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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-Reading for Writing教案二

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 4760 字
  • 大小:579.58KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:雨森设计
  • Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-Reading for Writing教学设计

    This lesson aimsat making a poster about protecting wildlife after reading some posters. Duringreading students are guided to understand the content and try to summarize the posterswith one sentence. Then students are guided to try to make a poster aboutprotecting wildlife.

    1.Read the twoposters and try to understand the summary sentences.

    2.Look at the twoposters and try to understand what emotions they express.

    3.Try to summarizethe features of posters

    4.Try to make aposter about wildlife.

    1.Look at the twoposters and try to understand what emotions they express.

    2.Try to summarizethe features of posters

    3.Try to make aposter about wildlife.

    Step 1 Lead in

    Look at the the posters on the textbook andask:

    Which emotions do the posters communicate ?

    lfunny lsurprising lfrightening lsad l...

    poster on the left

    poster on the right

    I think it is ...



    Step 2 Read theposter and answer the questions.

    1.What do you thinkof the animals in the poster on the left ?

    I think it is frightening and ugly.

    2.Why do we shouldprotect the ugly animals ?

    All species--the good, the bad, and the ugly-- should be treatedequally.

    The world needs all kinds--without variety, our planet cannot survive.

    3.Why are billionsof trees being cut down every year ?

    To make paper for humans.

    4.What result willbe lead to after the trees are cut down ?

    A lost of animalhomes are being destroyed./The habitat of wildlife is being destroyed.

    Step 3 Find the feature of posters

    1.What does eachposter use to stir up emotions ?

    On the left, it makes us a little frightened and it looks a little ugly,but it can activate our curiosity--What is it? And What is wrong with it?

    On the right, it makes us feel a little sad and want to protect them.

    2.Who do you thinkis the intended audience for each poster ? Why do you think so ?

    On the left, it aims at the cute pet lovers, wishing them to love theugly animals, too.

    On the right, it is intended for the people cutting down the trees.

    3.What does eachposter want people to do ?

    On the left, it wants people to love all animals equally.

    On the right, it wants people to stop cutting down the trees and protectthe habitats.

    Step 4 Pair work

    Make a poster about an endangered animal.

    1.Choose one of theanimals below or one of your own. Do some research to add animal fact sheet.

    set up the ProtectionBase on South China Tiger

    Set up the YangtzeRiver Dolphin Base

    2.Follow these stepsto organize your poster.


    B.Relativesentences---Translate into Chinese.

    1. It is a treasure of our country.


    2. Believe it or not, at presentonly several thousand pandas exist in the world.

    信不信由你, 目前世界上仅现存几千只熊猫。

    3.It’s because of human activities that tigers are endangered.

    正是因为人类的活动, 老虎处于濒危的状态。

    4. Many wild animals are in danger of dying out.

    5. The government has taken effective measures to protect them.


    6. People should raise the awareness of the protection of wild animals.


    7. It’s amazing that there are merely less than 1, 000 porpoises livingin China.

    非常令人吃惊, 目前中国仅有不足1 000只江豚。

    C. Practice
    请设计一个海报, 号召人们加入到保护大熊猫的行动中来。

    1. 大熊猫是中国乃至世界的稀有动物;

    2. 由于栖息地遭到破坏, 竹子被砍伐, 大熊猫觅食越来越困难, 正濒临灭绝;

    3. 政府已建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫;

    4. 拯救熊猫的项目需要更多的关注和资金。





