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人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册Would you mind turning down the music说课稿8篇

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  • Would you mind turning down the music说课稿8篇

    Would you mind turning downthe music? 第一课时说课稿



    新目标英语八年级下册,第七单元第一课时,本单元主要是运用Would you mind doing…?这个句型来提出客气的请求,并能作出相应的回答,本节课主要复习一些短语,及两个表礼貌请求的句型并学习Would you mind…?的用法,并能运用它们进行对话练习,提出委婉的请求。



    (1)学习词汇:mind ,yard,dish,turn down,right away,in a minute,not at all

    (2)掌握句子:Would you mind doing…?Could you please do sth ?Would you liketo do sth ?No,not at all./Certainly not./Of course not.能力目标:提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。






    重点:学会句型Would you mind doing…?













    通过完成四道小题,回顾并总结两种表客气的提出请求的句型Could you please(not)do sth ?Would you like(not) to do sth ?同时引出本节即将学习的另外一种表达法Would you mind…? 为新课活动做准备。

    Step 2自学提示

    通过在语法讲解中设立问题,让学生自学完成任务,并在通过自学后,学生自主总结出“Would you mind+doing/one’s doing/if从句?”的用法。变被动死记硬背为主动归纳,加深对语法的理解能力,有利于学生记忆语法深刻、牢固。











    Would you mind turning down the music?Section A说课稿

    1 教学内容:

    Go for it 八年级英语下册单元Section A 部分。其核心内容是“如何请求及表示歉意”。本部分始终围绕着这一主题安排了听、说、读、写的活动任务,让学生在这些环节中学会用更加礼貌的请求方式“Would you mind doing things ?”“Would you mind not doing things?” 以及表示歉意的回答—Sorry ,Not at all / I’ll do it right away 等。同时,本人将分两个课时完成。

    3 教学目标:

    根据“新课程标准”关于教学目标的要求,结合本单元的具体内容,在SECTION A部分,目标细分如下:

    1. 语言知识

    A、词汇---SECTION A部分新单词较少,主要掌握如下:


    B、语法---Would you mind doing sth

    Would you mind not doing sth

    复习could you please /could you /would you / have to 的用法


    2. 学习策略




    3. 情感目标



    5. 能力目标: 指导学生在自主探究和任务型教学模式中,让学生学会用礼貌性的英语请求及如何表示歉意. 学会更好的与他人沟通。这亦是素质教育的“以人为本”的目标体现。



    Would you mind moving the bike ? No, not at all

    Would you mind not playing baseballhere ? Sorry , I’ll go and play in the park .




    本课话题来自学生的生活经历,在八年级上册UNIT 11学生已经学习了许多动词短语,为表达提供了语言基础。此外,学生已掌握了用祈使句和Can you…?/could you 及Could you please提出请求, 为本课的学习打下了铺垫。具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然的与本单元的话题衔接。但是,在语法上也就容易形成混淆。同时,本单元是关于礼貌性的话题,内容贴近生活,学生比较容易进入角色。因而,教师在课堂中应通过大量的生活场景图片来促使学生积极地参与,在任务型教学活动中,使学生有话想说,有话可说,在完成各项任务的过程中自主学习语言,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,学会更好地与他人沟通。使各层次的学生都有所收获。



    1. Target language :

    : Mind yard dish

    Cleaning the yard /playing baseball/turning down the music /getting up /doing the dishes /wearing jeans /gettingout of the bathroom.

    Key sentence: Would you mind moving your bike?

    I’ll do it right away.

    Would you mind not playing baseballhere?

    Sorry. We’ll go and play in the park.

    Ability goals:How to make request and Apologize

    Learning Ability : Enable Ss to make request andapologize

    Important and difficult points :make request using would you mind+ving structure .

    1. Greeting and Warm-up:

    T:Boys and girls , are you happy today ?

    I’mvery happy ,too. Because I helped my mother do chores this morning . Whatchores do you often do at home ?

    S: We do the dishes / do the laundry / washthe clothes / make the bed and so on . (热身部分以简单的对话使学生说出各种家务活短语,为下一环节would you mind +ving 句型的操练做语言铺垫)

    2. Lead –in (With a picture )

    (导入部分:首先,出示一张客厅的图片,一一提问学生以下几个问题,Where is it ? What do you think of it ?What should we do ? 引导学生回答:It’s Bob’s living room. It’s very dirty .We should clean theroom. 之后,让学生猜妈妈对B所说的话,猜的目的是使学生对以往所学的表示请求方式的一个回顾,更自然地引入本堂课的重点—礼貌性的请求他人做某事及歉意的表达。在图片展示时,告诉学生,would you mind +ving 是本节要学习的内容,提示would you mind 后面的动词要加ing。

    3. sweeping the floorfolding the clothesmaking the beddoing the laundrydoing the dishesbabysitting the sister .(之后,通过学生熟悉的短语操练Would you mind +ving 结构)

    4. T ask: now , lets look at some pictures , can you find whatsmatter? Ss : the music is too loud . She use the telephone too long .and so on(在学生对重点结构有一定的认知基础上,让学生对书本1A部分进行自由讨论。寻找问题,用目标语would you mind 请求解决。自由讨论是为完成1A的配图及1B的听力减轻难度。)

    5. Match and listen(1a-1b) . Then ask Ss to match and listen to1a.

    4. Pair-work (在分角色读完四组对话后,学生两人一组编对话表演,在模仿的基础上,学生进一步的练习生活中如何请求他人做某事及表示歉意)。

    5. Listen number and match (2a—2b)

    1) show 5 pictures from 2A together, and ask Ss to make requestusing would you mind ? Then check their answers.

    2) listen and number the pictures.Next, listen again and match request with apologize.(在2A听力之前,先让学生对2A的5张图片讨论,说出恰当的请求方式,为该环节的听力做铺垫。

    6. Pair—work 以组对组或男对女的形式操练2A部分的对话。

    7. Task 1---

    Your neighbor made lots of noises lastnight . Today , you want to tell him not to do again , so if you are Xiao ming, how to make request ? and how to say sorry as neighbor . Four Ss as a groupwill act out your dialogue. Let’s see who is our best neighbor . (评价)(为了巩固学生对本堂课的重点(请求及表示歉意)的掌握,设计如下任务:小明隔壁搬来一家新邻居,但是,昨天晚上很吵,小明想上门提醒邻居。如果你是小明,你会怎么说?那么,你是新邻居,你又会如何反应呢?最后让学生评出谁是我们的好邻居。

    Homework: 二(1)班要制定一份英文班规,请同学们用would you mind 开头列一份清单。


    Teaching goals:

    How to make request in real life ?

    1. Lead-in: What do you often do on weekends ?

    If your parents is not in , What can you dofor them ?

    You help your parents do lots of things athome .

    Now , let’s look some pictures from 3Aand see what Larry do at home for his mother 。Then ask S to read the requirement .Enable Ss to understand what they should do . After checking the answers on theblank ,explain the using difference amongwould you mind / could youplease / have to。。(在学生回答以上问题后,让学生先谈论3A的5张图片,说出图片相关的短语,这是为了在书写留言过程中,为学困生扫除短语障碍。同时,在完成留言后,老师让学生归纳would you mind / could you please /have to在语气上的区别及不同形式的动词搭配。最后请几个同学读本组的作品,老师和其他同学一起点评。利用各种形式:师生互问互答、分组对话、看图说话等反复操练句型,尽量让学生脱口而出.通过这活动学习并掌握feedthedog,cookdinner,gotothelibrary/returnthebooktothelibrary,

    Doyourhomework Wash thedishes等短语.,充分调动了学生的积极性,吸引了全体学生的注意力

    2. Pair-workTry your best to make dialogues as manyas possible using Would you , Could you , Have to

    ORDER : Turn down the musicwash the dishesget upbabysit your little cousin (在3A的基础上,让学生分角色朗读对话,再用表格中的短语编对话表演。巩固对would you mind / could you please /have to的知识掌握)

    3. Task2.4-groupwork 反复操练和巩固应用:为了调动学生的积极性,老师宣布明天是学校开放日,届时会有很多外校教师和家长到校参观和听课。集体讨论在学校开放日,需要做哪些工作,并将所需要做的工作的内容列表,为下一步作准备。然后以小组为单位落实或分配所列出的工作,最后在全班进行汇报,看那组工作细致。利用分组对话,以及回答问题、调查采访等不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度地培养学生运用英语的能力。


    make posters, clean the classroom,set up chairs in the classroom,

    design the blackboard, welcome thepeople at the school gate,

    hand out teaching plans or the booksto the people.

    Would you mind…? Could you please…?Please /Please not … You have to…

    Can you please…?

