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人教版高中英语必修4Women of achievement说课稿4篇

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  • 字数:约 21721 字
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:曼达林演示
  • Women of achievement说课稿4篇


    Unit1 Women of achievement说课稿



    本单元内容由多个学习模块构成。其重点为介绍阅读部分,即Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending。

    本课时的学习内容为warming up pre-reading 以及reading 三个部分。




    1. 认知目标:从整体上把握理解全文。

    2. 技能目标:

    a) 掌握重点词汇与短语,如,connection (make a connection 建立关系)

    behave (behave well /badly行为好/坏)

    b) 通过速读,培养学生快速阅读,把握文章结构及大意;通过精读,培养学生善于索细


    c) 通过口头讨论开放性问题,培养学生的语言组织能力,口头表达能力和良好的团队合


    3. 情感目标:

    a) 通过阅读,体会Jane Goodall 在野外的恶劣工作环境中以及巨大的社会压力下,取


    b) 体会Jane Goodall 对动物的爱惜之情,增强保护野生动物的意识和培养对动物的爱心。




    2.学会如何描述他人的情况,学会运用介绍人物品质和个性的形容词,如:considerate,modest等。 3.熟练识别集体名词的






    .使学生相信只要不断努力,我们中的每一个人都能成为像简那样成功的人。Let everyone believe that all of us canbecome Jane Goodall to one’s success.








    通过多媒体展示本课的题目:A student of African wildlife ,并展示课文图片问:

    1)Who are they?

    2) Do you know their story or achievement?


    2. Predict and Pre-reading 在屏幕上展示以下2个问题:

    1. Why do you think Jane Goodall went toAfrica to study chimps rather than to university?

    2. Do you think she was right? Give yourreasons.


    3. Scanning 请学生快速阅读后进行小组讨论,概括出各段的大意

    4. Intensive Reading


    每段讲解完毕,选用课本上Comprehending 1and 2 用尽量简洁的语句写出各段的段落大意。这两个练习由易至难,让学生在做题过程中逐步理解文章。

    5. Discussion 此步骤让学生在理解文章的基础上,在小组讨论后,再在班上发表自己的看法。


    1).What made Jane Goodall a great success?What should we learn from her?

    第2 / 3页

    2).What do you think is the best way toprotect wildlife?这一步骤,结合黑板板书,引导学生概括出大意,并希望借助黑板的书写过程,给学生留下深刻的印象。

    7.Homework 布置学生再读课文,加深理解;做好下一课练习,为下节课作好准备。


    Teaching plan to“A Student of African Wildlife”

    Unit 1 of PEPEnglish Book 4

    1. Teaching Contents Analysis

    Topic: Women ofAchievement


    Ahead of thisunit, the students have learnt how to describe and analyze a person in Unit 5Book1 “Nelson Mandela – a modern hero”. Therefore, it’s easy for them tounderstand the general idea of the text.

    This text named “AStudent of African Wildlife” mainly tells us the story of a great womanscientist named Jane Goodall. This lesson is the first one of the unit,consisting of four parts: 1. Warming up, 2. Reading and Comprehension and 3.Discussion and Consolidation. The text is the most important teaching materialin this lesson, which extends the main topic “Women of Achievement” andcontains most of the vocabulary and grammar points that students should learnin this unit.

    2. Teaching Aims

    According to thecombination of the New Curriculum Standards of High School English, Grade onestudents’ English level and their mentality development, I set my 3D teachingaims:

    1. Knowledge and skill aims:

    a. Skimming andscanning skills: understanding the main idea; scanning for the neededinformation; and grasp the details;

    b. to improve thestudents’ organizing and using skills of English as the second language.

    2. Moral culture aims:

    a. Strengthen the sense of environmentalprotection; let the students understand Jane Goodall’s career and interpret theimportance of her career and achievements. let students understand and respectwildlife;

    b. Through Jane Goodall’s spirits, enable andencourage students to behave like her; and furthermore, to establish correctvalue of gender and society.

    3. Learning methods aims:

    a. the ability ofself-learning and cooperative learning method; and use such kind of ability togain and deal with language information.

    b. foster thestudents’ questioning spirit to improve their ability of analyzing and solvingproblems.

    3. Teaching Methods

    a. CommunicativeLanguage Teaching (CLT):

    Language is used for communication. It’slearner-centered and emphasizes communication and real-life situations.

    b. Task-basedLanguage Teaching (TBLT):

    A task resemblesactivities which our students or other people carry out in everyday life,Learners should be given opportunities to reflect on what they have learned andhow well they are doing.

    c. ComputerAssisted Language Teaching (CALT)

    Language learningneeds a context, which can help the learners to understand the language andthen can product comprehensible output, so computer has the advantages to makethe materials attractive.

    4. Important and Difficult Points

    a. Understandingof the deep meaning of Jane Goodall’s spirits.

    b. Understandingthe sense of “All men are created equal”. i.e. the equality of men and women.

    c. Difficultlanguage problems:

    subject-verbagreement; –ing form, the usage of “spend” and inversion.

