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人教版高中英语必修5Life in the Future说课稿5篇

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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:白家安毓设计
  • Life in the Future说课稿5篇


    Good afternoon, everyone. It’s my greatpleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson isSenior English for China Book5 Unit 3 Life in the Future. I’ll be ready tobegin this lesson from six parts: Analysis of the teaching material, Analysisof the students, Teaching aims and important and difficult points, Teachingmethods and aids, Teaching procedures, and Blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teachingmaterial.

    Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material:

    This unit is about whathuman beings’ life will be like in about one thousand years. By studying ofthis unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the changes in humans’ life andsome new inventions bringing about the change and develop the interest inscience. This lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in thisunit. This is an important lesson in Book Five. From this lesson, it startsasking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage. Therefore, this lesson is inthe important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well,it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.

    Part 2 Analysisof the Ss

    As Senior2 Ss, they are at differentlevels of English fluency, some of them have lost interest in English. Soduring the lesson, I arrange a variety of activities to let all of them join into attract their interest and let them be confident and taste the joy ofsuccess.

    Part 3 TeachingGoals and Important and difficult Points

    一. Teaching Goals

    1. Knowledge goals

    To master the important words andsentences patterns of this unit through this period:constantly, previous,uncertain, guide, surroundings, press, belt, flashed, take up, be back on one’sfeet, sweep up, lose sight of, etc.

    2. Ability goals

    ① Enable the Ss to have the ability toknow and talk about what humans’ life will be like in the year AD 3008;

    ② Let the Ss learn the reading skills ofskimming, scanning and getting the main idea of each part and each passage

    3. Moral goals

    Increase the Ss’ interest in English

    二.Key teaching points and difficultpoints

    1. How tohelp the Ss to talk about the humans’life in the year AD3008;.

    2. How toimprove the Ss’ reading abilities;

    3. How to grasp the main idea of eachparagraph / part & each passage.

    Part 4. Teaching Methods and Aids

    Task-based method, brainstorming,skimming, scanning, competition, discussion, role-play, class work, etc.

    Multi-media aid , a tape recorder andsome pictures.

    Part 5. Teaching procedures

    Step1. Warming up & Lead-in

    Step2. Fast reading

    Step3. Detailed reading

    Step4. Discussion

    Step5. Role play

    Step6. Summary & Homework

    Step1. Warming up & Lead-in

    1. At first I’ll lead-in thepassage by sharing a short video----“The problems which our world is facing” toattract their interest. Meanwhile, ask them to talk about what problems ourhuman beings are facing today. Then discuss which problems do you think peoplewill have overcome in one thousand years and which problems do you think willstill exist in AD3008 and why?

    The pre-reading preparesSs for the passage and relates the subjects of their own experience. They areencouraged to speak out their answer. Different answers are available.

    2. A free talk: Do you want toknow what people’s life will be like in one thousand years?

    Imagine, there is a time machine, we cantake it to travel to the year AD3008. Do you want to take the travel? Let’s doit.

    Step2. Fast Reading

    Ask students to read the text fast toget the main idea of the text. Answer the following questions:

    Who is going on the trip to the yearAD3008?

    What impression is it?

    What is the form of this passage? (ane-mail) Who is Li Qiang writing to?

    What is the main idea of this passage?

    (With the task, students are expectedto grasp the theme of the article.)

    Step3. Careful Reading

    1. Ask the Ss to finish the following 4Exercises by using competitions. I’ll divide the Ss into 4 groups. If a studentcan answer the questions correctly, then his/ her group can get one point. Andthe group which gets the most points is the winner. Only through co-operationcan the Ss taste the joy of success. If the Ss know their answer is right, he’llbe confident and they’ll surely become more enthusiastic in learning English.The purpose is to the Ss’ reading comprehension.

    Task 1:

    Task 2: Finish the Exercise 1 on Page 19

    Task 3: Finish Ex.2 on Page 19

    Task 4: Finish Ex.3 on Page 19

    2. Now try to find outwhat happened to Li Qiang before, during and after the journey.

    Before the journey

    Li felt _______ and ________ at first. As a result ,he suffered from _______.

