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人教版新目标初中英语七年级上册Do you have a soccer ball说课稿3篇

  • 页数:10页
  • 字数:约 11286 字
  • 大小:74.50KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Vincent演示
  • Do you have a soccer ball说课稿3篇

    Do you have a soccerball Section A说课稿一


    你们好!今天我说课的内容是新目标英语(Go for it !)Do you have a soccer ball? 第一课时。



    1)、词汇:have ,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball, sport , bat。

    2)、语言运用:Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do.Do you have a ping-pong bat?No,I don’t.





    词汇:重点掌握各种运动球类的名词, 如basketball, soccerball,等。

    句型: Do you have a/an...?Yes,I do./No,I don’t.


    1)、能看着图片和实物说;Do you have a/an...?Yes,I do./ No,I don’t.







    1)、重点词汇:have以及球类词soccer ballbasketball等等。











    Step1 Warming up


    ⑵复习What’s this ? It’s a pen.通过复习旧知识的同时,引出I have a pen.Do you have a pen ?为新课做好铺垫。


    (1)通过实物(篮球,足球,乒乓球,及球拍等)和图片教新单词。这样学生能更好的掌握单词。激活学生对新单词的兴趣。同时穿插句型——Do you have a/an..?——Yes,I do. No,I don’t.





    B.生活情境展示:这部分是学生课外体育活动中的对话录像。录像内容与basketball、soccer ball、pingpong有关。通过多媒体方式把语言知识Do you have a…? Yes ,I do. No,I don’t。放在特定的情境中进行操练,体现语言运用的真实性。



    Step4: Listening

    Playthe recording for the first time.Students only listen. And then play it asecond time.然后叫学生说出答案。给予表扬,并及时纠正错误。

    Step5: Pairwork


    Step6: Homework

    Preview the next period .

    Step7 Blackboard Dsign

    Do you have a soccer ball ?

    have ----Do you have a ping-pongbat?

    soccer ball-----Yes, I do.

    Ball ----- No, I don’t.


    Tennis racket




    Do you have a soccerball? Section A说课稿(英文版)

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:

    Nice to meet you here. Id like to sayits a good chance for me to learn from you .Here, my speech contains 4 parts.I would like to introduce them here with your great help.

    I. The analysis of teaching material:

    My speech is Section A , Unit 5. Do youhave a soccer ball This is an important lesson in Book One. And it is the firstlesson of this unit, it talks about recognizing objects(mainly about balls) andthe simple question. .The students have already known to answerit"Yes" or "No" in ,but in this unit, its different. Weknow, simple question is a kind of important structure. If the students canlearn it well, it will be helpful to make the students to learn the specialquestion. And its related to our daily life closely, so its very useful.

    New words: basketball, soccer ball,volleyball, ping-pong ball, ping-pong bat, tennis, tennis racket.

    Structure: Do you have Does he /she have


    Aimson the knowledge:

    To study the words about balls by showingthe pictures.

    To make the students know how to askwhether others have something or not, and how to answer it.

    Aimson the abilities:

    To develop the students ability oflistening ,speaking, reading and writing.

    To train the students ability of communication.

    Aimson the emotion:

    ⑴.To make thestudents be interested in good co-operation and competition.

    ⑵To make thestudents lovesports ,love life.

    Teaching key points and difficult points:

    How to make the students understand thenew language items naturally.

    How to make the students work well withtheir partners.

    How to arouse their interest in learningEnglish.

    How to make dialogues and act them out.

    Ⅱ.Teaching methods I will take.

    1."Communicative" teachingmethod.

    2. "Task-based" teaching method.

    Everyone knows that the main aims oflearning English in middle school is to cultivate the students basic abilitiesof listening, speaking, reading and writing, and their good sense of theEnglish language.

    Ⅲ. Learning methods.

    Firstly, Look, listen, and say to gainlanguage competence.

    Secondly, Teamwork, exploration andparticipation to reach the goal.

    Thirdly, Cultivate skills in listening,speaking, reading and expressing.

    Fourthly, Students-centered andteacher-guided learning strategies. Im not a teacher but a guider. Im readyto give them help whenever they need and re-correct the mistakes while talking.

    Ⅳ.Teaching procedure design.


