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人教版高中英语必修4A taste of English Humor说课稿3篇

  • 页数:10页
  • 字数:约 18157 字
  • 大小:146.50KB
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Vincent演示
  • A taste of English Humor说课稿3篇


    Unit 3 Book 4

    A taste of English Humor

    Part one : Understanding of the lesson

    本课选自人民教育出版社出版的普通高中课程标准实验教材,高一年级必修四的第三单元A taste of English humour。

    A. The analysis of the teaching material

    The purpose of this reading is tointroduce the life and work of Charlie Chaplin and the kind of humour we canall laugh at --- nonverbal humour.

    This lesson is designed as a readinglesson. According to the new curriculum

    standards of senior high school English,students are expected to achieve the skills of a. understanding the main idea;b. scanning for the needed information; c. grasping the details; d. guessingthe meaning of new words; e. understanding the intension and attitude of theauthor and f. understanding the background and culture information.

    B. Teaching Aims:

    a. Enable students to learn what humormeans and what is nonverbal humor.

    b. Students are expected to improve thereading skills, ie, skimming and scanning skills as well as translating ,interpreting and word guessing abilities, which are examined in recent years inNMET.

    By learning the passage, students willknow that humour is particular to each culture. So the English humour iscertainly different from Chinese humour. However , there is a kind of humourthat may be enjoyed by all cultures --- that is nonverbal humour. It is goodthat we can all laugh at something together.

    a. self-learning and cooperative learningmethods; and use such kind of ability to gain and deal with languageinformation.

    b. develop the students’ questioning spirit to improve theirability of finding,

    analyzing and solving problems.

    C. Teaching methods:

    a. Task-based Language Teaching :

    During the course, different tasks aredesigned for Ss to carry out. Whether and how they finish the tasks can reflecton how much information they grasp from reading. In return, the teacher canadjust his/her teaching.

    b. Cooperative Learning:

    Divide the class into small teams, eachwith students of different levels of ability.

    Every member of a team is responsible notonly for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thuscreating an atmosphere of achievement.

    D. Important and difficult points.

    a. Help students learn how to understandand enjoy English humors.

    b. Help students know the differencesbetween English and Chinese in humor.

    E. Teaching aids:




    Part Two:Teaching procedures:

    Step one: Lead-in and Warming up( 5 mins)

    In order for students to get into thetopic of humor quickly and smoothly, a piece

    of sketch video “Eating noodles”by Chen Peisi will be played for thestudents.

    Question: Do you know who the Chinesecomedian is ?( Chen Peisi)

    What makes his performance funny? ( hisbody gestures)

    Then show some pictures of Charlie Chaplinto students.

    Questions: Do you know who he is ?

    What do you know about Charle Chaplin?

    What do you expect to learn about fromthis reading? ( students’ answers

    may vary)



    Step Two: Reading ( 22 mins)

    Fast Reading ( Skimming) (7 mins)

    Task 1: Fast Reading (3 mins)

    What’s the passage mainly about?

    C. Because he is always made fun of byothers.

    D. Because of his optimism anddetermination fo overcome all difficulties.

    3. Find a sentence in the passage similarin meaning to the following one:

    Charlie’s real life was not so comfortable as itwas showed in his films.

    4. Translate the sentence into Chinese “You may find it astonishing that Charliewas taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk”. 5. Guess the meaning of the word “convincing” in line 30 Page 18.


    Step Three : Retelling (5 mins)

    People may laugh at others_______ on abanana skin, or falling down a hole, for it makes them _______ with themselvesseeing others _______ _______ than


    As an outstanding humourous actor, Chaplincould always _______ in the people deep feelings by using _________ forms ofacting in the time of silent films. His charming _________ “the little tramp” is well-known all over the world, a poorand _________ person wearing large trousers, ________ shoes, and carrying awalking _______.

    A social _______ as he was, he was lovedby all the people for his ____________ in overcoming difficulties and beingkind to people _______ to him. When playing the famous film The Gold Rush,Chaplin managed to make the sad situation—eating a _______ shoe, entertaining byusing __________ humour.

