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人教版新目标初中英语九年级上册How do you study for a test说课稿8篇

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  • 作者:天行健工作室
  • How do you study for a test说课稿8篇

    How do you studyfor a test? Section A说课稿一

    Ladies and Gentlemen:

    上午好。今天我说课的内容是GO FOR IT新目标英语九年级Unit1. Section A.Period 1的内容。


    本单元以How to study for atest?为主线,让学生感受动名词的使用环境;充分掌握动名词的用法。同时改进自己学习英语的方法,为今后的英语学习奠定坚实的基础。



    A.句型:What about readingaloud to practice pronunciation?

    词汇:aloud, secret,friendship, memorize, frustrate, agreement, disagreement, pronounce.

    B. Talking about themethods on learning English.




    1. 语言知识目标:领略与掌握动名词用法。

    2. 文化意识目标:通过本课时的学习,培养人际交往与自省能力。

    3. 语言技能目标:能准确运用含有动名词的句型。

    4. 学习策略目标:学生能善于利用合作学习,对集体行为表述个体想法,在合作学习中提升个人英语表达能力。

    5. 情感态度目标:本课时创设的情境为Talking about theways of how to learn English,学生要体现“公益”精神,集大家智慧,开好一个party,使学生的协作能力在本课时中得到一定程度的提高。


    Task1. Whichgroup’s organization of the talk is the best?

    Task2. Design a dialog.

    Task3. Write apassage about learning English..


    1. Greetings.

    Talk about theactivities students had last weekend.


    2. Discussing.

    T: How do youstudy for a test?

    T: I study bymaking flashcards.

    T: What aboutreading aloud?



    3. Pair work: class party.

    S1: I think Istudy by memorizing the new words….

    S2: But for me, Istudy by listening to the teather carefully


    4. Listening: 1a and 1b


    5. Group work:

    Students work in agroup of 4 to make up a conversation about how to study for a test. Whichgroup’s organization is the best?


    Question 1. Whichis the best way to study English?

    Question 2. Howmany ways do you study English by?

    Question 3. Whatactivities of learning English are popular in your everyday English studying?


    6. Listening: 2a and 2b

    7. Design: jion a club to learn English.

    学生依然以group work形式为即将参加考试的同学设计一个提高英语成绩的学习方法.

    8. Writing:

    Task1: How do youstudy English every day?

    Task2: Whichmethod do you think is the best for you to learn English well?

    Task3: If you havea test next week, what will you do to improve your English grade?

    9. Homework:

    Think about more ways of learning English well and write them down.


    Unit 1

    1, New words

    2,句型; How do you study for a test?

    I study by makingflashcards.



    1. 学生在Group work 中是否能积极参与

    2. 学生对于动名词结构,能够主动运用

    3. 学生在If对话和写作中,能够了解并正确使用学英语的更多好方法。

    本课时的教学预测是学生可能会以比较高的热情参与若干个情景小组讨论中,而难点在于含有动名词的句式表述上,需要课下及时的消化与巩固。 谢谢!

    How do you studyfor a test? Section A说课稿二


    ●Totalk about how to study

    ●Toread about how to study


    Warming up bygreeting


    Fromnow on you are a ninth grader. Congratulations to you and I wish you a greatsuccess in your studies!

    Todaywe shall take up the first unit in this new term, How do you study for a test?

    Lookat the blackboard and read after me the target language for this unit. When youread pay attention to the structure of the sentence.

    Learningto Learn is very important. And learning to pass a test is also very importantto you.

    Learningcouldn’t be easier!

    If youhave not developed good ways or methods to study for a test, talk to yourclassmates about it, your parents, or the teacher like me if you are braveenough. You should be brave enough to talk to others about your problems withyour studies.

    NextI’d like to give you some useful practical advice about studying for a test andalso ask you questions to make you think about things such as:

    ▲usingyour time effectively


    ▲howto learn your lessons in the ninth grade year

    ▲differentmodes of teaching you may meet

    ▲howto develop particular skills, such as note-taking in class

    1A: Checkingthe ways you study

    Nextturn to page 2 and check √ the ways you study for an English test. Then addother ways you use sometimes.

    ■Howdo you study for a test?

    Nowraise your hand and report your added ways to the class. I will make a list ofall the added ways on the blackboard.

    1bListening and writing

    Listento understand how these people in the picture on page 2 study for a test. Writeletters from the pictures. While listening, pay attention to the structures ofthe sentences.

    1c Doing a pairwork

    Now inpairs ask your partner how he or she studies for a test.

