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人教版新目标初中英语八年级上册I’m more outgoing than my sister教案2篇

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  • I’m more outgoing than my sister教案2篇

    I’m more outgoingthan my sister教案一

    Period 1

    Teaching contents: Section A 1a , 1b, 1c ,2a ,2b ,2c .

    Teaching goals :

    1. vocabulary :outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , athletic , twin ,tall , short , thin .

    2. Pattern: He hasshorter hair than Sam .

    Is Tom smarterthan Tim ?

    3. 能力目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较.


    Step 1 Leading in

    Ask a student tointroduce herself/himself .

    Step 2 Pre-task

    SB Page 31 , 1a .

    Show some picturesto Ss .

    Say ,They arestars .Ask Ss to tell what they see .

    Ask Ss to use thewords :tall ,wild , thin , long hair , short hair , heavy , calm , short and soon

    Then ask Ss torepeat these sentences :Yao Ming is taller than Ronaldo .

    Step 3 While-task

    SB Page 31 , 1c ,1b .

    Call attention tothe picture .

    Point out thesample conversation in activity 1c .

    Say ,Now work witha partner .Make your own conversation about the twins .

    Ask several pairsto say one or more of their conversations .

    Then listen to therecording .Ask Ss to number the twins .

    Check the answers.

    SB Page 32 ,2a .

    Point out the twocolumns and read the headings :-er , -ier and more .Then point out the words inthe box .Read .

    Say ,now listenand write the –er and –ier words in the first column and the words that usemore in the second column .

    Play the recordingand check the answers .

    SB Page 32 , 2b .

    Point out thepicture and the two boxes with the headings Tina is and Tara is .

    Say ,listen to therecording .Write word in the boxes .The words are from the list in activity 2a.

    Play the recordingand check the answers .

    Step 4 Post-task

    SB Page 32 , 2c .

    Point out thechart in activity 2c and on Page 89 . Say , Make your own conversationsaccording to the information. Ask pairs to continue on their own .

    Correct theanswers .

    Step 5 Homework

    How are you andyour sister /brother different ?Write down

    Period 2

    Teaching contents:Grammar focus , 3a , 3b ,4 .


    Step 1 Leading in

    Ask ,How are youand your mother/father different ?

    Ask some Ss to answer.

    Step 2 Pre-task

    Grammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to read the sentences to the class .

    Call attention tothe word “funny”,circle “y” and say when a word ends in y ,change “y” to an “i”and add –er .

    Write the phrases“more athletic than” .Say,when you complete things using words with three ormore syllables ,you use the word more .

    Practice : happy ,outgoing , short , thin , good .

    Step 3 While-task

    SB Page 33 , 3a.Call attention to the letter .Ask a student to read it to the class .Say, nowread the article ,then answer the questions .

    Write if thestatements are true ,or false ,or “don’t know” if you don’t know the answer .

    Check the answers.

    SB Page 33 , 3b .

    Say ,tell yourpartner about things that are the same and different between you and a memberof your family or a friend .You can make a conversation like the example .

    Ask two Ss to readthe sample conversation in the box .

    Have Ss work andask some pairs to say their dialogues .

    Step 4 Post-task

    Read theinstruction to the class .Ask pairs of Ss how many same and different examplesthey found .

    Work in pairs andask some pairs to read their lists .

    Step 5 Homework

    Write down thesame and different between you and a friend .

    Period 3

    Teaching contents: Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .

    Teachingprocedures :

    Step 1 Leading in

    Show a maxim to Ss: A friend indeed is a friend in need .

    Ask ,What kind ofthings are important in a friend ?

    Step 2 Pre-task

    SB Page 34 , 1a .

    Read eachdescription to the class and ask the Ss to repeat.

    What kind ofthings are important in a friend .Rank the things below 1-6 (1 is mostimportant )

    Ask different Ssto copy the six phrases on the Bb .Then read the phrases together .

    Step 3 While-task

    SB Page 34 , 1b .