    5. Teaching Procedures:

    Step 1. Warming upand lead-in(5 mins)

    “Interest is thebest teacher.” Therefore, at the very beginning of theclass, I should SPARK the students’ mind to focus on the centre topic “women ofachievement”

    1.Show 4 pictures of great women of theworld, such as Ms. Song Qingling, J.K. Rowling (author of Harry Potter),Margaret Thatcher and the last one Jane Goodall.

    2.Let students guess who they are and whatthey achieve.

    After this, thestudents will be eager to know who Ms. Jane Goodall is and this is the verytime to naturally lead the class into Step 2

    Step 2. Readingfor information: Skimming and scanning( 9 mins totally)

    In this step, Iuse Task-based Language Teaching method, which can give students a clearand specific purpose while skimming and scanning the context.

    Task 1General idea (3mins)

    Prediction is an importantskill in grasping the idea of a contest. Consequently, I let the studentspredict the general idea before they read in this task.

    a.Read the title and enjoy the twopictures of Ms. Goodall on Page 2 to predict the general meaning of the text.

    b.Then skimming Para1 & 3 as fast aspossible and summarize the general idea:

    The passage ismainly about how Jane Goodle worked with chimps in their environment and helppeople understand and respect the life of these animals.

    Task 2Main idea of eachparagraph. (6 mins)

    Cooperativelearning can raise the students interest and create an atmosphere ofachievement. Based on this theory, I divide the whole class into 4 groups toskim the whole text and get the main idea of each paragraph.

    Para 1. How thegroup followed Jane’s way of studying chimps in the wild.

    Para 2. What Janediscovered about chimps

    Para 3. How Janetries to protect the lives of chimps in their natural habitat.

    Para 4. JaneGoodall’s achievements

    Step 3. Readingfor comprehension (5 mins)

    The purpose ofreading is to get the correct and useful information. Students should not onlyhave a high speed of reading but also have a correct understanding of details.Therefore the following practices on Page 3 can help check the situation.

    Choose the correctanswers after reading the passage.

    1). What did thegroup do first in the morning? They____________.

    A went into theforest slowly

    B left the chimpfamily sleeping in a tree

    C observed thefamily of chimps wake up

    D helped peopleunderstand the behavior of the chimps

    2). Why did Janego to Africa to study chimps in the wild? Because she wanted ________.

    A to work withthem in their own environment

    B to prove the waypeople think about chimps was wrong

    C to discover whatchimps eat

    D to observe achimp family

    3). Jane waspermitted to begin her work after ___________.

    A the chimp familywoke upB she lived in the forest

    C her mother came tosupport herD she arrived atGombe

    4) .The purpose ofher study was to ___________.

    A watch the wildchimps in cagesB gain a doctor’sdegree

    C understand andrespect the lives of chimpsD live in the forest as men can

    Step 4Solving difficultlanguage problems through reading (10 mins)

    It’s important forlanguage learners to learn important rules of grammar and use these rules tosolve problems in reality. In the previous process of reading, thestudents must come across some difficult language obstacles, so it’s necessaryfor us to discuss and explain. This period of time belongs to students. Theycan ask any questions they come across in the process of learning. The purposeof this is improving the students “questioning spirit” and dealing with thedifficulties.

    e.g.1. Let studentsfind out the “–ing” forms and translate the sentences

    e.g. a. FollowingJane’s way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them…


    b. Watching a family of chimps wake upis our first activity of the day.


    c. This means going back to the place where weleft the family sleeping in a tree…


    2. Let studentssummarize the usages of “spend” and make up sentences in their own words.

    i.e. spend … onsth; spend … (in) doing…

    3. Pay attentionto the following differences (subject-verb agreement)

    Our group aregoing to visitthem in the forest.

    Jane warns us thatour group is going to be very tired and dirty…

    4. Inversion:

    Only after her mother cameto help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin herproject.

    Practice:translate the proverb into Chinese

    Only when allcontribute their firewood, can they build up a strong fire.


    Step 5Consolidation ( 16 mins totally)

    Language is learntby communicating. It is my job to create an atmosphere forstudents to use the language. Here I design 3 activities

    1. Summary: fillin the blanks without referring to the context and then retell the whole text.(3 mins)

    Jane Goodall hasstudied the chimps for many years in Africa and helped people understand howmuch they behave like human. Jane was determined to work with animals in theirown environment. She spent many years observing and recording their dailyactivities.

    For 40 years, Janehas been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of theseanimals. She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women.

    Discussion ordebate is an easy way to inspire new ideas and an excellent chance to practiceEnglish in a cooperative learning atmosphere. During thefollowing two activities, The students will deepen their understanding ofMs. Goodall’s spirit and the intension and attitude of the author.

