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人教版高中英语必修4Working The Land说课稿3篇

  • 页数:6页
  • 字数:约 12551 字
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:天皓PPTER
  • Working The Land说课稿3篇


    Unit 2 Working The Land (NSEFC B4)

    Reading: A Pioneer For All People

    A teaching plan interpretation

    Target students: students of average levelin Senior 2

    Period under interpretation: The secondperiod of Unit 2 Working the Land

    Time: 2nd, Dec, 2008

    Teaching material: Reading passage Apioneer for all people

    Teaching aids: A multi-media set forteaching, a tape recorder, a power-point display works

    Teaching aims:

    a) : Some idiomatic phrases andcomplicated sentences.

    b) Comprehension of Dr. Yuan’s work and life.

    c) Analyze Dr. Yuan’s characteristics and personality traits.

    Teaching principles:

    a) student-centered and teacher-directed

    b) task-based learning and purpose-focusedteaching

    c) the communicative language teaching approach

    Teaching methods:

    a) free talk

    b) question and answer activity

    c) group presentation

    d) pair work

    e) role-play

    Difficult teaching point:

    Help students how to conclude Dr Yuan’s personality through the descriptionsabout his appearance, achievements and dreams.

    Important teaching points:

    Encourage students to be ambitious like DrYuan and follow his steps to make contributions. • New words & expressions

    • Assigned the students to surf on theInternet to find out some information about Chinese agriculture and

    Yuan Longping.

    Aims: 1. Remove the language obstaclesbefore class and develop students’ habit of self-study.

    2. Gain some background information aboutYuan Longping. Step 1: Lead-in (2m’)

    Show pictures of hungry Africans and drawout Dr. Yuan.

    Aim: To grab students’ attention and lead in the topic of thepassage.

    Step 2: Task-based reading (7m’+ 5m’+8m’)

    1. First reading (group work anddiscussion) (7m’)

    The students will be given 7 minutes toskim for:

    1) the main idea of the whole passage (4m’)

    2) the main idea of each paragraph (3m’)

    Aim: To enable students to get a generalidea and the organization of the passage.

    2. Second reading (individual work andchart filling) (5m’)

    Students will be divided into 4 groups tofinish 4 different tasks. This time more detailed information is called for.After the reading, there will be different tasks for different groups.

    Group 1: Dr Yuan’s appearance and Dr Yuan’s achievement

    Group 2: Dr Yuan’s biography

    Group 3: Dr Yuan’s personality

    Group 4: Dr Yuan’s dreams

    Aim: This task is aimed to developstudents’ability of reading for useful information within a limited time. Meanwhile, theteacher can help to remove the language obstacles in the reading passage.

    3. Dig-in reading (pair work andpersonality recognition) (8m’)

    How do you like Dr. Yuan? What characterscan you conclude from these sentences?

    Try to summarize Dr. Yuan’s characteristics.

    Aim: To enable students to get a deeperunderstanding of Dr. Yuan and appreciate his noble personality. Step 3: Movie watching(3m’)

    A 3-minute short movie about Dr. Yuan willbe played in order that the whole class may know him better.

    Aim: To know Dr. Yuan better in a vividway.

    Step 4: An interview (pair work androle-play) (5m’+5m’)

    Suppose Dr. Yuan will visit our school andhe will answer the questions after a speech. Prepare some

    questions, which may cover his life,agricultural research work, even his hobbies or love story and then show yourinterview.

    Aim: 1. The interview focuses on teamwork,cooperation and collaboration.

    2. The purpose is to develop the students’ random thinking skills and practice theiroral English.

    Step 5: Feedback (number game) (4m’)

    The students will play a number game---What’s yourlucky number? There are nine numbers to choose from and each number representsa different task. The task is mainly about the words, phrases and comprehensionof the passage.

    Aim: To check the teaching effect andconsolidate students’basic knowledge about words and sentences. Step 6: Self assessment and assignment(1m’)

    Check out how much you have learned inclass!

    Write an article which is entitled Dr.Yuan in my eyes.

    Aim: 1.To expand the information and tobroaden students’minds.

    2. Toconsolidate the knowledge and help improve students’ writing.


    第四篇 unit2 working the land

    A pioneer for all people

    . Today i am very happy and excited tostand here for an interview.And it is also my great honor to share my teachingideas with you. This chance is very precious for of seven parts.1、analysis of the teaching material 2、analysis of the students 3、analysis of teaching methods

    4、analysis of learning methods 5、teaching procedures 6、blackboard design 7、reflection

    PART ONE analysis of the teaching material

    (1)Status and function of this passage

    “a pioneer for all people” is taken from Unit2, Student’s Book4, New Senior English for China, byPEP. This reading passage is the first period of this unit and it needs 45mins.It mainly talks about Doctor yuan’s achievements. This passage not onlycontains the The -ing form as the subject and object which paves way for thenext unit , but also embodies the theme of this whole unit.