    During the journey (1)

    Li was transported safely into the future in a ___________.

    During the journey(2)

    _________by the new surroundings, Li was hit by the ____ of fresh air and his head ______.

    After the journey (1)

    Arriving home, Li was ______ into a large bright, clean room with a _____ wall, a _____ floor and ____ lighting.

    After the journey (2)

    _________, he slid into bed and ___ fast ______.

    (The task enables students to have a good knowledge of text.)

    Step4. Discussion

    Did you doanything bad for the environment in your daily life?

    What shouldyou do to make our world more beautiful?


    1.Using the handkerchief instead of the paper napkin.

    2.Using paper bags instead of plasticbags.

    3. Don’t use one-off chopsticks.

    4. Go to work/school on foot or by bikenot by car.

    5. Throw cans, bottles, paper andplastic into the dustbin.


    Step5. Role Play

    Suppose Li Qiang has come back from theyear AD3008, you are his friends or classmate. What questions will you ask himand what will he answer?

    Student A --------Li Qiang’s friend orclassmate

    Student B --------Li Qiang

    (With the task, students learn to gather the main information.)

    Step6. Summary and Homework

    Homework: 1. Choose one paragraph to read aloudand retell it.

    2. Previewthe reading on Page 22.

    Part 6. The Blackboard Design



    Unit 3 Life in the future说课稿


    1. 教材内容分析


    2. 说教学目标的确立及其依据本节课是以谈论未来生活为主题的口语课,根据本课的内容和要点制定以下的三维目标:

    (1) 语言知识目标:学习文章中在“未来世界”的跨时空旅行、交通、住房、环境和空气质量等五个方面的英文描述;学习使用有关预测和猜测的表达方式。

    (2) 能力目标:从素质教育的要求和学习语言的目的来看,高中英语教学重视培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。这堂课重视培养学生的口语表达能力,体现英语教学的交际性、准确性和实践性。因此本节课教学着重培养学生的口语表达能力。

    (3) 德育目标:学生在本单元的学习过程和开展的小组讨论活动中,除了增长语言知识、提高用英语交际的意识和能力外,更要拓展对未来生活的想象力;并且从分享“未来生活”的主题活动感受的过程中,加强合作意识、陶冶情操,提高自身素养。

    3. 说重点和难点

    1) Inspire the students to imagine thefuture life and say something about the future, for example, transportation andhousing, using the proper expressions.

    2)Enable the students to understand themeaning of the text, and say something according to the text.

    3)To improve the students’ oral ability. Practise two topics:

    ①What do you suppose the futuretransportation will be like? ②4) Retelling the text.



    三. 说教法

    在具体教学中以情景教学法为主,充分利用直观教具和多媒体手段,配以适当的视频画面,给学生以直观生动的体会,培养学生直接用英语理解、表达和思维的能力。让学生积极参与,充分调动他们的学习积极性,以有限的课堂为载体,带学生进入广泛的知识天地。四. 说学法


    五.说教具: 电脑,多媒体教学设备. 六.说教学程序

    本课通过 Lead-in 、Skimming 、Q&A、Discussion、Summary 五步骤培养学生的分析和概括能力。

    Teaching procedures: Step1: Lead-in .

    Enjoy a short video, cut from a sciencefiction film I, robot, to lead the students to imagine the future world. Step2:Fast Reading

    Ask the students to read the text quickly,then find out the main idea of the text, and answer several questions accordingto each paragraph.

    purpose: These questionts are simplequestions, just to help the students get a brief acquaintance to the futureworld described in the text.

    Step3: Listening and retelling accordingto paragraph 4. Show some tips to help the

    students retell the sentences.

    Purpose: This exercise is a practice fororal test part C in NCEE.

    Step4: Design two topics while talking aboutthe hovering carriage and Wang Ping’s

    house. Practise the dialogues of makingpredictions.

    Topic 1 Topic 2 The students may use thesestructures :

    I suppose the transportation will besomething like a ….

    I suppose , in the future, the house willbe built in…..I imagine that ….

    Purpose: To practise the structure orallyI suppose that…, I imagine that..Step5: Summary of the text orally.

    Step6: Discussion.

    “What’s the writer’s attitude towards the future, optimisticor pessimistic?”“How doyou know? “

    The students may begin like these :

    • In my opinion, the writer’s attitude towards the future is _________. • Asfar as I am concerned, the writer feels _________ to the future. • I think the writer has an _________ viewof the future.

    Purpose: To learn to analyze the writer’s attitude and express your conclusion.Step7 Homework

    1. To talk with your chair mate on thetopic: Imagine, what the future world will be? 2. Review the reading passageand find out the difficult language points to you. 3. Finish exercises1,2&4 on page 19.

    4. Review the words and phrases of thisunit. A dictation tomorrow.

    Unit 3 Life in the Future wh- do yousuppose ….?I suppose …..I imagine that….

    And some words, perhaps they will be:science fiction film, high-tech, time tunnel

    1. What did Wang Ping’s house look like?

    large, bright and clean

    His house is a large bright, clean room.

    It had a green wall, a brown floor andsoft lighting.


    Unit 3 life in the future FirstImpressions

    Good morning, professors, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing mylessons with you. The content of the lesson is New Senior English for ChinaStudent’s Book5 Unit 3 life in the future . I’ll begin the lesson from the following sixparts,

    Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material

    Part 2.Analysis of the students

    Part 3.The teaching methods

    Part 4.The studying methods

    Part 5.The teaching procedure

    Part 6.Blackboard design

    Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material

    The teaching material includes teachingcontent , teaching aims , teaching key points and teaching difficult points.

    Teaching content

    This unit is about life in the future ,and the reading passage plays an important part in this unit . It not onlyprovides the chance for the students to learn about what the life may be likein the future ,but also includes many useful words ,expressions and grammarpoints that students should learn in this unit.

    Teaching aims

    1. Knowledge aims:

    (1)To help students to understand the wordsand some useful expressions

    (2)To get the students to know about what thelife may be like in the future .

    2. Ability aims:

    (1) To train the students’ reading ability by fast reading andcareful reading ,and get them to learn more reading skills.

    (2) To help the students talk about thelife in about 1000 years in English.

    3. Emotional aims:

    (1) To increase the students’ interest in science and develop theirimagination.

    (2)To call up the students to protect theenvironment.

    Teaching key points

    1. To train the students’ reading ability

    2. To help the students talk about thelife in about 1000 years in English.

    Teaching difficult points

    1. To develop the students’ reading ability

    2. To help the students grasp the mainidea of each paragraph and the whole passage Part 2.Analysis of the students

    On the one hand ,they’ve learnt English for years, the studentshave got the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, theystill need many opportunities to practice what they have learned, to expresstheir ideas, feelings, and experiences and to develop their self-dependentlearning ability and cooperative learning ability

    Part 3.The teaching methods

    a. Task-based Language Teaching

    b. Discussion

    c. Question-and-answer Method

    d. Role-play

    Part 4.The studying methods

    a. self-dependent learning method

    b. Cooperative learning method

    Part 5.The teaching procedure

    Step 1 Lead-in

    I will lead in the lesson of the unit byshowing pictures about the life in the past ,today and in the future ,and talkabout them .

    Purpose: To increase the students’ interest, attract their attention andlead in step 2. Step 2 Fast reading

    3. Ask them to choose the main idea ofeach paragraph

    Paragraph 1( ) Paragraph 2 ( )Paragraph 3()Paragraph 4( )

    A. How I came to take a time traveljourney

    B. Staying Wang Ping’s home

    C. The journey

    D. My impressions of the life one thousandyears into the future

    Methods: self-dependent learning method ,Question-and-answer Method, task-based language teaching

    Purpose :To train the students’ self-dependent learning ability and havea brief understanding of the passage.

    Step 3. Careful Reading

    1.Get the students to read the passagecarefully ,and then finish Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on page 19

    I’ll divide the students into 4 groups ,andthen ask them to finish the tasks by competition and cooperation.If anyoneanswers the question correctly,his or her group will get 1 point,and the groupwhich get the most points is the winner.