    Say , Now makeyour own statements about friends using

    the phrases inactivity 1a .

    Ask some Ss totell the class what they look for in a friend .And say ,who is your best friend?

    SB Page 34 , 2a .

    Play the recordingand check the answers .

    SB Page 34 , 2b .

    Play the recordingand check the answers .

    Step 4 Post-task

    SB Page 34 , 2c .

    Say , Now workwith your partner .Make a conversation using information in the chart .

    Ask several pairsto say their conversations to the class .

    Step 5 Homework


    1. Tom , Sam ,intellectual , more , than , is .

    2. her sister , as… as . not, sports , at , good, is ,Liu Ying.

    3. me , same , as, the , friend , my , is .

    4. makes , laugh ,a , me , good , I , think , friend .

    5. outgoing , are, both , we .

    Period 4

    Teachingprocedures :

    Step 1 Leading in

    Greeting .

    Step 2 Pre-task

    SB Page 35 , 3b .

    Read theinstruction to the class .Ask Ss to look at the chart on Page 34 .

    Ask a student toread the example to the class .

    Say ,now writeyour own sentences .

    Ask students whofinish first to write sentences on the Bb.

    Ask some Ss toread the sentences ,each student read one sentence one by one .

    Step 3 While-task

    SB Page 35 , 3a .

    Read theinstruction .Point out the sample answer .

    Say , Now read thearticle .Explain the words and sentences in your own words .

    Listen to therecording .


    Step 1 Lead-in

    T:I have a sister.Can you guess what she looks like and what she is like? (Show them you arewaiting.)

    S:She is tall./She is thin. / She has long hair./She is easygoing./…(Students use theirimagination and express themselves freely.)

    T:Let’s look atour photos. (Show them on the screen.) Please talk about us.

    S:She is shorterthan you. /She has shorter hair than you. /She is thinner than you. /…(Students get information from the photos.)

    T:I’m more outgoingthan my sister.(Lead in the class subject.)

    [ 1、平时师生间接触多,但学生与老师的家人接触甚少,利用学生的心理和想象空间,调动学生的学习兴趣,增进师生间的相互了解。2、了解学生对已学过的形容词比较级和最高级的掌握程度,为下一步巩固学习做好铺垫。]

    Step 2 Revision

    1、 Revise the adjectives describing people’sappearance and personalities:

    Divide the classinto four groups and have a competition. See which group of the students canget as much as possible. Write down on a piece of paper prepared before class.(Students must collect them before class.)

    2、Show some photos about famous persons andtalk about their personal traits, using description words, such as shorthair/long hair, curly hair/straight hair, tall/short, heavy/thin,funny/serious, outgoing/quiet, smart/foolish, beautiful/ugly, intelligent/lazy,friendly/unfriendly …etc, on the screen.


    Step 3Presentation

    1、 Learn some new words about personaltraits: calm/wild, athletic/weak, using the pictures of 3 pairs of twins inSection A.

    T: Who is calmer,Tom or Sam?

    S: Tom is calmer thanSam. Sam is wilder than Tam.

    Tom is moreathletic than Sam. Sam is weaker than Tom.

    2、 Do Section A-1a.Match each word with theopposite. Check the answers.

    3、 Get students to introduce the rules ofthe comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.(Show them on thescreen.)


    Step 4 Listening

    1、 Listen to the tape and number thepictures in 1b.

    2、 Listen to the tape and complete the chatin 2a. Listen again and fill in chat in 2b.

    3、 Check the answers.


    Step 5 Practice

    Task 1: Interviewfamous persons(Pair work)

    1、Demonstrate the activity with one student.(Imagine he/she is a famous person. The teacher acts as a reporter.)

    eg.T: Hello,Susan. May I ask you some questions about your family?

    S: Yes.

    T: Do you have abrother or a sister?

    S: Yes, I have twobrothers and one sister.

    T: Who is taller,your sister or you?

    S: I’m taller thanmy sister.

    T: Who is the mostathletic of you?

    S: My oldestbrother.

