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新人教版高中英语必修1Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Reading for Writing教案

  • 页数:3页
  • 字数:约 3356 字
  • 大小:32.97KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:zero设计
  • Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Reading for Writing教案


    This teachingperiod mainly deals with reading for writing a class wellness book. Studentsare expected to learn the knowledge about how to write a class wellness book. First,students are supposed to read a passage which is specially designed to studyfor the writing purpose. Then, under the guidance of the teacher, studentsshould discuss the topics mentioned on the textbook and learn to write a properwellness book. The teacher is expected to enable students to master somewriting skills concerning class wellness book and learn to write one.


    1. Get students to have a goodunderstanding of how to write class wellness book properly.

    2. Enable students to use some writingskills flexibly.

    3. Develop students’ writing andcooperating abilities.

    4. Strengthen students’ great interest in writingdiscourses.


    1. How to enable students to have a goodunderstanding of the skills of writing a class wellness book 2.How to enablestudents to write a good class wellness book using some writing skills properly.


    Step1 Lead in:

    At the beginning, a teacher can introducethe topic by asking: Do you want to lose weight andwhy? Do you think you are fit? After having a small discussion about it, theycan move on to read the passage and handle the following activities one by one.

    Step 2 Read to discover details

    Students areinstructed to read a passage titled “Going Positive” and then solve thequestions below.

    1.What problem did Kayla have in the past?

    2.What does the sentence “almost went bananas” mean?

    3.What made her change her thinking?

    After completingthe activities above, they can move on to the text task:

    Step 3: Read to sum up

    Read the passageagain and figure out the organization and language features.

    Step 4: Use what you have learnt to writea proper class wellness book.

    1. Have the Ss workin groups. Discuss the questions below, then get several students to show theirideas.

    Exercise: Whatcan you do to make exercise like jogging more enjoyable?

    Stress: How canyou plan your work and make sure that you also have time to rest and relax?

    Self-confidence:What can you do to become more confident and feel better about yourself?

    Food: How canyou make your meals healthier?

    2. Get the Ss touse the ideas from discussion to list some positive changes.

    ●What you usedto do/do now and results.

    ●What you donow/will do in the future?

    Then have them writea short paragraph to describe and explain their changes. After that, get the Ssto exchange their drafts with their partners and use the checklist to givefeedback on their drafts, and finally revise it.

    Step 5 Summary of how to write a wellness book











    1) It is an honor for me to share my favorite sport withyou,