    2a Listening and checking

    Nowlet’s go to page 3. Listen to the tape and check the questions you ask.

    Whilelistening, pay attention to the structures of the sentences.

    2bListening and matching

    Listenagain and match each question from 2a with an answer in the box on page 3.

    2c Doinga pairwork

    Nextwe are going to make a conversation in pairs using the information fromactivities 2a and 2b.

    3aReading the article and completing the chart

    1.Readingto the tape

    We aregoing to read the article on page 4. First we shall read to the tape together.That is, we start reading aloud as the recorder goes, and we stop reading aloudas the recorder stops. While reading, let’s pay enough attention to the pauses,the pronunciation and the intonation of the native reader. Make our readingaloud as the same as the reader’s.

    2.Readingand dividing the article into parts

    Nextwe are going to read aloud the article slowly and clearly. We will try todivide it into thought groups.

    3.Readingand underlining

    Weshall read the article once again, this time, to underline all the usefulexpression_rs in it. After school, you are going to write them down in yournotebook.

    4.Translatingand completing the chart

    Becauseyou have read this article many times you are going to translate it intoChinese first and then complete the chart on page 4.

    Whowill be the first to have a try?

    3bDoing a pairwork

    Silence,please! We are going to have a role play in pairs. One of the pair is to be one

    of thepeople in 3a. The other is to interview him or her about learning English.

    4Doing a pairwork

    Turnto page 4 to check √what you do to learn English in the box.

    How do you studyfor a test? Section A 英文说课稿

    一.Teaching material analysis

    In thisunit,students learn to talk about how to study for a test.Such a topic is veryuseful to the students so that they can make a great progress after they masterthe right way to study.It’s helpful to raise learning interest of allstudents.Either more or less advanced students will benefit a lot in all theirlife.

    二.Teaching aims

    1. knowledge objects

    In thisunit,students learn to talk about how to study for a test and give advice tothose who have difficulties in studying.

    2. ability objects

    Let studentsform a good habit of learning english through giving advice. Train the students communicative competence.

    3. Moral objects

    Everyone learnsin a different way and the best one is to do.Let them know that no pains,nogains.

    三.Teaching key points and difficult points

    1. key points

    words:flashcards,pronunciation,aloudand so on.

    Targetlanguage:How do you study for test?---I study by working with a group.

    2. Difficult points:

    Train students communicative competence


    五.Learning methods

    Cooperation andcommunication

    As we allknow,the main aims of learning english in middle school is to cultivate students abilities of listening,speaking,reading,writing and theirgrammer.To use these methods is helpful to develop students abilities.

    六.Teaching procedures

    Step1 Greetings

    “How do youstudy for a test ?”is the first lesson in the new term,so greetings at thebeginning of the class is necessary.

    First,welcomestudents back to school and ask them if they had a good time during the summerholiday.and then ask different students to describe what they did in summervacation, at last,ask them whether did they learn english and how did theylearn.

    Step 2 presentation

    write the waysthey study english on the blackboard..Let them check the ways they usuallystudy for a test.While students are doing this,write the list of ways ofstudying on the blackbag.

    After they havefinished checking the ways,ask the students to look at the blackboard anddiscuss which are the most popular and least popular ways of studying.

    3And next, Iwill let the students add other waysthey use sometimes,and invite. Several students to read their waysto the class.

    This activityreviews earlier volabulary and introduces some new words.

    Step 3 Practive

    Firstly,readthe instructions to the class focus the students atlention on the illustrationand point to the pictures labeled a,b and c and elisit how each student isstudying. Then point to the pictures with names Mei. Antonio and pierre undunderneath and tell them listen.

    Secondly, askthem write the leter of each picture in front of the name the person.Whostudies that way. Such as, Mei says, I study by making flashcards, so theanswer to number 1 is a, play the tape for the first time, students onlylisten. Play the tape a second time, students write down their answers. After listening, I willinvite several students to check the answer, then I will give the rightanswers.

    Step 4Production

    First, read theinstructions to the class. And call the students attention to the conversationin the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class. And then tellthe students look at the other ways of studying in activity 1 and ask theirpartner how he/she studies for a test. As students work, I will listen in onvarious pairs checking propress and offer help as needed. And after students have a enhance topractice act out their conversation.

    This activitygivers students oral practice using the target language therefore, it can improve theirspeaking skill.


    In this class,we’ve learned some new words, such as flashcard, vocabulary. And we’ve alsolearned the target language: how do you study for a test? Istudy byworking with group.


