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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3 The Internet-Reading for Writing教案二

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 6413 字
  • 大小:226.78KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:梁小A-PPT
  • Unit 3 The Internet-Reading for Writing教学设计

    The topic of thispart is “Write a blog post”.

    This blog post isusually divided into two parts: the blog section and the comment section. Theblog section is mainly that the blogger talks about his or her opinions orsuggestions about a certain topic. The comment section is always the placewhere the readers can publish their opinions to the topic which the authorpresented on the blog section, which is a good way to communicate about thecertain topic for the readers and readers, readers and the bloggers. Sostudents should learn to write the blog post.

    This reading aimsat writing a blog post about online safety after reading the blog in the text.The blog talks about the author’s opinions about how to stay safe online andavoid bad experiences on the Internet. There are three suggestions about keepingsafe online. The third paragraph is to invite others to communicate about thesituation.

    1.Read the blog andunderstand the content, especially the suggestions.

    2.Try to summarizethe features of the blog.

    3.Try to improve thewriting skills and languages.

    4.Try to write ablog about online safety.

    1.Try to summarizethe features of the blog.

    2.Try to improve thewriting skills and languages.

    3.Try to write ablog about online safety.

    Step 1 Lead in ---Small talk

    What ways do you usually useto talk about your opinions or suggestions on the Internet ?
    QQ Space, the Sina Blog Post and so on.

    Step 2 Before reading

    Step 3 While reading---Scanning

    Read the textand answer the following questions.

    Q1:What’s the main idea of the blog post ?

    The blog post talks about how to stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet and givessuggestions about the issues.

    Q2:Can you write a title for it ?

    How to stay safe online

    Q3:What guidelines does the author provide for staying safe online ?

    First of all, keep out of the sites that make you uneasy.

    Second, protect your privacy.

    Third, be polite.

    Q4:Who are the online troublemakers the blog post mentions ?

    A troll and a cyberbully

    Step 3 While reading---Study theorganisation and language features.

    Read the textagain and answer the following questions.

    Q1:Tick what the writer tells the reader in Para 1.

    definition ofonline safety the writer’sknowledge

    backgroundinformation the topic of thepost

    Q2:What words and phrases does the writer use to organise the informationin the Para 2 ?

    First of all…Second…Third

    Q3:What new words are explained in the text, and how ?

    A troll and a cyberbully

    Atroll is a person who posts comments or questions in order to stir up troubleonline.

    A cyberbully uses the Internetto be mean to others.

    Like a troll, a cyberbully willalso write something mean but it is usually directed at particular people.

    Q4:How does the writer end the post ?

    Have you had any badexperiences online, or do you have some good advice for staying safe? Post yourcomments below!

    Step 4 Writing---Choose the topic

    Step 5 Writing---Organise the draft

    Step 6 Writing---the phrases

    blog about aquestion 就某一问题写博客

    stay safeonline 在网上保持安全

    bad experienceson the Internet


    golden rule 黄金法则

    post comments 帖子评论

    click on 点击

    identity theft 身份盗窃

    chat room 聊天室

    draft your blogpost 起草博客帖子

    postembarrassing photos 张贴尴尬照片

    Step 7 Writing---the sentences

    1. How do you stay safe onlineand avoid bad experiences on the Internet?

    你如何在网上保持安全, 避免在网上的不良经历?

    2. I’m not anexpert, but many years as a blogger have taught me a thing or two.

    我不是专家, 但作为一个博主, 我已经学了好几年了。

    3. If you see orread something that makes you feel uncomfortable, leave the site immediately.

    如果你看到或读到一些让你觉得不舒服的东西, 立即离开这个网站。

    4. Don’t giveout your address or phone number.


    5. Identitytheft is a common and serious problem.


    6. Being onlineis no excuse for being rude, and you don’t want to become a target for a trollor cyberbully.

    上网并不是无礼的借口, 你也不想成为发挑衅帖子的人或网络恶霸的目标。

    7. Trolls oftenuse several false names so that they can stay on a site.

    发挑衅帖子的人经常使用几个假名, 这样他们就可以留在一个网站上。

    8. However, the more polite you are, the less likely it is you will be attacked.

    然而, 你越有礼貌, 你被攻击的可能性就越小。

    Step 8 Writing---the article

    How to stay safe in theonline chat room

    Today I thought I’d blog about a question thathas been asked many times--- how do you stay safe online and avoid badexperiences in the online chat room ? I’m not an expert, but many years as ablogger have taught me a thing or two.