    (Show an exampleon the screen.)

    2、 Ss work in pairs. Then ask some pairs toact them out in class.

    Task 2: Publicvote (Group work)

    1、 Divide the class into 4 groups and thenwork in groups. Fill in the chat.

    In class


    Who is thetallest?

    Who is theshortest?

    Who is theheaviest?

    Who is thethinnest?

    Who is the mostoutgoing?

    Who is the mostathletic?

    2、 Each group choose one student to do areport. Show the results in class.

    Task 3: Super star(Individual performance)

    T: Suppose you area super star in the future. What will you look like and what will you be like?

    S: I’m better thannow, of course.

    1、 Show an example on the screen:

    I want to be asuper star. Now I’m tall. Later I’m taller. Now I’m a middle school student.Later I’m a college student.…

    2、Get Ss to design their future and have afree talk.

    3、Ask some Ss to share with others.


    Step 6 Reading andWriting

    1、 Teach “look the same”、“look different”、“ be as good as”、“be not as good as”、“a little”,using some pictures andcomparing some Ss in class.

    2、 Ss read the article. Then read thestatements (1-5) about the article. Write “T”、“F” or“DK”.

    3、 Check the answers. (Ask Ss to givereasons.)

    4、 Ask Ss to write another letter.

    T: You are Isabelnow. Write a letter to reply Liu Li. Talk about the same and different betweenyou and one of your friends.

    5、Choose two or three to share the replieswith the whole class.


    Step 7Consolidation and Sum-up

    1、 Give Ss a chance to sum up what havelearned in this class.(Ss can talk about it freely.) Then T makes a briefsum-up.

    2、 Get the Ss to do some consolidationexercises. T goes around and gives some help to Ss.


    Step 8 Homework

    1、 Do Workbook Exx.1-3.

    2、 Preview Section B.


    时代在变,世界在变,事物都在发展,教育理念的更新也是势在必行。由David Nunan倡导的任务型语言教学主张learning by doing,掀起了英语教学改革的浪潮。这给工作在第一战线的英语教师带来了希望,也使得英语课堂教学更具挑战性。如今,互联网无处不在,网上分布着无比丰富的英语教学资源,多媒体和网络技术的应用已经成为英语教学不可缺少的教学辅助手段,确实为英语课堂教学带来了生机与活力。英语教师也因此用一种新的眼光来看待英语教学。“它(互联网)拥有如此令人惊讶的无限资源,它可以使我们每一位教师变得更富有创造性,更紧跟时代,更令人满意。”

    I’m more outgoing than my sister.教案二

    I 教学内容、目标与要求


    I’m more outgoing than my sister.


    本单元以描述朋友外表和个性特征, 比较个人与朋友之间的异同为题材, 增进朋友之间的相互了解。






    表述个性特征, 对人物进行比较。


    形容词的比较级, both的用法。


    more, than, taller, shorter, thinner, longer, heavier, calmer, wilder, quieter, funnier, smarter, more athletic, more popular, twin, both, be good at




    能听懂描述某人外表及个性特征, 人物之间外表及个性异同的句子和对话。

    能口头描述某人的外表及个性特征, 能比较不同人物之间特征的异同。


    能用S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象结构描述不同人物的区别, 能用as + adj.原级+as 描述不同人物的相同处, 学会用both描述不同人物的相同处。






    培养分类表述, 听取特定信息的习惯。



    掌握描述个人特征的表达方式, 结识朋友, 介绍朋友, 了解朋友, 形成一个学习集体, 互相帮助。


    介绍朋友时要尊重朋友, 实事求是地评价朋友和自己, 珍惜培养朋友之间真实而美好的友谊。



    II 教学内容分析

    本单元以描述某人的个性特征为中心而展开, 从外表和性格两方面比较人物之间的相同与不同点, 由此引出taller, shorter, thinner, longer,heavier, calmer, wilder, quieter, funnier, more athletic, more popular, moreserious, more outgoing 等词汇, 以及“S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象”这个重要的句子结构。Section A部分重在要求听说读三个方面比较不同双胞胎之间外表和性格的区别, 附带着在3a也提出了as….as 结构the same as结构表达两人的相同之处。与Section A部分比较, Section B部分则深入到比较自己和朋友的相同与不同之处, 并提出了“选择朋友”这个话题, 引导学生正确评价朋友, 引导学生结识真正的好朋友。

