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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 2 Learning about Language教学设计

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5299 字
  • 大小:131.50KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Murphy
  • Unit 2 Learning about Language教学设计

    The activity theme of this section is todesign various activities around the key words in the first text. Therefore,the activities require students to pay attention to the spelling of words. Onthe other hand, let students grasp the meaning of words more accurately throughsentences and short texts. This kind of teaching design also helps to improvethe ability of using English thinking.

    1. Cultivating students ability to use word formation toinduce and memorize vocabulary, and the ability to use lexical chunks toexpress meaning.

    2. Guide the students to think independently and use the correct form ofwords to complete sentences

    3. Cultivate students habit of using lexical chunks to express languagecompletely, guide students to draw words in sentences quickly, pay attention toword collocation, so as to accumulate more authentic expressions

    4. Instruct students to create sentences with the chunks.

    1. Enable students to use the language points in the real situation or specificcontexts flexibly and appropriately.

    2. Guiding the Ss to use unit topic words and the sentence patterns in aricher context.

    Step1: Think of a word that best fits eachdefinition.

    1. to remember sth

    2.to accept, admit, or recognize sth or the truth/existenceof sth

    3. the process of changing sth or yourself to suit a newsituation

    4 .to make sb feel less worried or unhappy

    5. a strong desire to achieve sth

    6. an exam you have passed or a course you have successfullycompleted

    7. to mention sth as an example

    8 .containing many different parts and often difficult tounderstand

    9. to be actively involved with sth

    keys: 1. recall 2.acknowledge 3. adatation 4. comfort 5. ambition 6. qualification

    7.cite 7. complex 8. emgage

    Step2: Complete the sentence according to the Chinesemeanings and the initial letters.

    1. He is not _______________(成熟的)to know how to act and ____________(表现)in such occasions. (mature, behave)

    2. I can’t ____________(否认)that social activities ______________(占据)too much time .(deny; take up)

    3. If you care for others sincerely,____________(逐渐的) they will come to trust you, and your relationship will be______________(增强). (gradually; strengthened,)

    4. She considered the current situation ____________(逻辑地), and decided to be ____________(乐观的) about the outcome.( logically, optimistic)

    5. Most of the ___________(申请人)for this position were turned down, but he stoodout because he was good at ____________(合作) with others. (applicants, cooperating)

    6. The mother worried about her daughter who was studyingabroad in totally new

    s__________(环境), but she ________________(舒适,自在)because of the fact that people there were friendly and helpful.(surroundings, take comfort in)

    Step 3: Completethe passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.

    ambitious recall qualification accommodation feel at home

    • A year ago, I came to the University of Birmingham to obtain a business______________Since then Ive been living in university_____________________with other international students, which allows me to meet people from diversecultural backgrounds.

    • The first few weeks there were absolutelyoverwhelming because everything was so different compared to things back home.I felt confused and lost. I also suffered from homesickness, _____________allsorts of things back home- from my mothers cooking to the neighbors dog Iused to walk.

    • Gradually, I adapted to my new life as an international student. I gotfamiliar with the place- -the local shops, clubs, and parks. I made friends andbecame more confident in my studies day by day. I started______________in thisnew environment. I became more motivated, and Im also lot more_____________ now! 1 feel that cominghere was the best decision I have ever made.

    • How did the student’s life change when studying abroad for the first them?

    • At first , the student felt confused and lost and suffered fromhomesickness. Gradually,the student adapted to the new life there as aninternational student.

    Step4: Dictate the key words and phrases in this unit.

    Part 1: key words:


    2. n.(通过考试或学习课程取得的)资格;学历

    3. vt.& vi.记起;回想起

    4. n.追求的目标;夙愿;野心;抱负

    5. n.(英国大学中的)助教;导师;家庭教师

    6. n.适应;改编本

    7. n.安慰;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服;安逸 vt.安慰;抚慰

    8. vt.引用;引述

    9. vi.参加;参与

    10. n.报告;陈述;出示;拿出

    11. vi.参加;参与(活动)

    keys:1.complex 2. qualification 3. recall 4. ambition 5. tutor 6. adaptation 7. comfort 8. cite 9. participate 10. presentation 11. involve