    Ask students tointerview students in other class, family members, and friends to try todiscover some new ways of studying that haven’t been introduced in the book orin class.

    九, Blackboard Design

    How do youstudy for a test

    Section A

    1, Ways ofstudying

    By working withfriends by making flashcards

    By reading thetextbook by making vocabulary lists

    By listening totapesby asking the teacher for help

    2, Targetlanguage

    A How do you study for test?

    B I study by working with a group.

    How do you studyfor a test? 第一课时说课稿一


    本单元围绕“How to study”这一话题展开教学活动,帮助学生学会用“verb + by doing”的表达方式探讨学习英语的策略,认清自己在学习方面的长处和不足。本单元的话题跟学生的学生生活有密切联系,学生很感兴趣,也容易理解。通过对一些学习话题的讨论,让学生明白英语学习的重要性,并能够根据所学知识进行交流和学习,了解哪些学习方法适合自己,从而有效地提高英语成绩。同时,也让学生学会面对困难,学会解决问题,养成良好的学习习惯,善于向同学、朋友、老师学习更好的方法,能给他人提出适当的解决方法,树立学好英语的信心。


    学生经过一定时间的学习已经有了一定的语言基础知识,且本单元的话题“How to study”,源于实际的学习生活,因此学生的学习积极性会很高。通过本单元的学习,学会谈论学习生活中遇到的困惑和烦恼,并进行更深入的经验交流。有利于延伸和拓展知识范围,培养解决实际问题的能力。



    重点词汇: flashcard,vocabulary, aloud , pronunciation

    掌握语言结构:verb+ by doing

    掌握给出建议的句型: what about,…?

    why don’t you…?





    3. 情感目标






    正确运用” verb + by doing”的表达方式谈论学习中的困难,并提出相应的建议。






    Step Ⅰ Warm up


    Welcome back to school !Then ask them ifthey had a good time during the summer holidays.

    Step ⅠⅠ Lead-in

    Now you have finished your holiday, did you study in your holiday ? Howdid you study?

    Step Ⅲ Presentation

    1. 1a

    This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words.

    Read the instructions to the class.

    Call students attention to the box. Read the list of ways of studying to the class.

    Please check the ways you usually study for an English test. While thestudents are doing this, write the list of ways of studying on the blackboard.After they have finished checking the ways, ask the students to look at theblackboard. Ask, who study by working with friends for an English test? Pleaseraise your hands.

    Write the number of hands you see after by working with friends on thelist. Repeat the same approach with the other ways of studying on the list.Then discuss which are the most popular and least popular ways of studying.

    Say, And now please add other ways you use sometimes. While the studentsare doing this, move around the room to offer language support as needed.Invite several students to read their ways to the class.

    2. 1b

    This activity provides students practice in understanding the targetlanguage in spoken conversation.

    Read the instructions to the class.

    Focus attention on the illustration. Point to the pictures labeled a,b andc and elicit how each student is studying. Then point to the pictures withnames Mei, Antonio and Pierre underneath. Say, You will hear one conversation.You are asked to write the letter of each picture in front of the name of theperson who studies that way.

    Point out the sample answer to the class.

    Call students attention to the speech bubble in the illustration. Say, Meisays, "I study by making flashcards. "so the answer to number 1 is a.

    Play the recording for the first time. Students write down their answers.Check the answers .

    Step 3. 1c

    This activity gives students oral practice using the target language.

    Read the instructions to the class.

    Call students attention to the conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students toread it to the class,

    Say, Now work with a partner. Start by reading the conversation in the boxwith your partner. Then look at the other ways of studying in Activity 1 andask your partner how he or she studies for a test.

    As students work, listen and offerhelp as needed.

    Ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out their conversationsafter practice.


    This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

    Call students attention to the picture.

    Ask, What do you think is happening? Who are they? Guide the students tosay. They are members of an English club that meets after school once a week.They are talking about the ways to learn English.

    Point to the list of questions in the box.

    Get different students to read them to the class.

    Say, Listen to a conversation among the members of the English club. Checkthe questions you hear.

    Point out the sample answer.

    Play the recording for the first time.

    Students only listen. Play the recording again. This time students listenand check the questions they hear. Check the answers with the whole class.

    5. 2b

    This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

    Point to the list of answers in the box.

    Get different students to read the answers to the class.

    Point to the checked questions in Activity 2a.

    Say, You are to listen to the same conversation again. This time write theletter of the correct answer after each question you checked in Activity 2a.Point out the sample answer. Play the recording again.

    Students write the letters in the blanks. If necessary, play the recordingonce more so that students have an opportunity to check their answersthemselves. Check the answers with the whole class.

    6. 2c

    This activity provides oral practice using the target language. Invite apair of students to read the sample conversation to the class.

    Read the instructions. Say, Make conversations using information fromActivities 2a and 2b with a partner. As students work, move around theclassroom and offer help as needed.

    Aask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out their conversationsafter practice.

    Step Ⅳ Grammar Focus

    Invite a student to read the sentences to the class.

    Underline the words by listening, by studying and by reading aloud. Say,When you ask how to do something or to tell how you do something, you often usethe word "by" followed by an-ing word.

    Step Ⅴ Summary

    Say, In this class, we’ve learned some key vocabulary words, such asflashcard, vocabulary, aloud , pronunciation .

    And we’ve also learned the the structure verb+by doing.

    We should pay special attention to the structure verb+by doing.

    八、作业 Homework

    Ask students to interview someone else to find some new ways of studyingthat are effective.then write an article about how to study with by + doingstructure.


    How do you study for a test?

    Vocabularies: flashcard,vocabulary, aloud , pronunciation

    Language structure:verb+ by doing

    Sentence patterns: what about…?

    why don’t you…?



    Howdo you study for a test? 第一课时说课稿二


    很高兴能在网上参加这次的英语说课活动,我说课的内容是新目标英语九年级第一单元How do you study for a test ?的第一课时( 1a —— 1c ),本课时所学知识十分贴近学生的实际生活经验,本课话题How to study……与日常生活密切相关,作为一名中学生学会如何学习是非常重要的,发展学生的自主学习能力和合作精神,是基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之一,因此,本课时对于提升学生的学习兴趣而提高听、说、读、写能力有很大的帮助。我的说课包括以下内容:


    1、 本课时主要围绕How do you study for a test ?展开,谈论如何学习英语,如何准备考试,通过听、说、读、写的训练,熟练掌握和运用V+by+Ving的语言功能结构,并对学生进行学习策略指导,使他们能采取最合适自己的英语学习方法。

    2、 教学目标:









    1、 词汇教学:采用多媒体、幻灯片及卡片展示,让学生形象直观的学习新单词。

    2、 听力方面:教师创设听力情境,并对听力提出适当的问题,供学生思考,让学生感知问题,带着问题去听。

    3、 分小组反复操练功能句。根据实际情况,拓展对话内容,让学生从中学会更多有利于自己的学习方法。


    1、 复习旧知:


    ②复习句型:How do you go to school?

    I go to school by bike,引出课题:How do you studyfor a test?


    用幻灯展示图片,教新单词,引出短语make flashcards. make vocabulary lists. 然后教师提问:How do you study the new words?帮助学生用V+by+Ving结构来回答:We study by making flashcards /We study by vocabulary lists 通过本环节直接引出1a内容How do you study for an English test? 提醒学生特别注意本课时功能句V+by+Ving结构,要求学生掌握一些重要短语:work with sb / listen to tapes/ ask sb for help 然后根据1a中的词组,以师生问答的形式进行连锁操练。

    教师再设问:Can you think out other ways to study?给予学生更多思维的空间,根据他们的学习经验,补充更多的学习方法。


    4、1c 巩固操练:此环节本着积极参与、善于合作的原则,把全班分为若干小组,采取全班互动的方式,鼓励学生善于抓住用英语交际的机会,充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践,以问答的形式,根据幻灯片的提示,反复操练功能句How do you study for a test? I study by……使学生做到熟能生巧。此环节老师要特别关注差生,及时个别辅导,然后鼓励学生想出更多学习英语的好方法,并及时给予充分肯定,让学生在学习过程中体验成功的快乐,从而保护和激励学生的自尊心和自信心,让他们对英语学习有一个积极向上的良好心态。




    How do you study for a test?

    I study by + Ving




    How do you study for a test? Section B3a—4说课稿




    realize, matter, afraid, secret, term, trouble, fast


    —First of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher whenshe talked.

    —I was also afraid to speak in class, because I thought myclassmates might laugh at me.

    —I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class.

    —She had trouble making complete sentences.





    首先________开始________随后________太快了________没关系________害怕做某事____________ 造完整的句子____________开始做某事___________做笔记______________这个学期_____________



    I couldn’t ____________________________________________

    I often______________________________________________

    It isn’teasy___________________________________________

    I don’thave__________________________________________


    It’s a good way to____________________________________

    It doesn’t matter if___________________________________

    ______________________________________helped me a lot.

    I started to_________________________________________



    (1)Could youunderstand me when I talk in English?

    (2)Are you afraid tospeak in class?

    (3 ) What isn’t easy about learningEnglish?

    (4) What do you do about this?


    任务一:例文学习 Model composition

    How Vivien learned to learn English?

    Fast reading:

    1.What’s one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner?

    Careful reading:Vivien’s Challenges

    1. The teacher spoke too quickly, she couldn’t understand

    2. She was afraid to speak in class.

    3. She couldn’t make complete sentences.

    4. English grammar was difficult.


    Her solutions


    2. _________________________________________________

    3. _________________________________________________

    4. _________________________________________________

    Deal with the statements about the article.

    Listening and reading practice.

    任务二:例文分析 Analysis composition


    1. It is adj. for sb. to do →It doesn’tmatter.

    2. be afraid to do→start to do

    3. couldn’t do → decide to do

    4. have trouble doing→enjoy doing


    First of all,___________________________________________


    1.It wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked. 在结构It is adj. for sb. to do中, It是形式主语,动词不定式短语作句子的真正主语。

    2.She had trouble making complete sentences.

    have trouble doing sth. 的意思是“做某事有困难”,类似的结构还有have problem/difficulty (in)doing sth,其中介词in可以省略。

    练一练:1. 学习英语对我们是很重要的


    2. 他在学习英语语法方面有困难。


    任务三:口头作文 Oral composition


    1. It is adj. for sb. to do (later on)→It doesn’tmatter.

    2. be afraid to do( then )→start to do

    3. couldn’t do ( so ) →decide to do

    4. have trouble doing ( now ) → enjoy doing

    任务四:书面作文 Written composition


    Dear Lucy,

    I know it isn’t easy to learn__________________, but I have some ideasthat may help. You said you couldn’t understand people who talked fast. Well,you can try to listen for the most important words, not everyword.________________________________________




    I. 根据汉语提示完成句子。


    To____________, teacher spoke too__________, and

    I couldn’t____________ every word.


    I_______________ speak in class, because I thought

    my classmates might ____________me.


    I couldn’t always _____________________________.


    I had __________in___________ grammar.






    Great ( )Good ()Not bad ()

    How do you studyfor a test? Section B说课稿


    ● To listen aboutlearning English

    ● To talk aboutlearning English

    ● To read aboutlearning English


    Warming up byreading to the recording

    Hello, everyone.To begin with, lets listen and read to the recording of the text HOW DO YOULEARN BEST? That is, read aloud to the tape, as fast as the tape goes, asclearly as the native reader reads. OK? Here we go!

    My cat speaksEnglish.

    Sometimes my catcomes to me and tells me that she is hungry. Or that her leg hurts. How does mycat tell me these things? I dont speak pussy-cat language. 1a Reading andchecking

    Learning Englishcan be both easy and difficult. What things are easy for you? And what thingsare difficult for you? Now turn to page 5, read the list on the top and check √the statementsthat are true for you.

    1b Making a list

    You have read andchecked the statements true for you. Now think and make a list of other thingsdifficult for you, too.

    I dont know howto...! 1. I dont know how to use commas. 2. I dont know how to work withothers. 3. I dont know how to make flashcards. 4. I dont know how to read thetextbook. 5. I dont know how to make vocabulary lists. 6. I dont know how tolisten to tape. 7. I dont know how to ask the teacher for help. 8. I dontknow how to study for a test. 9. I dont know how to work with a group. 10. Idont know how to watch English videos. 11. I dont know how to practiceconversations with friends. 12. I dont know how to read aloud to practicepronunciation. 13. I dont know how to learn by using English. 14. I dont knowhow to get more specific suggestions. 15. I dont know how to read Englishmagazines. 16. I dont know how to learn new words. 17. I dont know how tomemorize the words. 18. I dont know how to studying grammar 19. I dont knowhow to watching English movies 20. I dont know how to joining the English club21. I dont know how to improve her English 22. I dont know how to get lots ofpractice 13. I dont know how to ask teachers about the best ways to learn moreEnglish. 2a Listening and checking

    Paul is a niceboy. He works hard at his English, but still has many learning challenges. Nowlisten to find out what challenges he has and check them in the box on page 5.

    Challenges to Paulat learning English 1._____ cant get the pronunciation right.

    2._____ forget alot of new words.

