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人教版新目标初中英语七年级上册Do you like bananas说课稿2篇

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  • 作者:大猫丶演示
  • Do you like bananas说课稿2篇

    Do you like bananas说课稿一


    本课包括三部分:Section A, Section B和 Self-check.

    主题: Food.

    语言功能: Talk about likes and dislikes.


    语言结构: Present tense to like Yes/No questions and short answers

    Affirmative and negative statements

    like 的一般现在时,一般疑问句及肯、否定回答;肯定句和否定句。

    语言目标: 主要语法

    Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do. No, Idon’t.

    I like French fries. I don’t liketomatoes.

    Main vocabulary(词汇): hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, Frenchfries, oranges, ice cream, salad, bananas, eggs, strawberry, carrots, apples,chicken, breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruit, vegetable.





    Language topic: Do you like bananas?

    Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

    Language strategies: Talk about likes anddislikes.

    Main vocabulary: food, banana, hamburger,tomato, broccoli, French fries, strawberry, orange, ice cream, salad

    II.语言结构: like的一般现在时的一般疑问句及回答。


    IV.活动设计:采访调查 Do you like…?

    V. Teaching steps:

    Step 1:Greetings.

    Step 2: Words: (pictures)

    What’s this? (picture) It’s a soccer ball.Do you have a soccer ball? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. Do you like it? Yes, Ido./No, I don’t.

    What’s this? It’s a hamburger. Do you likeit? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

    What are these? They’re bananas. Do youlike bananas? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

    运用图片和对话教学单词:hamburger, banana, tomato, broccoli,French fries, strawberry, orange, ice cream, salad 并运用这些单词进行对话:Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

    Step 3: 1a Match the words with thepictures. (P31)

    Step 4: 1b Listen and number theconversations 1-3.

    Do you like salad? No, I don’t. Do youlike bananas? Yes, I do.

    Do you like oranges? Yes, I do.

    Practicethe conversations, and then make your own conversations.

    Step 5: 2a Listen and circle the food youhear. (P32)

    hamburgers tomatoes broccoli French friesoranges ice cream salad bananas

    Step 6: 2b Listen again and fill in theblanks.

    I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers?Yes, I do.

    Do you like______: No, I don’t like______.

    Let’s have _______. Oh, no. I don’tlike_________.

    Step 7: 4 (P33)Make a food survey. Do youlike…?


    like it

    doesn’t like it


    Liu Li

    Zhao Jun



    French fries




    How many students like hamburgers?

    How many students like bananas?


    Step 8: Let’s sum what we have learnedthis class.



    Something else:

    Step 9: Homework

    1. Remember the words in this class.

    2. Practise the dialogue in pairs.




    Language topic: Does he like salad? Yes,he does.

    Does she like salad? No, she doesn’t.

    Language strategies: Talk about likes anddislikes.

    Main vocabulary: egg, apple, carrot,chicken, fruit, vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner

    II.语言结构: like一般现在时第三人称单数的一般疑问句及回答。


    IV.活动设计:Guessing game

    V. Teaching steps:

    Step 1:Greetings.

    Step 2: Words: (由对话引出)

    (Ask a boy)Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

    (Ask another student) Does he likebananas? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

    (Ask a girl)Do you like eggs? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

    (Ask another student) Does she likebananas? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

    依次类推 chicken, apple, carrot, fruit, vegetable.

    Do you like eggs for breakfast? Breakfastis the first meal of a day.

    Do you like vegetables for lunch? And doyou like chicken for dinner?

    (转到第三人称) Does he or she like carrots for lunch? Yes, he does./No, hedoesn’t.

    Ask the students to remember the newwords.

    Step 3: 1a Write the number in the boxnext to the correct food. (P34)

    1.broccoli 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple 5.ice cream 6. hamburger 7. banana

    8. orange 9.carrots 10. chicken

    Step 4: 2a Listen and circle the wordsfrom 1a that you hear. (P34)

    Step 5: 1b How many other words can youadd to the lists? (P34)

    Fruit: apples

    Vegetables: broccoli

    Add five new words to your Vocab-Builder.Ask the students to remember them.

    Step 6: Write down what your family liketo eat.

    My father: eggs, apples…

    My mother: chicken, oranges, carrots…

    My sister: hamburgers, ice cream…

    My brother:

    Ask another student to guess: What does myfather like?

    Does he like vegetables? No, he doesn’t.

    What does my sister like? Does she likeice cream? Yes, she does.

