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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 1 Cultural Heritage-Reading and Thinking教案一

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 7121 字
  • 大小:118.25KB
  • 格式:.rar
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:陈杰出品
  • Unit 1 CulturalHeritage- Reading and Thinking教案

    From Problems to Solutions教学设计

    The theme of the reading and thinking isabout “Understanding how a problem was solved”.

    The Listening & Speaking & Talking isabout international co-work to protect the Mount Tai, in which the studentsfrom seven countries came up with many solutions even create the Mount Tai App.This section aims at showing how to solve a difficult and even tough problemabout protecting the cultural heritage by the international co-work. So in thissection, cultivating students’ international awareness is very clear andimportant.

    Concretely, with the economic development,how to balance the protection of cultural relics and social development is abig challenge for human. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to buildthe Aswan Dam across the Nile to control floods, produce electricity and waterfarms. But the proposal led to protests because it would destroy a lot ofcultural relics. The Egyptian had no choice but ask the UN for help. Therefore,a international cooperation about how to protect the cultural relics began, whichinvolved the time length about 20 years and a large amount of fund. Then, theproblems was solved.

    1. Read quickly to get the main idea and the structure of the article; readcareful to get detailed information.

    2. Learn to use the reading strategy---making a timeline

    3. Learn how to solve a tough problem by asking for help and cooperation

    4. Have the international awareness and understand the great strength ofinternational cooperation.

    1.Read quickly to get the main idea and thestructure of the article; read careful to get detailed information.

    2.Learn to use the reading strategy---making atimeline.

    3.Learn how to solve a tough problem by askingfor help and cooperation.

    Step 1Leading-in

    Look at the pictures below and answer the followingquestions:

    Q1: What are they ?

    Picture1 is the statues of human face

    Picture 2 is the statues of a temple.

    They are cultural relics.

    Q2: Which country may they be about ?

    They areabout Egypt.

    Step2 Before reading--- analyze the title
    Read the title, what information can you get ?

    From Problems to Solutions

    Step 3 While reading---Task1

    1. Read the text andmatch the topic sentences.

    Para.1 A.How to balance progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a bigchallenge.

    Para.2 B.A committee was established to limit damage.

    Para.3 C.The proposal leads to protests.

    Para.4 D. The project brought governments andenvironmentalists


    Para.5 E.The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today.

    Para.6 F.The project was completed and successful.

    2. Thetext mainly tells us sometimes a big challenge can lead to a great solution.

    Step 4While reading---Task 2

    Read the text again and answer the followingquestions.

    Q1: What did the Egyptian government want to doin the 1950s? And why ?

    build a new dam to control flood, produce electricity and supply waterto more farmer in the area.

    Q2: Why did the building of the dam lead toprotests ?

    Becauseit would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics.

    Q3: How were the temples and other cultural sitessaved ?

    established a committee to limit thedamage and raised money Expertsinvestigated, conducted some tests and made a proposal tests Temples and cultural sites were taken downpiece by piece Move them in a safeplace and put back together

    Q4: How long did it take to complete the project ?

    20 years

    Q5: Which word can describe the project ?


    Q6: What way was used to save the culturalheritages?

    Theinternational cooperation

    Step 5While reading---Task 3

    Complete the timeline with the informationfrom the text.

    The project stars. The temples and cultural arebeing rescued.
    The project is completed. The first temple is moved. The government asks the UN for help.

    Step 6Post reading

    1. Complete the blanks with the correct forms

    Therecomes a time when the old must give way to the new. 1.Keeping (keep) theright balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be 2._a_big challenge.

    Inthe 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile 3.to_benefit(benefit) more farmers, 4.which led to protests. The government turned5.to the United Nations for help. Then a committee 6.was_established(establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings. 7.Finally (final)a document was signed, and the work began in 1960.

    When the projectended in 1980, it was considered a great 8.success (succeed). The spiritof the Aswan Dam project 9._is_ (be) still alive today. If a problemseems too difficult for a single nation, the 10.global (globe) communitycan sometimes provide a solution.





