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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists-Discovering useful structures教学设计

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 6805 字
  • 大小:146.50KB
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Riordon设计
  • Unit 1 Science and Scientists-Discovering useful structures教学设计

    The grammatical structure of this unit ispredicative clause. Like object clause and subject clause, predicative clauseis one of Nominal Clauses. The leading words of predicative clauses are that,what, how, what, where, as if, because, etc.

    The design of teaching activities aims to guidestudents to perceive the structural features of predicative clauses and thinkabout their ideographic functions. Beyond that, students should be guided touse this grammar in the context apporpriately and flexibly.

    1. Enable the Ss tomaster the usage of the predicative clauses in this unit.

    2. Enable the Ss to usethe predicative patterns flexibly.

    3. Train the Ss to applysome skills by doing the relevant exercises.

    1.Guide students toperceive the structural features of predicative clauses and think about theirideographic functions.

    2.Strengthen studentsability of using predicative clauses in context, but also cultivate theirability of text analysis and logical reasoning competence.

    Step1: Underline all the examples in thereading passage, where noun clauses are used as the predicative. Then statetheir meaning and functions.

    1) One theory was that bad air caused the disease.

    2) Another theory was that cholera was caused by an infection fromgerms in food or water.

    3) The truth was that the water from the Broad Street had beeninfected by waste.

    Sum up the rules of grammar:

    1. 以上黑体部分在句中作表语。

    2. 句1、2、3中的that在从句中不作成分,只起连接作用。

    Step2: Review the basic components of predicative clauses



    2.Leading words , functions and examples:









    My belief is that I will succeed by working hard.我的信念是通过努力我会成功。

    The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can be entirely free from dust.雨季最令人愉快的事情是完全没有灰尘。

    The problem is whether we can find them there.问题是我们能否在那里找到他们。



    He has heart disease. That is because he has been smoking too much.他有心脏病。那是因为他抽烟太多。

    as if/though


    It seems as if he didn’t know the answer.






    You can be whoever you want to be.你可以成为你想做的任何人。

    Tom is no longer what he used to be.汤姆不再是过去的那个他了。




    This is where I dont agree with you.这就是我不同意你的地方。

    The question is how we can get in touch with him.问题是我们怎样才能和他联系。

    That is why I got wet through.所以我才被淋湿了。

    3.Points that we should pay attention to:

    (1) The difference of “that” and “what”.


    That was what she didthis morning on her way to school.那就是她今天早晨在去学校的路上做过的事。

    My opinion is that we should communicate with parents frequently.我的意见是我们应该经常和父母沟通。



    She often comes late. Thats becauseshe has a baby to take care of.


    She has a baby to take care of. Thats why she often comes late.



    (3)The subjunctive mood used in predicative clauses


    My suggestion is that we (should) have a discussion about this matterinstead of just laying it aside.我的建议是我们应当讨论一下这件事,而不应该只是把它放在一边。

    The doctors advice is that we (should) take more exercise.医生的建议是我们应该多做运动。

    ②as if/asthough引导的表语从句如果是事实,就用陈述语气;如果与事实不符,就用虚拟语气(用一般过去时表示现在,过去进行时表示现在进行,过去完成时表示过去,could/would/might+动词原形表示将来)。

    Tom likes to talk big as if he were an important person.


    Dark clouds are gathering. It looks as if its going to rain.


    Step 3: Practice using predicative clause in context.

    (1)Answer the followingquestions using the information from the reading passage as well as thepredicative clauses.

    1. What was it thatJohn Snow showed to the world?

    What John Snow showedto the world was___________________________.

    2. What was Snow’sdiscovery in two particular streets in London?

    Snows discovery intwo particular streets in London was that___________________________

    3. What was Snowdetermined to find out during the 1854 outbreak of cholera in London?

    What Snow wasdetermined to find out was why ___________________________

    4. What were theexact places (Snow marked on the map? )

    The exact places Snow marked on the map were where__________________

    5. What was thefinding that Snow announced?

    Snows finding was that__________________________


    1.how cholera could be overcome.

    2. the cholera outbreak was so severe thatmore than 500 people died in ten days

    3. the outbreak of cholera had caused over500 deaths within ten days

    4.all those who died had lived / all the deadpeople had lived

    5. the water pump was toblame for the spread of cholera / the pump water carried cholera germs / waterfrom the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste

    (2)David is talking to Maria about their scientific research project.First complete Davids lines (A-E), using the words in the box. Then putDavids lines in the correct order and practice the conversation.





