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人教版新目标初中英语九年级上册What would you do说课稿7篇

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  • What would you do说课稿7篇

    What would you do? sectionA (1a-1c)说课稿

    各位评委老师好!本人名叫田野,今天说课的内容是:新目标英语九年级上册section A (1a-1c).本单元所涉及的内容主要是学习虚拟语气。要求学生了解和掌握虚拟语气的用法。本节课主要学习表示与现在事实相反的情况下虚拟语气的结构。即(从句)if+主语+动词过去式(be动词用were),(主句)主语+would+动词原形。如:If I had time,I would go home.如果我有时间,我就会回家(事实上我没有时间)。If I were you,I would buy a car. 如果我是你,我就会买一辆小轿车(事实上我不是你,也不可能买一辆小轿车)。

    本课教学目标中的技能目标要求学生能听懂师生之间就本节课的对话内容而展开的回答,能与同伴利用自制的图片进行情景对话。本节课的知识目标就是要求学生牢记今天所学的3个单词(million、medical、research)及理解和运用与现在事实相反的情况下的虚拟语气的用法。(What would you do if you had a million dollars?)目的就是要求学生能积极主动地投入到语言实践中去,训练学生的听、说、读、写的技能,让学生通过学习本课内容学会帮助和关心他人,让学生知道知识能创造财富,有了财富才有能力关心和帮助需要帮助的人。





    Step Ⅰ Greeting

    Step Ⅱ Revision

    Check the homework.

    Step Ⅲ Teaching of new lesson

    导入:教师在讲台上假装卖彩票,有一些同学就会上来买彩票,在买彩票的学生中就会有人中大奖,然后教师利用这个机会向其发问:What would you do?这名中奖的学生可能会说出答案。(如果学生想不出,教师可向其提供准备好的图片)帮助学生回答I would buy a computer.这时教师说:If I were you, Iwould buy a car. Then let the students discuss what they would do if they had amillion dollars. Then check the answers.

    Listening: (1b).Listen to the tape and finish lb.

    Then check the answers.

    Pairwork:(1c)Talk with your partner about what would you do if you had amillion dollars.

    Step Ⅳ Summary.

    Step Ⅴ Homework.


    1、If it(rain)tomorrow, I’ll go to the parkwith my sister.

    2、If I(be)you, I’d give her the hat.

    3、If I(find)a pen, I (give)it to theteacher.

    4、If I(be)a fish, I (swim)in theriver.

    5、If Aunt Li were here now, she(help)me.

    Step Ⅵ Blackboard design:

    what would you do?


    If I had a million dollars, I’d give it tomedical research.

    If I were you , I’d buy a car.

    What would you do? Section A3A说课稿


    大家好!今天我说课的内容是九年级Unit1 What would you do? Section A 3a。本次说课从以下四个环节展开:教材分析、教法和学法、教学过程、教学评价。



    本节课选自九年级Unit1 What would you do? Section A部分的 3a。这是一篇短文阅读。短文内容主要是个人遇到的烦恼以及他人提出的建议。涉及到的重要语法是本单元的虚拟语气句型If I were you, I’d…。通过本节课的学习让学生掌握虚拟语气的结构,能够谈论想象中的情景,为Section B的学习打下基础。




    1、全体学生能从音、形、义上掌握单词 exam pimple

    2、全体学生能掌握短语 what to say, too…to, take a big exam ,并会运用。

    3、80%学生能正确认知英语中的“ 虚拟语气” 和“定语从句”

    eg. If I were you, I would talk tosomeone who looks friendly.














    Step1Pre-readingStep2 While-reading

    Step3Post-readingStep4 Development

    Step5 SummaryStep6 Homework

    Step1 Pre-reading



    A: What would you do if you had a million dollars?

    B: If I had…, I would…/ If I were you, I would



    T: If I had a million dollars, I’d give it tocharity to help those in trouble. In our dailylife, maybe everyone has problemsat home, at school at work and so on. Read 3a and find out what problems arementioned

    设计意图:承接上一环节,利用give it to charity 图片导入,让学生感到过渡非常自然。

    Step2 While-reading


    Question: What problems arementioned?



    Match each problem with the correctadvice.



    Read3 a carefully to find outdifficult points and discuss them in groups.



    Teacher explains some difficult and important points.

    1、I’m too tired to do well.

    too…to 太…而不能

    eg. He is too nervous to say a word.


    eg. I’m so tired that I can’t do well.

    He is so nervous that he can’t say a word.


    If I were you, I would talk to someone who looks friendly.

    The foods that you eat could helpwith this problem.



    引导词who/whom/that which/that


    Task5 Ss practice reading loudly.


    Step3 Post-reading

    Task1 Retell the story according tothe key words.

    shy…what to say…talk to someone…then

    get nervous…look terrible…foods…should eat…drink

    can’t sleep…too…to…take a long walk…relax


    Task2 Fill in blanks with the correct word given.

