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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 4 Learning about Language教学设计

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 6885 字
  • 大小:139.50KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:许伟工作室
  • Unit 4 Learning about Language教学设计

    Thissection guides students to pay attention to the typical context of vocabularyuse, helps students accumulate vocabulary around the key vocabulary of thisunit, and uses the learned words and word chunks in different contexts todeeply understand their meaning and usage, so as to achieve the purpose ofreview and consolidation.

    Theteaching design activities aim to guide students to pay attention to thetypical context in which the target vocabulary is used, as well as the commonvocabulary used in collocation, so that students can complete the sentence withcorrect words. In terms of vocabulary learning strategies, this unit focuses oncultivating students ability to pay attention to collocation of words and touse word blocks to express meaning.For vocabulary learning, it is not enoughjust to know the meaning of a single word, but the most important thing is tomaster the common collocations of words, namely word blocks.Teachers shouldtimely guide students to summarize common vocabulary collocation, such as verband noun collocation, verb and preposition collocation, preposition and nouncollocation, and so on

    1. Guidestudents to understand and consolidate the meaning and usage of the vocabularyin the context,

    2. Guidethe students to use the unit topic vocabulary in a richer context

    3. Letthe students sort out and accumulate the accumulated vocabulary, establishesthe semantic connection between the vocabulary,

    4. Enable students to understand and master thevocabulary more effectively

    Guiding the Ss to use unit topic words and the sentencepatterns in a richer context.

    Step1: CompleteSamuels story with the correct phrases.

    bound for commercial world a massive amount of money urban areas

    1. In Canada, _____________________has been spent onpreserving the forest, and the countrys deforestation rate is among theworlds lowest.

    2 .A growing number of woodworkers have decided to move tothe ____________________for better jobs.

    3. Aboard the plane ________________Toronto, Samuel, a youngwoodworker, began imagining a whole new life in the big city.

    4. However, he also had some worries. Ideally, he wanted tomake a living in the arts, but he also knew well that it was somewhat a_________________________.


    1. a massive amount of money

    2. urban areas

    3. bound for

    4. commercial world

    Step2: Complete the sentence according to the Chinesemeanings and the initial letters.

    1. Its freezing (冰冻的)here—cant we shut a few windows?

    2.Only in the southern part of Beijing have I seen such scenery(风景) as this.

    3.That question that we were worried about arose (出现).

    4.Its always pleasant (令人愉快的) todo what youre good at doing.

    5.He had left a huge bunch (束) of flowersin her hotel room.

    6.Its small and red with narrow steps in front and windows so smallthat youd think they were holding their breath (呼吸).

    7.200 peace activists are planning to set up a peace camp at the border(边界).

    8.One of the highlights (最精彩的部分) ofthe trip was seeing the Taj Mahal.

    9.The ships in this small harbor/ harbour (港口)are safe.

    10.With their volcanoes ,valleys andwaterfalls , the islands of Hawaii have some of the most spectacular (壮观的)views on earth.

    Step 3: Completethe sentences using suitable nouns in their correct forms and circle the

    words whichcollocate with them.

    antique breath bay creature highlight

    airline beauty peak duration frost

    1. After arising in the morning, the first thinghe does is to draw the______________.

    2.He was impressed by her ___________________andcharm.

    3. The visitors were admiring the______________dating back to the 17th century.

    4 .We all remember the _____________________ofthe trip-visiting the Huangguoshu Waterfall.

    5.Protect the _________________which are uniqueto Australia and their natural habitats.

    6. What ___________did you fly?

    7. It is one of the most difficult_________________to climb in the Rocky Mountains.

    8. The beauty of Qinghai Lake took the visitors’ ____________away.

    9. In freezing cold winter, windows are oftencovered with_________________.

    10. We sailed into a beautiful__________________in the southwest of Canada.

    11. Judy enrolled in a programme of study thatwas eight months in_______________,but she completed it in only six months.


    1. curtains 2. beauty 3. antique 4. highlight 5.creatures 6. airline 7. peaks 8.breath

    9.frost 10. bay 11.duration

    Step4: Suppose you were talking to your friend Jane. Choose thesuitable adjectives to comment on the situations.

    Awesome mild pleasant

    1.Jane: The welcome party at theUniversity of Oxford helped many students to make new friends.

    You: They must have spenta(n)______________evening together.

    2 Jane: We’re surprised to find hat iswarmer than usual this winter in London.

    You: Youre so lucky to have a______________winter here.

    3.Jane:We visited a famous tourist sitein Scotland: the beautiful coastline and breathtaking landscape of St Andrews.

    You: How wonderful! You must have hadan _________experience.

    keys:1.pleasant 2. mild 3. awesome

    Step 5:Dictate thekey words and phrases in this unit.

    Part 1: key words:

    1. adj. 令人愉快的;友好的

    2. vi. 起身;出现;由……引起

    3. adj.巨大的;非常严重的

    4. n.呼吸的空气

    5. adv.字面上;真正地

    6. adj.准备前往(某地);一定会

    7. n.风景;景色

    8. adj.令人惊叹的;可怕的;很好的

    9. n.最好或最精彩的部分vt. 突出;强调;使醒目

    10. vi.& vt.钻(孔);打(眼) n. 钻(头);训练;演习

    11. vi.& vt.结冰; (使)冻住

    12. vt.预料;预见;期望

    13. n.束;串;捆

    14. n.窗帘

    15. n.国界;边界(地区)

    16. n.手艺;工艺;技艺

    17. n.古物;古董 adj.古老的;古董的

    18. adj.壮观的;壮丽的;惊人的 n.壮丽的场面;精彩的表演

    19. n.顶峰;山峰;尖形