    Step 7: Let’s see what we’ve learnedtoday.



    Something else:


    Step 9: Homework.

    1. Remember the words.

    2. Practise the dialogue in pairs.

    3. Finish the workbook.




    Language topic: I like oranges. I don’tlike bananas.

    They like salad. They don’t like broccoli.

    He likes hamburgers. He doesn’t likebroccoli.

    She likes ice cream. She doesn’t bananas.

    Language strategies: Talk about likes anddislikes.

    Main vocabulary: eat, running star, lotsof, healthy, food, dessert, list

    II.语言结构: like一般现在时的肯定句和否定句。


    IV. Teaching steps:

    Step 1:Greetings.

    Step 2: Practise dialogue like this:

    Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. I likebananas.

    Do you like salad? No, I don’t. I don’tlike bananas. I like salad.

    Practise in groups: I like …, I don’tlike. 转到第三人称

    Ask another student: Does he like salad?No, he doesn’t. He likes bananas.

    Step 3: 3 (P33) Pair work. Find out what/Bill and Bob like and don’t like.

    French fries strawberry salad ice cream



    Practise like this: Bob likes Frenchfries. He doesn’t like salad.

    Bill likes …

    Step 4: 2b Listen and fill in the chart.(P34)

    Likes doesn’t like

    Katrina: apples carrots


    Ask and answer questions about whatKatrina and Tom like and don’t like.

    Step 5: 2c Look at the breakfast, lunch,and dinner in activity 1a. Are they Katrina’s or Tom’s? Write K or T (P34)

    Step 6: 3a Read the article and underlinethe fruits and the vegetables. (P35)

    Runners eats well!

    Middle brook High running star KatrinaPedrosa eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, andapples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and oranges. And for dinner,she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.

    New words: eat, running star, lots of,healthy, food, dessert


    Step 7: 4a You are going on a picnic witha group of friends. Make a list of food to buy. (P35)

    I like apples. Do you like apples? Yes, Ido. Do you like oranges?

    Yes, I do. What do they like? …

    Then read your list of food to the class.

    Step 8: Let’s see what we’ve learnedtoday. (Ask the students to sum by themselves)



    Something else:


    Step 8: Homework.

    1. Ask the students to remember the newwords.

    2. Practise the dialogue in pairs.




    Self-check (Revision)

    I.教材分析:这是本单元的最后一部分: Self-check,即本单元的复习部分。这一部分的课本是由以下几部分组成的。

    1.Key word check. Check the words youknow.

    2.Add five new words to yourVocab-builder.

    3.Draw the food you like to eat for lunch.

    4. Ask your classmates what they like toeat for lunch. Find someone who likes to eat the same lunch as you.

    Just for fun! Do you like broccoli?


    Step 1:Review words like this:

    Food: chicken hamburgers French fries icecream

    Fruit: apples bananas oranges

    Vegetables: salad carrots tomatoes

    Ask the students to remember them andcheck up.

    Step:II. Practise the language topic (P32)Grammar Focus.

    Doyou like salad? Yes, I do. No, I don’t

    Do they like salad? Yes, they do. No, theydon’t.

    Does he/she like salad? Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t.

    I/Theylike oranges. I/They don’t like bananas.

    He/she likes ice cream. He/She doesn’tlike bananas.

    Stop III. Write about what Tom likes toeat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, oranges,and bananas. For lunch, he likeshamburgers,____________________________________. And for dinner, he likes______________________________________.

    Step IV. Write about what you like forbreakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Step V. Draw the food you like to eat forlunch.

    Step VI. Ask your classmates what theylike to eat for lunch. Find someone who likes to eat the same lunch as you.

    Step VII Fun (Ask the students to read thedialogue in a strange voice to make more fun)

    Step VIII. What you have learned from thisUnit.


    Homework: 1. Remember all the words inthis Unit.

    2. Practise the dialogue in pairs.

    3. Finish the exercises about this unit.



    教学内容是Section B的3a,3b, 4 三个部分。形式为广告,但主要内容是描述衣服及其价格。单词:clothing, store, sale, time, year, again,fantastic. Price, cheap, all, each, or, just, believe, come, down, come downto, yourself, cool, goods, buy, from, sell。教学目的:通过学习该部分,学生能够简单描述衣服,并为自己的服装店做个广告。


    I. Revision.

    Show the pictures of the clothing. Let’sread and spell the names.

    Ask the price according to the pictures.