    Methods :cooperative learning method ,competition, task-based language teaching

    Purpose :To train the students to graspthe detailed information and have a better understanding of the text.Throughcooperation and competitions,the students get the joy of success which makesthe students become more interesed in learning English, at the same time ,itcan help the students improve the cooperative learning ability.

    Step 4 Activity

    Ask the students to work in pairs ,oneacts as Li Qiang ,the other acts as a reporter that wants to interview Li Qiang.

    Methods: cooperative learning method ,role-play , task-based language teaching

    Purpose :To train the students’ speaking and thinking abilities andimpove their abilitiy of communicating in English.role-play teaching method canarouse the interest of learning and make the students learn better.

    Step 5. Summary and homework

    1.Get the students to retell the text withthe help of the information on the blackboard.

    2.Imagine you are studying in a school inabout 1000 years ,what may it be like ?Please write a composition about it .

    Purpose: By doing this , the students canreview the knowledge they have learnt in this lesson and train their writingability.

    Part 6.Blackboard design

    First impressions

    1. What is the main idea of the passage ?

    2 Choose the main idea of each paragraph

    Paragraph 1( ) Paragraph 2 ( )Paragraph 3()Paragraph 4( )

    A.How I came to take a time travel journey

    B.Staying Wang Ping’s home

    C.The journey

    D.My impressions of the life one thousandyears into the future

    The purpose of this part is to get thestudents to have a clear idea to get the main content of this lesson.


    Book5Unit3 Life in the Future说课稿

    The content of my lesson is Senior Englishfor China Book5 Unit 3 Life in the Future. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from sixparts: Analysis of the teaching material, Analysis of the students, Teachingaims and important and difficult points, Teaching methods and aids, Teachingprocedures, and Blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teachingmaterial.

    Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material:

    This unit is about what human beings’ life will be like in about one thousandyears. By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the changesin humans’life and some new inventions bringing about the change and develop the interestin science. This lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in thisunit. This is an important lesson in Book Five. From this lesson, it startsasking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage. Therefore, this lesson is inthe important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well,it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.

    Part 2 Analysis of the Ss

    As Senior2 Ss, they are at differentlevels of English fluency, some of them have lost interest in English. Soduring the lesson, I arrange a variety of activities to let all of them join into attract their interest and let them be confident and taste the joy ofsuccess.

    Part 3 Teaching Goals and Important anddifficult Points

    一. Teaching Goals

    1. Knowledge goals

    To master the important words andsentences patterns of this unit through this period:constantly, previous,uncertain, guide, surroundings, press, belt, flashed, take up, be back on one’s feet, sweep up, lose sight of, etc.

    2. Ability goals

    ① Enable the Ss to have the ability to knowand talk about what humans’ life will be like in the year AD 3008;

    ② Let the Ss learn the reading skills ofskimming, scanning and getting the main idea of each part and each passage

    3. Moral goals

    Increase the Ss’ interest in English

    二.Key teaching points and difficult points

    1. How to help the Ss to talk about thehumans’ lifein the year AD3008;.

    2. How to improve the Ss’ reading abilities;

    3. How to grasp the main idea of eachparagraph / part & each passage.

    Part 4. Teaching Methods and Aids

    Task-based method, brainstorming,skimming, scanning, competition, discussion, role-play, class work, etc.

    Multi-media aid , a tape recorder and somepictures.

    Part 5. Teaching procedures

    Step1. Warming up & Lead-in

    Step2. Fast reading

    Step3. Detailed reading

    Step4. Discussion

    Step5. Role play

    Step6. Summary & Homework

    Step1. Warming up & Lead-in

    1. At first I’ll lead-in the passage by sharing a shortvideo----“Theproblems which our world is

    facing” to attract their interest. Meanwhile, askthem to talk about what problems our human beings are facing today. Thendiscuss which problems do you think people will have overcome in one thousandyears and which problems do you think will still exist in AD3008 and why? Thepre-reading prepares Ss for the passage and relates the subjects of their ownexperience. They are encouraged to speak out their answer. Different answersare available.