    I’m really shy and I don’t enjoy parties. I don’t know what ______(say) ordo. If I _____(be) you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly. Then you won’tfeel so Shy. I get nervous before big parties and then I get pimples. Whatshould I do? The foods you eat could help with this problem. You should_____(eat) fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water. I can’t sleep wellthe night before I take a big exam. Then I’m too tired ____(do ) well. Whatshould I do? If I were you, I_____(take) a long walk before ______(go) to bed.That should help you_____( relax).


    Task3 Ss do five exercises.

    1、The two dictionaries are good and I don’t know which one______(choose).

    2、It’s the most interesting movie______he has ever seen.

    A. and B. that C.who

    3、If I _____ you, I______ a shirt.

    A. were, had worn B. were, would wear C. was, would wear




    Step4 拓展提升

    Task : (Groupwork) What problems do you have? Ask your classmates foradvice.







    1、学习了虚拟语气的句型If I were you, I’d


    If I were you, I would talk to someone who looks friendly.






    Lily has a problem. She can’t have a dog athome. If I were she, I’d get a small pet like a goldfish



    What would you do? SectionA英文说课稿

    Section A


    Good morning,my teachers andmy friends!I’m Xu Dan from Jiudaoling Middle School. Today I’m very pleasedto have this opportunity to talk about my teaching plan in front of you. Ithink it’s a challenge for me. My topic is What would you do?Section A Part1 in Grade 9 of 《Go for it.》.I’ll introduce my teaching plan from 4 parts.

    Part1: Theanalyses of the teaching material. (I divide this part into 3)

    1. Statue andfunctions

    This lesson isthe first part of this unit and it also plays an important part in this book.So I think if the students can learn it well, it’ll be good for their further studyingin the future. At the same time, they can also get more practice fromlistening, speaking, reading and writing. What’s more, they can also receive somemoral education.

    2. The teachingaims

    l The knowledgeand ability aims:

    To understandand grasp the 4-nouns,1-adiective,1-phrase .To comprehend and use theSubjunctive Mood and can use it to describe their wishes and provide advice forothers.

    l The processand methods:

    According to《The new Englishcourse standard》,I’ll mainly use Task-based learning and Activity-based teaching inmy lesson. I’ll make different situations to train my students to co-operate,to practice, to experience, to take part and to communicate with others.. Andencourage more students to take part in the activities.

    l Emotion ,Attitude and value points:

    Such a topic isrelated to the students daily life. So it’s easy to arouse their interest oflearning English. According to different activities, train them to care forothers,to understand others and to provide valuable advice for others.

    3. Theimportant and difficult points

    l The importantpoints

    According tothe students real language level and ability, I think the important points areto grasp the words and phrase and try to comprehend the Subjunctive Mood.

    l The difficultpoints

    To know thestructure of Subjunctive Mood and try to use it to solve their problems intheir daily life .

    Part 2 Teachingstrategy

    l The method ofteaching

    According to《The new Englishcourse standard》,We should develop the course resource and expand their learningchannel. And the language goal of this unit is to talk about the imaginarysituations, so I’ll mainly use multi-media computer system to attract my studentsand design different language situations .I’ll give my students different tasks toencourage more students to take part in them.

    l The method oflearning

    Cooperation,Communication, Discussion, Experience, Practice and Self-learning.

    Part 3 Teachingdesign

    In this class,communicative approach and computer-assisted Instruction are to be used in thisclass.So I’ll give my students more free time and make them the real masterof the class. At the same time I’ll change my role into their helper or assistant .So duringthis lesson, the emphases are to be laid on:

    1.Student-centered teaching

    2. Task-basedlearning

    3. Activity-basedteaching (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work)

    Part 4 Teachingprocedure

    1.Warm up &lead in

    At thebeginning, I’ll show my students a piece of video. I think it’s very funny.While the students are watching, I’ll explain something for them. At theend of the video, I’ll stop and ask: “Imagine this is you, what would you do ?”This is classwork.. I’ll encourage more students to answer. At the same time I’ll write downthe important part on the blackboard. And emphasize: “If I were them,I would run as quickly as I can ”.

    I design thispart in order to make good use of the multi-media computer system to attract mystudents and make them feel the real language situations and lead them to getto know the structure of the Subjunctive Mood

    2. Practice

    In this part, I’ll provide 4pictures for my students, and I’ll ask them to talk about the pictures using the sentence likethis: “What would you do if you were the woman/the boy /the girl or LiJiacheng?” This is pair work.

    I design thispart in order to train my students to co-operate and communicate with others.By practicing using the sentence pattern, they’ll be more familiar with the structureof the Subjunctive Mood. And I think the rich and colorful pictures will arousethe students curiosity and make them take part in the pair work actively.

    3. Task 1

    Next part is atask, I’ll show them a picture with a lot of money and make them have agroup discussion. They are supposed to use the sentence pattern to describetheir wishes and then report their results in groups.

