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人教版高中英语必修1Nelson Mandela--A Modern Hero说课稿

  • 页数:3页
  • 字数:约 5370 字
  • 大小:32.41KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:二十四设计
  • Nelson Mandela--A Modern Hero说课稿

    Goodmorning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor to present my lesson here.My topic today is Elias’ Story, from Unit 5 Nelson Mandela--A Modern Hero , Book 1.To make mypresentation much clearer, I will divide my teaching structure into 6 parts.

    Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material(说教材)

    First, let me talk about part 1 analysis of teaching material.

    1. Status and function

    This lesson is a reading passage. In it, a black workerElias told something about Nelson Mandela. It plays an important role inEnglish teaching of this unit. By the end of this class, the students can knowmore about Nelson Mandela.

    2. Teaching Aims

    The teaching aims are established according to HighSchool English Syllabus and the teaching material, which include knowledgeaims, ability aims and emotion aims.

    Knowledge aims:

    1. master newwords and expressions, such as lawyer, legal, equal, out of work, blow up andso on.

    2.Understand Elias’story.

    Ability Aim:

    Develop students’ differentreading skills, like skimming and scanning.

    Emotion Aim:

    Let students learn from the noble qualities of NelsonMandela.

    3. Teaching key points and difficult points:

    Based on the teaching aims, Iidentify the teaching key points and difficult points as follows:

    Teaching key points:

    1. Master new words andexpressions.

    2. Understand the passage clearly.

    Teaching difficult point:

    Develop students reading skills.

    Part 2 Analysis of the Students (说学生)

    Next, I want to talk about part 2 analysis of students.

    Senior One students have thebasic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, but they are stillweak in scientific reading strategies. Some students have known sth aboutNelson Mandela. Some new words and expressions in the text may cause learningdifficulties for them.

    Part 3 Teaching methods and learning methods (说学法)

    The third part is teaching methods and learning methods.According to New Course Standard of English, combining with the language levelof students, I will adopt two teaching methods: Task-based teaching method and communicative teaching method.

    As for learning methods,students can get comprehensive language using skills by autonomic learning,cooperating and exploring.

    Part 4 Teaching aids (说教法)

    Part 4 is teaching aids.

    In the teaching process, I willuse a blackboard and a multi-media computer to help students understand andgrasp knowledge.

    Part 5 Teaching procedures(说教程)

    Next , let’s move to the most important part: part 5teaching procedures. To achieve my teaching aims, I will divide my teachingprocedures into five steps: lead-in, reading, retelling, group discussion,homework.

    Step 1. Lead-in

    In this step, first show somepictures of Nelson Mandela on the screen, then ask questions: Who is this man?Do you know anything about him? Invite some students to share their ideas withthe class.

    The purpose is to arousestudents’ learning interest and naturally lead to the topic today.

    Step 2. Reading

    This step includes two parts:fast reading and careful reading.

    1. Fast reading

    In the fast-reading part, getstudents to read the passage quickly and then finish two tasks.

     to get the general idea of the whole passage.

    ②to give the main idea for eachparagraph in your own words.

    By doing fast reading, thestudents can improve their reading skill---skimming, and have a rough idea ofthe text.

    2. Careful reading

    Then in the careful-readingpart, let students read the passage carefully and do three exercises on thescreen.

     answer True or False questions, like Nelson Mandela helped Elias keephis job.

    ‚ finish a timeline of Elias’ life.

    ƒtranslate some long sentences into Chinese. For example, We were put intoa position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fightthe government.

    These three exercises are allabout the important details of the article. They can improve students’ readingskill---scanning, and make students have a thorough understanding of thepassage.

    Step 3. Retelling

    In this step, give students a few minutes to read thepassage . While they are reading, I will write some key words of the text onthe blackboard. Then ask students to retell the passage according to the keywords.

    By retelling, students can improve their ability oflanguage organization and have an overall understanding of the article.

    Step 4 Group discussion

    In this step, students will bedivided into groups of 4 to discussion the following question: What qualitiesmake a great person?