    3._____ cantunderstand when people talk to me.

    4._____ cantunderstand the words in magazines.

    5._____ dont getmuch writing practices. 2b Listening and matching

    Now listen again toPaul talking about his challenges at learning English and match them with thesolutions listed in the box on page 5. While listening, pay attention to thestructures of the sentences.


    Teacher: You lookworried, Paul.

    Boy: I am, MsMitchell. Im having trouble learning English.

    Teacher: You saidyou liked English. Whats the problem?

    Boy: I cant getthe pronunciation right.

    Teacher: Well,listening can help. Why dont you borrow the teachers tapes? You can listen tothem at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you.

    Boy: Thats a goodidea. But what about all the new words? I forget a lot of new words.

    Teacher: You canalways write the new words in your notebook and study them at home. You caneven study in the train on the way to school.

    Boy: That mightreally help! Thanks.

    Teacher: Can youunderstand when people talk to you?

    Boy: Well, no. Notalways. Sometimes I just dont understand what people are saying.

    Teacher: Why dontyou join an English language club to practice speaking English? The Englishclub meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    Boy: Maybe Illgo. The only other problem I have is that I dont get much writing practice.

    Teacher: Maybe youshould find a pen pal.

    Boy: That soundslike a fun way to practice writing. Thanks, Ms Mitchell. 2c Doing pairwork

    IN pairs we aregoing to role play conversations using the information from activities 2a and2b.

    I dont have apartner to practice English with. Maybe you should join an English language club.I cant get the pronunciation right. Listening can help. I forget a lot of newwords. Write the new words on cards and study them daily. I cant understandwhen people talk to me. You can join an English club to talk to people more inEnglish. I cant understand the words in magazines. You can look them up in adictionary. I dont get much writing practices. Start writing an English diaryevery day. I read very slowly. You should read to the recording of the text. Imake mistakes in grammar. Why dont study the basic sentence patterns 3aReading and cutting

    Its time to readthe text HOW I LEARN ENGLISH. Now read and check (/) the sentences.

    We are going toread the text again to study the form and function of all the predicate verbs.

    How I learned tolearn English Last year/ my English class/ was difficult/ for me. First of all,it wasnt easy/ for me/ to understand the teacher/ when she talked to theclass. To begin with, she spoke/ too quickly, and I couldnt understand everyword. Later on, I realized that/ it doesnt matter/ if you dont understand/every word. Also/ I was afraid to speak/ in class, because/ I thought/ myclassmates/ might laugh at me. I couldnt always make complete sentences,either. Then/ I started to watch English-language TV. It helped/ a lot. I thinkthat/ doing lots of listening practice/ is of the secrets of becoming a goodlanguage learner. Another thing/ that I found/ very difficult/ was Englishgrammar. So/ I decided to take lots of grammar notes/ in every class. Then/ I startedto write my own original sentences/ using the grammar/(that) I was learning.Its amazing/ how much/ this helped. Now/ I am enjoying learning English/ and Igot an A/ this term. My teacher is very impressed. Next we shall read the textfor the third time to underline all the useful expressions. After class you areto copy them into your notebook.

    All right, readthe text the fourth time and circle all the signal words, or the linking wordswhich connect all the short sentences.

    Now you may readthe statements in the box on page 6 following the text. Write "T" or"F" beside each statement.

    3b Writing aletter

    Your friend LinFeng is having difficulties with her English. Write her a letter telling herhow to become a better English learner.

    Dear Lin Feng,

    I know it isnteasy to learn English, but I have some ideas that may help. You said youcouldnt understand people who talked fast. Well, you can try to listen for themost important words, not every word. It is difficult to understand by listeningwhat you have not read or what you cant understand well by reading. To listenwell you have to read well. So keep on reading English. Listening and readingto the recording of the text is very important, too. Every text, after beingread, should be listened to and read aloud to the tape. At first you may findit difficult to follow the reader reading aloud the text. Dont worry. If youkeep practicing you will be able to read aloud as fast as the native readerfrom the tape. And then you can understand people who talk fast in English.


    Tai Zuo 3c Writingan article

    You have beenlearning English for at least three years. That is such a long time. Now thinkabout the things that have helped you the most in learning English. Write anarticle telling others about them.

    4 Doing aninterview

    Next we shall doan interview in groups of four. Ask the three group mates about learningEnglish. Take notes of what they say. Tomorrow you shall stand to tell theclass about their answers.