    II. Do the reading practice.

    3a Read the ad and fill in the price tags.

    Do the ask-answer exercises in pairsaccording to the prices in 3a.

    III. Learn the new words.

    Listen to the tape and repeat.

    clothing, store, sale, time, year, again,fantastic, price, cheap, all, each, or, just, believe, come, down, come downto, yourself, cool, goods, buy, from, sell

    III. Task.3b

    1.You have a clothing store next toHuaxing. We go to your shop. Please answer our questions about the prices ofthe clothing.

    2. Then write your own ad. The beginninghas been given.

    Mr Cool’s Clothing Sale

    Come to Mr Cool’s Clothing Sale. Thesesocks are only 5 dollars. Do you like…?

    IV. Task. 4


    Your group is having a sale. You each have200 RMB. You can buy or sell anything you like. Make a note of what you buy orsell.



    Buy from

    Sell to


    本节课是个检测课, 是对本单元所学习的内容的全面复习和检测。包括新单词:zigzag, clothes, shop, yellow, ask, which,新短语:have a look, 日常用语:I’m sorry.

    1 Key word check. Check [√] the words youknow.

    单词检测,可以根据实际,或由学生自己检测,或在教师的指导下检测, 由学生自己检测则可锻炼学生的自学能力。

    2 Write five new words in yourVocab-builder.

    词汇积累, 由学生自己独立完成, 锻炼学生的自学能力。


    该题含新单词zigzag clothes shop yellow ask which,短语 have a look,句子: I’m sorry.在做题过程中, 教师要对此进行讲述。


    1. 话剧表演 (课内完成):

    分小组, 卖方一人和买方五人, 扮演售货员和顾客, 购买自己需要的物品, 先在小组内演练,最后到前台表演。

    2. 写作和书写练习 (可在课后完成,由教师批阅):


    教后一得:本节课是个检测课, 是对本单元所学习的内容的全面复习和检测。包括新单词:zigzag, clothes, shop, yellow, ask, which,新短语:have a look, 日常用语:I’m sorry. 学生掌握的很好。

    Do you like bananas说课稿二



    本单元的中心话题是Food. 主要语言功能项目是Talk about likes and dislikes. 语法结构为Present tense tolike, Yes / No questions and short answers, Affirmative and negativestatements. 本单元Section A所呈现的是与谈论喜好与厌恶相关的基本语言知识及其初步运用。这部分内容从呈现食物词汇开始,通过视、听等方式输入信息,并引出本单元主要句型:Do you like…? 及其回答Yes,I do / No, Idon’t.接着设计了一个听力练习,要求圈出所听到的食物以及补全对话,强化记忆所学词汇和初学句型。然后教材设计了一个结对活动,以此操练主语是第三人称单数时句型的变化以及回答。并借此突出本单元的语法重点。最后教材设计的Food Survey起到了引导学生初步综合运用所学语言的作用,以调查的形式使学生在富有挑战性的活动中主动运用所学语言,落实新知。Section B是在Section A基础上的知识的扩展和延伸。本单元中,Section B首先以听、说、写的形式展开了食物与名称配对以及对食物进行分类。接着设计了听力填写Sandra和Tom喜欢与不喜欢的食物;自然引到了谈论一日三餐的话题的结对活动,实现了新旧知识的综合运用;一日三餐合理健康膳食引出同步阅读;之后的写一段话谈谈Tom 的一日三餐到写一段关于自己一日三餐喜欢吃的食物,直到最后的小组活动列出购物清单,使学生从完成半真实的任务转向了完成真实的任务,从而达到了创造性活用所学语言的目的。Self check部分的主要内容是对本单元主要词汇及语言运用能力的自我评价。






    教学难点:1、交际用语Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.








    (1) 开展多种任务型的听力活动,获得理解、识别和处理与谈论喜好、厌恶相关的信息。

    (2) 展开各种任务活动,使学生具备较熟练地运用所学语言谈论喜好与厌恶,描述一日三餐的合理搭配的能力。

    (3) 引导同步阅读,使学生理解与主题相关的语言材料,并增强学生运用语言获取更多信息的能力。

    (4) 进行写作练习,使学生具备初步的综合运用语言的能力。





    (1)Disscussion. 通过小组讨论、开展调查等研究,明确在用中学、交流中学习的想法。

    (2)Classifying. 通过分类法,可简化学习过程,利于记忆。

    (3)Guessing. 通过猜测,并大胆发言,以学习新知。










