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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 2 Reading for writing教学设计

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 7940 字
  • 大小:126.00KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:曼达林演示
  • Unit 2-Reading for writing教学设计

    The theme of this section is to express peoples views on studying abroad.With the continuous development of Chinese economic construction, especiallythe general improvement of peoples living standards, the number of Chinese studentsstudying abroad at their own expense is on the rise. Many students and parentsturn their attention to the world and regard studying abroad as an effectiveway to improve their quality, broaden their horizons and master the worldsadvanced scientific knowledge, which is very important for the fever of goingabroad.

    Studying abroad is also an important decision made by a family for theirchildren. Therefore, it is of great social significance to discuss this issue.The theme of this section is the column discussion in the newspaper: theadvantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. The discourse is about twoparents contribution letters on this issue. They respectively express theirown positions. One thinks that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, andthe other thinks that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The twoparents arguments are well founded and logical. It is worth noting that thetwo authors do not express their views on studying abroad from an individualpoint of view, but from a national or even global point of view. These twoarticles have the characteristics of both letters and argumentative essays

    1.Guide the students toread these two articles, and understand the authors point of view and argumentideas

    2.Help the students to summarizethe structure and writing methods of argumentative writing, and guides studentsto correctly understand the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad

    3.Cultivate studentsability to analyze problems objectively, comprehensively and deeply

    4. Instruct the studentsto write an argumentative paper with correct views and rigorous argumentationon the above problems, and use cohesive words properly in writing.

    1.Guide the students toread these two articles, and understand the authors point of view and argumentideas

    2. Instruct the studentsto write an argumentative paper with correct views and rigorous argumentationon the above problems, and use cohesive words properly in writing.

    Step1: Lead in by raising some inspiring questionsconcerning going abroad

    What do you think ofstudying abroad?

    In my opinion…;as far asI know…;Personally…

    Step2: Ask students to readthe passage and underline each writer’s main points. Then make the reasons fortheir opinions.

    Studying abroad: Is it agood or bad idea?

    Wang Li

    Zhang Yi

    main points

    Disadvantages for youths are


    Advantages are much greater.


    1.Costly tuition fees and living expenses.

    2.Tremendous pressure

    3.Different approaches to teaching and learning can be as a shock

    4. Studying in China has a great future

    1.Personal growth.

    2.The increased chance for cultural exchange.

    3.Provide a great opportunity to contribute to the development of our motherland.

    4.Help to build character and increase people’s understanding of cultural diversity.

    Step 3: Read it again tounderline all the connectors in the text and then use connectors below torewrite the following sentences.

    As a result besides for instance that is to say

    1.Students who want to studyabroad must consider their parents budget. They should think about whether theycan afford the costs of studying overseas.

    2.Studying abroad can putgreat pressure on young people. They may feel lonely and miss their families.

    3. Studying abroad will givestudents a good education. It also helps them to gain a global perspective.

    4.Globaldevelopment strategies help to make connections between China and the rest ofthe world. As a result, young people with language skills and strong culturalawareness are needed.

    Learning tip

    When you write an argumentative piece, use connecting phrases to lead readers through your process of reading. Good logical connectors will help your audience understand your points clearly.


    1.Students who want tostudy abroad must consider their parents budget. That is to say, theyshould think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.

    2. Studying abroad canput great pressure on young people. For instance, they may feel lonely and misstheir families.

    3. Studying abroad willgive students a good education. Besides, it also helps them to gain a globalperspective.

    4. Global developmentstrategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world.Asa result, young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness areneeded.

    Step 4: Ask studentst odiscuss the following questions to foster their critical thinking competence.

    Which parent would youlike to side with? And why?


    I would like to favor thefirst parent. Because studying abroad is too costly for my family.Additionally, our country’s high education is as good as the foreign educationand even much better in some fields. If I am an excellent learner, then I can befurther educated in my motherland and attain a good job career in the future.

    Step 5: Writinginstructions

    How to write the augmentative letters










    (1)Recently...had aheated discussion about whether...or not.

    (2)There have been manyreports of...

    (3)People hold differentopinions about...

    (4)The reasons for thatare as follows.



    Some people think it...;Someare in favour of...;Some support...;The majority of them think...;Manyof them are for...;There are many advantages of...;...playan important part in...;...be of vital significance...;...benefita lot from...


    But I disagree;Othersare against...;Some hold the different view that...;There are also some disadvantages of...


    firstly;secondly;besides;inaddition;whats more;furthermore;in a word;in short;even worse...


    however;on theother hand;while;on the contrary;whereas...


    in my opinion;in myview;Personally,I think...;Taking everything into consideration,we should make good use of...;Onlyin this way can we do...







