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人教版新目标初中英语八年级上册How do you make a banana milk shake说课稿8篇

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  • How do you make a banana milkshake说课稿8篇

    How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A(1a-3a)说课稿

    一、 说教材


    本课是《义务教育课程标准实验教科书•英语》(人民教育出版社)八年级上册第七单元How do youmake a banana milk shake?第一课时。本单元中心话题是学习询问和描述一种食物的制作过程,本课时学习“询问和描述香蕉奶昔和水果沙拉制作过程。主要语言结构为:祈使句的运用; How many/How much引导的特殊疑问句。通过本课的学习进一步培养学生的跨文化意识和综合语言运用能力。

    本单元分为Section A 、Section B.和Self check 三部分. Section A 提供了本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构,并通过简单的语言活动进行操练和巩固,Section B 是学生在掌握了Section A的基础知识后的拓展和延伸。




    Words: milk shake, yogurt,watermelon, ingredient, blender, teaspoon, peel ,pour, finally.

    Sentences: How many …/ How much…do we need ?















    基于上述理论和英语课程标准对4级学生的要求及学生的心理特点和认知发展规律,结合任务型语言教学模式,采用多元智能理论的教学设计策略,通过对fruit 的头脑风暴,句型的练习,听力的训练及制作奶昔的示范,让学生为完成任务获得必需的知识、能力、信息和文化理解,最后小组合作完成水果沙拉的制作并描述其过程,实现了任务目标、感受到成功。


    3.游戏辅助教学。如在教学过程的第七环节,我教学生make faces来操练First …next ..then …finally.极大程度的调动了学生的学习积极性,从而熟练掌握了本课的知识点。












    Step 1 Warm up and lead in. Get thestudents to enjoy a piece of flash show. Greedy monkey .

    Step 2 Revision

    Showpicturesand reviewthe names of some fruit.

    T: Do you like fruit? What kind offruit do you like?

    What is your favorite drink? Todaywe are going to learn a new kind of drink--a banana milk shake . Do you want toknow how to make it?


    Step3 .Presentation(while-task)

    T:Let’s see how tomake a banana milk shake. What ingredients do we need?

    Teach ingredient /yogurt…

    What tools do we need? Teachblender / turn on/cut up…

    1.Peel three bananas

    2.Cut up the bananas.

    3.Put the bananas and ice cream inthe blender.

    4.Pour the milk in the blender.

    5.Turn on the blender

    6.Drink the milk shake.


    Step4 Practice

    1a. Write down the words. 1b. Listenand number.



    Pairwork:T: Tell your partners howto make a banana milk shake or strawberry milk shake . You can use these words:“ first,next, then and finally”.


    Step 6 Play a game. How to make yourfriends laugh? Practice First…next …then… finally…


    Step 7.Presentation

    1.Show the picture and say: We aregoing to talk about fruit salad. Do you like it ? To make fruit salad, what dowe need ?

    2.Listening practice

    Discuss with the Ss “ What ingredients do we need ?” and “how many orhow much”, then havea listening practice of 2a. and then 2b.

    . 设计意图:由水果沙拉的制作复习how many 和how much 的用法。强化重点,攻破难点。

    3. Groupwork .Have a competition ofmaking fruit salad. Work in groups and make their own fruit salad and report .


    Step 8. Sum up在学生尽情地参与活动后再让学生反思本节课的语法焦点,反思环节是培养学生的反思能力和问题意识,也是培养学生反省智能和元认知的重要途径。

    Step9. Homework :

    1) Writea recipe for your favorite fruit salad .

    2)Write aprocess. How do you make instant noodles?

    3) Cook your favorite food or dishfor your family. And tell the feeling tomorrow.

    Chose one or two pieces of homework.






    活动内容 态度 能力 行动

    喜欢 不喜欢 容易 一般 困难 积极 一般 未参与







    1. 敢于和乐于开口讲英语.

    2. 2.英语口语和表达能力有所提高.

    3. 学会了与他人合作.





