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人教版高中英语必修2Wildlife Protection说课稿3篇

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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Murphy
  • Wildlife Protection说课稿3篇


    Unit 4 Wildlife protection

    Warming-up & Pre-reading









    2)能从这部分内容中学会并使用一些本单元的重点词汇和短语:die out, in peace, in danger 等。








    本课的教学重点是帮助学生深入了解保护野生动物的重要性,思考动物保护的多种方式。学习重点句型和短语。如重点词汇:wild,decrease,loss,reserve;重点短语:die out,in peace,in danger;重点句型:This is wildlife protection is all about。





    Step I. Lead-in. (8mins)

    Greet to the class. And the teacher canask Ss some questions to lead to the new unit.

    T: Where do we often see the animals?

    Ss: In the zoo…

    T: Are these animals all in the zoo?

    Ss: No, some of them are in the zoo.

    T: And the others?

    Ss: In the wild maybe.

    T: Yes…

    Task 1. Brainstorm. (Group work; 5mins)

    Ask Ss work in group to think about thewords related to animals as much as they can, such as milu deer, panda, tiger,die out, in danger. Then compare their list with other group.

    Purpose of my design: (1) To catch Ss’ attention about the topic.

    (2) And proper competition can arouse theSs’interest in English learning.

    Step II. Warming-up (20mins)

    Let Ss discuss the questions on the ppt.(Questions: Do you know top 10 most endangered animals in China? And what arethey?).

    After discussion, the teacher shows theanswers on the ppt.

    Then let Ss read the paragraph and reportin the Warming-up part. And complete the task1.

    Task 1. Question discussion. (Group work;15mins)

    Questions: 1. What other endangeredspecies do you know of?

    2. Do you know any wildlife that has disappeared?

    3. Why are they in danger?

    Ask Ss to discuss these questions and makea conclusion. Then choose some of them to make a presentation of theirconclusion. Try to let them use the new phrases like die out, in peace and indanger. And then show them some reasons of the third question on the ppt.

    Purpose of my design: (1) To get to knowthe situation of endangered animals.

    (2) To have a better understanding aboutthe importance of wildlife protection.

    Step III. Pre-reading. (15mins)

    Task 1. Role-play. (Pair work; 10mins)

    Ask student A to play an animal, andstudent B to play a reporter. B try to interview A about his feelings andsuggestions about what our human beings should do.

    Useful expressions: I’m sorry to hear that…

    I am afraid that…

    It is very nice of you but…

    It is a shame that…

    Why didn’t you tell me that…?

    Thank you very much but…

    Let Ss go through the questions in thePre-reading part. And ask Ss to discuss what the relationship between peopleand wildlife should be, and what we can do to protect endangered animals. Thenpresent the answers on the ppt.

    Purpose of my design: “Task-based” teaching method is used here to developthe Ss’ability of communicating with each other. And also their ability ofco-operation will be well trained.

    Step IV. Homework. (2mins)

    Review the new words and phrases learnedin this lesson.

    Find information about WWF and what wehave done to protect endangered animals on the Internet.

    Purpose of my design: Homework is soimportant and necessary for to master the knowledge they learned after class.It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.


    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Gu Huizhen. It is my pleasure to be hereto present my teaching plan. The content of my lesson is How Daisy learned tohelp wildlife protection.

    Six parts are covered in the plan, theyare analysis of students, teaching material, teaching objectives, teachingmethods, teaching procedure, and teaching reflections. I.First, I’ll give a brief analysis of students.

    The student of grade 7 in senior highschool are around

    16. At this age they have laid a goodfounddation of knowledge and reading skills . They are active in class andcurious about everything around them.

    II.Next, analysis of teaching material

    New Senior English ForChina Student’s Book 3 was published by People’s Education Press in 2013 and it is basedon functional-notional syllabus. How Daisy learned to help wildlife is the 2ndpart of this unit, it introduces why we need wildlife protection and how weprotect the wildlife. it is related to our real life, most students areinterested in it.

    III. Analysis of teaching objectives

    Based on the analysis of the students andteaching materials,the teaching objectives are as follows.

    Knowledge objectives:Words and phrases:carpet, fur, mercy, in relief, burstinto laughter, protect…from, pay attention to ;To know thesituation that endangered animals are facing and measures we could take.

    Ability objectives: To predict informationthrough title and pictures; To retell the passage with the help of mind map.

    Affection objectives:To arouse students’ awareness of wildlife protection; Tolearn to cooperate with others. IV. Part 4 analysis of teaching approach

    Task –based language teaching approach will beapplied in this class in order to achieve the objectives effectively. V. let’s come to the most important part,analysis of teaching procedure

    Based on the basic principle of TBLTapproach . I am going to apply PWP model, it includes pre-task, while-task andpost-task.

    In pre-task, 3 steps are included.

    Step 1,I will ask s to think of endangeredanimals, then I will show some pictures . Step 2 , I will ask s the reasons ofdisappearing.Step 3, Task-presentation, make a poster. In while-task,

    First of all, I will ask s to predict whatthe passage is mainly talking about with the help of title and pictures in

    1’. After predicting, I will give them 5’ for skimming the whole passage to get themain idea of the first three paragraphs, before that I will tell them payattention to the first and last sentences in each paragraph .

    Next , 2’ for scanning para1 and tick the correctanswers. And I will tell them read the answers first. 2’ will be given for scanning para 3’ and finish the table. At last, 3’ to scan the 3rd paragraph and answer thequestions with the help of useful phrases .After reading, I will ask studentswork in groups to list at least three ways to protect wildlife.

    In post-task,

    Students finish their poster with the helpof model, and present their poster in class.

    VI. Teaching reflections

    Learned-centered; based on the real life;interactive activities.


    Lesson Draft of Wildlife Protection

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor to be here, sharing mylesson with you. First, let’s watch a short video for 30 seconds andguess what subject I’lltalk about. Yes, you got it “wildlife”. Now I’ll give a short speech in the followingaspects: the analysis of the teaching materials, the teaching aims, theteaching important and difficult points, the teaching and learning methods, theteaching procedures, and the teaching reflection .

    First of all, let’s analyze the teaching materials.According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, interest is thefirst teacher to the Ss. Warming up is the first step to motivating the Ss’ interest, leading to the successfulaccomplishment of the whole teaching task. It introduces the theme of the unitand gets the Ss well prepared for the study of it. The content of my lesson isWildlife protection from Senior English Book 2 Unit 4 Section 1 Warming up. Inaddition to the original materials, I’ll add some simple listening materials.

    After studying the teaching materials andanalyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I’ll lay my teaching aims on the following 3goals. 1.Knowledge goal:

    After this period of study, the studentscan know something about wildlife and the present situation of some endangeredspecies . 2.Ability goal:

    The new standard curriculum demands weshould improve the Ss’ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially listening andspeaking, which play an important role in English learning.

    Besides, as a modern teacher, I aim atimproving the Ss’ability of self-study as well as cooperation with others. Try to develop theircreativity and improve their skills of communicating. 3.Emotion goal:

    After this period of study, the Ss canraise the awareness of protecting wildlife and the environment.

    Then, what are the teaching important anddifficult points?

    I always stress the importance of the Ss’ motivation of study. So I’ll spare no effort to light up theirinterest, which is the key to success. What’s more, curiosity can drive them toexplore further. Yet taking the actual state of my Ss into consideration, theSs from the countryside may find it hard to talk about the abstract subject,which seems somehow a little far from their daily life. It’s necessary for us teachers to help themovercome the psychological pressure in communicating. Therefore, as theirguide, organizer, helper and partner of this activity, I must smooth away theirobstacles.





