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新人教版高中英语必修1Unit 2 Travelling Around-Reading and Thinking教案

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 4920 字
  • 大小:38.66KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:老余工作室
  • Unit 2 Travelling Around-Reading and Thinking教案


    The topic of thisunit is about travelling at home and abroad, which belongs to the theme contextof “humans and nature”. Students are expected to talk about tours to Peru,listen to people discuss their travel plans, talk about preparing for traveland how to make reservations for a trip and finally be able to write a travelplan.

    The passage inthis unit is mainly about some general introductions of Peru, including its location,capital and official language and some beautiful scenic spots of Peru, such asAmazon Rainforest Tour, Machu Picchu Tour, Cusco Tour, and Lake Titicaca Tour.The writer vividly describes the characteristics of the four fabulous sights tothe readers, who are deeply impressed by the description. The teacher issupposed to guide students to explore the four scenic spots and sum up itsfeatures. More importantly, the teacher should motivate students to talk moreand discuss the related topics.


    1. Enable studentsto acquire the basic usage of the new words and expressions concerning thetopic of travelling and learn to use them flexibly.

    2. Enable studentsto sum up some details related to Peru.

    3. Developstudents’ sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability.

    4. Developstudents’ different learning skills to solve different reading comprehensiveproblems, such as skimming, scanning and inferring.


    1. Develop students’reading ability such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.

    2. Let studentstalk about their travel plans and topics about travelling.


    Step 1 Warming up

    Have a free talkwith students. Ask them the following question:

    How much do youknow about Peru? Let’s have a quiz. Show the quiz on the screen.

    Step 2 Pre-reading


    1. What types oftext is the passage?

    2. Let students guesswhat the text will be mainly about before reading by looking at the picture andthe title.

    Tip: Before you read, look through the text quickly for titles, headers, pictures, charts, and any other information that might tell you about the type of the text.

    Step 3 While-reading

    1. Fast reading

    Ask students to skimthe reading passage to find out some main details about Peru as quickly aspossible by doing the multiple choice test.

    2. Intensive reading

    Allow students toread the passage more carefully this time to sum up the features of each scenicspot.


    Things to do

    Means of transport

    Amazon Rainforest

    • Travelling in the middle of the _____________

    • Exploring the rainforest with a __________

    • Enjoying the __________ and __________unique to the forest.

    • ______



    • Explore and be amazed by the ____________city.

    • The _____________________ is especially amazing.

    • ______


    • Enjoying the unique Spanish and local Indian __________.

    • Stay in a _______hotel

    • Visit the ___________

    • Admire the _________________

    • Enjoy the ____________local food

    • Go shopping at the _________________

    Step 4 Further Reading and discussion

    Read the text thethird time and work in pairs to do the following task.

    Suppose you are atravel agent, and the following people want a package trip to Peru and ask foryour advice. Please recommend them the destination according to their interest.

    1. Mike, a well-paid photographer, who has great interest in adventuring and exploration. He hopes to have an active holiday and shoot some pictures of different kinds of animals. He doesn’t need first class accommodation.

    2. Bill is a reporter, who not only enjoys learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country, but also likes admiring beautiful scenery. He needs to make a report about the local people’s life in this country.

    3. Tom, a hiking lover, hopes to spend some days hiking while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.

    4. Mary, a designer, is planning to make a trip to a place, where she can enjoy the different architecture in that country and some excellent food. She also likes going shopping.

    Good expressions that students can choose touse: help the travelers choose whichtour to take

    1.In my opinion, you could/might choose…, becauseyou prefer to…

    2.…could be a perfect choice for you, for…





