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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 5 Reading and thinking教学设计

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5034 字
  • 大小:129.50KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:光影设计
  • Unit 5 Reading and thinking教学设计

    Thetheme of this activity is to learn the first aid knowledge of burns. Burns iscommon in life, but there are some misunderstandings in manual treatment. Thisactivity provides students with correct first aid methods, so as not to takethem for granted in an emergency. This section guides students to analyze thecauses of scald and help students avoid such things. From the perspective oftext structure and collaborative features, the text is expository. Expository,with explanation as the main way of expression, transmits knowledge andinformation to readers by analyzing concepts and elaborating examples.

    Thistext arranges the information in logical order, clearly presents three parts ofthe content through the subtitle, accurately describes the causes, types,characteristics and first aid measures of burns, and some paragraphs use topicsentences to summarize the main idea, and the level is very clear.

    1. Guide students to understand the causes, types, characteristics and firstaid methods of burns, through reading

    2. Enhance students’ ability to deal withburnss and their awareness of burns prevention

    3. Enable students to improve the ability to judge the types of textsaccurately and to master the characteristics and writing techniques ofexpository texts.

    Guide students to understand the causes, types,characteristics and first aid methods of burns, through reading

    Step1: Lead in bydiscussing the related topic:

    1. What first-aid techniques do you know of ?

    CPR;mouth to mouth artificial respiration; the Heimlich Manoeuvre

    2. If you get a nosebleed, what shouldyou do ?

    If I get a nosebleed, I will sit down,tilt my head forward slightly. Don’t let my head back to stop the bleeding.

    Step2: prediction before reading

    1.What is the text type?

    An expository writing

    2.What kinds of aspects are mentioned in the text?

    causes of first burns, different typesof burns, characteristics of burns, and first aid procedures of burns

    Step 3: Read and decide whether the following sentences are trueor faulse.

    1. Your skingives you protection from many dangerous things.___

    2. Afirst-degree burn has this name because it is the most serious.____

    3. Second-degreeburns can be the most painful kind of burn.____

    4. It isimportant to use cool water to stop the heat from remaining in the woundregardless of the degree of the burn.____

    5. Puttingbutter or oil on burns helps because it may reduce swelling and easediscomfort._____

    keys:T F TT F

    Step 4: read and answer:

    Look at the smaller headlines:

    1. How many topics are talkedabout?


    2. What are they?

    Causes of burns

    Types of burns

    Characteristics of burns

    First aid treatment

    3.Why should you put cold water on a burn?

    Because the cold water stops the burning process, stops thepain and reduces the swelling.

    4. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?

    Because in the third degree burn the nerves have beendamaged. If there are no nerves, thereis no pain.

    5. Why do you think clothes near burns should be removed?

    Because bacteria from the clothes couldinfect the burns.

    6. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you seetissue?

    Because all the layers of the skin have been burnt showingthe tissue underneath.

    Step 5: paragraphreading:

    Paragraph 1: read para1 and fill inthe blanks

    1. Paragraph one is mainly about the ________ of skin.

    2. What are the functions of skin?

    Acts as a ________against diseases, poisons and the sun’sharmful rays.

    _______________control body temperature.

    ________________ youfrom losing water.

    Give you the _______of cold, heat or pain and the ______ of touch.

    keys: barrier; helps; prevent; feeling; sense

    Paragraph 2---the last but one paragraph,solve the followingquestions:

    1. What are the causes of burns?

    hot liquids; fire;radiation;the sun;electricity;acids;orother chemicals

    2.How many types of burns are there?

    There are _____ types of burns, which are called thefirst, second and third ______ burns, depending on which _____ of the skin areburned.

    keys:three; layers; degree

    3.What are the characteristics of each burn?

    First degree burns:





