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人教版高中英语必修1Earth quake说课稿

  • 页数:3页
  • 字数:约 5548 字
  • 大小:107.68KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:DJW
  • Earth quake说课稿

    一、Analysis of the teaching material(说教材)

    Hello, Ladies and gentlemen! Today I’m honored to standhere to talk about some of my teaching ideas. The center topic of this unit is“earthquake”, thecontent includes “the sleepless night of Tangshan, the earthquake of San Franciscoin 1906, reconstruction after the earthquake in Tangshan, the basic knowledgeof earthquake , and how to save one-self and others when suddenly encountered adisaster. All the language knowledge and ability are designed around the topic.

    The students should be no stranger to earthquake and havesome knowledge about it. Especially after the earthquake of Wenchuan and Yushu,we still have lingering fear. So this lesson should not be too difficult forthe students to understand. Besides the language knowledge, this passage wantto teach the student have courage when facing the difficulties. And willing tohelp others.

    二.Analysis of the students(说学生)

    My students are first-grade students of senior highschool. They have been learning English in junior high school and haveaccumulated a certain number of vocabularies. They have mastered some simple learningstrategies and skills with a preliminary ability of speaking and writing.However, the differences in students personality and English proficiency arevery large. So my teaching design should have gradient to meet the need ofdifferent student. I will seize the students psychological characteristics andstimulate students interest, so that they will learn to participate in thestudy, and learn to study in the participation

    三、Teaching aims.


    Learn the new words phrase in this text. Learn the use of attributive clause.


    Learn to the predict the content through the given information

    Learn how to describe the precursor , damage and rescue work of earthquake


    Encourage the students to face the disaster bravely.

    Develop the SS spirit of cooperative and mutual help.


    Know some knowledge about earthquake


    Develop the students’ ability of information collection.

    四.Teaching points.

    (1)Key points: To get the main information of earthquake through thebasic skill of skimming scanning and careful reading

    (2) Difficult points: the ability to summarize the main idea of the passage.And encourage the students to speak up.

    五.Teachingmethods and learning methods(教法&学法)

    1.Task-based learning 2.Student-centered teaching 3.Situationalteaching


    Step 1: Lead-in (Warming up)热身

    (1)Look at the two pictures of peaceful Tangshan and San Francisco.Ask the students the following questions.

    l Where does the city of Tangshanlie?

    l Have you ever heard of theearthquake in Tangshan

    l Can you tell me anything you knowabout San Francisco?


    (2) Show the pictures of Tangshang and San Franciscoafter big earthquake, compare the pictures of before earthquake and afterearthquake and take about the changes.

    (3)In the description, I will list some words whichrelated to earthquake.

    aftershock 余震 magnitude 震级

    Richter Scale(1-10) 里氏震级 death toll 死亡人数

    survivors 幸存者 victims 受灾者

    (4)Finally, I will ask the SS what this sentence mean:It is always calm before a storm.

    Purpose: attract the SS attention and bring them into discussion

    Step 2: Pre-reading 读前

    Here, I will do the second question in pre-reading first.

    I will use themethod of brainstorming to ask the SS what will happen before an earthquake;and list the phenomenon on the table.








    2. Then I willshow the SS the picture of abnormal phenomenon, at the same time, encourage theSS to describe.

    3、finally, Iwill summarize these phenomenon

    4、Do the firstquestion in the pre-reading ,

    Imaging your home begins to shake and you must leave itright away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why?

    Purpose: help the SS to get further understanding of the topicand stimulate their interests.

    Step3: While-reading 阅读

    (1). Skimming

    Read the text quickly and catchthe meaning of the first and second sentence of each paragraph. Predict themeaning of new words


    A. Read the text again. Do thefollowing question.

    1. When and where were the strangethings happening?

    2. What are they?

    3. Why did the text say the worldseemed to be at an end?

    4. How was the city destroyed afterthe quake?

    5. When did the second quake hit thecity? What was the result of that?

    6. Who came to help Tangshan first? Andhow?