    Q. What isnt easyabout learning English? A. Reading is not easy. Q. What do you do about this?A. I try to cut the sentences into thought groups. Q. What is your favorite wayto learn more English? I read and read aloud a lot. These are the best way.Closing down by sing

    To end this periodlets sing an English song.

    Rain, rain, goaway,

    Come again anotherday,

    Little Johnny

    Wants to play.

    Rain, rain, go toSpain,

    Never show yourface again.

    Howdo you study for a test?说课稿

    two periods

    Structures: verb+by with gerund

    Target language:

    -How do you study for test?

    -Well, I study by working with my classmates.

    -Have you ever studied with a group?

    -Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

    -I don’t have a partner to practice English with.

    -Maybe you should join an English club.

    Vocabulary: flashcard, take notes, frustrating, memorize, aloud, comma, make mistakes, pronunciation, be afraid to, What about…? Why don’t you…?

    Learning strategies: Personalizing, Role playing

    Section A


    ●To talk about how to study

    ●To read about how to study


    Warming up by greeting

    Hello, everyone!

    From now on you are a ninth grader. Congratulations to you and I wish you agreat success in your studies!

    Today we shall take up the first unit in this new term, How do you studyfor a test?

    Look at the blackboard and read after me the target language for this unit.When you read pay attention to the structure of the sentence.

    ▲How do you study for test?

    ▼Well, I study by working with my classmates.

    ▲Have you ever studied with a group?

    ▼Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

    ▲I don’t have a partner to practice English with.

    ▼ Maybe you should join an English club.

    Learning to Learn is very important. And learning to pass a test is alsovery important to you.

    Learning couldn’t be easier!

    If you have not developed good ways or methods to study for a test, talk toyour classmates about it, your parents, or the teacher like me if you are braveenough. You should be brave enough to talk to others about your problems withyour studies.

    Next I’d like to give you some useful practical advice about studying for atest and also ask you questions to make you think about things such as:

    ▲using your time effectively


    ▲how to learn your lessons in the ninth grade year

    ▲different modes of teaching you may meet

    ▲how to develop particular skills, such as note-taking in class

    1A: Checking the ways you study

    Next turn to page 2 and check (√) the ways you study for an Englishtest. Then add other ways you use sometimes.

    ■How do you study for a test?

    I study for a test___

    By reading to the tape;By underlining the expressions; By reading beyond the text; By doing used exam papers; By going over exercises books; By copying down the text; By learning the text by heart; By speaking with classmates

    Now raise yourhand and report your added ways to the class. I will make a list of all theadded ways on the blackboard.

    1b Listening and writing

    Listen tounderstand how these people in the picture on page 2 study for a test. Writeletters from the pictures. While listening, pay attention to the structures ofthe sentences.

    Section A 1b Tape script

    Boy1: Hey, gang. There’s a big test on Tuesday. I really need some help. Can you tell me how

    you study for a big test?

    Voices: Sure! Yes. Sure we will.

    Boy1: You did really well on the last English test, didn’t you, Mei?

    Girl1: Yeah, I did OK.

    Boy1: Well, how did you study?

    Girl1: By making flashcards.

    Boy1: Maybe I’ll try that. How did you study, Pierre?

    Boy2: By asking the teacher for help. She was really happy I asked.

    Boy1: That’s interesting. How do you study, Antonio?

    Boy3: I like to study by listening to cassettes. But sometimes my mother thinks I’m listening to

    music. And then she gets mad.

    Boy1: Oh, well…

    1c Doing a pairwork

    Now in pairs askyour partner how he or she studies for a test.

    A: How do you study for a test?

    B: I study by working with a group.

    C: I study by listening to English.

    D. I study by playing games with my classmates.

    E. I study by doing actions such as coloring, matching.

    F. I study by singing English songs.

    G. I study by writing letters and emails.

    H. I study by acting out simple dialogues.

    I. I study by listening to and understanding stories.

    J. I study by writing simple sentences.

    K. I study by imitating from the recording.

    L. I study by speaking out words or phrases.

    M. I study by doing simple role plays.

    N. I study by reading and understanding simple stories.

    O. I study by using daily expressions.

    P. I study by performing short plays.

    Q. I study by performing simple rhymes.

    R. I study by writing sentences for pictures.

    S. I study by writing out simple poems.

    T. I study by reading aloud correctly.

    U. I study by playing text plays.

    V. I study by working with classmates.

    W. I study by going over the text before class.

    X. I study by copying words and expressions.

    Y. I study by looking and saying.

    Z. I study by asking others questions.

    2a Listening and checking

    Now let’s go topage 3. Listen to the tape and check the questions you ask.

