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人教版新目标初中英语七年级上册Is this your pencil教案

  • 页数:18页
  • 字数:约 20520 字
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:肖迪Ppter
  • Is this your pencil教案


    本单元围绕着“Is this your pencil?”这一主题开展听、说、读、写等多种教学活动,其教学核心内容是“确认物主”。通过本单元的教学,使学生学会辨认物品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及英语中对应的表达法,学会写寻物启事和失物招领。教师应着力培养学生能在日常交际交往中有效地使用语言进行表达,与他人沟通信息,为今后学习打下坚实的语言基础.


    1)知识目标:A.学习并掌握指示代词: this、 that;



    D.学会句型:---How do you spell pen? P-E-N.








    重点:A.掌握批示代词this、 that用法;




    第一课时 Section A 1a-1c

    第二课时 Section A 2a-4b

    第三课时 Section B 1a-2c

    第四课时 Section B 3a-4Self-check 1-3

    Period One





    Step One: Warming up.(通过复习形容词性物主代词,把学生引入学习英语的


    Learn the chant.

    T:Let’s sing the chanttogether.

    my 是我的,your是你的,男他的是his,女她的是her; 名词前面常站岗,限定所


    Step Two: New words.(利用实物教学,使得教学过程自然、形象。)

    1. Present the newwords.

    T:Boys and girls, lookat this please. What’s this in English?

    (Teacher holds a pen inthe English.)

    S1:A pen.(Ss may say itin English.)

    T:Yeah.It’s a pen.Andwhat’s this?

    (The teacher holds aneraser in the hand.)

    S2:It’s an eraser.

    (Teach the other wordssuch as “pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener,and dictionary” in the same way.)

    2. Practice the newwords.

    T:Now,please look atthe pictures in your books. Can you put the words with the objects in the rightpictures? Write the letters next to the words, please.(Give Ss about two minutesto finish 1a.)

    T:OK,let’s check theanswers.Who can tell us the answers?


    Step Three: Present thedrills.

    1. Present the drill“Is this…?Yes/No,it is/isn’t.”(利用实物引入句型,使用不同人的物品来引入形容词性物主代词和名词的搭配的用法。)

    (Hold the teacher’spen.)

    T:This is my pen.Is thisyour pen?

    S1:No,it isn’t.It’syour pen.

    T:(Hold the student’spen.) This is your pen. Is this your pen?

    S1:Yes,it is. It’s mypen.

    T:(Hold a girl’s pen.)This is her pen. Is this your pen?

    S1:No,it isn’t.It’s herpen.

    T:(Hold a boy’s pen.) Thisis his pen. Is this your pen?

    S1:No,it isn’t. It’shis pen.

    T:Thank you.

    2. Practice the drill“Is this your…?” in pairs with your own school things.Pay attention to the useof my, your,his or her.(利用学习用品操练句型,并加深对物主代词的理解。)

    S3:Is this your…?

    S4:…It’s my…

    S3:Is this…?

    S4:…It’s his/her…

    (The teacher asks a fewpairs to practice.)

    3. Present the drill“Is that …? Yes/ No, it is/isn’t.”(利用教师所站位置的不同来引入批示代词that的用法,并从位置关系上让学生准确理解this ,that的区别。)

    T:That is my book. Isthat my book?

    (Put a book on theteacher’s table so that the Ss can see it clearly, and the teacher stands alittle far from the table.)

    S5:Yes, it is .It’syour book.

    T:That is his book.Isthat your book?

    (Put a boy’s book onthe table and the teacher in the same place.)

    S5:No, it isn’t.It’shis book.

    T:That is her book.Isthat your book?

    (Put a girl’s book onthe table and the teacher in the same place.)

    S5:No,it isn’t.It’s herbook.

    (Teach and practice thedrill “Is that …?” and its answer.)

    4. Practice the drill“Is that your…?” in pairs with your own school things.(通过练习,区别两个批示代词的用法。)

    S6:Is that your…?

    S7:… It’s my ….

    S6:Is that your…?

    S7: …It’s his/her…

    (The teacher asks somepairs to practice.)

    5. Listening.(进行听力练习,巩固所学的句型。)

    T:Now please listen tothe three conversations,the first time you only listen.Then I play again. Andthis time you listen and number the conversations.