    Such is Charlie Chaplin who produced,_______ , and wrote the movies that he _______ in. He was given a special Oscarfor his lifetime work ____________ of bringing humour to us all.


    Step Four: Pair work. ( Enjoying 4 mins)

    Part 1:

    JOKE 1

    Wife talking to her husband (who readsnewspaper all day): I wish I were a

    newspaper so Ill be in your hands allday.

    Husband: I wish that too, so I couldchange you daily

    JOKE 2


    Teacher: Tom, why are you late for schoolevery day?

    Tom: Every time I come to the corner, asign says, "School-Go Slow".

    Part 2:

    Show the students some pictures ofnonverbal homour to let them

    appreciate . (omitted)

    Step Five : Interview ( Group activity8mins)

    The students are divided into groups of 4. Then in each group students will take their turns to be Charlie and the other3 act as reporters to interview him/her using the information from the reading.

    (简评:这两个环节是为了知识转化/过渡, 即让学生切实体会到nonverbal

    humour is really universal, 又给了学生练习口语的机会,同时也体现了本课时的情感目的。)

    Step Six : Home work

    Find more information about Chaplinthrough The Internet or from books and you are expected to present it to yourclassmates in the next class.





    Unit3 A taste of English humor



    我这节课的内容是人教版高中英语必修四第三单元A taste of English humor的Warming-up和Reading部分。本单元是关于不同类别的英式幽默,通过学习本单元,能够让学生了解Charlie Chaplin滑稽但是却鼓舞人心的幽默,This reading material tells us the storyabout the master of nonverbal humor, Chalie Chaplin, including his life story,his achievements in film making, and his great performance in Gold Rush.本单元阅读部分不但能让学生了解到关于Charlie Chaplin的相关信息,同时也能够让学生通过本篇课文,提高英语学习的能力。

    The central topic of this unit is “humor”. Humor has two meanings. Firstly, itrefers to the quality in something that makes it funny and makes people laugh.Secondly, it refers to the ability to think that things are funny, or funny thingsyou say that show you have this ability. Through the study of this unit, theteacher will let the students realize that there are many different ways tounderstand and express humor because of cultural difference, and this maysometimes cause misunderstandings. What is more, it is hoped that the studentscan get an optimistic attitude towards life after learning this unit.



    (1)知识目标学生能够听懂,读懂,并且能够正确地使用文中重点的单词,短语重点单词:humor content astonishing unfortunatelyordinary bored entertain throughout homeless worn failure overcome leather chewconvince convincing direct outstanding 重点短语:up to now, badly off, pick out, cut off,star in 学生能够理解文章的内容。


    (3)情感目标通过本文,学生能够从Charlie Chaplin那学到乐观面对生活的苦难,并且能够自己去发掘我们生活中的幽默。Enable the students to learn what humormeans and what is nonverbal humor. Help students to learn the Subjunctive Mood.











    Step I: Lead-in and Warming up (5 mins)

    Firstly, the students will be asked toread the two jokes on Page 17. 问学生课文17页的笑话。Then, the teacher will guide the studentsto get farmiliar with different types of English humor by the chart.然后引导学生进一步了解英式幽默。

    Next, the students are encouraged to thinkabout the other types of humor and the types of Chinese humor. (sketch, crosstalk, funny stories and so on)鼓励学生说出自己指导的一些有趣的中文和英文幽默故事来比较两者的区别。


    Step II: Pre-reading (5 mins)

    The teacher will show the students somepictures of Charlie Chaplin. And then let the students to say anything theyknow about him. 我会给学生展示卓别林的相关图片,然后让学生说出他们对卓别林的了解。Let the students see the title of thereading material and ask them to guess what the text is about. 让学生根据课文的题目先预测课文的内容。


    Step III: Fast reading (5 mins)

    Ask the students to read the text quicklyin three minutes and then finish Exercise 1 on Page 19. 让学生进行三分中快速阅读和完成课文19页的题目。