    (2)Teachingaims and goals me. Hope you can enjoy it. My presentation consists

    1)Knowledge aims知识目标 : To help the SS get familiar with theusage of key words, phrases and sentence patterns, especially the-ing form asthe subject and object.

    2) Ability goals:技能目标 To develop SS’ reading skills, such as skimming,scanning, guessing and concluding and inference reading.

    3) Emotional goals情感态度目标 : Get the SS to know more knowledge aboutDr.yuan, Then get them to have the awareness of invention and Creation, thusdevelop their ability of creation and make them concern about the poor people inthe world.

    (3)Key points and difficult points


    The key point is how to enable the SS tomaster the reading skills


    The difficult point is to get the SS touse the attributive clauses correctly.

    说学情 Part 2: analysis of the Students

    some students are from countryside, theyknow something about farming, however, some students are form city, they knowlittle about farming. What’s more,The students are grade twostudents. Their advantage is that they can contact with new things throughInternet or other ways. Their disadvantage is that their English knowledge islimited. So i will help students in different levels to learn English.

    Part3:说教法 analysis of the Teaching Methods

    To achieve the teaching aims above, I’ll adopt task-based instruction. Itenables the SS to undertake some tasks while reading. And the teacher’s roles are stimulator, instructor,resource-provider, audience and assessor in the teaching process.

    Part4:说学法analysis of Learning Methods

    1. Participatory learning method (参与式学习法):It encourages the SS to participate in learningto experience English.

    2、Cooperative learning method(合作学习法):By group work, the teacher can cultivatethem the awareness of cooperation in English learning to exchange theirfeelings.

    PART FIVE teaching procedures

    Step 1 warming (3mins)

    Show a short video about the famousfarming pioneer Yuan Longping

    The purpose is to make students have ageneral understanding of Dr.Yuan

    Step2 pre-reading(5mins)

    discuss the 3 questions in pre-readingpart and report their result to the whole class.

    Q1:read the statistics below.did you knowthese facts before? What problem do they show?

    Q2:rice is the main food in all east Asianand southeast Asian countries. What do you think would happen if tomorrow therewas suddenly no rice to eat?

    Q3:look at the title of the passage andthe picture . What do you predict this passage is going to talk about? Thenskim the passage to check if you were right?


    There are three tasks. Task1 use theinformation in the passage to complete the following notes abut yuan longping.The purpose is to enable the students to find out the general ideas of thepassage.

    Task2 Discovering useful words andexpressions

    The purpose is to train the students tofind out the specific information.

    Task3Text revision.

    Let the SS review the text or the mainidea

    The purpose is to help them have a clearunderstanding of the clue ,which paves way for next step.

    Step4 post-reading(15mins)

    Task 1 fill in the blanks

    Discuss the article with their groupmembers,and find out the language points such as key words,phrases and sentencestructures in the article. And then fill in the blanks. After checking theanswer, i will help the Ss to summarize the language points

    Task2 retell

    Use the key words and phrases to retellthe article

    Through group work, cultivate the spiritof cooperation, and train the ability of solving problems by themselves.Meanwhile, ask the Ss to retell the article and it can check how well the Sslearned in this lesson.

    Step5 Homework(2mins)

    1.Finish the reading task on workbook .

    2.Preview the tasks in learning aboutlanguage.

    PART SIX blackboard design

    I will divide the blackboard into twoparts. I will write the key words and phrases on the left and the mainsentences on the right.

    PART SEVEN reflection

    In the process of teaching, i carry ontask-based teaching method. I design several tasks for students to complete. Itry to make the class rich,effective,and instructive. But as we know, not allthe students are the same level, a few of them may have difficulty in thetasks. I hope i can find out some multi-activities for students of differentlevels to solve this problem.

    At last, i want to say to be a goodEnglish teacher is my dream, i think a good teacher is not only a guide for thestudents, but also a friend of them. If i were a teacher, i would build a closerelation with my students,helping them not only on their study, but also ontheir lives. So far, i have been an English teacher for one year, i will try mybest to achieve further success. Ok, that is all. Thank you so much.


    Unit 2 working the land (A pioneer for allpeople)

    The core of this unit is “agricultural”, it mentions our famous scientist YuanLongping’scontribution to agriculture and the influence of fertilizer to the land, andhow to develop organic faming. (this lesson introduces our famous agriculturistYuan longping and his great contribution )





