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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3 The Internet-Reading For Writing教案一

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5918 字
  • 大小:109.90KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:陈杰出品
  • Unit 3 The Internet-ReadingFor Writing教学设计

    This sectiondesigns a combination of reading and writing activities, the theme is"writing blog post". When we surf the Internet, we often dont knowwho the other person is. We may be cheated or attacked personally. When weclick the website link, the virus may take the opportunity to invade anddestroy our computer and the important information stored in it. These injuriesor losses, no matter how big or small, no matter how long or how long, areunpleasant experiences and should be avoided as much as possible. Learning howto surf the Internet safely is a necessary skill for every netizen, especiallyfor the inexperienced teenagers.

    The text is a blogarticle. The author puts forward three suggestions for safe access to theInternet. The main idea is clear; the structure is complete and concise. Blogarticles usually have two sections --- one is the blog section, where theauthor posts the blog on the Internet; the other is the comment section, wherereaders and readers, authors and readers communicate with each other. The blogarea is the main part. In the first paragraph, the author puts forward thequestions to be discussed, shows his identity, and states that it is not theopinions of authoritative experts, but personal experience. The author uses afrank attitude to create an atmosphere of communication with readers likefriends. The second paragraph is the authors three suggestions, using thefirst of all second and third to connect, and reading in a coherent way, withstrong coherence. The three key points are expressed in imperative sentencepattern, which is closely followed by the cohesive words. They are clear andeasy to read. In this paper, the author introduces three kinds of commonnetwork misdeeds: identity theft, roll and cyber bully. In the comment area,two netizens added specific cases of troll and cyber bully, which correspondedto the content of the article.

    1. Get students tohave a good understanding of some features about a blog post by reading thetext.

    2. Study the organization and languagefeatures.

    3. Developstudents’ writing and cooperating abilities.

    4. Strengthenstudents’ great interest in writing discourses.

    1. Stimulate studentsto have a good understanding of how to write a blog post.

    2. Cultivate students to write a blog postproperly and concisely.

    Step 1: Skimming

    1.What’s the main purpose of the blog post?

    It is to tell the readers how to stay safe online and avoid badexperiences on the Internet.

    2. What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about?

    Three suggestions given by the blogger on how to surf the Internet moresafely.

    Step 2: Scanning

    1. What tips did the blogger put forward?

    • First of all,keep out of the sites that make you uneasy.

    • Second, protectyour privacy. Third, be polite to other cyber citizens/netizens.

    2. Who are the online troublemakers the blog post mentions?

    • A troll orcyberbully.

    3.What does the following termsmean?

    • A troll

    • A cyberbully

    • A troll is aperson who posts comments or questions in order to stir up trouble online.

    • A cyberbullyuses the Internet to be mean to others.

    • Like a troll, acyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually directed atparticular people.

    Step 3: Studythe organization and language features.

    Read the blog againand find these parts.

    1. What is thetopic of the blog?

    A 1.________—how do you 2. ____ safe online and avoid bad 3. __________ on theInternet?

    1.question 2. Stay 3.experiences

    2. What are thespecific advice to stay safe online?

    First, followthe 4. ______ rule: leave the site 5. ___________ when you see or readsomething 6. _____________. Second, protect your 7. _______.

    Third, be 8. _____.

    4. Golden 5.immediately 6.uncomfortable 7.privacy 8.polite


    Any bad experiences online? Or some good 9. ______? Post your 10. _________ below!

    9.advice 10.comments

    Step 4: Use what you have learnt to write a blog post.



      网络博客文体是包含了网友评论、相关新闻链接在内的一种新兴的新闻文体。它通常就某一问题发表自己的观点, 体现了个性化的交流。文章通常以陈述句居多, 也较多地采用疑问句和感叹句, 用来表达强烈的情感。


    ①blog about a question就某一问题写博客

    ②stay safe online在网上保持安全

    ③bad experiences on the Internet好的上网经历

    ④golden rule 黄金法则

    ⑤post comments   帖子评论

    ⑥click on 点击

    ⑦identity theft 身份盗窃

    ⑧chat room 聊天室

    ⑨draft your blog post 起草博客帖子

    ⑩post embarrassing photos 张贴尴尬照片


    1. How do you stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet?

    你如何在网上保持安全, 避免在网上的不良经历?

    2. I’m not an expert, but many years as a blogger have taught me a thingor two.

    我不是专家, 但作为一个博主, 我已经学了好几年了。

    3. If you see or read something that makes you feel uncomfortable, leavethe site immediately.

    如果你看到或读到一些让你觉得不舒服的东西, 立即离开这个网站。

    4. Don’t give out your address or phone number.


    5. Identity theft is a common and serious problem.