    2. A free talk: Do you want to know whatpeople’s lifewill be like in one thousand years?

    Imagine, there is a time machine, we cantake it to travel to the year AD3008. Do

    you want to take the travel? Let’s do it.

    Step2. Fast Reading

    Ask students to read the text fast to getthe main idea of the text. Answer the following questions:

    Who is going on the trip to the yearAD3008?

    What impression is it?

    What is the form of this passage? (ane-mail) Who is Li Qiang writing to?

    What is the main idea of this passage?(With the task, students are expected to grasp the theme of the article.)

    Step3. Careful Reading

    1. Ask the Ss to finish the following 4Exercises by using competitions. I’ll divide the Ss into 4 groups. If astudent can answer the questions correctly, then his/ her group can get onepoint. And the group which gets the most points is the winner. Only throughco-operation can the Ss taste the joy of success. If the Ss know their answeris right, he’llbe confident and they’llsurely become more enthusiastic in learning English. The purpose is to the Ss’ reading comprehension.

    Task 1: Finish the Exercise 1 on Page 19

    Task 2: Finish Ex.2 on Page 19

    Task 3: Finish Ex.3 on Page 19

    Step4. Discussion

    Did you do anything bad for theenvironment in your daily life?

    What should you do to make our world morebeautiful ?


    1.Using 2.Using paper bags instead ofplastic bags.

    3. Don’t use one-off chopsticks.

    4. Go to work/school on foot or by bikenot by car.

    5. Throw cans, bottles, paper and plasticinto the dustbin.

    Step5. Role Play

    Suppose Li Qiang has come back from theyear AD3008, you are his friends or classmate. What questions will you ask himand what will he answer?

    Student A --------Li Qiang’s friend or classmate

    Student B --------Li Qiang

    (With the task, students learn to gatherthe main information.)

    Step6. Homework:

    1. Choose one paragraph to read aloud andretell it.

    2. Preview the reading on Page 22.




    1. 开展学生活动,发挥主体作用


    2. 实施情景教学,统合三维目标


    3. 转变学习方式,增强教学效果


    4. 运用问题教学,启发学生思维




    本单元教学内容为人教版新课标Module 5 Unit 3 Life in the future。本单元的中心话题是“未来生活”,教材内容为学生提供了想象的空间,旨在培养学生预测未来的能力,通过对现实生活与未来生活的对比,唤醒学生把握现在,珍惜现在,爱护环境,保护自然的意识。

    第一篇Reading文章主要讲述主人公Li Qiang在时空旅行前、时空旅行中及时空旅行后的所见所想。第二篇则主要记叙了Li Qiang在太空站认识的两个非常特别的太空生物,并将两个生物的特征进行了对比。两篇阅读文章都是科幻型阅读,旨在唤起学生的想象力,培养学生对未来生活的预测。语法部分则延续了课文内容,通过作者对未来生活态度的讨论引出过去分词做状语及定语的用法,并以短文填空的形式来巩固文章生词的用法。听力部分则描绘了一个拥有高新科技的wonderland,表明了人类对美好生活的追求与幻想,并最终通过口语情景设置锻炼学生综合运用英语的能力与技巧,从而对未来生活进行更细致的预测。



    1. 认知基础:高一学生基本上能用英语清晰地表达个人观点,准确地描绘


    2. 心理特征:高中学生思想活跃,求知欲旺盛,学习态度明确,自我意识


    3. 学习能力:学生对过去分词的用法有基本的了解,其自主阅读与表达能力有一定的基础,具备良好的团体协作能力,并能进行有效成功的交流合作讨论。





    通过网络或图书馆等途径查找搜集有关科学家对未来生活预测的资料,培养学生利用学习资源的策略;并且笔者结合教学实际对教材内容、编排顺序等进行了调整、删减和补充,将整个单元设计成四个课时。第一课时为Warming-up and Reading, 第二课时为Learning about language, 第三课时为Using language, 第四课时为Listening and speaking。着重培养学生学习运用词汇学习中的猜词策略,激发学生想象力,预测未来生活。



















    Period1: Warming-up & Reading

    Teaching Aims:

    1. Learn some new words and expressions.

    2. Improve the students’ reading skills.

    3. Know the more advanced forms oftransport in AD 3005 and the advantages and problems of life in the future.


    1. Inductive method

    2. Pair work & group work

    3. Competition

    4. Illustration

    5. Deductive Method

    Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in

    1.The teacher can start with daily greetings and try to lead insome words in this unit.

