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人教版高中英语必修2The Olympic Games说课稿2篇

  • 页数:6页
  • 字数:约 10444 字
  • 大小:137.00KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:肖迪Ppter
  • The Olympic Games说课稿2篇


    Unit 2,Book 2

    The lecture of teaching plan for Unit 2Book 2

    Good morning, ladies. I am applying forthe Qualification Certificate for Senior English Teaching.

    Teaching Material(Book 2,unit 2)

    1、This lesson is about the well-known event —— the Olympic Games. The articleconcentrates on the history of the Olympic Games: the beginning of theOlympics, the development of the Olympics, the modern Olympic Games and thespirits of the Olympics.

    2、The content of this unit is connected tostudents’real life and learning demands. Because the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazi justended.

    The analysis of students(Senior 1)

    1、Being equipped with basic Englishknowledge, like letters,phonetics, pronunciation, words, sentences and grammar,but still need more practice.

    2、The senior 1 students have great passionfor English and ability of using English in class.

    Teaching aims and demands

    Ⅰ.Language objects

    1、 To master important words and phrases

    e.g. compete(vi.) →competition(n.) →competitor(n.)

    admit(v.) →admission(n.)

    e.g. compete (with / against sb.) (forsth.)

    2、 To master some useful sentence patternsand language points.

    e.g. What do the five rings on the Olympicflag stand for?

    e.g.The Future Passive Voice(一般将来时的被动语态)

    3、To know some basic information about theOlympic Games.

    Ⅱ. Ability Objects

    1、To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, readingand writing

    2、To encourage students to love sports,tounderstand the Olympic spirit and use it to guide their life and study

    Ⅲ. Moral Objects

    1、 To enhance the students the awareness ofthe knowledge about the Olympic Games

    2、 To know about the spirits of the Olympicsand learn how to cooperate with others in life.

    3、 To teach the students to develop thehabit of taking exercise regularly.

    Teaching Key Points

    1、To understand the reading

    2、To know the differences and similaritiesbetween the Modern and the Ancient Olympics

    Teaching difficult points

    1、To master the new grammar

    2、To improve the the students’ reading skills.

    Teaching methods

    1、 Communicative Language Teaching 2、 Task-based Language Teaching

    Learning Methods

    1、 Student-centered teaching 2、 Task-based learning

    Teaching Procedure

    Step1 Lead-in

    1、Show some pictures and a video of FuYuanhui

    2、Play a short interview video of Sun Yang

    Purpose of my design:Interest is the bestteacher

    Step 2. Warming up

    At the beginning of the new lesson , theclass will be divided into four groups. Then we will begin a quiz aboutOlympics .

    (1)How many gold medals did our country winin the 2016 Olympics? (2)Where will the 2020 Olympics be held? (3)How often are the Olympic Games held?

    (4)What do the five rings on the Olympic flagstands for?

    (5)What are the three words that show thespirit of the Olympic Games? (6)Where did the ancient Olympic Games start?Purpose of my design:Check & prepare

    Step 3 Fast reading

    Ask students to skim the reading passageand answer the following questions. Questions:

    (1) When and where were the ancientOlympic Games held?

    (2) When and where the first modern OlympicGames held?

    (3) Why were the Olympic Games not held in1916,1940and 1944? (4) What is the spirit of the Olympic Games?

    Purpose of my design:The purpose is toconcentrate on the students’ thinking and make them develop somebasically skills of reading. It also prepares for knowing something about theOlympics and understanding the main idea of the text.

    Step 4 Intensive Reading

    Students are required to go through allparagraphs one by one. At the same time, some detailed questions are shown onthe screen for them to find the answers. Questions:

    (1) For what purpose were the ancientGreek Olympics held every four years? (2) What events did the ancient GreekOlympics have? (3) What did the Frenchman wish to renew?

    (4) According to the Frenchman, what wouldthe Olympic Games bring about? (5) Did the Frenchman succeed in renewing theOlympics?