    III 教学过程建议

    围绕本单元“描述个性特征”这一话题,教师可以在课堂上展开系列的两人一组活动引出本单元的主要单词和句子结构“S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象”。如任务一:你眼里的我?学生两人一组展开活动,分别在各自的卡片上写下一些形容词,描述对方的身体和性格特点。任务二:咱们相同吗?学生两人一组展开活动,通过比较各自的卡片,找出自己和对方相同的地方,简单地表述这些相同之处,然后进一步比较这些相同之处,说说它们在程度上的区别。也可以准备一些教师自己或学生不同时期的照片,先用所学过的形容词描述照片,然后把两类照片进行比较,从而引出本单元所要讲的形容词的比较级。


    在“说”方面,教师应尽量选择学生感兴趣的话题,激发学生开口交流。如活动“猜猜他/她是谁”,可以Pairwork, 也可以Groupwork,一个学生描述班里一位同学或老师并和自己比较,其他同学猜所描述的人是谁。又如小组活动“交通工具的比较”,学生4-6人一组讨论到达某一景点可乘坐的各种交通工具,并选择最佳出行方式。




    课型:speaking writing & listening




    Key vocabulary--- taller,shorter, thinner, longer, calmer, wilder, heavier, funnier, smarter, quieter, moreoutgoing, more athletic, more serious, than

    Keystructure-----S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象



    Step1 Lead-in (导入)

    目的: 本阶段的活动是为下面的听力做准备, 起导入话题和复习词汇的作用。


    1教师可以从网上下载一些典型的双胞胎或名人的照片, 先用所学的形容词描述外貌和性格特征, 然后进行比较, 引出本单元的主要句子结构“S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象”。注意先引出单音节形容词比较级, 再引出双音节和多音节形容词比较级。如:Look at the pictures of the twins Tomand Tim. They look the same.But there are some differences between them too.Can you find them?Yes, Tom is taller than Tim. Or Tim is shorter thanTom.

    其它: X X is thinner /fatter/ heavier than X X..

    XX has longer/ shorter hair thanX X .

    XX is calmer/ wilder than X X.

    XX is funnier than X X.

    XX is smarter than X X.

    XX is more serious than X X..

    XX is more athletic than X X.

    XX is more popular than X X.

    2根据黑板上的例句, 教师引导学生归纳形容词的比较级的构成形式。


    1)做Section A --- 1a


    funnythin smallfast seriouspopularfatheavy outgoing athletic

    Step2 Listening( Activity 1b & 2b)

    目的: 本部分听力目的在于训练学生从听力材料中获取有关描述比较人物不同的信息, 任务完成以学生能够掌握对话的主要信息为标准。

    建议: 课本上的练习比较简单, 教师可以根据实际情况适当变动一下题目形式加大难度。

    1Listeningexercise for 1b. Listen and fill in the blanks.

    (1)Sam has _________ than Tom. Tomhas ________ than Sam.

    (2)Tara is _________ than Tina. Tinais _________ than Tara.

    (3)Pedro is __________ than Paul.Paul is__________ than Pedro.

    Key:(1)longer, shorter(2) shorter, wilder(3) heavier, shorter

    2Listeningfor 2a/2b. (按课本上的要求做练习。)

    Key:Tina is funnier, more outgoing, more athletic. Tara is more serious, quieter,smarter.

    3如果时间允许的话, 教师可以让学生听录音写录音稿, 这对提高学生的听力有好处。

    Step3 Pairwork ( 两人小组活动)

    目的: 本部分是听力活动的继续, 目的是使学生掌握听力活动中所展示的词语句法, 更重要的是促使学生开口, 能初步掌握形容词比较级的用法。

    建议: 1 看P31 的图, 两人一问一答。

    Model:A:Is that Tara?