    How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-2c说课稿

    今天我说课的内容是新目标八年级上册第七单元Section A 1a-2c部分。整个说课内容包括四个程序:教材分析、学情分析、教法和学法指导及教学程序。


    本单元是新目标八年级上册第七单元,课题是how do you make a banana milk shake?话题是cooking athome。通过本单元的学习,让学生学会运用first next then finally来描述做事情的过程和学会根据用法说明去做事情。

    Section A 1a ---2c 是本单元的第一课时,主要是语言知识的呈现,目标是指导学生学会描述做事情的顺序,它是通过制作香蕉奶昔和水果沙拉是过程来帮助学生学会运用祈使句来准确表达这一过程的。同时让学生体会到制作过程的乐趣,培养自己动手进行家庭饮食的能力。


    1 知识目标


    Turn oncut uppeelpourput、mix up /two teaspoons of honey

    A slice of breadanother slice of breadone cup of yogurtneed

    (2) 重点句式: How do you make a banana milk shake ?

    Peel the bananas.

    Pour the milk into the blender.

    How many bananas do you need?

    How much yogurt do you need?

    2 能力目标:



    (3)能熟练运用firstnextthen finally描述做事情的过程。

    3 德育目标:通过教学,培养学生勤动手,爱劳动,并在动手中体验劳动的乐趣,与成功的喜悦。


    重点:1 能运用正确的动词描述制作香蕉奶昔的过程。

    2 可数名词和不可数名词的用法区别。











    Step 1 导入

    首先复习前面单元学过的how的疑问句,How do you get to school?

    How often do you exercise? 然后出示第七单元的标题How do youmake a banana milk shake?学生理解熟读后进行标题句型的替换练习:

    How do you make a pear/an apple milk shake?这样先让每个学生由标题句来了解本单元的学习内容。

    Step 21a,2a的教学


    T:What am I doing now? S1: You arepeeling a banana .

    What am I doing ? S2 : You are peeling an apple.

    板书:Peel a banana/an apple.

    (接着用小刀切香蕉的动作) What am Idoing ?

    S: You are cutting up the banana.

    板书:cut up thebanana.

    Then put the banana into the cup.然后用语言引导学生把香蕉放进搅拌机里如何表示;put the banana into the blender. (板书)

    What should we do then?

    Hoe do we make a banana milk shake?

    What else should we put into the blender?


    T: yes . Pour the milk into the blender.(板书)

    Can we drink the milk shake now?

    S: No.

    T: We should turn on the blender.Afterthat ,can we drink the milk shake ?

    S: of course .

    然后根据板书,让学生熟读制作milk shake 的过程,填写1a。接着听录音完成1b的内容。

    2、给学生一个任务how do youmake an apple milk shake?让学生两人一组练习描述苹果奶昔的过程。

    Step 3 2a 2b 的教学

    1、 After we drink the banana milk shakeand apple milk shake ,wouldyou like some fruit salad? How do we make fruitsalad? What ingredients do need? 然后引导学生说出制作水果沙拉所需要原料,并填写下列表格


    How much +不可数名词

    How many +可数名词复数


    Bananas/ apples/oranges/watermelons

    同时运用How manybananas /apples/oranges /watermelons do we need?Weneedthreebananas /one apple /two oranges.

    How much yogurt /honey/butter/bread do we need?

    We need one cup of yogurt/two teaspoons of butter/a slice of bread./threeslices of chicken.


    2、听录音,完成2a,2b的任务,填写表格,并要求学生跟录音朗读对话2遍,然后讲解what else?=what other things?

    3、Pair work:要求学生同桌间就how to make fruit salad这一内容编对话,根据2c 的提示。

    Step 4 homework

    1、描述然后制作orange milkshake的过程。

    2、用how many +可数名词复数 do weneed?和

    How much +不可数名词 do you need?各造两个句子。


    Unit7ow do you make a banana milk shake?

    Peel the banana . How many bananas do we need?

    Cut up the banana. apples

    Put the banana into the blender. tomatoes

    Pour the milk into the blender.We need one/two

    Turn on the blender.How much yogurt do we need?

    Drink the milk shake. We need a cup of yogurt/two teaspoons of honey

    How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A(1a~1c)说课稿





    词汇:shake , milkshake, blender,turn on,cut up , peel ,put…in,

    pour … into , first,next , then, finally.

    句型: How do you makea banana milk shake?

    Peel three bananas.

    Cut up the bananas.

    Put the bananas ice cream into theblender.

    Pour the milk into the blender.

    Turn on the blender.

    Drink the milk shake.








    I. Warming-up and leading-in

    1. Daily greeting to the students

    T: Good morning , boys and girls.

    Ss: Good morning ,teacher.

    T: Sit down, Let’s dance Hokey Pokey ,Please all of you stand up, listenand do it after me. Are you ready?

