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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-Reading For Writing教案一

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 6999 字
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:许伟工作室
  • Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-Reading For Writing教学设计

    The activity theme is "making effectiveposter". The protection of wildlife needs the participation of the wholesociety. It is imperative to educate the public on wildlife protection andarouse the publics awareness and enthusiasm for wildlife protection. Teenagersare not only the main body of education, but also the "ambassador" ofpublicity and promotion. To make posters, students need to understand and studythe situation of endangered animals and think about protection measures. In theprocess of reading and understanding the content of posters and making posters,students should be trained to master and use the style of posters, and theirsocial responsibility and sense of responsibility should be cultivated.

    The reading text is two posters. The first poster,"give ugly a chance!" calls on people to protect all kinds of wildanimals and not treat them differently because of personal likes and dislikes.No matter how beautiful or ugly animals are, they have the meaning and value ofexistence. The world is beautiful because of the diversity of biology. Thearticle uses the tone of statement to make people unconsciously accept theauthors point of view. The second POSTER "dont make paper with myhome!" adopts anthropomorphic rhetoric and takes koalas heart cry as thetitle, criticizing those behaviors of deforestation and destruction of animalhomes. The text is a progressive explanation of the title. Exclamatory sentencesand rhetorical sentences are used in this paper, which express the authorsattitude and point of view. In addition, the title of these two posters usesexclamation sentences with strong appeal and emotional color, coupled withvivid pictures, making the posters more powerful.

    1. Cultivate students to acquire some features about an English poster byreading the text.

    2. Help students to write an English poster about animal protection properlyusing some newly acquired writing skills in this period.

    3. Develop students’ writing and cooperatingabilities.

    4. Strengthen students’ great interest in writingdiscourses.

    1. Stimulate students to have a good understanding of how to write an English poster properly .

    2. Cultivate students to write an English posterproperly properly and concisely.

    Step 1: Lead in

    Do you want to be avolunteer of a pet’s shelter? Why?

    Yes, I want to be avolunteer of it, because I want to help the pets, which are lovely and cute. Ilike them very much.

    Step 2: Read to discover details concerning themain details of the news report.

    I. Read the news report and then solve thequestions below.

    1. Who started the rescue centre called the SmallFriends Pet Shelter?

    A group of high school students and parents.

    2.What did the young people do in the shelter?

    Take care of animals.

    3. How do the young people think of their work?


    4. What help does the centre need?

    Volunteers’ time and love.

    II.Read the text again andthen choose the best answer.

    1.What should we do when we protect the wildlifeanimals?

    A.Treat all the wild animals equally.

    B.Only pay attention to less cute animals.

    C.Pay attention to cute animals.

    D.Care about endangered wildlife animals.

    2.What’s the bad effect of cutting down billions oftrees to make paper for humans?

    A.Make a lot of animals homeless.

    B.Make a number of wildlife animals dying out.

    C.The animals’ habitat is being destroyed.

    D.All of them.


    Step 3: Study the organization and languagefeatures.

    1. Read the passage more carefully and write downthe outline of the text.

    Small Friends Pet Shelter

    The founder of the Small Friends Pet Shelter

    It was 1. started by a group of high school students

    and their parents.

    The situation of the shelter

    There are many animals living at the 2. shelter.

    The young people keep it clean and take care of the animals.

    The achievements

    They have already helped to find homes for nearly

    200 animals. They think it is 3. worth it.


    When find a lost pet, 4. call the shelter. If you want to help out, go and 5. volunteer your time and love.

    2. Appreciate the complex sentences:

    1 .The Small Friends Pet Shelter was started by agroup of high school students and their parents when they started to see manypets (that were left behind after their families moved away).

    译文: 当一些高中生和他们的父母看到在主人搬走后,______________________________时, 他们建立了小朋友宠物收容所。


    2 . Theyoung people (who run the shelter)work hard to keep the place clean, take careof the animals, and advertise the animals so that they can be adopted.

    译文: 负责收容所的年轻人努力保持收容所的清洁、照顾这些动物、________________________。


    3.When it comes to...当涉及……:___________________________

    (当涉及野生动物保护时), all species—the good, the bad, and theugly—should be treated equally.

    4. so that 引导目的状语从句:Is it right to make animals homeless_________________________________________ (以至于人类就可以有更多的纸)?

    5.强调句型:_____________________________ (正是因为这个原因) the WWF constantly putup information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet.

    6.That is what...what引导表语从句:That is _____________________ (动物们最需要的).

    1.when it comes to wildlife protection 2.so thathumans can have more paper 3.it is forthis reason that 4.so that humans can have more power 5.It is for this reason that 6.waht theanimals really want most

    Step 5: Analyze the characteristics of an Englishposter.


    英文海报通常含有通知性、宣传性, 所以主题要明确, 一目了然。它还包含广告的特点, 要求内容简明扼要, 形式丰富。


    1. 标题

    首先根据海报的特点、格式写明标题。海报中往往把内容作为大标题。例如: Save the earth, Save the birds。

    2. 正文部分

    不同的海报其正文部分的侧重点不同。对于介绍性的海报, 首先要引出话题, 其次列出原因, 最后是总结。

    对于宣传类的海报, 要写明具体内容, 如: 活动内容, 地点以及参加活动的注意事项, 主持或举办单位等。

    1. 图片: 要选择引人注目的图片, 与主题要相关, 色彩明亮。


    1. It is a treasure ofour country. 它是我国的国宝。

    2. Believe it or not, at present only several thousand pandas existin the world.

    信不信由你, 目前世界上仅现存几千只熊猫。

    3.It’s because of human activities that tigersare endangered.

    正是因为人类的活动, 老虎处于濒危的状态。

    4. Many wild animals are in danger of dying out. 很多野生动物面临着灭绝的危险。

    5. The government has taken effective measures toprotect them.


    6. People should raise the awareness of theprotection of wild animals.


    7. It’s amazing that there are merely less than1, 000 finless porpoises living in China.

    非常令人吃惊, 目前中国仅有不足1 000只江豚。





