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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 2 Reading and thinking教学设计

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 6539 字
  • 大小:131.50KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:藍霈悦ppter
  • Unit 2 Readingand thinking教学设计

    The theme of the text is about Xie Lei’sforeign studying experiences as an exchange student. Her experiences reflectthe real life of most of students studying abroad who encounter lots ofchallenges and sometimes even misunderstandings and safety problems. Besides, cultureshock is another big dilemma. After learning the text, our students should bewell aware of the challenges and benefits of studying abroad and strengthentheir own cultural confidence.

    While learning, the teacher shouldinstruct students to dig out the changes of Xie Lei’s feelings as she tried toget used to her new life. Meanwhile, the teacher should lead students to payattention to the time order of the writing.

    1. Enable the Ss to read about XieLei’s experience on an exchange program in London.

    2. Enable the Ss to understand thestructure and the writing style of the passage well.

    3. Let the Ss learn some readingstrategies by scanning and skimming.

    4.To learn from XieLei’s experiences and spirits.

    1. Enable the Ss to understand the structure and the writing style of thepassage well.

    2. Let the Ss learn some readingstrategies by scanning and skimming.

    Step1: Prediction

    Before you read, look at the title, and the picture below.Where do you think this article is from? What do you think this article isabout?


    It may come from a schoolnewspaper.

    It is about studying abroad.

    Step2: Read the text and find out the answers to the following questions.

    1. What’s the purpose of the text?

    2. Why did Xie Lei choose the exchange programme?

    3 Why has Xie L ei got involved insocial activities?

    4 How has Xie Lei helped to buildbridges between China and the UK?

    5 What other challenges do you thinkstudents studying abroad might face?

    6.How can students prepare to handlethese challenges before going abroad?


    1.To tell us the experiences of aChinese student studying in London.

    2.Because she wanted to get abusiness qualification abroad.

    3.To learn more about British cultures and introduceChinese culture to British people.

    4.First, she tried to adapt to the foreign cultures andfit in by engaging in British cultures.

    Second, she spread Chinese culture to British people.

    5.Racial discrimination, language barriers about some idiomsor slangs etc.

    Religious conflicts.

    6.To understand the differences and try to fit in;respect the differences

    Step 3: Read it again and sum up : whatare the challenges and benefits of studying abroad.


    challenges:adaptationto a whole new life; loneliness; meetthe academic requirements; class participation and presentation; balance socialacitivities and studies.


    • Learnt to adapt to the new environment.

    • Boost her confidence

    • Help her build a strong business in her future

    • Act as a cultural messenger building a bridge.

    • Make new friends with her peers

    • Be more self-independent and a autonomous learner.

    Step 4: Read and find out the main idea of the whole passage and the mainidea of each paragraph.

    main idea of the passage:

    The text describes Xie Lei’s foreignlearning life at a university in London, including some of the differences andchallenges she experienced and how she tackled the problems.

    Para 1 coming to study in London

    Para 2 her preparation year

    Para 3 the difficulty getting used to a new wayof life

    Para 4 benefits of living with a host family

    Para 5 Challenge for Xie Lei : the academicrequirements

    Para 6 participation in class

    Para 7 her new plan for social activities

    Para 8 the reporters best wishes

    Step 5: class discussion:

    Why did Xie Leihave the following feelings? Make sentences using “Xie Lei felt …because…


    “Xie Lei felt…because…

    • Xie Lei felt excited and nervous because she left China forthe first time.

    • Xie Lei felt comforted because she had a second family in theUK.

    • Xie Lei felt confused because she thought she knew less thanother people.

    • Xie Lei felt surprised because she could speak up in classafter just a few weeks.

    • Xie Lei felt confident because her presentation ontraditional Chinese art was a great success.

    • Xie Lei felt at home because her exchange year passedhalfway.


    complete the discourse according to the grammar rules.

    XieLei, a 19yearold Chinese student, said goodbye to her family and friends inChina and __________ (board) a plane for London six months ago in order to geta business qualification. She was __________ (ambition) to set up a businessafter graduation. It was the first time that she __________ (leave) home.

    Atfirst, Xie Lei had to adapt to life in a different country. She _______(choose)to live with a hostfamily, who can help with her __________ (adapt) to the new culture. When shemissed home, she felt __________ (comfort) to have a second family. Also Xie Leihad to satisfy academic requirements. Her tutor told her to acknowledge__________ other people had said if she cited their ideas, and advised her_______(read) lots of information inorder to form __________wise opinion of her own.

    Nowhalfway __________ her exchange year, Xie Lei felt much more at home in the UK.She said __________ (engage) in British culture had helped and that she hadbeen__________ (involve) in social activities. She also said while learningabout business, she was acting as a cultural messenger __________(build) a bridge between thetwo countries.





