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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3 The Internet-Reading and Thinking教案二

  • 页数:3页
  • 字数:约 5462 字
  • 大小:81.21KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:yuuta设计
  • Unit 3 The Internet-Reading and Thinking教学设计

    The topic of this part is Start an online community.

    The Listening & Speaking & Talking part aims atobserving others’ online behaviors and reflecting our own online behavior bylistening, speaking and talking. This part shows the influence of theInternet---Stronger Together: How we have changed by the Internet by theexample of Jan Tchamani, an English teacher who has to quite her job in herfifties because of her illness. So she began to have access to the Internet. Atfirst, she got help from the Internet, like removing the loneliness. Then shecame to help others by starting an IT club to teach older people how to usecomputers and the Internet. From the example, students can be guided to use theInternet to improve their lives, not just to play games on the Internet.

    1.Students cantalk about how to use the Internet appropriately and reflect their own onlinebehaviors.

    2. Students shouldlearn the reading skills such as the headline, the structures and the writingway of articles.

    3. Students canlearn to try to use the Internet to improve their own life and help others.

    1. Students shouldlearn the reading skills such as the headline, the structures and the writingway of articles.

    2. Students canlearn to try to use the Internet to improve their own life and help others.

    Step 1 Leading in---Small talk

    Ask students the question:

    What do you use the computers to do?

    Step 2 Before reading--- analyze the title

    Title 1: Start anonline community

    Title 2: Strongertogether: How we have been changed by the Internet

    Step 3: Whilereading---Task 1

    Match the main idea with the sentencesin the text.

    Step 4: Whilereading--- Scanning

    Read the textand answer the following questions.

    Q1:Why did Jan quit her job?

    Because she suddenly developed a serious illness.

    Q2:How did the people in the online community help her?

    People in the online community talked with her about her problems,supported her, and gave her advice.

    Q3:Why did she start the IT club?

    To teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.

    Q4:What is the "digital divide"?

    The digital divide is the gap between those who have access to theInternet and those who haven’t, and those who know how to use new technologyand those who dont.

    Q5:Whats Jans next goal?

    Her next goal is to start a charity website to raise money for childrenin poor countries.

    Q6:What can we learn from her experiences?

    We learn that when we go through tough times, we can find help andsupport from other people online. We learn that we can feel less lonely

    Step 5: While reading---rethinking

    Q1: What is Jan’s attitude to the Internet ?
    Thankful/Grateful, because it has changed her and her life.

    Q2: What writing skills is used in the article ?

    Examples(Jan’s example, the 59-year-old man’s and the 61-year-oldwoman’s example)

    Q3: Can you get the main idea of the article ?

    The Internet has changed Jan’s life/Jan’s life has been changed by theInternet.

    Step 6 Post reading---Retell the story
    Much has been written about the wonders of theWorld Wide Web. There are countless articles (1)telling(tell) us how theInternet has made our lives more convenient. But the Internet has done a lot(2)more(much) for people than simply make life more convenient. People’slives (3) have been changed(change) by online communities and socialnetworks so far.





