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新人教版高中英语选修2Unit 2 Using langauge-Listening教学设计

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 6135 字
  • 大小:139.00KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Inge设计
  • Unit 2 Using langauge-Listening教学设计

    The theme of the listening section is "talkabout Chinese language learning abroad", which focuses on ConfuciusInstitute abroad and the influence of Chinese cultural exchange on the world.

    Text analysis: Listening text is an interview. Inthe dialogue, the interviewee is a Chiese teacher called Aisha Kham in theConfucius Institue abroad.

    1. Instruct students to predict the listening content by observing thepictures and to develop their prelistening prediction strategies,

    2. Instruct students to grasp the key information and important details ofthe dialogue

    3. Instruct students to express their opinions on the influence of ChineseConfucius Institute abroad and share their experiences with their peers.

    4. Instruct students to conduct a cohensive interview talk about the relevanttopic.

    Instruct students tograsp the key information and important details of the dialogue.

    Beforelistening, talk with your partner.

    1.What do you know aboutChinese language learning abroad?

    2. How do people fromother countries find out about Chinese culture?


    1.As China has boomed,the connection between China and the rest of the world has increased. As aresult, learning Chinese has become important for many people. Other people arelearning Chinese because they are interested in Chinese culture.

    2. By watching films,visiting China, attending a Confucius Institute, etc.

    Step1: Whilelistening:Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.

    1. Where does this conversationtake place?

    2. Who are the peoplespeaking?

    3 .What are they talkingabout?


    1. It appears to takeplace in a radio studio.

    2.a radio host and aChinese teacher named Aisha Khan.

    3.They are talking aboutChinese learning in the Confucius institute in Karachi, Pakistan.

    Step2:Listen again and take notes by filling in the poster below.

    • Welcome to the Confucius Institute.

    • Learn to _____________and allabout_____________________

    • Our institute has grown! we started with______________________but now wehave many more.

    • It is a centre for ___________________.You can learn and practicefascinating Chinese traditions.

    • Knowledge of the Chinese language and culture is important because ofincreasing________________________. Many students go on to great jobs in_____________________.

    • Join us today to help break down languageand____________________ and bring the world together!

    keys: 1.Chinese culture 2.speak Chinese 3. a few students and teachers 4.Chinese activities 5.trade between Chinaand Pakistan 6. Chinese companies 7. cultural barriers

    Step 3: After listening:Answer the questionsaccording to what you remember of the conversation.

    • 1. What made Aisha feel like she was part of Ms Hus family?

    • 2. Why did Aisha want to become a teacher?

    • 3. Why do students learning Chinese see it as beneficial to their future?

    keys:1.Making and eatingdelicious dumplings together in Ms Hu’s home made Aisha feel like she was partof her family.

    2.because she wanted to carry on Ms Hu’s work.

    3.Because learning Chinesewould help them find good jobs at Chinese companies.

    Step 4: Speaking:interviwing a person

    Imagine youreinterviewing a student at a Confucius Institute in another country about his orher experience. Work with a partner to brainstorm what the interviewer mightask and how the student might answer. Then role-play the interview. Use thephrases and questions in the box to help you.

    We are pleased to welcome ..

    What was your biggest challenge?

    Thanks for joining us.

    How did you overcome it?

    Tell us more about ...

    What are you keen on?

    Thanks for your time.

    What is the key to your success?

    It was a pleasure talking with you.

    What do you feel is your biggest achievement?



    A: Hi, Jane. Welcome tothe show!

    B: Thanks for invitingme.

    A: Tell us, what was yourbiggest challenge in learning Chinese at the beginning?

    B: Well, I suppose it wasdifficult to grasp the tones at first.

    A: I bet! Did joining theConfucius Institute help overcome this problem?

    B: Absolutely! Getting involvedwith Chinese cultural activities there definitely helped a lot ...


    • A: Hi, Jane. Welcome to the show!

    • B: Thanks for inviting me.

    • A: Tell us, what was your biggest challenge in learning Chinese at thebeginning?

    • B: Well, I suppose it was difficult to grasp the tones at first.

    • A: I bet! Did joining the Confucius Institute help overcome this problem?

    • B: Absolutely! Getting involved with Chinese cultural activities theredefinitely helped a lot. I got to practice my Chinese on a daily basis, and Icould learn how native Chinese speakers spoke.

    • A: What do you feel is your biggest achievement?





