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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 5 Reading for writing教学设计

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5043 字
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:DJW
  • Unit 5 Reading for writing教学设计

    The theme of this section is to share your storyof first aid. Other sections of this unit focus on the introduction of firstaid knowledge and emergency treatment measures in different accidental injurysituations. This section shows the significance of first aid through a specificstory, promotes the necessity of proposing promising behaviors and deliveringhumanitarianism, and shows the ability to cope with emergencies.

    In this section, students are required to imitatethe story, write an article, record the touching experience in life, sharetheir own and other peoples stories of using first aid knowledge to savepeople, and their own feelings. This writing task is not only helpful tocultivate students language expression ability, but also helps to cultivatestudents correct outlook on life and values.

    1. Guide Students to analyze the structure of thepassage, grasp the writing characteristics of the narrative, and experience thecohesion and transition between paragraphs;

    2. Guide students to master the operation steps ofHeimlich first aid method, explore the theme of the article, and learn ChenWeis spiritual quality.

    3. Instruct the students to write their own firstaid stories according to the requirements of the narrative.

    4. Promote the act of being brave for a just causeand convey the humanitarian spirit.

    1. Guide Students to analyze the structure of thepassage, grasp the writing characteristics of the narrative, and experience thecohesion and transition between paragraphs;

    2. Instruct the students to write their own firstaid stories according to the requirements of the narrative.

    Step1: Lookand discuss:

    What happened in the picture? And do you know how to deal with iturgently?

    keys:To treat a choke, you should make him /her spit by pattinghim/her on the back.

    Step2: Read the article and then put A—E in thecorrect places in the text.

    A: choking victims usually have only about four minutes before theycollapse and sometimes die.

    B: If you see someone choking, first call the emergency services

    C: Chen wasted no time

    D. With choking victims, every minute counts

    E:Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child is not recommended


    Step 3:Read the article again and choose the correctwords to complete the sentences.

    1.Chen Wei was a friend/complete stranger to Zhang Tao.

    2.When Chen Wei reached Zhang Tao, Zhang Tao was sitting on thechair/standing.

    3.The Heimlich manoeuvre is quite easy/difficult to do.

    4.You will know that the victim is choking if he cannot speak/stopsbreathing.

    5 .To help a small child who is choking, you need to lay the child faceup/down on your lap and slap his upper back.

    6. Chen Wei was able to save Zhang Tao because he learnt the Heimlichmanoeuvre

    at school/from a first-aid manual.

    Step 4: Read and answer:

    1. Who were the people involved ? whathappened?

    Who: Chen Wei. a high school student in Beijing, and Zhang Tao, a fellowdiner at a restaurant.

    What: Zhang Tao was choking on somesteak while eating.

    2.where did it happen?

    At a restaurant.

    3.What did Chen Wei do?

    Chen Wei performed the Heimlichmanoeuvre on Zhang Tao.

    4.How does the story end?

    Chen Wei saved Zhang Tao, then the ambulance came and doctors checkedZhang Tao and said that he was fine

    5.What purpose does the quote at the end of the essay serve?

    It provides a good way to wrap up.

    Step 5: Understanding the structure

    Divide the passage into three part and sum up themain idea of each part

    Part 1 (Paragraphs 1-2): the story of a choking incident

    Part 2 (Paragraphs 3-6): the introduction of the Heimlichmanoeuvre

    Part 3 (Paragraph 7): comments on the choking incident

    Step 6:Writing instructions

    Write a narrative essay

    A narrative essay tells a story. Like all good stories, it has threeparts: the set-up the conflict, and the conclusion. The set-up tells you aboutwho, what, and where.

    The conflict always involves a challenge or difficulty that the charactersface.

    The conclusion is the end of the story, where the problem in Part 2 hasbeen solved.