    B:No,it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tina is shorter than Tara.

    2StudentA 看P32-2C的表格, Student B 看P89的表格, 两人一问一答。

    Model:A:Is Tom smarter than Sam?

    B:No,Sam is smarter than Tom.


    课型:Speaking, listening & writing

    方法:Formal and interactive practice



    Keyvocabulary----as you can see,in some ways,look the same,lookdifferent,both,however,hers, as… as…,have some things in common,a little,thesame as

    Keystructures----S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象as….as



    Step1Revision (复习)

    目的:本活动可以起到衔接上一节课的作用, 通过Pair work 和Group work复习上一节课所学内容, 同时也为下面的阅读起个铺垫作用。

    建议:Task 1Pair work我的过去与现在 (Self-check2)

    课前任务: 学生准备自己小时侯与现在的照片。

    (1)教师可以向全班同学展示自己以前和现在的照片(最好是把照片扫描到电脑, 用幻灯片的方式放映。), 请同学们描述几张照片的区别。如: You are older than before. /You aretaller than before. / You have longer hair than before. / You are morebeautiful than before. / You are more serious than before.学生说出这些句子的时候, 教师适当地引入 a little, much ,等修饰形容词比较级的副词和 as…as, the same as, 等原级结构的短语。

    (2)两人一组, 互相向对方展示自己带来的照片, 用所学的句子结构描述几张照片的相同和不同之处。

    (3)请一些同学在全班展示自己和Partner所带来的照片, 并叙述它们之间的相同和不同之处。

    Task2Group work猜猜她/他是谁?

    (1)首先教师作个示范, 描述某个科任老师与自己的相同和不同之处, 请同学们猜是哪个老师。Now I’d like to describe a teacher. Youall know him. He and I are both your teachers. We are both tall, but he’s alittle taller than me. I have longer hair than him. We both like sports,although he is more athletic than me. I’m better at Ping-Pong, but he’s betterat basketball. I’m more outgoing and he’s more serious. Who is he? Do you know?

    (2)4-6人一组。一个同学描述某个大家都认识的同学, 其他同学仔细听, 并猜出她/他是谁。


    Step2Reading ( Activity 3a)

    目的:本活动目的是训练学生阅读有关描述双胞胎之间差异的短文获取具体信息地能力, 以学生能够了解阅读内容并能简要复述为达标标准。

    建议:1 Exercise 1.Read the article. Then read the statement aboutthe article. Write “T” ( for true ), “F” ( for false ) or “DK” (for don’tknow).

    Key:1DK2 T3 F4 T5 DK

    Exercise2.Fill in the form.

    The same


    2读完后, 教师可以适当地讲解一些重要的短语。如:as you can see,in some ways, look thesame,look different,hers,however,both,enjoy doing sth.,as…as, the same as, havesome things in common,more than等。

    Step3Practice ( Activity 3b)


    建议:1 Pair work两人小组互相询问对方和朋友的相同点和不同点, 并完成表格。

    My partner and his/her friend

    The same


    2复述 (speaking)My friend and I ,My partner and his/her friend

    3复述 (writing )My friend and I ,My partner and his/her friend(此项可作为家庭作业。)


    课型:Listening and speaking

    方法:Interactive approach

    目标:能进一步利用所学句型描述朋友之间的相似点和不同点, 引导学生结交合适的朋友。


    Keywords----popular, be good at, schoolwork, make sb. laugh

    Keystructures---S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象, as….as

    教具:录音机, 多媒体

    说明:本课以学生感兴趣的电影“Harry Porter”导入并展开讨论, 教学效果很好。


    Step1Lead-in (导入)


    1教师可以用提问的方式引入本课的话题( Section B---1a): Do you have a good friend? Who is yourfriend? Why do you choose him/her as your friend? 学生的回答会五花八门, 教师应该适时进行归纳出:

    has cool clothes

    A good friend

    ispopular in school.

    likesto do the same things as me. ( has the same interests)

    isgood at sports ( athletic)

    isgood at schoolwork.

    makesme laugh. ( funny)

    2展示Harry Porter 剧照, Who is this? (Harry Porter)Who arehis friends? ( Ron and Hermoine).