    Step IV: Explanation (10 mins)

    The teacher will explain the importantlanguage points in the text. 解释课文中出现的重点词汇和知识点。Then the students will be asked to work ingroups to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. (Exercise 2 on Page 19)让学生分组进行总结归纳文章的段落内容。

    设计意图:让学生掌握课文中的重点词汇和句子,加深对课文的理解。 Step V: Listening and Discussion (10mins)

    Listen to the tape of the text and then ingroup, ask the students to have a discussion about Charlie Chaplin。让学生听一遍全文,展开有关卓别林的讨论。

    1. Do you think his poor childhood helpedhim in his work? Why? 你认为艰苦的童年是否对卓别林的成功有帮助?为什么这么认为?

    2. Why do you think he was so successful? 你认为卓别林成功的原因是什么?

    3. What can we learn from him? 从卓别林身上可以学到什么?


    Step VI: Interview and Homework ( Groupactivity) (10 mins)

    The students are divided into groups of 4. Then in each group students will take their turns to be Charlie and the other3 act as reporters to interview him/her using the information from the reading.

    (简评:这两个环节是为了知识转化/过渡, 即让学生切实体会到nonverbal humour is really universal, 又给了学生练习口语的机会,同时也体现了本课时的情感目的。Find more information about Chaplinthrough The Internet or from books and you are expected to present it to yourclassmates in the next class.




    Good morning/afternoon, everyone! Im veryglad to stand here to interpret my lesson. Today my topic is “A taste of English humor” (writing part). I am going to introducemy lesson from the following aspects: the

    analysis of teaching material andstudents, teaching aims, teaching key points and different points, teaching andstudying methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.

    Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching material

    First of all, let’s focus on the analysis of teachingmaterial. This unit is about humor in English. Writing part consists of threesections: section 1 is a speaking activity. Actually it has two stages: adiscussion and a story telling. They can used as a preparation for writing.Section 2 includes some guidance for writing and they are in time-order. Thesection 3 has a sample writing and the format for each part.

    Ⅱ. Analysis of the students

    Then, I’d like to talk something about thestudents. Funny story is a very interesting topic and related to their dailylife. However, many language

    learners face a big challenge in writing,especially on the aspect of grammar or logic order, so do my students. Theywill easily get frustrated and bored if teacher doesn’t guide them in a right way.

    Ⅲ. Analysis of the teaching aim

    Based on the syllabus and the analysis, Iset the teaching aims as follows: Knowledge aims: Students will learn somebasic knowledge about story writing, including its format: the situation, whathappens, and the punchline

    Ability aims: Students can develop theirlogical thinking ability through writing and their The ability of creatingfunny stories from their real life can be trained.

    Emotional aims: Students can form apositive attitude towards life and the sense of humor. And they could enjoy thesuccess in writing.

    Ⅳ. Analysis of the key and difficult points

    According to the teaching aims, both thekey point and the difficult points of this lesson are leading students to findsome basic knowledge about story writing, including its format: the situation,what happens, and the punchline.

    Ⅴ. Analysis of teaching and study methods

    To help students achieve the teaching aimsmuch easier, I will mainly use process writing task-based teaching method,multimedia method and communicative teaching method and so on. For students, Iwill encourage them to learn to communicate with their classmates to let thembecome the real leading role of the class.

    Ⅵ. Analysis of the teaching procedures


    In the beginning, I would tell them thepurpose of this lesson. Then I would tell them a typical funny story and Iwould obverse their reaction when listen to the story.

    In fact, that story is very traditionaland some of them would not be interested in it because they heard a lot storieslike that in the recent week. The purpose is make the next stage much easier.

    After listening, I would ask them to do adiscussion about what the story: Do they like it, why. And the words andexpressions in the textbook can be used in their discussion.

    This speaking activity can lead studentsto think about how to think out a funny story. It is good for their writing.And in the ending period of this unit, we use a speaking activity for warming-upis suitable.





