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人教版高中英语必修5The United Kingdom说课稿4篇

  • 页数:11页
  • 字数:约 17465 字
  • 大小:146.00KB
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:白家安毓设计
  • The United Kingdom说课稿4篇


    Unit 2 The United Kingdom

    Period 1: Warming up and pre-reading

    Teaching Aims:

    Knowledge 1. Get the students to learn theuseful new words and expressions in this section. Aims:

    2. Let the students learn about how the UKwas formed and the four groups of invaders.

    1. Develop students’ reading ability and let them learndifferent Ability reading skills. Aims:

    2. Enable students to learn to talk aboutthe United Kingdom and the Union Jack Emotional

    1. Let students know more about the UK

    2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning Aims:

    Teaching Important Points:

    1. Let the students learn about thecountries of the United Kingdom and the Union Jack

    2. Get the students to read the passageand know about how the UK was formed and the four groups of invaders.

    3. Have the students learn differentreading skills.

    Teaching Difficult Ponts:

    1. Develop students’ reading ability.

    2. Enable students to talk about theUnited Kingdom and the Union Jack.

    3. Let students learn how the UK wasformed geographically and historically.

    Teaching Methods:

    Showing pictures, asking, exercising,listening, reading etc.

    Teaching Aids:

    A computer,a projector and a blackboard.

    Teaching Procedures: 1) Show a map of theworld, ask students the following questions:

    Where is the UK?

    What’s the full name of the UK?

    2) Ask the students work in pairs to dothe quiz on Page 9.

    Do you want to test how many things youknow about the United Kingdom? Let’s have a small test.

    Using the map on P9, students answer thefollowing questions:

    How many countries does the UK consist of?What are they?

    England is divided into three main areas.Do you know what they are? 1) Scanning (10Minutes )

    Let the students hold the questions askedin pre-reading and read the passage

    quickly and then let them do the followingexercise.

    Join lines to the right answer.

    Para. 1. Explains the joining of Englandand Wales.

    Para. 2. States topic to be examined inthe reading.

    Para. 3. Explains the importance of Londonas a cultural and political

    centre in the UK.

    Para. 4. Explains what the term “Great Britain” means and how it

    came about.

    Para. 5. Explains differences in the fourcountries.

    Para. 6. Explains how England is dividedinto three zones.

    2)Detailed reading (20 Minutes )

    Ask students to read the passage carefullythis time , try to understand the

    Step 4. Homework (5Mimutes ):

    1. Learn the useful new words andexpressions in this part by heart.

    2. Read the reading passage again and tryto retell it in your own words.

    Blackboard Design:

    Unit 2 The United Kingdom


    Positive sides:

    Further improving sides:

    Hello, everyone. My name is Zhang Huan.Its been a great pleasure for me to stand

    here to give my presentation. My topic isThe United Kingdom, which is taken from

    unit2 in New Senior English For ChinaStudent’sBook5. And my contents consist of

    9 parts. They are as following:

    1. Analysis of the teaching material

    2. Analysis of the students

    3. Teaching methods

    4. Teaching aims and demands

    5.Teaching key and difficult points

    6. Teaching aids

    7. Teaching procedures

    8. Blackboard design

    9. Feedback

    Well, to begin with, I will talk about thefirst part ―analysisof the teaching material.This unit centers on the United Kingdom, which aims tomake students to understand the UK culturally, geographically and historically,students could get a general understanding of one of the major English-speakingcountries in this unit and their world is brightened at the same time throughthe material. My focus is on the first teaching period of this unit , which isan introduction to the United Kingdom.

    Secondly, I would like to say somethingabout the analysis of the students. My students have already learnt New SeniorEnglish For China Student’s Book1, 2, 3 and 4 and have formed theirown ideas to learn High school English well and have formed their habits tolearn English. Although they know English become much difficult in High school,but if they have figured out their own way to improve their English under thehelp of their English teachers, English learning process will also have a lot offun. Student in this period are becoming serious about their study and wouldlearn English actively and eagerly . So English teachers at this time need touse English as a tool to brighten students’ outlook, so students would enjoy learningEnglish at the same time to gain knowledge.

    Thirdly, in this period, I will mainlyadopt the content-based approach. Through different exercises and questionsabout this period’scontent, I will enable students to participate in the class actively. Throughrepetition, student could get a consolidated idea about the United Kingdom andthe words and expressions which are useful for them.

    Fourthly, lets move on to the next part,teaching aims and demands. There are knowledge aims, ability aims and emotionaims:

    1) Knowledge aims are to get the studentsto learn the useful new words and expressions in this section and let the studentslearn about how the UK was formed and the four groups of invaders. 2)Ability aims are to develop students’ reading ability and letthem learn different reading skills and enable students to learn to talk aboutthe United Kingdom and the Union Jack. 3) Last but not least, the emotionalaims are to let students know more about the UK and develop students’ sense of cooperativelearning.

    Fifthly, now here comes the teachingimportant and difficult points. The important points are to let students learnabout the countries of the United Kingdom and the Union Jack and get studentsto read the passage and know about how the UK was formed and the four groups ofinvaders. As for the difficult points, students are expected to develop theirreading ability, to read the passage and know about how the UK was formed andthe four groups of invaders and to have them learn different reading skills.

    Sixthly, in this period I will use blackboard,chalks, a computer and a projector.

    Seventhly, I am going to talk about themost important part: teaching procedure,

    which consists of 4 steps.

    Step 1 is Lead in

    I will show students a map of the world,ask students the following questions:

    Where is the UK? What’s the full name of the UK?

    After the two questions, I will letstudents work in pairs to finish a quiz on textbook.

    The lead-in part is planed to be finishedin 3 minutes. Students will use a map on page 9 and finish two questions based onthe map.

    Step 1 and 2 are used to form questions instudents’head and to prepare for the following part.

    Step 3 is the main part in this period andI divided it into two parts: The first part is scanning. This part will makestudents read as quickly as possible and finish a main idea matching exercise,which will take about 10 minutes. The second part is detailed reading, studentsneed to find out the detailed information about the text, after they have readthe passage carefully, they need to finish a form about the text. The exercisesin this part aim to make students understand the passage clearly. This part willtake about 20 minutes.

    Here goes step 4 ―Homework

    After the class, students need to learnthe useful new words and expressions in this part by heart and read the readingpassage again and try to retell it in their own words.

    As for blackboard design, I will writedown the detailed reading part’s form, which is

    very helpful for students to understandthe passage clearly and useful for me to explain the detailed information aboutthe text to students. After the class have finished, I will write down thepositive sides of this class and the further improving sides of my class. Ithink feedbacks are always playing an important role to a responsible teacher,which is key to be a better English teacher. I decided to be an English teacheras my life-time career is because of my favorite teacher―Zhang Zuotang in university who never topsto learn enormously and devotes his lift to Chinese education. He gains hissense of meaningfulness from sharing his knowledge with his students and tryinghis best to brighten their world. I was deeply touched by his hard-workingstory and influenced by his positive attitudes towards life and work , so hereI am. Thank you for you attention, and that’s all.


    Unit 2 The United Kingdom

    Warming-up and Reading说课稿

    各位评委、老师大家好!很高兴能够站在这里,让我能够和大家一起交流一下我对本节课的一些想法和做法,不足之处,希望各位老师批评指正。今天我说课的内容选自高二英语必修5第二单元The United Kingdom 的Warming-up 和Reading部分。我将从教材分析、学情分析、教学目标及重、难点、教学过程等四个方面进行说明。


    首先来看看教材的地位和作用,The United Kingdom是人教版必修5第二单元的教学内容。根据新课程标准对高中英语学习的要求,学习一种语言,并不仅仅是学习语言知识。学习外语的学生也应该了解所学语言国家的地理、历史、政治、文化、社会习俗以及该国人民的思想、态度和生活方式。通过本单元的学习,可以让学生对英国有一个比较详实的认识,拓宽知识面,有助于学生深入地了解和领悟英国语言和英国文化习俗。

    本节课所选取的教学内容是本单元的Warming up(热身)和Reading(阅读)部分,热身部分要求学生完成一项小测试,看看学生对英国有多少了解。阅读部分从地理、历史、政治、文化等多角度说明了联合王国的的形成和发展,以及它的风土人情和人文景观。两部分关联度很高,所以,我把这两部分整合为一节综合训练课。