    I design thispart in order to improve their spoken English and train them to be morefamiliar with the structure of the Subjunctive Mood. And encourage them to usewhat they’ve learnt to express their wishes. At the same time, they can alsoreceive some moral education: That is “To use the money to do the usefulthings”

    4. Listeningparts

    There are 2parts of listening in this lesson. According to this part, they’ll finish theexercises on their books. During the listening, they’ll findsomething new. For the students, I think they should try to guess the meaningsof the new parts first,and then by discussing, they should try to use them indifferent language situations. For the teacher, I think I should provide enoughhelp for my students and help them to comprehend the new parts. For example:What if, it’s very important.And after that, work in pairs to practice thelistening part and to consolidate what they’ve learnt.

    The purpose ofthis part is to develop the students listening ability and to train them tofind problems and to solve problems by themselves.

    5. Sum-up

    After learningall the above parts, they must have grasped most of the structure of theSubjunctive Mood. I’ll make them do a summary by discussing in groups. And I’ll help them.

    I’ll train mystudents to analyses and summarize what they’ve learnt.

    6. Task link

    In this part, I’ll provide 5different kinds of tasks for my students to consolidate what they’ve learnt .Theycan choose the one they’re the most interested in and take part in it. They can combinea new group and work with other members to practice the language goals. Whenthey’re working, I’ll show them a beautiful song to relax them and limit theirworking time .After that, let them report their results. Their results can bevaried. They can summary, act, exchange their ideas, write letters and so on.

    I design thispart in order to give the students more freedom and make them the real masterof the class. In this class they can do what they’re interested in and work with thestudents they like. By doing this, they can combine the language structureswith the language functions. The rich and colorful activities will arouse theirinterest again. They can get happiness as well as they get knowledge. Also theycan receive some emotional education. So I think it’s the mostexcellent part in my class.

    7. Homework

    Their homeworkis to write a composition. I’ll give them 3 topics . They can choose one of them.

    I do this inorder to suit the students in different levels. And to improve their ability ofwriting .

    8. Blackboarddesign.

    This is myblackboard design.

    I think theblackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the teachingparts. And can lead the students to pay more attention to it. So I divide myblackboard design into 3 parts. It looks clean and makes the students think it’s easy tolearn. I want to make it inductive, instructive and artistic.

    This is myteaching plan . Your advice will be welcomed. Thank you for listening.

    What would you do? SectionA英文说课稿二

    Good afternoon,everyone. I’m glad to have an apportunity to talk about someof my teaching ideas. My topic is talking about imaginary situations from Gofor it Section A , , Book 3. I’ll talk about the following parts.

    First, I’ll talk about my understanding of this teaching material.

    In this unit students learn to talk about imaginary situations . Such topicenables students to activate their imagination and raise learning interest ofstudents . Most of students are active in such activities.

    I’ll talk about the first period of Unit 4.

    The first period introduces the key vocabulary words and the targetlanguage in this unit. The topic,what would you do if you had a lot of moneymakes the introduction easier.

    I.Teaching aims of this lesson.

    1.Knowledge objects:

    Students will be able to understand the grammar of subjunctive mood, someimportant phrases and sentences.

    2.Ability objects:

    To train studentslistening andspeaking skills.

    3.Moral objects

    Remember it’s really being cool to realize your dream through greatefforts.

    II. Key points and difficult points.

    1.Key vocabulary : million, medical , research,tie, what if

    2.Target language: What would you do if you had….

    3.The structure : I would / I’d do….

    III.Something about the students

    1.Most of them don’t often use English to express themselves andcommunicate with others .

    2.Some of them aren’t active in class because theyare afraid of making mistakes.

    IV.Now next ,I’ll talk about my teaching opinions, methods and aids.

    While dealing withthe lesson , I’ll do my best to carry out the following teaching opinions.

    1.Combine the language structures with thelanguage functions.

    2.Let studentsknow how to talk about imaginary situations with the subjunctive mood

    3.I’ll take theTask-based learning approach .

    4.And I’ll usesome teaching aids, such as a tape recorder, CAI and so on.

    V. Now let me talk about my teaching procedures.

    Step 1: Lead-in

    T: What a fine day, isn’t it? If it’s fine this Sunday, what will you do?

    S1: I will go shopping with my friends if it is fine this Sunday.

    S2: I will go to the park with my cousin.

    T: Then if there were no classes this afternoon,what would you do?

    Tell students thatthere are classes this afternoon in fact .Let Ss know why we use “were” and“would”. Help Ss answer with “I would do…if there were no classes thisafternoon”.

    S3: I would play basketball with my friends if there were no classes thisafternoon.

    T: After school Jim played basketball with his friends .He went back homevery late and his mother was very angry. If you were him, what would you do ?Can you give him some advice?

    S4: If I were him , I would say sorry to mother.

    S5: If I were him, I would try to do something to makemother happy.

    T: There will be an English test. Jim worries about it . What should he do?

    S6; If I were him , I would study harder.

    In this step,I want to revise the if clause,and next I will lead in thesubjunctive mood. I think students can understand easily and grasp it.

    Step 2: Practice

    T; Bill Gates is a very rich man in the world . He has given a lot of hismoney to charity. If you had so much money, what would you do?

    Get Ss to think it over and write down their answers(Section A 1a)

    Let Ss listen to the tape and number the picture.(Section A 1b)

    Then get Ss to practice the conversation.

    Ss practice the conversation, they communicate with each other often.Everyone has a chance to speak English.

    Step3: Listening and practicing

    T:If I had much money, I’d buy many presents for each of my friends. Larryis going to his friend,Tom’s birthday party . But he’s a little nervous.Why?Can you guess?

    S1: Perhaps he is late.

    S2: He doesn’t have enough money to buy a present

    T; Maybe you are right.I’m not sure .Let’s listen to the tape.

    Get Ss to listen to the tape and circle the reasons(Section A 2a)

    Get Ss to listen to the tape again and check the advice Larry’s sister saysto him. Let Ss read the conversation after the tape. Then let Ss do pairwork.

    S1: Hi, Harry . You look worried.

    S2; I’m going to Tom’s party .But I don’t know what to wear.

    S1: If I were you, I would wear a shirt and a tie.

    S2; I don’t have a present.What if everyone else brings a present?

    After this step . Ss can have a good understanding of the subjunctive moodand develop their listening ability.

    Step 4: Discussion

    Get Ss to choose one of the following situations or make up anotherimaginary situation , have a discussion in groups and write down theiradvice,then give a report.

    1.Tom had an argument with his best friend . Whatshould he do?

    2.There are always some Ss talking in class. Ifyou were the teacher,what would you do?

    In this step, students can use English in the real situation and useEnglish to solve the real problems.

    Step 5: Homework’

    Write a passage “If I were a teacher/headmaster…”

    At last ,let metalk about my blackboard design. We will have a look at it on the blackboard.

    What would you do?

    Words and phrasesSentences

    Million What would you do if you hada million dollars?

    Medical researchI’d give it to charity.

    What ifIf I were you ,I’d wear a shirt and a tie

    Worry about


    I write these words and phrases on the blackboard in order to tell thestudents that they are very important .I think my blackboard design will helpstudents understand the lesson better.

    So much for this .Thank you.

    What would you do? SectionB说课稿





    Go for it 9


    45 minutes

    Teaching Plan

    Teaching Contents

    What would you do?

    Material & student analysis

    In this unit, students need to learn to talk about what imaginary situations. In this unit, the Ss are still going to be improved their reading, listening and writing abilities. They are able to talk about imaginary situations with target language.

    Studying aims

    Talk about imaginary (interesting/embarrassing) situations

    Talk about worries and advice

    Listen, describe and talk about personalities

    Learn to write in reply

    Learn to deal with new problems or situations using what you know

    Important & difficult points

    Talk about personalities(P29)

    What are you like?

    I’m creative and outgoing.

    How confident are you?


    in the slightest, plenty of, get along with,

    人教版九年级What would you do? Section B






    有活力的a._________ permission_________ 很多的,大量的____________

    使恼怒,使生气v.___________ circle__________ 听者、收听者___________

    Not…in the slightest__________________ confident_________________



    1、人气调查-What are you like?


    Outgoingpeople like to meet new people.

    Creative people usually like art and music.

    Shypeople get nervous when they have to meet new people.

    Energeticpeople are hardly tired.

    Confidentpeople aren’t afraid to speak in public.






    ⑴默读3a后,用3b中的“a”“b”或“ c”填空。



    1、introduce vt.“介绍、相识”常用于下列结构:

    ①introduce oneself to sb.(向某人)作自我介绍

    He will introduce himself to us.他要向我们作自我介绍。

    ②introduce sb. to sb.把某人介绍给某人 Could you introduce the girl to me? 你能把这个女孩介绍给我认识吗? Can you i_____ yourself to us in English?

    2、be easy to do sth.“容易做某事”

    这篇课文对我们来说容易理解。The text is _____ for us___ ________..

    3、would rather…than…宁愿……而不愿……;与其……不如……。在would rather和than后所连接的两个对比部分要结构相同。


    I would rather____(have) the red one than the green one.

    扩展链接:①当我们表达“宁愿做某事”时,可只用would rather than do,而不带than,表示句子主语的愿望,后接省略to的不定式。

    He would rather walk to school.他宁愿步行去上学。

    ②prefer to do…rather than do…意为“宁愿做…而不愿做…” He preferred to walk thererather than go by bus.他宁愿走着去那里,也不愿乘公共汽车去。


    Dear editor,

    I’m a student in a university of Zhenzhou. I’m a little shy.

    I’d like_____(chat) with my teacher very well. One day, a good friend toldme that our teacher would move home and she needed some help. So Iagree____(help) her. After finished____(do) that, our teacher invitedus_____(have) a meal. I was so shy that I ate a little and said,“I’m full.” Theteacher____(think) she didn’t treat me very well, and I didn’t want to make herunhappy. I know it’s all because I’m too shy. What should I do? Please help me!

    Li Hua



    Form: If+主语+动词的过去式(bewere),主语+would+动词原形.

    1. If I had time, I would go for a walk. (事实上我现在没有时间,不能去散步.)

    2. If I were invited, I would go to the dinner.


    3.If I had a million dollars, I would put it in the bank.