    Step2Compare “Harry Porter” with Ron and Hermoine.

    1教师提问:Why are they friends?学生回答, 教师适时归纳:They are the same age.They are allkind-hearted.They are all brave. They have the same interests.They have thesame dream.

    2Differencesbetween Harry Porter , Ron and Hermoine.

    (1)观看有关Ron的片段1 学生得出结论:Ron is funnier than his friends.

    (2)观看有关Ron的片段2 学生得出结论:Ron is better at chess than his friends.

    (3)T:How is Ron different form his friends?学生总结: Ron is funnier and better at chessthan his friends.

    (4)观看有关Hermoine的片段学生得出结论:Hermoine is smarter and better atschool work than her friends.

    (5)T:How is Hermoine different from her friends?学生总结: Hermoine is smarter and better at schoolwork than her friends.

    (6)观看有关Harry Porter的片段1 学生得出结论: Harry Porter is braver than hisfriends.

    (7)观看有关Harry Porter的片段2 学生得出结论: Harry Porter is more popular than hisfriends.

    (8)观看有关Harry Porter的片段3 学生得出结论: Harry Porter is more athletic thanhis friends.

    (9)T:How is Harry Porter different from his friends?学生总结:Harry Porter is braver, more popular,more athletic than his friends.

    (10) 引导学生完成下面的表格:

    The same as best friends

    Different from best friends

    Harry Porter

    Step3Listening ( Activity 2a/2b)

    建议:本部分听力练习中, 语速较快, 语音有点含糊, 教师根据实际多放几遍录音, 并在重要的地方做提示以降低难度。任务完成以学生能简要复述课本中表格的内容为达标要求。


    Likes about best friend

    The same as friend

    Different as best friend


    likes to do the same things

    popular, good at sports

    pretty outgoing

    Pete’s funnier, & wilder

    Holly is quieter


    good listener

    keeps secrets

    look alike, both tall,

    have long curly hair

    Vera is quieter & smarter

    Maria is more outgoing

    Step4Discussion(Group work)

    目的:本部分的讨论活动是对前面片段的总结, 主要目的是激发学生用所学的句子结构发表自己的意见, 正确的评价Ron, Hermoine和Harry Porter这三个人物。

    1Who would you like to make friends with? (Ron, Hermoine, or Harry Porter)Why?

    2Introduce your new friend to us.(Ron, Hermoine, or Harry Porter)

    (1)Why is he/she your good friend?

    (2)What do you like about him/her?

    (3)Do you have anything same as him/her?

    (4)How are you different from each other?


    课型:Reading, speaking &writing

    方法:formal and interactive practice



    Keywords--- opposite, view, interest, most of, though

    Keystructures--- S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象, as….as


    建议: Step 1 Revision (复习)

    目的:本活动通过Pair work 复习Section B-2b听力内容。要求能比较流利地复述Holly和 Maria与他们朋友之间的异同。

    操作: 两人一组互相谈论Holly和Maria, 然后请一些同学在班上复述, 尽量不看课本。

    Step2 Reading


    建议:1 阅读并完成表格:



    The same as his/her friend

    Different from his /her friend





    Mary Smith


    3Pair work 两人一组互相表达自己的观点以及自己与朋友之间的异同。

    4Write about the things that are the same and different between you and afriend.(时间不够的话,可以作为家庭作业。)

    Step3 Practice ( Activity 4—Pair work)


    建议:1 学生阅读招聘广告,教师适时做理解方面的指导。





    1 交通工具的比较


    Teacher:We’regoing to Shanghai. How many ways can we use to get there? Yes, there are fourways: by bus, by plane, by train, by ship. Please discuss how you are going toget there.





