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新人教版高中英语必修1Unit 2 Travelling Around-Reading for Writing教案

  • 页数:3页
  • 字数:约 3532 字
  • 大小:35.77KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:曼达林演示
  • Unit 2 TravellingAround-Reading for Writing教案


    1. Get students to have a goodunderstanding of how to write an impressive travel plan

    2. Enable students to use some writingskills flexibly.

    3. Develop students’ writing andcooperating abilities.

    4. Strengthen students’ great interest in writingdiscourses.


    1. Guide students to write a concise,coherent and structured e-mail, introducing their own travel plans.

    2. Guide students to properly conveyemotions using the proper language.


    Step 1: Lead in.

    Begin the class with the lead-inquestions: how to write to your friend an impressive travel plan? What kinds of aspects should be included? Itis strongly recommended that the teacher should ask students to discuss thetopic freely with their partners and brainstorm some ideas concerning thetopic. In this way, students can come up with more ideas and avoid beingnervous at the beginning of the class.

    Step 2: Read to discover details.

    The teacher is expected to ask students toread Richard’s email to his friend and the brochure that he found silently and thenrequest students to solve the task below.

    Study the organization and languagefeatures by summarizing the email:

    Paragraph 1: main purpose for the trip

    Paragraph 2: other plans for the trip

    Paragraph 3: transport

    Paragraph 4: final thoughts

    Tip: In this step, what should behighlighted is that the teacher ought to give students proper time to readindividually, silently and think independently. There is no need for them todiscuss the detailed questions. In this way, students can develop their individuallogical thinking ability and promote their skills of finding details.

    Step 3: Read to find out the words and phrases used to express emotion in the email.

    After finishing the task above, theteacher move on the following task.

    Underline the words and phrases used toexpress emotion in the email. Then complete the sentences below.

    It is amazing sight.

    It is ____________ I am amazed.

    Its almost unbelievable.

    I can’t _______________.

    Its hard_________________

    Its an _____________________ story.

    Step 4: Use what you have learnt to writea travel plan.

    1. Pretend youare Xiao Li and reply to Richards email.

    2. Exchangedrafts.

    Assess eachothers work according to the checklist.

    Is there a clearpurpose for the trip? :

    Does eachparagraph have a clear main idea?

    Does the writeruse the present continuous tense for future plans?

    Does the writeruse commas, stops, and question marks correctly?

    Are all thewords spelt correctly?

    Are all theproper nouns capitalized?

    Revise yourdraft according to your partners comments.

    Step 5:The summary of how to write atravel plan.


    Travel plan

    When will youleave for?

    Where is yourthe destination?

    How will you getthere?

    What will you dothere?

    How long willyou there?

    Is there a clearpurpose for the trip?




    3.用更高级的形容词词汇。例如:表达“好”时,不要总用“nice”,我们还可以用“smart, clean, excellent, exciting, beautiful, wonderful, clever, famous,grand”等表达更具有指向性的词汇;