    (Point to the boxes toshow where students write the numbers for the conversations.Teacher plays thetape and students listen to it and finish 1b.)

    T:Let’s check theanswers, OK?

    S8:(from left to right)

    T:Thank you.

    6. Practice the drillsaccording to the pictures using“his or her”.(设置情景,使学生在情景中准确运用物主代词his或her。)

    (Show students fourpictures like the followings.见课件。)

    Step Four: Task “Have acontest”.(把两个学生的文具混在一起,然后请他们分别挑出自己和同伴的物品,用的时间少者为胜者。挑选物品的同时,要求学生用英语说出:This is my…That isher/his…)

    T:I’ll put your thingsand your friends’ things together.I want to see if you can identify which isyours and which is hers or his.

    (Put the same number ofthe things together, and first ask them to pick out their own things and theirpartners’ things. Then ask them to give a report, using the key words andtarget language. One student picks up the things while the other counts thetime as well.)

    Languages used for thetask:

    1. This is my…

    2. That is her/his…

    Step Five: Summary.(编一个Chant ,便于学生进一步识记本节课所学的重点词汇和语言项目。注意应强调Chant 的节奏和一般疑问句的语调。)


    T: In this class, we’velearned the names of some common personal possessions and how to identifyownership. Let’s learn to say this chant.

    Is this my book? Yes,it is.

    Is that your ruler?No,it isn’t.

    Is this her pencil?Yes, it is.

    Is that his erase r?No,it isn’t.


    Read the new words andthe target languages presented in this class and say the chant to improve yourspoken English.






    Step One: Revision.

    1. Review the drills.(用学生的姓名和电话号码来复习句型:Is this (that) your (his/her)…?及简短回答:Yes, it is./No, itisn’t.注意教师提问的同时,用手势来帮助学生给出你预想的答案。)

    (Put some paper withthe names and telephone numbers on the blackboard.)

    T: Please look at theblackboard. And answer my questions , please . Is this your first name?

    S1: No , it isn’t.

    T: Is that her lastname?

    S2: Yes, it is.

    T: Is this histelephone number?

    S3: Yes, it is.

    T: Good. This time, whowould like to come to the blackboard and ask questions like me?

    (Students in turn cometo the blackboard, point to the paper and ask questions, then ask otherstudents to answer.)

    2. Review thevocabulary.(在黑板的名字旁边贴上学习物品的图片,来复习所学的单词和句型。)

    (Put some pictures ofthings students have learned in class next to the names of the students.)

    T: Is this your ruler?(Point to Picture 1.)

    S4: No,it isn’t.

    T: Is this her ruler? (Pointto Jenny Chen.)

    S4: Yes, it is.

    T: Is that your pencilcase? (Point to Picture 2.)

    S5: No, it isn’t.

    T: Is that his pencilcase ? ( Point to Jim Wang.)

    S5: Yes, it is.

    (Get the students toask the questions in turn, make sure they use the items they like.)

    Step Two: Listining.

    1. Listening (2a). (练习听力前,先让学生再一次说出图片中物品的英文,进一步强化重点单词。)

    T: Please look at thepictures in 2a. Can you say their English name? (Teacher asks the students toname each one individually.)

    S6: This is…

    S7: This is …


    T: Now please take outthe objects in 2a and put them on the desk. You will listen a dialogue andplease pick up the things you hear. Let’s see who will do fastest and best.

    ( Play the recordingfor the students to listen.) (让学生把听到的物品选出来,放在自己的桌子上,让学生动手去做,比单纯的单词辨听更易引起学生学习的兴趣。)

    T: Now let’s check the answers.Please hold the things you hear and say their English names,OK?

    (Make sure studentshold the things to show them to the other students.)

    S8: Pencil.

    S9: ……

    2. Listening (2b). (进一步强化重点词汇后,进行听力练习,要求完成单词的拼写。)

    T: Now please read thewords. One holds the things, the others read them aloud one by one.

    (One student holds thethings, and the other students say the words aloud.)

    T: This time you willlisten to the recording again, and you will write one of the words from the boxon each blank line.

    (Play the recording.Students listen and complete the conversation.)

