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人教版新目标初中英语七年级上册This is my sister教案

  • 页数:12页
  • 字数:约 12700 字
  • 大小:79.00KB
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:二十四设计
  • This is my sister教案





    A、掌握家庭成员的表达,如:grandfather,grandmother, father, mother ,brother,sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, son,daughter, parents:

    B、学会用指示代词:this ,that, these 和人称代词:I, he she they 介绍任务及Yes/No问句及其简单回答;












    第一课时 Section A 1a-1c

    第二课时 Section A 2a-4

    第三课时 Section B 1-2c

    第四课时 Section B 3a-Self-check

    Period One

    教师:照片,图片,表格。Step One: New words.

    ①Present the new words.

    T: Hello , everyone ! Look ! What’s this ?

    Ss: It’s a picture .

    T: Right . Who is the man in the picture ?

    Ss: It’s you.

    T: Yes, it’s me . You know me . Please lookat this . Do you know them ?

    Ss: No , we don’t .

    T: They are my family members . Today I wantto introduce my family members to you . Would you like to meet them ?

    Ss: Yes .

    T: OK . Please look at this man ? Is he old?

    Ss: Yes .

    T: He is my “grandfather”. Please read afterme , GRANDFATHERG-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R ,grandfather .

    Ss: G-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R , grandfather .

    T: This is my grandfather .

    (Teach the word “grandmother” in the sameway .)

    T: He is my “grandfather”. He is my“grandmother”. These are my grandparents. Read after me , grandparents.

    Ss: Grandparents.

    (Stick the word“grandparents” on the blackboard. Then teach theses words mother, father,brother, sister and friend in the same way.)

    T: I have two brothers, two sisters, I havemany friends.

    (Teach brothers,sisters, and friends.)

    T: Read these new words together.

    Ss: …

    ②Practice the new words.

    T: Who can match the words with the pictureson the blackboard?

    Ss: I can. (Textbook P13 1a)

    (Ask one student tothe front to do it. The other students write down letters on the books. In thisway finish 1a.)

    T: Check the answers.

    Ss: …

    T: Is he right?




    Ss: Yes.

    (One more studentgives the answers.)

    Step Tw Drill

    ①Listen and circle.

    T: A boy is talking about his family. Who ishe talking about? Now listen and circle the people the boy talks about.

    Ss: OK.

    (Play the recordingof 1b twice. Students work.)

    T: What’s the answer?

    S: Two brothers and sister.

    ②Pairwork. Talk about Dave’s family.

    T: This is a picture of Dave’s family. Let’stalk about Dave’s family in pairs. You must use “ This is …” and “ These are …”to do it.

    (Students practice. Teacherwalks around the room to help them.)

    T: Now check your peactice.

    S1: Who is this?

    S2: This is his …

    S1: Who are these?

    S2: These are his …

    (Ask a few pairs topractice.)

    Step Three: Task

    ①Talk about the family tree.

    T: Look at the family tree.

    (Stick a family treeon the blackboard.)

    T: Let’s talk about the family tree, You cando it in groups of four or three. You can do it in pairs or you can do ityourself. Then report it to the class.

    (Students work.Teach moves around the classroom to help the students.)

    T: Check your task.

    S3: Hello. My name is …Look at this. This ismy family tree. This is my…and this is my…They are old. These are my … This ismy… This is my … My mother is … This is my … His name is … I love my family.




    T: Very good. Next make a dialogue in pairsabout your family. First, you must greet each other, then introduce yourfamily.

    (Two students cometo the front.)

    SA: Hello.

    SB: Hello. How are you ?

    SA: Fine, thank you. And you?

    SB: I’m fine, too.

    SA: Excuse me! What’s this?

    SB: It’s my family tree.

    SA: Who’s this?

    SB: This is my grandfather.

    SA: Who’s this?

    SB: This is my grandmother.

    SA: Is this your father?

    SB: Yes, he is.

    SA: The women is your mother?

    SB: Yes, she is.

    SA: Who’s the boy?

    SB: He is my brother.

    (A few pairs dothis.)

    T: You did well.

    ②Make a survey.

    T: Please take out the family photos youbring to school. Work in groups of four. Fill in the form. Then report it tothe class.


    Family members

    (Students work. Teacher moves around theclassroom to help the students.)(Students report to the class.)

    Step Four: Homework

    Write a passage about your family.



    Period Two






    Step One: Review the drill.

    T: You know my family members. I want toknow your family members. Would you like to introduce your family members tous?

    (Students use theirphotos or the pictures they drew.)

    SS: Yes.

    T: Who wants to be the first, please?

    SA: Let me try.

    T: OK, please.

    SA: Hello, everyone! My name is …Look atthis picture, please. This is a picture of my family. This is my father. Hisname is …This is my mother. Her name is … They are good parents. This is mybrother. His name is …Look! It’s me. Am I funny? I love my family.

