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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 1 Cultural Heritage-Reading and Thinking教案二

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 4719 字
  • 大小:69.68KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Tovelo_PPTer
  • Unit 1 Cultural Heritage-Reading and Thinking教案

    From Problems to Solutions教学设计

    1. This section focuses on"Understanding how a problem was solved”, which is aimed to guide studentsto analyze and discuss the challenges and problems faced by cultural heritageprotection during the construction of Aswan Dam, as well as the solutions. On thebasis of understanding, students should pay attention to the key role ofinternational cooperation in solving problems, and attach importance to thebalance and coordination between cultural heritage protection and social andeconomic development. Students are encouraged to face challenges actively, begood at cooperation, and make continuous efforts to find reasonable ways andmeans to solve problems.

    2. Enable students to understand the main information and text structure ofthe reading text;

    3. Motivate students to use the reading strategy "make atimeline" according to the appropriate text genre;

    4. Enable students to understand how a problem was solved;

    5. Enable students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritageby teamwork and global community;

    1. Guide students topay attention to reading strategies, such as prediction, self-questioning andscanning.

    2. Help students sortout the topic language about protecting cultural relics and understand thenarrative characteristics of "time-event" in illustrative style

    3. Lead students to understandthe value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community;

    1. Prediction

    Step 1 Predicting the mainidea of the passage

    Look at the title and the pictures, and thenpredict what the passage will be about.

    Q: What will betalked about?

    Step2: Fast reading tasks

    Task of the firstfast reading:

    Read quickly andfigure out the key words of each paragraph.

    • Paragraph 1: challenge

    • Paragraph 2: proposal led to protests

    • Paragraph 3: committee established

    • Paragraph 4: brought together

    • Paragraph 5: success

    • Paragraph 6: spirit

    Task of the secondfast reading:

    1. Why did theEgyptian government want to build a new dam in the 1950s?

    2. Why did thebuilding of the dam lead to protests?

    3. How did thegovernment save the cultural relics?

    4. Which one candescribe the project?

    A. Successful. B. Negative. C. Useless. D. Doubtful.

    5. What can belearned from the Aswan Dam project?

    Step3: Careful reading tasks

    Read more carefullyand answer the following questions.

    1. What do “problems”refer to and what do “solutions” refer to?

    2. Find out thenumbers in paragraph four and explain why the author used exact numbers insteadof expressions like many?

    3. What can you inferfrom "Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued22 temples and countless cultural relics”?

    4. What can you inferfrom "Fifty counties donated nearly 80 million to the project”?

    The project cost alot of money.

    5. Before thebuilding of the dam, what problems did the Nile River bring to the Egyptian?

    6. What words can youthink of to describe the working process of the project?

    Step 4: Consolidation

    Divide the passageinto three parts and then fill in the blanks.

    Part 1(paragraph 1)

    The introduction ofthe topic

    Keeping the rightbalance between progress and the protection of cultural sites is a bigchallenge.

    Part 2 (paragraphs 2-5)

    The process of savingcultural relics

    •Big challenges cansometimes lead to great solutions.

    •TheEgyptian government wanted to build a new dam, which would damage many culturalrelics.

    •Thegovernment turned to the UN for help.

    •Expertsmade a proposal for how to save cultural relics after a lot of efforts and thework began.

    •Culturalrelics were taken down and moved to a safe place.

    •Countlesscultural relics were rescued.

    •Theproject was a success.

    Part 3 (paragraph 6)

    The summary of thetext

    The global communitycan sometimes provide a solution to a difficult problem for a single nation.

    Step 5: Critical thinking:

    1. How to deal withthe construction and the protection of cultural relics?

    2. As students, whatshould we do to protect our cultural relics?

    Step 6: summary

    The outline of thepassage

    Introduce the topic

    A big challenge - the balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites.