    2. Discussion(group of 4 ) (5 mins)

    1. Why do youthink Jane is called “a student of African wildlife”?

    2. What did Janehave to give up when she went to live in the forest?

    3. Do you think itis important to study chimps in the wild rather than in a zoo? Why?

    4. Do you thinkyou will go if you are asked to study animals in the wild? Why or why not?

    3.Debate: (8 mins)

    Girls: Women areable to do more than men.

    Boys: Women arenot able to do more than men.

    Conclusion: Menand women are equal because they have different specialties in different fields

    Step 6Assignments:

    1.Make a brief introduction to Ms. JaneGoodall orally.

    2.Writing an essay: The Female I like best(120 words)

    The second assignmentenables students to search various information resources, which can widen theirview and continue to inspire their enthusiasm of learning.

    6. Summary

    In this lesson, Iuse cooperative leaning method and task-based teaching method to enablestudents to solve language problems, understand the meaning of the context anddig the deep meaning step by step. Meanwhile, through the discussion anddebate, I, acting as a guide, lead the students to get their own correct valueof gender and society. In a word, I believe the students can get much more thanwhat is printed in the book after this lesson.


    Unit 1 Women of Achievement

    Teaching Materials Analysis

    The topic of this unit is women of greatachievements. The two texts in this unit introduce two great women in differentcountries, including their achievements, the sacrifices they have made and thedifficulties they met. This unit will help the students get to know more greatwomen in world history and will surely help them to build their confidence andsense of responsibility.

    This unit will be finished in four periods

    1st period: reading

    2nd period: words and grammar

    3rd period: Reading and listening

    4th period: writing

    The first period: Reading

    A Student of Wildlife

    I. Teaching Material Analysis

    This text talks about Jane Goodall, whospent many years in African forest to research chimps. She also did what shecan to help the chimps. This text is the most important teaching material inthis unit. The important and difficult points of this text are as follows:

    a. Understanding the deep meaning JaneGoodall’sspirit;

    b. Difficult language problems;

    II. Teaching Aims

    ---Knowledge and Skill Aims:

    a. Skimming and scanning skills;

    b. Language points in the text;

    c. Learn how to describe people;

    ---Moral Aims

    a. Sense of environmental protection;

    b. Learn to be confident and responsible;

    ---Learning Method Aims

    a. Self-learning method

    b. Cooperative learning method

    III. Teaching Methods

    Task-based teaching and Computer assistedteaching

    IV. Teaching Procedures

    Step 1: Lead-in and Warming-up (5 mins):

    There are many people in the world whohave made great achievements that have changed the history of the world and thedevelopment of human beings. Among them, there are also many women. So now, Iwill show you some pictures of these great women.

    Next, the teacher will show severalpictures of the great women in the warm-up section and ask the students toguess who they are and to comment on their achievements. The picture of JaneGoodall will be shown at last, and the students’ interest of will be aroused. Then theteacher asks the students to see the two pictures

    on Page 2 and let them predict what JaneGoodall works with. Then the teacher can go to the next stage naturally.

    Step 2: Fast reading (scanning andskimming) (7 mins)

    In this part, the teacher will usetask-based teaching, and asks the students to read the text fast, then to workin groups, and fulfill the following tasks.

    Task I: Summarize the main idea of thetext. (5 mins)

    The passage is mainly about how JaneGoodall worked with chimps in their environment and help people understand andrespect the life of these animals. Task II: Work in groups and get the mainidea of each paragraph. (7 mins)

    Para 1: How our group studied chimps inthe forest;

    Para 2: What Jane Goodall discovered aboutchimps:

    Para 3: What Jane Goodall is doing now tohelp chimps;

    Para 4: Jane Goodall’s achievements;

    Step 3: Explanation ( 15 mins)

    In this section, the teacher will explainthe main language points in this text and then ask the students to read thetext carefully and do the exercise on page 3.

    1) What did the group do first in themorning? They _________

    A. went into the forest slowly

    B. left the chimp family sleeping in atree

    C. observed the family of chimps wake up

    D. helped people understand the behaviorof the chimps

    2) Why did Jane go to Africa to studychimps in the wild? Because she wanted _____

    A. to work with them in their ownenvironment

    B. to prove the way people think aboutchimps was wrong

    C. to discover what chimps eat

    D. to observe a chimp family

    3) Jane was permitted to begin her workafter ____________.

    A. the chimp family woke up

    B. she lived in the forest

    C. her mother came to support her

    D. she arrived at Gomble

    4) The purpose of her study was to___________.

    A. watch the wild chimps in cages

    B. gain a doctor’s degree

    C. understand and respect the lives ofchimps

    D. live in the forest as men can

    Step 4: Group Discussion (8 mins)

    This section is mainly designed to helpthe students to learn cooperative learning and to understand the deep meaningof Jane Goodall’sdeeds and spirits. What is more, discussion is a good way to inspire new ideasof the students and will help the students to practice what they have learned.

    Ask the students to discuss in group of 4on the following questions.

    1) What did Jane have to give up when shewent to live in the forest?

    2) Do you think you will go if you areasked to study animals in the wild? Why or why not?