    T: Let’s check theanswers. I’d like to ask three students to read the conversation in role.

    (Three students readthe conversation, filling the missing words. The rest of the students checktheir answers.)

    Step Three: New drills.

    1. Present the newdrills. (用实物引入新句型,帮助学生用正确的句子来回答。)

    (The teacher showsstudents a pencil.)

    T: What’s this inEnglish?

    S: It’s a pencil.

    T: How do you spell it?

    S: P-E-N-C-I-L.

    (Change an eraser. Askand answer in the same way.)

    2. Practice the drills.(学生分组练习新句型。)

    T: Now please practicethe conversation with your partner. Use the words shown in 3a.

    SA: What’s this inEnglish?

    SB: It’s a ruler.

    SA: How do you spell it?

    SB: R-U-L-E-R.

    (As students practice,the teacher moves around the classroom checking progress and offeringpronunciation and intonation support as needed.)

    T: I’ll ask some pairsof students to practice the conversations.

    SA: …

    SB: …

    3. Play the game : Aspelling game. (进行一个拼写游戏比赛,进一步操练新句型。)

    T: Now let’s play aspelling game. We divide our class into two groups. Each team will take turnsasking the other group to the spell we learned in class. The team who is thefirst to get ten points is the winner. Let’s start.

    SA: How do you spellbackpack?

    SB: B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K.

    T: Group B, one point.It’s your turn to ask, please.

    Step Four: Task 2: Findthe owner. (此任务主要进行了听、说、写的训练,并复习了一般疑问句及其简短的回答,以及物主代词的用法。)

    T: I have some things.But I’m sorry I don’t know whose these are. Could you help me find the owers ?Let’s see who can find all the owners first and write the owners’ names in thechart.

    Language used for thetask:

    1. Is this your mathbook?

    Yes, it is. It’s mymath book.

    2. Is that your ruler?

    No, it isn’t. It’s herruler. My ruler is blue.

    3. Kim, is this yourdictionary?

    Yes, it is. It’s mydictionary.

    Here you are.

    Thank you.

    Step Five: Summary andhomework.(录音作业,要求学生使用准确的语调来读一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。)

    In this class, we’velearned what, how and yes-no questions mainly. And we also revised thepossessive adjectives and key words.

    After class, pleasepractice what, how and yes-no questions using their own possessions with yourpartner. When you say the conversation fluently, tape records some of them andthen play.

    2)Discuss about thedifferences between English names and Chinese names.(通过小组讨论、总结的方式进行,使学生掌握中英文名字的异同。)

    Teacher: Thank you foryour job. I think they are all good English names. For example,“Susan” is afirst name. “Brown” is a last name. “Susan Brown” is a beautiful girl’sname.Who wants to have this name?

    A: I do.

    T:OK. Now you have anEnglish name Susan Brown. And your Chinese name is Sun Ping.Can you find thedifferences between them? Let’s look at the next two pictures and have adiscussion about the differences between Chinese names and English names.

    A boy: Im a Chineseboy. My name is Zhang Nan. Zhang is my first name. Its also my family name.Nan is my last name. Its also my given name.

    A girl: Im Mary Brown.Im English. Mary is my first name.

    Brown is last name.Parents usually call me Mary Brown. But

    I like to be calledMiss Brown.

    3)Exchange theinformation.(需要在课前有所准备的情况下进行。)

    Teacher: Now everyonecan choose an English name.But you must

    pay attention to itsmeaning.For example,Susan means Molihua

    in Chinese. Do you knowThe meanings of your names? If you do,

    please exchange theinformation in your group.

    4)Report the result tothe class.

    (Some students areasked to give a report to the class.)


    Sa: Im Rose White.Rose is my first name. White is my last name.

    Rose is a kind ofbeautiful flower. In Chinese it means Meigui.

    I like my name becauseI like roses very much. And maybe parents

    call me Rose becausethey want me to be beautiful.


    Ask the students to sumup the meanings of English names after

    class. They can readbooks or search the internet.






    Step One: Revision.(让学生放录音作业,选择两个最好的,给予奖励,从而帮助学生树立学习的信心。)

    T: Let’s listen to thetapes you recorded. Who is the best? OK, let’s start.

