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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 5 Learning about Language教学设计

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5677 字
  • 大小:138.00KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:墨韵浅月
  • Unit 5 Learning about Language教学设计

    Thepurpose of this section of vocabulary exercises is to consolidate the key wordsin the first part of the reading text, let the students write the wordsaccording to the English definition, and focus on the detection of the meaningand spelling of the new words. The teaching design includes use Englishdefinition to explain words, which is conducive to improving students interestin vocabulary learning, cultivating their sense of English language and thinkingin English, and making students willing to use this method to better grasp themeaning of words, expand their vocabulary, and improve their ability ofvocabulary application. Besides, the design offers more context includingsentences and short passage for students to practice words flexibly.

    1. Guidestudents to understand and consolidate the meaning and usage of the vocabularyin the context,

    2. Guide thestudents to use the unit topic vocabulary in a richer context

    3. Let thestudents sort out and accumulate the accumulated vocabulary, establishes thesemantic connection between the vocabulary,

    4. Enable students to understand and master thevocabulary more effectively

    Guiding the Ss to useunit topic words and the sentence patterns in a richer context.

    Step1: Read the passage about chemical burns and fill in theblanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.

    incident loose urgent organ acid victim

    A chemical burn occurs when your skin or eyescome into contact with an _1____________or other chemicals.

    Such __2__________can be very dangerous andrequire ____________ attention. Chemical burns can even affect yourinternal_____________ if the chemicals are swallowed. First aid should be givento chemical burns immediately. For example, wrap the burnt area____________with a clean cloth if possible. lt is important to sendthe_____________ to the hospital right away if he or she is severely burnt.

    keys: 1.acid 2. incidents 3. urgent 4. organs 5.loosely 6.victim

    Step2: Complete thesentence according to the Chinese meanings and the initial letters.

    1.Every nerve (神经) in her body was tense.

    2.A thin layer (层) of dust covered everything.

    3.She was the innocent victim(受害者) of an arson attack.

    4.This jacket is too big,even with a sweater underneath (在……底下).

    5.As he turns it over, hediscovers that one end is loose (松的).

    6.It is predicted thatsome organs (器官) can be cloned in thefuture.

    7.The artist combinesdifferent techniques (技术) in the same painting.

    8.The windows wereshining in the reflected rays (光线) of thesetting sun.

    9.They suffer from healthproblems and fear the long term effects of radiation (辐射).

    10.If you come to visitChina, you will experience a culture of amazing depth and variety(多样性).

    Step 3: Match the words with its definition

    1.scream A.to give or to be a good reason for

    2.choke B.tomake a loud high noise with your voice

    3.grab C.tosuddenly fall down or become unconscious because you are ill or weak

    4.justify D.tobe unable to breathe properly because something is in your throat

    5.collapse E.totake hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement


    1.B 2. D 3.E 4.A 5.C

    Step4: complete the sentence with the correct forms of words in thebox.

    scream, grab, collapse, choke, justify practical

    interrupt, desperate, tight, foggy

    1.Thousands of buildings_______________ in the earthquake.

    2.I can’t really___________ taking another day off work.

    3.The book is full of good ideas to___________ your students’attention.

    4.I felt as if there was a weight on my chest, ___________me.

    5.After the first few shots, people started to___________.

    6.Wearing___________clothes, particularly non-cotton underwear orpants.

    7.I want to gain some ___________experience of the work.

    8.I heard sounds of a ___________struggle in the next room.

    9.It was now the middle of November, cold andoften___________.

    10.Sorry to___________ ,but there’s someone to see you.


    1.collapse 2. justify 3.grab 4. choking 5.scream 6. tight

    7. practical 8.desperate 9.foggy 10. interrupt

    Step 5: Dictate the key words and phrases in this unit.

    Part 1: key words:


    2. vi.膨胀;肿胀

    3. prep.&adv.在……底下;隐藏在下面

    4. n.神经

    5. n.织物;布料;(社会、机构等的)结构

    6. adj.松的;未系紧的;宽松的

    7. adj.紧急的;急迫的;急切的

    8. n.容易;舒适;自在 vi.& vt.使宽慰;使顺利

    9. n.技能;技术;技艺

    10. n.(人或动植物的)器官

    11. n.散页印刷品;传单;小册子

    12. n.光线;光束;(热、电等)射线

    13. n.辐射;放射线

    14. n.酸 adj.酸的;酸性的

    15. adj.较小的;次要的;轻微的

    16. n.层;表层;层次

    17. adj.电的;用电的;电动的

    keys:1. victim 2. swell 3. underneath 4. nerve 5. fabric 6. loose 7.urgent 8. ease