    1、语言知识目标:要求学生能够掌握一些和英国相关的基本词汇和短语,比如unite ,kingdom, consist of,divide into, break away from等。










    课前检查:将重点词汇,短语布置在导学案上,让学生在课前完成并检查。 Step 1:warming-up(热身),

    首先展示课题The United Kingdom。




    Step 2:Pre-reading(阅读)


    Step 3:Reading(阅读)

    1.展示阅读部分课题: Puzzles in geography。要求学生快速阅读第一段。找到 what‘s the puzzle?



    Step 3:Role-playing(角色扮演)


    有3个任务: 1、介绍英国的形成




    2. 任务成果展示


    Step 4. Homework




    Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Itis a great honor to stand here and talk about my teaching ideas. Today, I amgoing to talk about the teaching of Unit 2 from book 5: The United Kingdom. Iwill divide my instruction into five parts:

    Text analysis

    Students analysis

    Teaching methods

    Teaching Process


    Now, let us focus on the first part.

    Ⅰ.Text analysis (教材分析)


    Let me talk about my understanding of thisunit. Unit 2 plays a very important role in the teaching and learning of thisunit. It connects unit 1 a scientist from England and the following unitstogether. It tells us some information about the geography and history of theUnited Kingdom.

    2 .教学目标(Teaching Purposes)

    Knowledge aims(知识目标): 1. To learn the usage of the importantwords and phrases.

    2. To learn some information about the

    United Kingdom.

    Ability aims (技能目标): 1.Enable the Ss to read effectivelyunder the guidance of the teacher, and make them have a better understanding ofthe United Kingdom.

    2.To develop the students’ autonomous learning ability, cooperativeand investigative learning abilities.

    Emotional aims(情感目标):

    1. Widen the Ss international vision.

    2.Form the Ss consciousness of cross–culture communication.

    3. 教学重难点(teaching importance and difficulties):

    Important points (教学重点): 1. Have a total and detail comprehensionof the UK from history, geography, politics, and culture etc.

    2. Help the Ss to learn different readingskills.

    Difficult points(教学难点): a. Some sentences are hard tounderstand.

    b. How to improve the Ss’ fast reading ability.

    Ⅱ. Students analysis(学生分析)

    Junior high school students, Grade 2. Theyhave already had a basic reading skill, however they are lacking in thebackground knowledge of he United Kingdom, such as history ,geography ,andculture etc. .The students dont have an awareness of using reading strategies,not to mention use them in the reading process. But they have a great interestin learning about cultural differences.

    Ⅲ.Teaching Methods(教学方法)

    According to the above analysis, I willtry to use the following teaching methods:

    1. Skimming & scanning method to make the Ss betterunderstand the whole passage.

    2. Task based teaching method to let thestudents further understand the passage.

    3. Discussion method to make the Ssunderstand what theyve learnt in the class.

    4. Cooperative teaching method to getevery student to take part in the teaching and learning activities.

    Ⅳ Teaching procedures (略)

    Ⅴ Blackboard design


    运用现代化教学手段,引导学生进行语篇理解。在发现问题、解决问题、深化理解中,师生信息交流畅通, 这样教师教的活泼生动、学生学的积极主动,课堂气氛融洽;但由于学生基础层次不齐,很难做到面面俱到,不能很好地兼顾到所有学生,这一方面还有待改进。



    Unit 2 The United Kingdom

    I. Teaching Objectives

    By the end of this lesson, students shouldbe able to :

    1. Knowledge objective: To learn the usageof the important words and phrases and know some information about the UnitedKingdom.

    2. Ability objective: Enable the Ss toread effectively under the guidance of the teacher, and make them have a betterunderstanding of the United Kingdom.

    3. Emotional objective: Widen the Ss’ international vision and form the Ss’ consciousness ofcross-culture communication.

    II. Teaching Important/ Difficult Points

    Important point: Have a total and detailcomprehension of the UK from history, geography, politics, and culture etc.

    Difficult Point: Some sentences are hardto understand.

    III. Teaching Methods