    T: Very good.

    (Another twostudents introduce their family.)

    Step Tw Listening.

    ①Listen and circle the words you hear.

    T: Here are two boys. One is Lin Hai. Theother is Dave. They are talking about Dave’s family members. Please listen tothe recording of 2a in Section A and circle the family members you hear.

    mother father sisterbrother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents

    SS: OK.

    (Play the recordingof 2a twice. Students work.)

    T: Check the answer.

    (Ask two students tosay the answers.)

    ②Listen and match.

    T: This is a picture of Dave’s family. Weknow this is Dave. But we don’t know who is Mary, who is Jim and who is LinHai. Let’s



    通过听力引出Is this . . . ?的句型

    listen and find them.

    (Play the recordingof 2b. Students work.)

    T: Who find them?

    (Many students maysay they do. Choose two of them to answer.)

    S1: Dave is …Lin Hai is …

    ③Pairwork. Talk about Dave’s family.

    T: You come to Dave’s home. You see apicture on the wall. There are many people in the picture. You want to know whothey are. Use “ Is this…” to find them, please. When you finish, change rolesto do it. Now begin.

    (Students work.Teacher walks round the classroom to see how they are doing and helps thestudents who need.)

    T: Let’s check your work, please.

    SS: OK.

    (Ask one pair to doit.)

    S1: Is this Jim?

    S2: No, he isn’t.

    S1: Is this Jim?

    S2:Yes, he is.

    (Ask two more pairsto do it.)


    T: I have a friend. He is talking to hisfriend. Dave, about Dave’s sister. Fill in the blanks with the words from thebox. Work in pairs, then report it to the class. isn’tbrotherissister

    (Students work.Teacher walks around the classroom and helps the students who need.)

    T: Check your work, please.

    (Ask one pair to doit.)

    S3: That’s … and that’s … Is she your…?

    S4: Yes, she is.

    S3: And is the your …?

    S4: No, he isn’t. He’s my …

    (Change roles to doit and ask one more pair to do it.)

    Step Three: Task.

    ①Play a guessing game.

    通过谈论Dave的家庭成员,练习句型Is this . . . ?

    用学生的句型引出Is she/he your . . .?的句型,让学生在对话中理解人称代词的用法。

    T: I have a picture here. Do you want toknow who she is?

    (Show the picture tothe students.)

    SS: Yes.

    (Students guess thepicture.)

    ②Group work.

    T: Put your photos together on your desk.Work in groups of four. You can use “ Is she …?” or “ Is he …?” to take turnsasking and answer questions about the photos. Then report it to the class.

    (Students work.)

    T: Check your work.


    Draw your family tree.


    Period Three






    Step One: New words.

    ①Present the new words.

    T: Do you like games?

    S: Yes.

    T: Let’s play a guessing game. Please listencarefully. He is my brother. But my father is not his father. His father is notmy father. His father and my father are brothers. We have the same grandfather.Who is he?

    S1: It is your “表哥”.

    T: No, it isn’t.

    S2: It is your “堂兄” or “堂弟”.

    T: Yes, it is. Let’s see how to say it inEnglish.

    (Put the card“cousin” on the blackboard.)

    T: It’s cousin. Read after me, C-O-U-S-I-N,cousin.

    SS: C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.

    T: Spell it, please.

    SS: C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.

    T: This time you must say it in English. Sheis your sister. But your father is not her father. Her father is not yourfather. Her father and your father are brothers. You have the same grandmother.Who is she?

    S: It’s my cousin.

    T: Your father’s brother is your …?

    S3: “大爷,大伯”.

    S4: “叔叔”.

    T: You are right. Let’s see how to say it inEnglish.

    (Put the word card“uncle” on the blackboard.)

    T: Read after me, please, U-N-C-L-E, uncle.

    SS: U-N-C-L-E, uncle.

    T: Your uncle’s wife is your…?

    S5: “伯母,婶婶”.


    T: Right.

    (Put the card “aunt”on the blackboard and then teach these words son, daughter in this way.)

    T: Read the words on the card together.

    SS: …

    ②Practice the new words.

    T: Look at the family tree. Some words aremissing. Who can help me fill it, please?

    (Ask one student tothe front to do it on the blackboard. The others finish it on their book.)

    T: Check your work.

    Step Tw Drill.

    ①Listen and check the words you hear.

    T: Lin Hai and Dave are talking about Dave’sfamily. How many family members are they talking about? Please listen and checkthe words you hear.

    (Play the recordingof 2a once.)

    (Ask two morestudents to say the answers.)

    ②Listen and check the picture.

    T: I have two pictures here. Which one isLin Hai talking about? Let’s listen and find it out, please.