    While listening,pay attention to the structures of the sentences.

    Section A 2a, 2b Tape script

    Girl1: Welcome to the English club. Today we’re going to talk about the best ways to learn

    English. Who has an idea?

    Boy1: Do you learn English by watching English-language videos?

    Girl2: No. It’s too hard to understand the voices.

    Boy1: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that way?

    Girl2: I think so. It helps to write English every day.

    Girl3: Have you ever studied with a group?

    Girl2: Yes, I have! I’ve learned a lot that way.

    Girl1: Do you ever practice conversations with a friend?

    Girl2: Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills.

    Boy1: What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?

    Girl3: I do that sometimes. I think it helps.

    Boy2: I do too. And I always look up new words in a dictionary.

    Girl3: That’s a great idea!

    2b Listening and matching

    Listen again andmatch each question from 2a with an answer in the box on page 3.

    2c Doing a pairwork

    Next we are goingto make a conversation in pairs using the information from activities 2a and2b.

    A: Have you ever studied with a group?

    B: Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

    A: Have you ever learned English by watching videos?

    B: Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

    A: Have you ever practiced conversations with friends?

    B: Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

    A: Have you ever listened to tapes?

    B: Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

    A: Have you ever read aloud to practice pronunciation?

    B: Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

    3a Reading the article and completing the chart

    1.Reading to the tape

    We are going toread the article on page 4. First we shall read to the tape together. That is,we start reading aloud as the recorder goes, and we stop reading aloud as therecorder stops. While reading, let’s pay enough attention to the pauses, thepronunciation and the intonation of the native reader. Make our reading aloudas the same as the reader’s.

    2.Reading and dividing the article into parts

    Next we are goingto read aloud the article slowly and clearly. We will try to divide it intothought groups.

    3.Reading and underlining

    We shall read thearticle once again, this time, to underline all the useful expressions in it.After school, you are going to write them down in your notebook.

    This week/ we asked students/ at New Star High School/ about the best ways/ to learn more English. Many said/ they learnt/ by using English. Some students had more specific suggestions. Lillian Li, for example, said/ the best way/ to learn new words/ was by reading English magazines. She said that/ memorizing the words of pop songs/ also helped/ a little. When we asked about studying grammar/ she said, “I never study grammar. Its too boring.”

    Wei Ming feels differently. Hes been learning English/ for six years/ and really loves it. He thinks/ studying grammar /is a great way/ to learn a language. He also thinks that/ watching English movies/ isnt a bad way/ because he can watch the actors/ say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies/ frustrating/ because the people speak too quickly.

    Lin Chang said that/ joining the English club/ at school/ was the best way/ to improve her English. Students get lots of practice/ and they also have fun. She added that/ having conversations/ with friends/ was not helpful/ at all. "We get excited/ about something/ and then/

    end up speaking/ in Chinese,” she said.

    4.Translating and completing the chart

    Because you haveread this article many times you are going to translate it into Chinese firstand then complete the chart on page 4.

    Who will be thefirst to have a try?

    Ways of learning English

    Not successful



    Lillian Li

    Studying grammar

    memorizing the words of pop songs

    reading English magazines

    Wei Ming

    watching movies

    watching English movies

    studying grammar

    Liu Chang

    having conversations/ with friends

    joining the English club

    3b Doing a pairwork

    Silence, please!We are going to have a role play in pairs. One of the pair is to be one of thepeople in 3a. The other is to interview him or her about learning English.

    Zhao: Excuse me, Li Hong. Could you help me with my English?

    Li: Yes, please. What’s the matter?

    Zhao: I have difficulty studying grammar.

    Li: Grammar? I never studying grammar. I study English mostly by memorizing the words of

    pop songs.

    Zhao: No grammar at all?

    Li: Yes, I did study grammar. But I study it by reading English magazines. I put grammar learning into reading articles. That is the best way to understand English grammar.

    4 Doing a pairwork

    Turn to page 4 tocheck √what you do to learn English in the box.

    Closing down by asking and answering—How did you learn English?

    *I listened to English them every day.

    *I read English books many times a day.

    *I learned many English songs by heart.

    *I sang the English songs to myself.

    *I learned every new English word in the text.

    *I learn English by going to English classes.

    *I do English homework at school.

    *I read English textbooks in the evening.

    *I speak English very slowly.

    *I play computer games in English.

    *I read a lot of English sentences in the morning.