    Q1: Where do you come from? Do you livein the downtown or in the countryside?

    Do you live in a comfortable surrounding?

    Is it a suitable location for people tolive in?

    What is it made of? (brick, stone,steel, glass, wood, plastic, bamboo, mud…).

    2.Q2: No matter where you live, I am wondering how do you usuallygo to school? (by bike, by car, by bus…)

    Bikes, cars, buses and so on can beused to carry people or things from one place to another place, and they arecalled vehicles. What other vehicles do you know?

    carriage, ambulance, jeep, airbus,train, truck, motorcycle, fire engine, …

    3.Now let’s take a look at the screen to learn about thedevelopment of all the means of transportation.

    sedan chair – carriage – bicycle – motorcycle – car – train –aeroplane – space craft

    4.Q3: What will the future means of transportation be like? (Timetravel)

    Well, today we are going to learn atext about time travel.


    由日常问候开启话题,通过提问学生家乡情况导入城镇生活,引出不同的建筑材料及交通工具中的生词;然后总结交通工具的发展历史,预测未来的交通方式,引出跨时空旅行,从而进入阅读文章的处理与学习。(由于考虑到Warming-up中的Transport与Houses, Villages,Towns, 以及Location of settlement的联系不大,可单独提出,因此将Transport的发展变化应用于课文的导入中,这样比较科学自然。)

    Step 2 Skimming

    1.The teacher will ask the students to predict the future life invarious aspects as to inspire their imagination and predicting ability.

    Q1:What will the future life be like?

    2.The students are given several minutes to read through the textand try to find out the changes mentioned in the text.

    Q2: Which changes are mentioned in the text?

    time travel – transport – air quality – religion – clothing –eating – houses – towns

    3.The teacher can ask the students to carry out a discussionabout the changes.

    Q3: Which changes are good and which are bad?



    Step 3 Reading for details

    1.Before the journey

    Q1: How many people are mentioned in the text? Who are they?

    Q2: When did the writer write this letter? And to which year didhe travel?

    Q3: Why did Li Qiang travel to the year AD 3005?

    Q4: What did Li Qiang suffer from?

    Q5: How did Li Qiang feel? What makes him feel better?

    Q6: Where did they arrive?



    2.During the journey

    1) In the capsule:

    Climb through the round opening -- comfortable seats -- calmingdrink -- lay relaxed -- we rose slowly from the ground -- complete the journey-- 1000 years later -- ?

    2) Out of the capsule

    Confused by the new surrounding, I was hit by the lack of freshair

    Q1: How did Li Qiang overcome the lack of fresh air?

    1. Hovering carriage: .

    Q2: How did the hovering carriage float?

    Q3: How can a person move swiftly?

    2. “A large market”

    Q4: What were people doing there?

    Q5: What happened to Li Qiang?

    3. A large building

    Q6: What is a “time lag” flashback?


    按事件发生的先后顺序及地点转换顺序,处理文章细节,培养学生抓住文章线索来处理课文的能力。然后根据地点转移,自然地将“太空仓内”转向“太空仓外”,按照作者在太空仓外所处的三个不同地点Hovering carriage, a large market, alarge building来处理文章第三段。

    3.After the journey

    (Arriving home, he showed me into a large bright, clean room.

    Description of the house: brown floor, soft lighting, trees,leaves, computer screen, tables, chairs, green wall…

    Q1: How did the author feel after visiting the special house?

    Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.



