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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists-Learning about Language教学设计

  • 页数:6页
  • 字数:约 8546 字
  • 大小:137.00KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:尹超工作室
  • Unit 1 Science and Scientists-Learning about Language教学设计

    In theaspect of learning strategies, this teaching design focuses on cultivatingstudents ability to use word formation to induce and memorize vocabulary, andthe ability to use lexical chunks to express meaning. Besides, it made someexercise to teach students to match the verbs with the proper prepostions andthen instruct them to use the appropriate chunks to complete the sentence inthe context appopriately. Other exercise is aimed to guide students to use unittopic words and the sentence patterns in a richer context.

    1. Guiding the Ss to useunit topic words and the sentence patterns in a richer context.

    2. Cultivating students ability to use word formation toinduce and memorize vocabulary, and the ability to use lexical chunks toexpress meaning.

    1. Instruct students to know more about suffix and prefix.

    2. Enable students to use the language points in the real situation or specificcontexts flexibly and appropriately.

    Step1: The teacherinstructs the students to build up their vocabulary by reviewing someword-building methods such as prefix and suffix.

    re:________________________ -ory :________________________

    dis:________________________ -ion : ________________________

    micro:________________________ -ial:________________________

    trans:________________________ -ology:________________________

    mis:________________________ -al:________________________

    un:________________________ -or: ________________________

    multi:________________________ -ist: ________________________


    re: retell recycle

    -ory: theory contradictory

    dis: disappoint dislike

    -ion:action inventionmicro: Microsoft microphone

    -ial:beneficial official

    trans: transform transport

    -ology: biology geology

    mis: misunderstand misleading

    -al: natural actual

    un: Unlike unhappy

    -or: actor inventor

    multi: multiple multinational

    -ist: biologist scientist

    Step2: Make phrases bycombining the words in the left box with those on the right. Then complete thesenteces using the proper forms of these phrases.

    Subscribe suspect blame link

    to of for

    1. Many scientist ____________________the view that it is human activity thathas caused global warming.

    2. He was to________________________the accident because he drove on thewrong side of the road.

    3. The man ________________being behind the robbery was seen crossing thestreet.

    4. Since heart disease is often ___________________our lifestyle choice, weneed to make healthy lving an important part of our lives.

    keys: subscribe to ; blame …for… suspect…of….. link…to….

    1.subscribed to 2. blame for 3. suspected of 4. linked to

    Step 3: Fill in the blanks according to the grammar rules.

    1.I feel it is both ofyou who are__________ ( blame)for the spoiled child.

    2. The new studentis________sincere that all classmates want to make friends with her.

    3. ________seemed thatthe sea lion didnt mind being with the tourists at all.

    4. Wang Peng sat in hisempty restaurant feeling very ________ ( frustrate ) because no customers hadcome to his restaurant ever since he got up in the morning.

    5. The way that he didthings was________ ( contradiction) to what he had said earlier this week.

    6.Your________ (subscribe) will be automatically renewed each month without notice until youcancel it.

    7. He is cominghere___________( pure) because he wants to participate in the footballchampionships again.

    8. The police suspect him__________having a part in the jewel robbery.

    9. The vaccine isdeveloped to protect the whole population against _________ (infect )ofCOVID-19.

    10. It was reported thatGermany had taken a lot of measures to slow the rate of infection, includingclosing hair and beauty studios. Other non- essential shops __________ ( shut )already.


    1. to blame 2. so 3. It 4. frustrated 5. contradictory

    6.subscription 7. purely 8. of 9.infection 10. had beenshut

    Step 4: Complete the sentence according to the Chinesemeanings.

    1. It is not unusual foran athlete to be h_____________(家喻户晓的)name while he is active, and quickly forgottenwhen his athletic career is over.

    2. Im sure shellh____________(处理) the changes very well because shes very adaptable.

    3. He was ready to servedinner to his friends when he realized that he had forgotten to turn on theoven and the meat was _____________(生的) yet.

    4. He used hiss_________________(重大的) influence to change the thinking of thescientific community on this issue.

    5. Scientists havecollected more s________________(数据) than expected to prove the theory.

    keys:1.household 2.handle 3. raw 4. substantial 5. statistics

    Step 5:Read this passage about medical science. Complete it usingthe words below.

    infection multiple decrease severe

    transform proof blame substantial

    British scientistsbelieve they may have found a way to fight the common cold. It blocks a keyprotein in the body cells that is to __1______________ for the spread ofcold-causing virus. Targeting he host rather than __2_______________was a bitnon-traditional but made sense because it was tricky to target the virus.Cold-causing virus are not only of 3_____________kinds,they also _4______________ rapidly, meaning they can quickly develop resistanceto medicine. Researchers are working on making a form of medicine that can betaken directly into one’s lungs, to5____________ the chance of side effects.Though these scientists have made __6__________________ advances in theirresearch, further___7___________ is needed to make sure such drugs are not so __8____________that they harm the body.


    1.blame 2.infection 3. multiple 4.transform 5.decrease

    6.substantial 7. proof 8.severe

    Step 6: Dictate the key words and phrases in this unit.

    Part 1: key words:

    1. proof n.证据;证明;检验

    2. multiple adj.数量多的;多种多样的

    3. household n.一家人;家庭;同住一所(套)房子的人

    4. suspect vt.&vi.怀疑;疑有;不信任n.犯罪嫌疑人;可疑对象

    5. blame vt.把……归咎于;责怪;指责 n. 责备;指责

    6. handle n.把手;拉手;柄 vt. 处理;搬动;操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)

    7. intervention n.介入;出面;干涉

    8. link vt.把……连接起来;相关联 n. 联系;纽带

    9. raw adj.未煮的;生的;未经处理的;原始的

    10. pure adj.干净的;纯的;纯粹的

    11. substantial adj.大量的;价值巨大的;重大的

    12. decrease n.减少;降低;减少量 vt.&vi. (使大小、数量等)减少;减小;

    13. statistic n.[pl.]统计数字;统计资料;统计学

    14. transform vt.使改观;使改变形态vi.改变;转变

    15. thinking n.思想;思维;见解

    16. finding n. 发现;调查结果;(法律)判决

    17. initial adj. 最初的;开始的;第一的

    18. solid adj. 可靠的;固体的;坚实的n. 固体

    Part2:Key phrases

    1.once and for all 最终地;彻底地

    2.subscribe to 同意;赞同

    3.thanks to 幸亏;由于

    4.attend to 照料;照顾

    5.think of 想起;考虑

    6.as a result of 由于……的结果

    7.in general 总之;通常;一般而言

    8.find out 找出;查明

    9.whats more 而且;另外