    4.If I were Zhao Benshan,I would be watched by the people of the world. (事实上我不可能是赵本山,也不可能被全世界人关注。)

    练一练:1.If I _________(find) a purse, I __________(give) it to the police.

    2. If I ______(be) a bird, I ___________(fly) in the blue sky.

    3. If you _______(have) something important, you _________( can go) now.

    4. If I ________(be) you, I _____________(choose)this one.

    (二)分层作业 详见家庭作业纸



    1、in public____________ 2、紧张,变得紧张______________

    3、hardly ever___________4、做演讲,发言______________

    5、in front of____________6、等候,等待______________

    7、pretty confident________________ 8、大量的,充足的_________________

    9、not…in the slightest______________ 10、宁愿…而不愿_______________

    11、a small circle of_______________ 12、立刻,马上_____________


    1、We are going for a picnic tomorrow. I’ll call Wendy to make sure______.


    A. why to start B. when to start C. what to start D. which to start

    2、-When will Han Han’s new book_______? (中考真题)

    -Sorry, I don’t know. I’m looking forward to his new book, too.

    A. come on B. come in C. come out D. come over

    3、-What about playing football this afternoon, Sam?

    -I would rather_____ at home than___ football. It’s too hot outside.

    A. stay; playing B. stay; play C. to stay; to play D. to play; playing

    4、I find Tom easy to get along_____. So I’d like him to come to my birthdayparty. A. to B. for C. with D. at

    5、-What would you do if you won a million yuan?-_________.

    A.I will give it to charities B.I will buy snacks

    C. I will put it in the bank D. I’d give it to medical research


    一、1、在公共场合 2、get nervous 3、几乎不,从不 4、give a speech

    5、在…前面(在内部) 6、wait for 7、相当自信 8、plenty of9、一点也不,根本不 10、would rather…than 11、一个…的小圈子 12、right away

    二、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D

    What would you do?说课稿





    Ss(standing):Good morning,Mr.Yang.

    T: Good morning, class. It’s a fine day, isn’t it?

    Ss: Yes ,it is.

    T: How do you like today?

    Ss: We feel comfortable about it.

    T: Very good. I hope we all have good feelings in a new day. Let’s beginour new lesson today.


    Step one: words and expressions.


    T: Dear class! Today we’ll learn Section B. Before our new lesson, first, let’s review words and expressions we’velearnt for this lesson. Zhao Zhiguang,“百万”。

    Zhao: million, M-I-L-L-I-O-N.


    Zhao: a million


    Zhao: millions of.

    T: Good. Sit down, please. Next, Jiang Dandan , 医学的

    J:Medical. M-E-D-I-C-A-L.


    J: medical research

    T: Very good! sit down, please . Next ,……



    可使用的纠正策略:以习题的形式对词汇进行检查,我们可以找一些近几年的中考题,有选择的摘录经典中考题,既可以检查词汇,又可以训练中考题型,既有信度、又有效度,并且会使每一个同学有事可做。 )


    T:Now let’s practice dialogues. We’d better use the expression we’velearnt in this unit----If clause. We’ll practice three minutes and then asksome students to write down their answers. Ok let’s begin.


    A:I can’t study anything well. I’m not good at studying. Your advice,please?

    Sa: If I were you , I’d read aloud books.

    Sb: If I were you, I’d

    Sc: ……)

    (Three minutes later.)

    T:Ok.who will come here and write down your sentence. At most five.

    (five students came to the blackboard and wrote down what they wanted to say.)

    The sentences are :

    Deng Jingjing : If I were you, I’d read more easy and short Englishstories.

    Jiang Dandan : If I were you , I’d ask the teacher for help.

    HuangXuan : If I were you ,I’d work harder than anyone else.

    DengRuirui: If I were you , I’d learn from others .

    GuoPanpan: If I were you , I’d study with friends and discuss

    with them.

    T: From these sentences, we can find we all can find ways to learn Englishbetter. I hope we can get better marks and high abilities. (学生会心地点点头,说明适时的鼓励与积极的评价能给同学们更大的学习动力,更能激发他们的进取心。学生也产生了继续学习的浓厚兴趣。)


    Step tow: Presentation


    T:Now , let’s learn more .Turn to page28. Read and try to understand themeaning of it. Give you five minutes. If you have problems , you can move andask others in class. (学生们积极的进行着读与理解的训练,并且不同层次的学生都在努力地学习应学会的内容,通过自由结合学习使学生的积极性进一步提升。)

    At the same time the teacher wrote some exercises on the blackboard.(板书内容:


    1.I don’t know _____________________(说什么、做什么).

    2. 参加考试_________________ 3.散步______________

    4.在某方面帮助某人___________ 5.太……而不能……_____________


    1. The first person is___________________________.

    He should _____________________________________

    2. The second one gets____________________________

    He should _____________________________________

    3. The last one can’t____________________________

    He should _____________________________________ )

    (Five minutes later)

    T:Who will be brave enough to come here and read a passage?

    Ren Mengyu came to the blackboard and began to read the first passage.Then Meng Haoting、 Wu Dandan 、Wu Rujie 、Tian Lulu and Wang Ruijie came and read one by one.(在本环节,学生能积极的进入角色,顺利的完成阅读的任务。)

    T: Very good. We all have done well. Let’s do more .



    T:Our next task is to find out how to fill in the blanks in the middle ofthe blackboard. If you can’t do those, please match the problems and advice in3a.You can move and discuss if necessary. In ten minutes, you can come andfinish them .(学生的学习兴趣更加高涨)

    (Six minutes later)Sun Lulu 、Wang Yuanyuan 、Deng Jingjing cameand filled blanks. Other students gave their opinions.(本环节,以本为本,但又高于课本,体现了教学的层次性,进行课本教学的同时又进行了考试技能的训练,对学生的能力是很好的锻炼和磨练。)

    T:We’ll come to our last task in this lesson. Now let’s read the text againand find out some useful things together. Something can help you is on the leftof the blackboard.(学生积极性达到高潮)

    (Three minutes later , some Ss finished those and they gave exactexplanations.)(本环节利于学生的自由发挥,因为,有些题目他们可以给出多种答案、解释。这充分说明:我们只要发动学生,他们就会发挥出应有的创造性、训练出我们臆想象不到的结果,达到他们自由学又应有的学习效果,这种理想的程度。)

    T:Our task after class is practicing speaking using the target languagewe’ve learnt in this lesson. We can practice as part four on page28 (the bellis ringing) OK. Let’s have a rest and hope you have a good time all day long.

    Ss: The same to you, Mr. Yang .See you.


    What would you do?说课稿

    1.教学设计学科名称:Unit4 What wouldyou do?(九年级英语上)



    本单元以What would you do?为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:

    Section A

    该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕What would you doif you had a lot of money?这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕Embarrassing situations(worries/problems)进行听力(2a-2b)、口语训练(2c);第三模块继续就上一模块中的Embarrassingsituations这一话题展开训练,训练形式为阅读配对(3a)和角色表演(3b);第四模块仍就Embarrassingsituations以小组活动形式展开讨论。

    Section B

    该部分有4个模块:第一模块是词汇的学习(1a)与运用(1b);第二模块围绕A personalitysurvey继续对What would you doif…/I would…进行听力(2a-2b)、口语训练(2c);第三模块继续围绕A personalitysurvey 这一话题展开阅读(3a)和写作(3b)训练;第四模块仍就A personalitysurvey这一话题以口语训练形式展开小组活动。

    Self Check









    ①What would you do if you had a milliondollars?

    I’d give the money to charity.

    ②If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.







    To train students listening, speaking, reading and writingskills by many different kinds of activities.


    本课采用任务型教学法,用What would you doif you had a million dollars?这个问句,引出谈论假想情况的话题。采用提问、启发和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,培养学生的语言运用能力.



    The First Period

    Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

    1.Knowledge Object

    (1) Key Vocabulary

    lottery, million,medical, research

    (2) TargetLanguage

    Look. This girlwon a million dollars in the lottery.

    Wow ! What wouldyou do if you won a million dollars?

    Id give it tomedical research.

    (3) Structure

    I would/Id do

    2.Ability Objects

    (1) Train students listening skill.

    (2) Train students communicative competence.

    3.Moral Object

    If you won amillion dollars, youd buy a big house, buy a car and so forth. However, doremember its really being cool to realize your dream through great efforts.

    Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

    1.Target language

    2.The structure: Iwould/Id do

    Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point

    The structure: Iwould/Id do

    Ⅳ.Teaching Methods

    1.Scene teaching.Method

    2.Teaching byinduction


    Ⅴ.Teaching Aid

    A tape recorder

    Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

    Step Ⅰ Revision

    Review the structure "should beallowed to" by asking students to make sentences about school rules.

    Step Ⅱ 1a

    This activityfocuses on vocabulary and structures introduced in the unit.

    Read theinstructions to the class.

    Call students attention to the words in the box. Ask astudent to read them to the class.

    Say, What wouldyou do if you had a lot of money? Add more ideas to the list. Then share youranswers with other students.

    Get students tocomplete the task. First individually, then in groups.

    As they work, walkaround the room checking progress and offering any help they may need.

    Collect answersfrom students on the blackboard.

    Answers will varybut should include a mixture of ideas for helping themselves and others.

    Step Ⅲ 1b

    This activitygives students practice understanding the target language in spokenconversation.

    Read theinstructions to the class.

    Read the questionin the speech bubble.

    Explain the wordlottery to students.

    Say, You will hearteenagers talking about what they would do if they won the lottery.

    Point to thepictures. Ask students to describe them one by one.

    For example, forPicture One, a student might say,"If I won the lottery, Id buy a bighouse. "

    Point out thesample .answer, Say, The first picture you will hear about has the number oneon it.

    Play the recordingfor the first time. Students only listen.

    Play the recordingagain. This time students listen and number the pictures in the order they hearthem.

    Check the answers.



    Tape script

    Girl 1: Hey, didyou see this newspaper article? A girl won a million dollars in the lottery.She was only 14.

    Boy 1: Wow, howluck!

