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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 1 Cultural Heritage-Reading For Writing教案

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 6638 字
  • 大小:90.55KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:DJW
  • Unit 1 Cultural Heritage-ReadingFor Writing教学设计

    This report isshort, concise and has typical news content and language features. The titleuses the verb phrases, embodying the characteristics of being concise andgeneral. The introduction is the first two sentences in the first paragraph,describing the general situation of the cultural heritage protection project,including time, place, characters, events and other news elements, so thatreaders can see the main points of the news report at a glance. The main bodyis the second and third paragraphs, which report the important historical andcultural value of Mogao Grottoes and the production of Mogao Grottoes Materialdigital photos, which are of great significance to the inheritance ofhistorical culture and the promotion of international cultural understanding,exchange and cooperation. Direct citation is used in the report, as well asbackground introduction and other news writing techniques.

    1. Get students tohave a good understanding of some features about a news report by reading thetext.

    2. Instructstudents to write a summary about a news report properly using some newlyacquired writing skills in this period.

    3. Developstudents’ writing and cooperating abilities.

    4. Strengthenstudents’ great interest in writing discourses.

    1. Stimulate studentsto have a good understanding of how to a summary about anews report

    2. Cultivate students to write a news reportproperly and concisely.

    Step 1: Lead in

    Do you think it is necessary for us to circulate our cultural heritage tothe world? Why or why not?

    Do we need to learn more about other countries’ cultural heritage? Why orwhy not?

    Step 2: Read todiscover details concerning the main body of the news report.

    Read the newsreport and then solve the questions below.

    1. What are the researchers and scientiststrying to do?

    The researchers and scientistsare trying to increase knowledge and appreciation of Chinas ancient culturalheritage.

    2. What modern technology are they using?

    They are using digital photography to record a collection of images.

    3. Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves?

    People are interested in the Mogao Caves because they have long been ameeting point for different cultures and are part of the history of manycountries.

    4. What do youthink of the researchers opinion in the last paragraph?

    I agree with the researcher’sopinion. Understanding our own and other cultures is a great way to understandourselves and others.

    Step 3: Study theorganization and language features.

    1. Read the newsreport again and find these parts.

    A. Leadsentence

    Lanzhou, 9August 2017. A group of researchers and scientists from China and othercountries are working together ... China s ancient cultural heritage.

    B. Directquote

    “Appreciatingone’s own cultural heritage is very important for understanding ourselves.Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important forinternational communication and understanding.”


    They arerecording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the MogaoCaves, which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancienthistory. Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been producedsince the international project started in 1994.

    D. Backgroundinformation

    The Mogao Caveshave long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of thehistory of many countries.

    E. Reportingverbs


    F. Words to showcomparison and/or contrast

    Today, the cavesare just as interactional as they were at the time when people travelled theSilk Road.

    2. Underline therelative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following.

    A .things

    They arerecording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the MogaoCaves, which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancienthistory.

    B. people

    As oneresearcher who is working on the project explains, “Appreciating one’sown cultural heritage is very important for understanding ourselves.Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important forinternational communication and understanding. ”

    C. time

    Today, the cavesare just as interactional as they were at the time when people travelled theSilk Road.

    Step 4: Postreading for further summary and understanding.

    1. Why does the write use the quote in the report?

    The writer usesquotes in order to make the news report more concise, authentic and persuasive.

    2. Explain your understanding of the sentences: “Appreciating one’s owncultural heritage is very important for understanding ourselves. Appreciatingthe cultural heritage of other countries is very important for internationalcommunication and understanding.”

    We should learn and understand our own cultures, which is vital for us toknow ourselves and be proud of our profound and extensive cultural heritage.Meanwhile, we should understand and appreciate others cultures, trying to beopen-minded. This way, we can deepen each other’s understanding and respect.

    Step 4: Use whatyou have learnt to write a news report

    Write a news report about Li Hua who works toprotect our cultural heritage using the following notes and you can add detailsto make the news report more concise and detailed.

    ●Li Hua Xi’an a senior high school teacher

    ●wants to preservecultural heritage:

    ※protect old houses

    ※takes photos of old buildings

    ※help repair buildings

    ※look for cultural relics

    ※interviews old people

    ※show cultural relics to the public

    ※writes about the buildings





