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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists-Reading and thinking教学设计

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 7705 字
  • 大小:160.00KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:喵小萌设计
  • Unit 1 Science and Scientists-Reading and thinking教学设计

    The theme of this section is "understandingthe questioning mind". By guiding students to analyze John Snows processand methods of exploring the source of cholera, cutting off the source ofinfection, and finally preventing the epidemic of cholera, the textbook urgesthem to think about and sort out the basic steps and common methods ofscientific research, and understand the important role of questioning spirit inscientific research.

    This paper is a narrative text that describes thedevelopment process of events in chronological order.

    The steps of scientificresearch are the hidden clue of the article.

    The first paragraphintroduces the background of the research. The second paragraph is the firststage of scientific research, that is, raising the question: there were twoviews on the source of cholera at that time. The following third paragraphdescribes the research process adopted by Snow: collecting data, analyzingresults, finding further evidence, and finally reaching a conclusion. Snow cameup with a scientific and effective way to map cholera cases. He marked theresidences of all the patients who died of cholera on the map, so that theresidences with high mortality could be seen obviously. Snow found thatresidents of zero death homes did not have water from a pump because theyreceived free beer. As a result, snow suspected that the pump was the problem.Supported by another case, snow concluded that the water in the pump carriedcholera bacteria. He immediately had the pump handle removed, cutting off thetransmission of cholera. The fourth paragraph reveals the truth about thespread of cholera. It has been proved that the water in Broad Street ispolluted by waste, and people who drink such water will greatly increase theprobability of getting sick. The last paragraph describes Snows contributionto the control of cholera transmission.

    Thanks to snows tireless efforts, people beganto drink clean water, and the threat of cholera was significantly reducedworldwide. His research results and research methods are also of practicalsignificance to the prevention of cholera today, and "cholera map"has become a classic case of epidemiological research, so snow has won thereputation of "father of epidemiology".

    1. Leading students to read about how John Snow defeated “King Cholera”

    2. Guiding students to analyze John Snows scientific process and methods of defeatingthe epidemic of cholera

    3. Instructing stuendents to figure out the basic scientific research steps,and understand the important role of questioning spirit in scientific research.

    4. Instructing students to understand the important role of questioningspirit in scientific research.

    5. Encouraging students to solve the reading tasks by thinking logically andcooperating with peers.

    1.Enable students to workout the stages of scientific research.

    2.Cultivate students toform the spirits of raising new questions.

    Lead in

    Name some famous scientistsyou know and share some details about them. The teacher can show some somepictures about some famous scientists with the help of the multimedia. If it istoo difficult, the teacher can inspire students by asking some questions. Take CharlesDarwin for example, the teacher can show a picture about him and then ask aquestion:Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as theenvironment changed?


    Look at the picture, thetitle and the map, guess what the content of the text is. Then skim it quicklyto see if you are right.

    key: The text ismainly about John Snow and how he defeated king cholera.

    Step 1:Read the text quickly and find out what order would you putthe seven stages in?

    _____analyze the results

    _____ask a question

    _____ draw a conclusion

    _____ collect data

    _____ find a problem

    _____ think of a method

    _____ find supportingevidence

    Key: 1. find a problem 2. ask a question 3. think of amethod 4. collect data 5. analyze the results 6. find supporting evidence 7. draw a conclusion

    Step 2: Readthe text quickly and find out the answers to the following questions.

    1. What’s the purpose of the text?

    2. What inspired John Snow according to the first paragraph?

    3. What’s the use of John Snow’s map in his research?

    4. How did John Snow feel about the cause of cholera after hefinished the map?

    5. Why was cholera called “King Cholera” in the text?


    1. To tell us how JohnSnow found the cause of cholera and the cure for it.

    2. To destroy Choleraonce and for all.

    3. To help him find thereason of the cholera outbreak by marking the residences of all the patients.

    4. Unsure; he suspectedthat the water pump was to blame. Thus, he needed more supporting proof.

    5. Because cholera wasthe most deadly disease of its day.

    Step 3: Read the passage again and complete the chartbelow.

    At was believed that cholera was caused by bad _1___or germs in___2__________(A)

    keys: 1. air 2. food or water 3. marked 4. died 5.water pump 6. had not 7. moving away from Broad Street 8. cholera germs 9. handle.

    Step 4:Match the following headers with the letters fromthe chart above. write A---E in the blanks.

    1. conclusion____________

    2. evidence _____________

    3. process_____________

    4. solution _____________

    5. theories_____________

    keys: 1—5: DCBEA

    Step 5: After learning the text, discuss with your peersabout the following questions:

    1.John Snow believed Idea 2 was right. How did he finally prove it?

    2. Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem without the map?

    3. Cholera is a 19th century disease. What disease do you think is similarto cholera today?

    SARS and Covid-19 because they are both deadly and fatally infectious,have an unknown cause and need serious public health care to solve themurgently.