    Ss: Yes. (Ss dance while listening)

    T: Great! How are you feeling now? I am feeling hungry and thirsty. I wantto have some drink.

    T: Well, Let me make a new kind of drink.Now watch me carefully!

    II. Presentation

    1. Learn the words.

    T: Right, To make milk shake, What do we need?. Please look at mecarefully (实物呈现单词)

    Ss: Bananas , milk, ice cream,a blender, a knife,a plate, a cup

    T: (Teacher do some actions and ask) What am I doing now?(肢体运动呈现单词)

    (let Ss say verbs and verb-phrases while the teacher does the actions)

    Ss: Peel, cut up, pour, turn on.

    T: Great! Please read these words again.(show the words on the screen).

    Ss: Read the words.

    2. Learn the processes of making milk shake.

    T: Now, Let me show you how to make a banana milk shake. I need threebananas, a blender, some milk, ice cream, a knife,

    a plate, a spoon.

    T: First, peel three bananas

    T: Next cut up the bananas and put the bananas and ice cream in theblender.

    T: Next, pour the milk into the blender.

    T: Then, turn on the blender.

    T: Finally, pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it.

    T: Look! It is finished!

    Ss: Well, can we have a taste?

    T: Yes!(可以让学生品尝, 在制作时应使用手套)

    III. Practice

    1. Work on 1a

    T: Now, look at the pictures in 1a, please write the words in the blanksin the pictures.

    Ss: Students do it alone.

    (After 2 minutes)

    T: Let’s check the answers .Who can give us the answers?

    S1: Picture1, Drink the milk shake.

    S2: Picture2, Cut up the bananas.

    S3: Picture3, Pour the milk into the blender.

    S4: picture4, Peel the bananas.

    S5: picture5, Turn on the blender.

    S6: picture6, Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.

    T: Very good! How clever you are!

    1. Work on 1b

    T: Next, Let’s move on to 1b.You are going to listen to a conversation,listen carefully and number the instructions in correct order.

    Ss: Students listen and finish 1b.

    T: Play the recorder again if necessary.

    T: It’s time to check the answers.S1, please tell us your answers.

    S1: Read the answers.

    T: Thank you very much. All of you read the instructions together.

    Ss: Students read together.

    IV. Group work

    T: Just now, you have drunk milk shake and known how to make it, So ,Iwould like you to work together and make milk shake .I want to see which groupcan finish first . ( four students a group)

    Ss: OK!

    T: You should read the instructions out while you are making.

    Ss: work together.

    T: (After some time), Have you finished making?

    Ss: Yes.

    T: So I am sure all of you know how to make a banana milk shake clearly.How do you feel?

    Ss: It is great/ wonderful/ interesting.

    T: Well, please close your books; tell your partnerhow to make a banana milk shake .After that, I will ask some students to giveus a report of making milk shake.

    Ss: Students talk to each other.

    (After finishing the report)

    V. Summary

    T: Very good! You did very well. Let’s go over what we have learnt today.(show the steps on the screen) then ask:Who can tell us?

    (Let Ss make the summary.)


    S1: shake , milkshake , blender,turn on,cut up , peel ,put…in,

    pour … into , first,next , then, finally.


    S2: How do you make a banana milk shake?

    Peel three bananas.

    Cut up the bananas.

    Put the bananas ice cream into theblender.

    Pour the milk into the blender.

    Turn on the blender.

    Drink the milk shake.

    T: Show what has been summarized on the screen.

    T: Today, I have a good time. Do you have a good time?

    Ss: Yes, we do.

    VI .Homework

    T: So, today’s homework (on the screen)

    1, Read the instructions in 1b.

    2. Preview page 42~43.

    3. Write some instructions on how to make your favorite fruit milk shake.

    4.Write the processes of making instant noodles.(方便面)

    Choose one or two pieces of homework

    T: Class is over, Good-bye boys and girls.

    Ss: Good-bye, teacher.


    Unit7How do you make a banana milk shake?

    Words: shake, milk shake , blender,turn on,cut up , peel ,put…in,pour … into ,first,next , then, finally.


    How do you make a banana milk shake?

    Peel three bananas.

    Cut up the bananas.

    Put the bananas ice cream into theblender.

    Pour the milk into the blender.

    Turn on the blender.

    Drink the milk shake.