    Step 4 Consolidation

    1.Put the statements into correct order. ( C --- A --- D --- B )

    A. We are transported into the future by acomfortable time capsule.

    B. I arrived at Wang Ping’s home andeverything in his house made me surprised.

    C. I won a travel to the year AD 3005.

    D. I have my first try to master ahovering carriage.

    2.Discussion: Compare the houses, towns, location of settlementof different period of time and predict about the changes in the future

    AD 1005: China ---- AD 2007: Modern World ---- AD______ : Your idea

    3.A telephone interview with Li Qiang

    Ask the students to discuss in group of six and raise as manyquestions to Li Qiang as possible. Some questions about the problems in futurelife are recommended.


    首先通过对文章故事情节的正常排序回顾文章梗概;其次通过Warming-up中过去、现在的房子、城镇及居住环境的比较来预测未来方的发展与变化;最后设置情景,进行角色扮演,模拟电话采访Li Qiang回顾整篇课文,引出本节课的作业与任务。全面地锻炼学生的总结概括能力以及团体协作的讨论能力。

    Step5 Assignment

    1.Show some pictures of various kinds of pollution to the studentsto arouse their awareness of environmental protection and then ask the studentswhat have caused those environmental problems in groups.

    Q1: What problems are we facing now?

    Q2: What have caused those problems?

    2.Show some advanced and imaginative inventions to the students,and try to arouse their imagination to design specific objects for a betterfuture life

    3.Assignment: Object-designing

    Design an object which can help you change the world for a betterfuture



    Period2: Learning about language

    Teaching aims:

    1. Learn past participle usedas adverbial.

    2. Master some importantwords: swiftly, unsettle, constant, remind, previous, bent, press, link.

    Teaching methods:

    1. Teach grammar in realsituations.

    2. Learn grammar throughpractice.

    Step 1 Revision and Preparation

    1.Ask the students to talk about the writer’s attitude towardsthe future life, was he optimistic or pessimistic about the future? How do youknow? Can you find some sentences to support your opinion?

    2.Ask the students to find out some sentences which can supportthe opinion that the author is pessimistic about the future life.

    1 .Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack offresh air.

    2. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first fewdays.

    3. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

    And then ask the students to finish the exercises in theirtextbook.

    Ex.1. Combine these two sentences usingthe past participate as the adverbial.

    1. I was frightened by the loud noise. Iwent to see what was happening.

    Frightened by the loud noise, I went tosee what was happening.

    2. He was hit by the lack of fresh air.He got a bad headache.

    Hit by the lack of fresh air, he got abad headache.

    3.I felt very tired after the longjourney. I still enjoyed meeting the aliens on the space station.

    Tired after the long journey, I stillenjoyed meeting the aliens on the space station.

    4.Themuseum was built in 1910. The museum is almost 100 years old.

    Built in 1910, the museum is almost 100years old.

    5. The little girl was frightened bythe noise outside. The little girl dared not sleep in her bedroom.

    Frightened by the noise outside, thelittle girl dared not sleep in her bedroom.

    6. The student was given some advice bythe famous scientist. The student was not worried about his scientificexperiment any more.

    Given some advice by the famousscientist, the student was not worried about his scientific experiment anymore.

    3.Ask the students to find out some sentences which can supportthe opinion that the author is optimistic about the future life.

    1. His parents company named “Future Tours” transported me safelyinto the future.

    2. A table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.

    3. Tomorrow you will be ready for some visits organized by thecompany.

    And then ask the students to finish the exercises in theirtextbook.

    Ex.2. Combine these two sentences usingthe past participate as the attribute.

    1. Soon we lost sight of that famousastronomer. He is called Li Qiang.

    Soon we lost sight of that famousastronomer called Li Qiang.

    2. I am going to buy a painting. It iscopied from Vincent van Gogh.

    I am going to buy a painting copiedfrom Vincent van Gogh.

    3. The castle is under repair. It was built in 1432

    The castle built in 1432 is underrepair.

    4. I like that old private house. It isbuilt of wood and mud.

    I like that old private house built ofwood and mud.