    (Select the best two.Award a prize to their work.)

    Step Two: New words.

    1. Present the newwords. (运用多媒体或图片,教新的重点词汇,同时复习了本单元重点句型;在教学新单词的同时,注意复习刚学过的单词。)

    T: Look at the picture.

    (Show students apicture of a watch.)

    T: What’s this inEnglish? It’s a watch.

    (Ask a student) What’sthis in English?

    S1: It’s a watch.

    T: Good. (Ask anotherstudent.) What’s this in English?

    S2: It’s a watch.

    T: How do we spellwatch? (Show students the spelling.)

    W-A-T-C-H, watch. Readafter me, please.

    S3: W-A-T-C-H, watch.

    (Teach the other words“baseball, computer game, key, notebook, ring and ID card” in the same way.)

    T: Let’s say the wordsagain. What’s this in English?

    (Show the words random.Ask questions like this.)

    S4: It’s a key.

    T: How do you spell it?

    S4: K-E-Y.

    2. Practice the newwords.(此活动练习了学生们的口语,同时又进一步巩固了新单词和已学句型。)

    T: Good. Please look atthe pictures in 1a. Match the words with the things in the picture. Do it byyourself.(Students find them in the pictures and objects in the picture.)

    T: Well, let’s checkthe answers. Who can tell us the answers?

    S5: …

    T: Now please work withyour partner, say the conversation in 1b. Use the pictures in 1a.

    (Students practice theconversation. As students work, the teacher moves around and help them.)

    Step Three: Listening.

    1. Listening (2a).(通过听力练习,加深对所学单词的记忆。)

    T: Listen to theconversation. Pay special attention to the names of objects. You will hear someof the names, not all of them. Circle on the picture each item whose name ismentioned in the conversations.

    (Play the recordingtwice. Students listen and circle the items.)

    T: Let’s check theanswers, OK?

    S6: …

    T: Who would like tosay the circled words again?

    S7: …

    2. Listening(2b).(通过听力练习,强化学生对单词和句型的理解,同时训练学生写的技能。)

    T: Please look at thetwo pictures in 2b. One is Kelsey, and the other is Mike. Listen to theconversations again. This time you will pay attention to the things Kelsey andMike are looking for. Then write down the names of the things under eachperson’s pictures.

    (Play the recording forthe students to write down the words.)

    T: Well, what is Kelseylooking for?

    S8: …

    T: What about Mike?What is he looking for?

    S9: …

    Step Four: Pair work.(这个活动运用信息差,训练了学生用重点词汇和句型进行听、说、写的练习。)

    T: Now let’s play agame. You are Student A and your partner is Student B. Student A looks at page81, while Student B looks at page 82. Each student has only part of theinformation needed to complete the activity. First Student A asks Student Bquestions, using the words in the box; Student B answers the questions andwrites the words in the chart below.

    (Students practice inpairs, asking and answering questions and filling the charts. And the teachermoves around explaining the procedure and of fering help.)

    A sample:

    SA: Is this her pencilcase ? SB: No, it isnt. Its his pencil case. SA: Is this his key? SB: Yes, itis. Its his key. SA: Is this his backpack? SB: No, it isnt. Its her backpack.

    (Students practice inpairs.)

    T: This time Student Basks Student A questions, using the words in the box; Student A answers thequestions and writes the words in the chart below.

    (Students practice inpairs, asking and answering questions and filling the charts. And the teachermoves around explaining the procedure again and providing help.)

    SB: Is this her pen?SA: No, it isnt. Its his pen. SB: Is this her book? SA: Yes, it is. Its herbook. SB: Is this his computer game? SA: No, it isnt. Its her computer game.

    T: Let’s check theanswers. One from Group A and the other from Group B come to the blackboard tofill in the chart.

    Step Five: Summary andhomework.

    In this case, we’velearned the names of some possessions. After class, please use some of thesewords to write out a conversation and practice with your partner.






    Step One: Revision.(检查学生的作业,找几组学生表演,训练学生的口语表达能力。)

    T: First I’ll checkyour homework. Practice the dialogue you made. And you should use the picturesor the objects that are mentioned in your dialogue. I’ll invite some of you tocome to the front to say the dialogue.