    How do you make a banana milk shake? section A Section A3a—4说课稿


    本节课是新目标英语七年级(下)的三单元How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A的第二课时。本单元主要介绍了几种食物或饮料的制作过程。本节课主要介绍 fruit salad的制作过程。该教学内容比较贴近生活,很多孩子接触过,因此在教学中利用实物和图片更容易增强直观性,让学生自己动手制作,使学生在“做中学”掌握并叙述fruit saladand popcorn的制作过程。


    Ⅰ. Knowledge

    ⅰ. Key vocabulary

    mix uppopcornpopperboilsaltadd tosandwich

    ⅱ. Sentences:

    How do you make fruit salad?

    Put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt.

    Finally mix it all up.Add the ingredients to thenoodles.Boil the noodles.

    ⅲ. Grammar:

    Countable nouns and uncountable nouns

    Ⅱ. Skills:

    Train Ss the ability of listeningand speaking

    Ⅲ. Emotion:

    Train students to love life and experience life.


    Lead the Ss to know how to make fruit salad.


    Follow instructions and describe the process of how to make fruit saladand popcorn.


    Tape-recorderphotos, objects


    Talking, listening and speaking.


    Step1 : Warming- up

    Play guessing games.

    1.Act and guess the verbs:peel, cut up , pour into , put into , drink

    2.Draw and guess what it is.watermelon ,yogurt, teaspoon ,honey

    Step2. Revision

    1 Listening for 1b, get the Ss to say how to make a banana milk shake.

    2 Listening for2a and 2b, make dialogues about how to make fruit salad.

    Step3. .Listen and do.

    1.Get the Ss to show and say the ingredients they prepared for the fruitsalad.

    2.Listen to the teacher and make the fruit salad.

    3.Fill in the blanks in 3a.

    Step4 Pair work

    Show pictures and teach: popcorn, popper, salt. Then get them look at thepictures in 3b to talk about how to make popcorn.

    Step5.Super cook

    Get the Ss to show the photos (prepared before class) and then work inpairs to talk about how to make it.

    Step6. Interview.

    Get some Ss to show their photos in front of class and the others askquestions about it.

    Step7. Recipe game

    A recipe game (Put the sentences in the correct order)

    Work in groups of four. Each team will write a different recipe. Forexample, recipes for sandwiches or salad, use the words “first, next, then andfinally”. Write each instruction on a separate line. Then cut up the recipeinto separate lines, Another team puts the instructions in the correct order.

    Step8 Summary

    What did we learn?

    Leads the Ss to summarize the key words and expressions, the students candescribe how to make popcorn, how to make fruit salad and the process of makingnoodles.

    Step9 Exercises

    1. Please buy some ____________(三明治)for yourgrandma.

    2. Let me help you put some ____________(黄油) on yourbread..

    3. I want some ____________(糖) in mycoffee.

    4 Before you take the medicine, you must read the _____(说明)carefully.

    5. I have already ___(加)some salt tothe soup . Is it salty enough ?

    6. I have ____________ bananas in the fridge.

    A. a lot B. manyof C. much D. lots of

    7. Would you like ____________ relish on the bread?

    A. Many B. any C. someD. /

    8. Here is onion, pleaseput it in your bowl.

    A. some B. any C. a D. an

    9. I have for suppersometimes.

    A. chickens B. lettuce C. breads D. meats

    10. The milk shake tastes__bad______ I don’t want it any more.

    A. too, to B.such , that C. too. Enough D. so, that

    Step10. Homework

    Design a special for your family and describe the process.


    Unit 3How do you make a banana milk shake?

    First… Next…Then…Finally…

    1 How to make a banana milk shake?

    2 How to make fruit salad?

    3 How to make popcorn?

    4 How to make noodles?

    How do you make a banana milk shake? section A说课稿


    本课是新目标英语,八年级上册第七单元section A部分,教材以howdo youmake a banana milk shake?为中心话题。围绕着描述“一种食品的制作过程”展开。学习和运用重点词汇及其句型turn on /cut up/pour ...into 及其how do you make a banana milk shake/fruit salad ?让学生谈论一种家庭食物的制作过程同时用first./next/then /finally 来描述制作过程步骤的先后顺序。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切联系,易于引发学生用简单的英语进行交际和交流。





    句型:how do you make a banana milk shake









    词汇及其句子: how do we make ...

    first ...next ...then ..finally..






    3)2a2b的听力是为了复习how much 与how many的区别,因为七年级上册unit8涉及到的知识,所以2a2b训练的的真正目的是为了让学生更清楚的了解不可数名词的表达方式:数词+量词 +of+不可数名词





