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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 4 Reading for writing教学设计

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 5742 字
  • 大小:133.00KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Tovelo_PPTer
  • Unit 4 Reading for writing教学设计

    The theme of this part is to write a train travelacross Canada. The instructor should ask students to use the map to comb thetravel route of Li Daiyu and Liu Qian, sort out and summarize the travelexperiences and news of the two sisters. Finally, students can write an emailin the tone of Lindaiyu to parents. The reading content of this part is thecontinuation of the travel notes of the previous article. The text, with theclue of time and place transformation, depicts a colorful picture with Canadiancharacteristics in beautiful and fluent language, including the local naturalbeauty, urban style, culture and traditional art life. It provides importantinformation and vivid language materials for our final writing task.

    1. Guide students to use a map as clues to draw the tourroute.

    2. Combing the experiences of li Daiyu and Liu Qianin their travel.

    3. Complete an email about travel.

    1.Guide students to usemap to draw routes.

    2.Complete an email abouttravel.

    Step1: Lead in the topic by showing some beautiful picturesabout Toronto and Montreal.

    Step2: Read and answer questions.

    1.Read to list the major places on their way from Toronto to Montreal.

    Toronto City, the shoresof Lake Ontario, CN Tower, the misty cloud, Niagara Falls, skyscrapers , downtown Chinatown,workplaces along St Paul Street

    2. What things show usthat Montreal is a French city?

    the signs and ads were inFrench and many people speak French..

    3.What surprised Li Daiyuand her cousin in Montreal?

    All the signs and adswere in French and people spoke English with accent.

    4.How did Jean-Philippefeel when the girls told him they had only one day in Montreal? And why?

    He felt it a pity.Because in Montreal, there are lots of wonderful sights and sounds. Besides, itis a city with Quebec culture and traditions. There are fantastic restaurantsand clubs.

    Step 3: Imagine youare Li Daiyu. Write an email to your parents about your trip across Canada.

    What we saw in Canada

    My cousin and Itraveled across Canada by train from west to east. We saw many things from thetrain on the way across, and in the cities of Toronto and Montreal. Some of themost important and interesting things that we saw are included in this report.

    We passed through the Rocky Mountains on thetrain, and saw wild scenery, a grizzly bear and some mountain goats.

    Canada is a wheat-growing area. The city of Thunder Bay is a port in thecenter of Canada. Ocean ships can come all the way to the top of the GreatLakes.

    In Toronto, we went up the CNTower and saw the mist from Niagara Falls. We visited the covered stadium,which is the home of the famous basketball team. We saw Chinatown and haddinner at the Pink Pearl restaurant.

    When we arrived in Montreal thenext day, we saw many signs and ads in French. Then we went to Old Montreal andsat in a typical caf beside the St Lawrence River. We spent the afternoon inshops and visiting the artists in their workplace.

    There is so much things to seeand do in Canada on one trip. We saw only a few things, but we think we wouldlike to go back for another visit.

    Step 4: Writing skills








    1.Duringthe National Day holiday,I went on a visit to /took a trip to the GreatWall and the Palace Museum in Beijing. 国庆期间,我去北京参观了长城和故宫博物院。

    2.Withmuch excitement,my family and I visited one of the most famous tourist spots in Shanxi—theancient city of Pingyao. 怀着非常激动的心情,我和我的家人游览了山西最著名的景点之一——平遥古城。

    3.Lastweekend,my mother together with me paid a visit to the Palace Museum and the wholevisit took nearly one day. 上周末,我和我妈妈花了将近一天的时间游览了故宫博物院。


    4.Wegathered at the school gate at 7:20 and then set off for our destination by bus.


    5.It isa famous museum with a history of over sixty years.


    6.Whatimpressed us most was a wellknown liveaction performance directed by Wang Chaoge. 给我们留下最深刻印象的是一个由王朝歌导演的著名的实景表演。

    7.As aworld cultural heritage site,it dates back over 2,700years,in which many traditions are still kept by people. 这一世界文化遗产有2700多年的历史,很多传统习俗被人们保留至今。

    8.Wanderingalong the main street and tasting delicious local foods,everyoneis amazed to discover how attractive the small city is. 漫步在这条大街,品味着当地的美食,每个人会惊奇地发现这座城市是多么有吸引力。

    9.Themoment we arrived there,we were taken to see a famous scenic spot. 我们一到达那里,就被带到一个景点。


    10.In myopinion,the number of tourists in some popular places of interest should berestricted.Only in this way can tourists enjoy the beautiful scenery.在我看来,在一些受欢迎的名胜古迹处,游客的数量应被限制。只有这样,游客才能欣赏美丽的景色。

    11.Quitetired as we were,our trip to Beijing was really unforgettable. 尽管我们很累,北京之旅的确难忘。

    12.Whatan unforgettable trip it was and I really had a wonderful time. 多么难忘的一次旅行,我确实玩得很开心。