    Girl 1: What wouldyou do if you won the lottery?

    Boy 1: If I wonthe lottery, Id give the money to the 200. I want to help the pandas.

    Girl 1 : Thats agood idea! I know what Id do. If I won the lottery, Id buy a big house for myfamily.

    Girl 2: Really Idput the money in the bank. Then Id just watch it grow!

    Boy 2: Hmmmm … I think Id give the money to medical research.Id want to help other people.

    Step Ⅳ 1c

    This activityprovides oral practice using the target language.

    Read theinstructions to the class.

    Call students attention to the conversation in the box.Explain the vocabulary words million and medical research. Invite a pair ofstudents to read it to the class.

    SA: Look! Thisgirl won a million dollars in the lottery.

    SB: Wow! Whatwould you do if you won a million dollars?

    SA: Id give it tomedical research.

    Write it on theblackboard.

    Say, Pretend youare the people in the picture. Talk with your partner about what you would doif you won a million dollars.

    Get students towork in pairs. As they work in pairs together, walk around the room offeringlanguage support as needed.

    After studentshave had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come to the frontof the classroom and act out their conversations.

    Step Ⅴ Summary

    In this class,weve learned some vocabulary words and the target language what would you doif you won the lottery? Id give it to medical research.

    Step Ⅵ Homework

    If you had a largeamount of money, e. g. 100 , 000 what would you buy? Please write down eachitem and its cost to see when you will spend the full amount. And bring yourlists to class tomorrow.

    Step Ⅶ Blackboard Design

    What would you do?

    Section A

    The First Period

    Target language:

    A: Look. This girlwon a million dollars in the lottery.

    B: Wow! What wouldyou do if you won a million dollars?

    A: Id give it tomedical research.

    The second Period:

    Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands


    (1) Key Vocabulary


    (2) TargetLanguage

    What would you doif you won a million dollars?

    Id give it tocharities.

    If I were you, Idwear a shirt and tie.

    If I were you. Idtake an umbrella.

    2.Ability Objects

    (1) Train students listening skill.

    (2) Train students communicative competence.

    3.Moral Object

    Two heads arebetter than one. Give some direction to those who are in trouble.

    Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points


    2.Target language

    Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point

    Train students ability to use the target language.

    Ⅳ.Teaching Methods

    1.Listening tocassettes


    3.Teaching byinduction

    Ⅴ.Teaching Aids

    1.A tape recorder

    2.A picture of aperson in a lions cage

    3.A projector

    Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

    Step Ⅰ Revision

    Check homework.Students talk about how to spend a large amount of money.

    Invite a studentto come to the front of the class and ask, if you had 100, 000 yuan, what wouldyou buy? Students take turns answering his/her question.

    Step Ⅱ 2a

    This activityprovides practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

    Focus attention onthe picture. Ask students to describe it. Help students say that the boy isgoing to somewhere, but he doesnt know what to wear. The girl is helping himto pick out clothes.

    Point to the listof reasons. Invite a student to read them to the class.

    Say, You are tolisten to a conversation between Larry and the girl and circle the reasons.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording asecond time. This time students listen and circle the reasons.

    Check the answers.


    Circle items:2,3,5

    Tape script

    Girl 1: Where areyou going, Larry?

    Boy 1 : To Tomsparty.

    Girl 1: Lucky you!Id love to go to that party!

    Boy 1: Yeah, well,Im a little nervous. I dont know what to wear.

    Girl 1: If I wereyou, Id wear a shirt and tie.

    Boy 1: What ifeverybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts?

    Girl 1: Oh, youshouldnt worry about what other people are wearing.

    Boy 1: And I donthave a present. What if everyone brings a present?

    Girl 1: If I wereyou, Id take a small present-a pen or something. Keep it in your pocket and ifeveryone has a present, you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it.

    Boy 1: OK. Butwhat if I dont know anyone?

    Girl 1: If youdont know anyone, you can talk to Tom. Hell introduce you to people.

    Boy 1 :I guess Ican do that.

    Girl 1: Look!Youre sure to have fun. But if youre still nervous, you can leave.

    Step Ⅲ 2b

    This activityprovides listening practice using the target language.

    Read theinstructions to the class.

    Point to the listof sentences. Invite a student to read them to the class.

    Say, You willlisten to the same conversation again. This time you are to check the fourthings Larrys sister says to him.

    Play the recordingagain. Students listen and check the things.

    Check the answers.


    Checked items:1,2,4,5

    Step Ⅳ 2c

    This activityprovides oral practice using the target language.

    Point to the listof Larrys worries in the box. Invite a student to read them to the class.

    Ask students tolook back at the list of checked sentences.

    Read theinstructions to the class. Say, Please make conversations using informationfrom Activities 2b and 2c.

    Ask a pair ofstudents to demonstrate a conversation to the class.

    SA: I dont knowwhat to wear.

    SB: If I were you,Id wear a shirt and tie. Get students to work in pairs. As the pairs worktogether, walk around the room listening in on various pairs and givinglanguage and pronunciation support as needed.