    Ask the students some easy questions tocheck if they have remembered the contents they had learned before. Forexample: Whats this Spell it, please. What color is it Is this your pen Isthat your backpack and so on.


    1. Take out a ping-pong ball and ask thestudents:Whats this Why I take out a ping-pong ball here I think its theeasiest and the most popular in our country.

    2. Leading in new words : here I will playsome short plays, they are soccer game,volleyball game, ping-pong competitionand an advertisiment, there is a basketball in it.

    The reason of my design: I think thestudents can learn the words easily and directly in this way. And I also thinkit can draw the students attention and arouse their interest in learningEnglish. With the help of the CAI, it can provide a real situation tounderstand the meaning of the words, not by presenting the new words one by oneand telling them the Chinese meaning. So the students can remember the wordsquickly and naturally.

    How to help the students remember the newword, I think I will do it like this: When the word appears under the picture,there may be some students know the word and they will read it out loudly, thistime, you may need to correct the pronunciation and teach it, after one or twotimes, I will ask the students to spell it by themselves. Why I must ask themto spell it themselves, I think it can make them have a general impression ofthe word. Usually, when you teach them read, most of the students just followyou, they dont look at the word at all. Perhaps, you have taught ten times andthey can read it very well following you , but after you teach some more wordsand ask them to read it again ,they may not be able to.

    3.Teaching the dialogue:

    Make a sample dialogue with a student.Show him or her the ping-pong ball and do it like this:

    T: I have a ping-pong ball. Do you have aping-pong ball (Here, you may help him answer "Yes, I do." or"No, I dont.")

    S: Yes, I do.

    Make the dialogue with some more students,andwrite it on the blackboard. Make sure they can read and understand the meaning.Next, ask a student if he has a ping-pong ball, then ask the others: "Doeshe have a ping-pong ball "Here, you must help them answer: "Yes, hedoes." Or "No, he doesnt." Write it on the blackboard. Teachthe dialogue and make sure they can read it and understand the meaning.

    4. Practice: Read the dialogue by roleplay. But you must tell them how to do it clearly, make them to ask their partnerswhat kind of balls they have. This time ,they must use the sentence "Doyou have a "

    5. Groupworking and competition: Dividethe students into groups of three.Give them an example first :

    A: Do you have a basketball

    B: Yes ,I do.

    A: Does he have a basketball

    C : Yes, he does.

    Ask them to make a similar dialogue andtell them that it s also a competition, after they act it out you will choosea best group at the end.

    The reason of having a competition: Ithink it can encourage them to try their best and cooperate with their group memberswell.

    6. Listening, listen to the tape andcircle the words you hear. Its Activity 1a.

    Step3.Post-task. Starting a ball club.

    In this club, there are four teams: abasketball team, a soccer ball team, a ping-pong ball team and a tennis team. Iwill ask four students to be the captain of each team. They should ask theirclassmates to be their team members. If he has a basketball,he should join thebasketball team.

    The reason I give this task: I think thisactivity is the consolidation of this lesson. It is helpful to revise andconsolidate the contents we learned in this lesson.

    Blackboard design:

    Ping-pong ball /bat Do you have a ping-pongball

    Soccer ball Yes, I do./No, I dont.


    Volleyball Does he have a soccer ball

    Tennis racket Yes, he does.

    Does she have a volleyball

    No, she doesnt.

    Thats myspeaking. Thanks for your listening.

    Do you have asoccer ball? 第二课时说课稿



    Do you/they have a TV?Yes,I/they do./No,I/they don’t.

    Does he/she have a soccer ball?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.





    我采用的是多媒体教学,通过looking,thinking和practicing学习策略,利用教学幻灯片等来展开课堂教学,使用have对物品的所属进行提问及回答。在讲授课新知过程中,我运用了导——扶——放教学方法。按照激趣教学——听说训练——加强书写——讲授新知——强化听力——练习巩固的教学过程。语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取演示讲解的方式进行教学,让学生进行情景操练、反复使用;口语教学——采取pair work问答式的口语交际活动互相操练练习;阅读教学——让学生学会抓住主要词汇和句型;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以填空、造词为主;语法教学——总结规律、模仿操练。