    Purpose of my design:Students can get moredetails about the Olympic Games. It can train the students’ reading ability to some content. Step 5Language Points

    Pick out some difficult sentences andphrases to explain. 1. every four years

    every forth year

    e.g. —— How often do you visit your grandparents?—— Everytwo weeks? 2. take part in = join in

    e.g. Did you take part in the sportsmeeting held last week in our school? 3. succeed in doing something

    Step 6 Role Play and Discussion

    Students work in pairs, one as a reporter, the other as an official working in a sports department. They may make use ofthe questions in Step 3 and 4. Besides, we can use the app“XiaoKaXiu”(小咖秀),and let the students act out theinterview of Fu Yuanhui.

    Purpose of my design:To develop students’ communicative ability.

    Step 7 Conclusion and homework 1.Exercises on Page 12 and 13

    2. Write a passage on your impressiveOlympic Games, and employ the Internet if necessary.

    Purpose of my design:To strengthen thelanguage points and emphasize the students’ writing skills

    Blackboard Design

    (Part 1)

    (Part 2) The Olympic Games 1. every four years everyforth year 2. take part in = join in

    3. succeed in doing something 4. more andmore nations more and more beautiful 5. compete in

    That’s all for my presentation, thank you~


    Unit2 using language

    Interpretation of my of my lesson plan

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be heresharing my lesson with you.

    I have been ready to begin thisrepresentation with six parts: Analysis of the teaching material, the teachingmethods, teaching aids, the learning strategies, and the teaching procedure andblackboard design.

    Part 1 Analysis of Teaching Material

    The content of my lesson is New SeniorEnglish for China Book2, Unit2. This unit is about the Olympic Games. Today mylesson is the reading and listening task in using language, namely, the storyof Atlanta. By studying of this text, I will help students to learn about thestory of Atlanta and motivate the Ss’ interest in learning about the culture ofEnglish speaking countries in the world. At the same time, lead the students towrite stories with their imagination. (As we all know, reading belongs to theinput period during the process of the language learning. The input has greateffect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this lesson mainlyfocus on motivating students’ interest in reading more Englishmaterials and on the reading sills of getting information quickly. In thislesson, I will mainly help students to understand this passage and practicesome reading skills such as skimming, scanning and so on.

    A、 Teaching Aims

    According to the new standard curriculumand the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teachingmaterial, I set the teaching aims from three dimensions:

    1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

    (1) the usage of the important words andexpressions:

    (2) important sentence patterns:


    2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

    (1) After this lesson, the Ss have a clearidea of the story .

    (2) Ss will have critical thinking bydiscussing the end of this story.

    (3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially theirskimming and scanning ability.

    3.Emotion or moral objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野) By doing this task, we will try our bestto stimulate the Ss’interest in foreign culture and interest in learning English.

    B、 the Important and Difficult Points

    According to the requirements of thesyllabus.

    The difficult points are how to get themain idea by scanning and understand the text and some difficult sentences

    The difficult points: to make the Ss opentheir mouths to express their ideas. Part 2 Teaching Methods

    As is known to us all, a good teachingmethod requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of theEnglish language. For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of theteaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the Grammar translation methodand Task-based Language Teaching.

    Part 3 Teaching aids

    PPT, multimedia equipment

    Part 4 Teaching Procedure

    Step 1. Lead-in. (_____min)

     Listen and watch the video: The story ofAtlanta

     Purpose of my design:

    (1) to draw Ss’ attention to the passage.

    (2) To motivate Ss’ interest in this text and culturalrelics.

    Step 2. Pre-reading

    Task 1. (group work, min)

    Ask the Ss to share the stories of OlympicGames they have heard.

    Task 2. (individual work min)

    The following sentences are clues of thisstory. How will you organize the story if you were the writer? Try to work outthe order of the following sentences in your own idea.

    Purpose of my design:

    To ask the students to do these two taskswill make the Ss predict the story of this passage. As a result, it will deepenSs’memory of this story because they will have their own understanding of thisstory.

    Step 3. While-reading

    Task 1. (Individual work _____min)

    Skimming: ask students to skim the textand the main ideas of each paragraph in this passage. Please read it quicklyand then match the sentences with the letters.

    Task 2. (Individual work _____min)





