling to give rather than receive that deserve to be respected.


    2.Later,they took apleasant hike in a forest just a short distance away.


    【词汇精讲】pleasant adj.令人愉快的;友好的

    On behalf of everyonehere,I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.


    The climate here is quitepleasant,the temperature rarely reaching 30℃ in summer.



    please vt.使高兴;使满意

    pleased adj.高兴的;满意的

    pleasing adj.令人愉快的

    pleasure n.愉悦;快乐

    She was very pleased withher exam results.


    This area of France has apleasing climate in August.


    3.The next morning, thetwo girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through theCanadian Rockies.


    【词汇精讲】arise vi.起身;出现;由……引起

    He arose from his chairand looked out into the street.


    A number of highbuildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago but ruins.


    4.When the train arrivedat the station,they took a taxi to Lake Louise,where the blue water literallytook their breath away with its exceptional beauty.


    【词汇精讲】breath n.呼吸的空气

    You can see people’sbreath on a cold day.


    She was very short of breath.


    5.They spent the night,and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper.


    【词汇精讲】bound adj.准备前往(某地);一定会

    If you undertake theproject, you are bound to encounter difficulties.


    The ship was bound northand disappeared in the distance.



    be bound to do一定会做……;注定会做……

    be bound for准备去……

    When you are dealing withso many problems,mistakes are bound to happen.


    She got on a plane whichwas bound for London.


    6.In addition to seeingspectacular mountain peaks and forests, one highlight of their trip was being able to see many differentcreatures, including deer, mountain goats, and even a grizzly bear and aneagle.