    5. The vehicle is mentioned in thebook. The vehicle is unknown to me.

    The vehicle mentioned in the book isunknown to me.

    6. The room is completely empty. Theroom is connected to the rest of the house by a long passage.

    The room connected to the rest of thehouse by a long passage is completely empty.

    7. The queen was sitting in a royalcarriage. The carriage was drawn b four horses.

    The queen was sitting in a royalcarriage drawn by four horses.




    1.作时间状语。 Once discovered, the enemies werecompletely wiped out.

    2.作原因状语 Moved by his words, I accepted his present.

    3.作条件状语 United we stand, divided we fail.

    4.作让步状语 Although tired, they continued to work.

    5.作方式或伴随状语 The teacher stood there, surrounded bymany students.


    1) 作状语的过去分词通常与句子的主语存在着被动关系,她所表示的动作通常和谓语动词属于同一时间范畴,也可表示先于谓语动词发生的动作。有时为了强调先发生的动作,也可用having been done.

    e.g. Having been told many times, he can’t still remember it.

    2). 过去分词的逻辑主语要跟主句的主语一致,否则不能用过去分词作状语,应用状语从句。

    (误)Checked carefully, some spellingmistakes can be avoided.

    (正)If the composition is checkedcarefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.


    Step2 Consolidation


    B 1.___ andhappy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (2006全国)

    A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising

    A 2.No matter how frequently _______, the works of Beethovenstill attract people all over the world. (2006广东)

    A. performed B. performing C. to be performed D. being performed

    C 3._________ and I’ll get the workfinished. (2007 重庆)

    A. Have one more hour B. One more hour

    C. Give one more hour D.If I have one more hour

    B. 4. The repairs cost a lot, but its money well _____. (2006 湖北)

    A. to spend B. spent C. being spent D. spending

    C.5. _____ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss foradvice.(2006江苏)

    A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing

    B 6.When her father, the girl burst into crying. (2005湖北)

    A. asking of B. asked about C. being asked D. asked

    D 7. The man kept silent in the room unless . (2006浙江)

    A. spoken B. speaking C. to speak D. spoken to

    D8. ________, the old man is living a happy life. (2006天津)

    A. taking good care B. taken good care

    C. having taken good care D. taken good care of

    D 9.The Olympic Games, in 776B.C., did not include women playersuntil 1912. (NMET2004)

    A. first playing B. to be first played

    C. to be first playing D. first played

    B 10. from his clothes, he is not so poor. (2006上海)

    A. Judged B. Judging C. Tojudge D. Having judged

    A 11.European football is played in 80 countries, it the most popular sport in the world. (NMET2003)

    A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

    B 12.The secretary worked late into the night, a long speech for the president. (MET2004)

    1. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing

    C 13. a reply, he decided to write again. (2005北京)

    A. Not receiving B. Receiving not

    C. Not having received D. Having not received

    B 14.The houses are for the old people and the constructionwork will start soon. (2006江苏)

    A. built B. tobe built C. to build D. being built

    C 15.If ill, I’ll stay home a good rest. (2006辽宁)

    A. to fall,taking B. fall; to taking

    C. falling; taking D.falling; take

    Step 3 Discussion: Life at present V.S. Life in the future

    1. Ask the students to carry out adiscussion to compare the present life and life in the future.

    Do you want to work for space? Whatworker should be needed for the space?

    2. Ask the students whether they wouldlike to work for space if possible, and then ask them to complete thisadvertisement choosing these words in their proper forms.

    (constant remind unsettle previous bend press swiftly link)

    Many people need to be________of the job opportunities on spacestations, which _________ need space cooks, cleaners, teachers, and computerengineers. You can be _____ trained with one-year space course and then beready to enjoy the benefits of working in space. People are _______ at firstbut soon feel better as families are encouraged to come. For health reasons,only one stay of three years is allowed. So any ______ experience working inspace for this length of time means you cannot apply. Many people ______ tostay longer but the _____ between illness and length of stay on a space stationis too strong. It is sad but the rules cannot be ___ for anyone. 【设计说明】