    After all thestudents have a chance to play both parts, stop the activity. Ask differentstudents to perform their conversations.

    Optional activity

    Ask students towrite down a problem they have on a piece of paper. Have students exchangepapers with one another and read the one they receive. Then ask students towrite two pieces of advice they would give the other student. Ask a student toread his/her advice to the class. The rest guess the problem.

    Step Ⅴ Grammar Focus

    Ask differentstudents to read the question and answer and the statements to the class.

    S1: What would youdo if you won a million dollars?

    S2: Id give it tocharities.

    S3 :If I were you,Id wear a shirt and tie.

    S4: If I were you,Id take an umbrella.

    Write them on theblackboard.

    Show a picture ofsomeone in a lions cage on the screen by a projector. Ask students questionspointing to the picture.

    T: Have you everbeen in a lions cage?

    Ss: No.

    T: Thats right.None of us has ever been in a lions cage. What would you do if you were in alions cage? (Write the question on the blackboard.)

    S1: Id call forhelp. (Write the sentence on the blackboard.)

    T: What about you?

    S1: Id get outfast. (Write the sentence on the blackboard.)

    Get several moreexamples from other students.

    Say, When we talkabout things that havent happened, we often use the word would (underline theword would in the question) . Apostrophed is the abbreviation of the wordwould (underline the abbreviation d in the answers) .

    Then underline theword were in the two statements. Say, When you tell someone what you would do,you use the expression if I were you. Get all the students to read the targetlanguage on the blackboard.

    Pronunciation note

    When saying thewords would you in phrases such as what would you do …,English speakers often run the wordstogether and pronounce these words as if they were spelled wudjuh.

    Step Ⅵ Summary

    Say, In thisclass, weve learned the target language Id give it to charities and If I wereyou, Id wear a shirt and tie. And weve also done much listening practiceusing the target language.

    Step Ⅶ Homework

    Say, If yourteacher criticized you, but in fact it isnt your fault, what would you do? Getstudents to make a list.

    Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design

    What would you do?

    Section A

    The Second Period

    Target language:

    A: What would youdo if you won a million dollars?

    B: Id give it tocharities.

    A: If I were you,Id wear a shirt and tie.

    B: If I were you,Id take an umbrella.

    A: What would youdo if you were in a lions cage?

    B: Id call forhelp.

    The Third Period

    Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands


    (1) Key Vocabulary

    pimple, trouble

    (2) TargetLanguage

    I cant sleep thenight before an exam.

    Then Im too tiredto do well. What should I do?

    If I were you, Idtake a long walk before going to bed.

    I really want adog, but my parents wont let me have one.

    Well, dogs can bea lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.

    Thats a goodidea.

    2.Ability Objects

    (1) Train students reading skills.

    (2) Train students integrating skills.

    3.Moral Object

    Everyone may havesome trouble. Dont worry.

    Ⅱ.Teaching Key Point


    2.Target language

    Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point

    Give advice usingthe target language.

    Ⅳ.Teaching Methods

    1.Reading Practice


    Ⅴ.Teaching Aid

    The blackboard

    Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

    Step Ⅰ Revision

    Check homework.Get students to talk about what they would do if a teacher criticized them. Forexample, a student might say Id explain to the teacher and so forth.

    Step Ⅱ 3a

    This activityprovides reading practice using the target language. Point to the problems onthe left. Ask different students to read them to the class.

    Point out thepieces of advice on the right. Get different students to read them to theclass.

    Point out thesample answer. Invite a pair of students to read the problem and the piece ofadvice to the class.

    SA: Im really shyand I just dont enjoy parties. I dont know what to say or do.

    SB: If I were you,Id talk to someone who looks friendly. Then you wont feel so shy.

    Say, Please matcheach problem on the left with the correct advice on the right. Get students tocomplete the activity on their own. As they work individually, move around theroom answering any questions students raise and offering help as needed.

    Check the answers.


    1.c 2.a 3.b

    Step Ⅲ 3b

    This activityprovides oral practice using the target language.

    Read theinstructions to the class. Invite a pair of students to read the sampleconversation.

    SA: I cant sleepthe night before an exam. Then Im too tired to do well. What should I do?

    SB: If I were you,Id take a long walk before going to bed. That should help you relax.

    Say, Please thinkof different advice for the problems in Activity 3a.

    Collectsuggestions from students. For example, for the third problem, a student mightsay, If I were you, Id watch TV to relax my mind.

    Ask students tomake conversations with partners using new suggestions to each problem. As theywork in pairs, walk around the room offering language support as needed.

    After each studenthas a chance to play both parts, stop the activity. Get several pairs ofstudents to say their conversations.

    Step Ⅳ Part 4

    This activityprovides writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.

    Read theinstructions to the class. Get a pair of students to say the sampleconversation to the class.

    SA: I really wanta dog, but my parents wont let me have one.

    SB: Well, dogs canbe a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.

    SA: Thats a goodidea.

    Write theconversation on the blackboard.

    Point out thesample answers in the chart. Say, What problems do you have at home? At school?Make a list in the chart. Then ask your classmates for advice and write theiradvice in the chart too.