    4. Homework :

    Would you mind turning down the music?Section A说课稿二



    本单元重点在于培养学生英语交际能力,并结合生活中切实常用的话题:给人们的日常行为提出一定的建议,做出礼貌的道歉行为来展开基本语言内容的教学,并与第八单元的内容具有一定的联系。本单元遵循教材总体特点,采用任务型教学模式,并融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构would you mind doingsth? 进而形成一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。学生比较容易乐于接受,说课的内容是本单元Section A(1a~1c)部分,本课是单元首篇,以 Would you mind turningdown the music? 为主题,本节内容具有词汇量较大,强调综合运用,贴近生活实际等特点。通过本节学习,可增加学生的单词储备量,提高学生综合运用能力,学生将学会用英文表达请求,表示歉意。在获取基础知识,发展基本能力的同时进一步强化学生学以致言,学以致用的英语学习观和合作品质。

    (二) 教学目标



    让学生掌握其中的重要词汇mind, turn down, not at all等和句式would you mind doing sth? 并能让学生掌握如何运用所学句式提出礼貌请求以及礼貌的向他人道歉。






    结合教学目标的要求,我把本课的重点设置为首先使学生掌握mind, not at all, turndown等重点词汇的用法,及课重点句型结构Would you mind doingsth? 并给出正确答语;怎样向别人有礼貌的道歉。

    根据本课的内容和学生的实际,本课的难点为让学生掌握向别人提出请求的的句式Would you mind doing? 并给出正确的答语,能够在实际生活中应用。


    1 学情分析


    2 教学方法





    Step1. Lead-in

    通过情景设计进行free talk来导入本节课地主要内容。设计的情景时周末邀请一名学生去吃饭,老师使用的句型是Would you like to havedinner with me this Sunday?通过这个问题来调动学生的积极性,引导学生主动表达学生在生活中如何邀请其他同学去海边,去看电影等让学生通过思考这些表达方式来进行自由对话。

    Would you like to dosth?

    Can/could you please dosh?

    How/what about doingsth?

    Why don’t you do sth?

    Why not do sth?

    Let’s do sth.

    Shall we do sth?

    通过这个情景设计来引出本节课将要学习的用来礼貌的提出请求的句型:would you mind doingsth?


    Step2 Pre-listeningtask

    为学生展示课本上的图画,通过相关的问题来引导学生找出主要的动词短语:clean the yard, playbaseball, move the bike, turn down the music. 然后通过标题Would you mind turning down the music?带入词组进行反复训练,让学生充分熟练这个结构,同时在这一环节中通过图画中的烦乱画面对学生进行一定的情感教育:对于违反规则的一些事情要礼貌的提出请求。


    Step3 Listening –task


    活动一:听一遍录音,完成activity1b,通过这遍听力注重would you mind doing?的问句。同时让学生注意前两个问题的不同,总结出这个句型的肯定和否定形式,然后有学生举例进行练习,并将学生的一些例子写在黑板上。



    Step4 Pairork



    Step5 Groupwork



    Step6 Summary and test


    Step7 Homework


    拓展性作业:Write a letter to your best friend who you want to talk withabout his/her problems using the sentence structure.



    Would you mind turning down the music?Section A 英文说课稿

    GoodMorning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my pleasure to give my lesson presentation heretoday. The lesson plan I am going to present is Section A (1a-1c)

    from Go for it, Unit7Would you mind turning down the music? Next, I’d like to explain how to teach and why to do so from the following 5aspects: the analysis of textbook, the analysis of teaching methods andlearning methods,the analysis oflearning condition, teaching procedure( blackboard work and myself-reflection).

    Ⅰ.The analysis of the textbook

    1.The statusand function of the textbook

    The educational policy of “Gofor it ”is knowledgeused in action. It emphasizes learning by doing .”Gofor it ” uses theTask-Based Language Teaching pattern, blended together the topic, thecommunication function and the language structure has formed in an adaptationlearning program which proceeded in an orderly way, enhanced the student studythe English and actual ability.

    2.The analysisof the text

    This lesson`s topic is “Wouldyou mind doing sth?”. It talksabout how to ask sb to do sth in the politest way. From this lesson, studentscan know how to communicate with others in the politest way and use thesentences correctly. And also, students will be able to give their advice andsuggestions politely and gently.

    3.Teaching goals(教学目标)

    (1)Knowledge objects:

    Key vocabularies: mind not at all, turn down, yard, right away

    (2)Ability objects:

    to train students` ability ofspeaking, listening , andcooperative ability.

    4.Teaching key points(教学重点)

    (1) Key structures : Would you mind+gerund?

    Would you mind not +gerund?

    No, not at all.

    Sorry, I’ll do it right away.

    (2)Key vocabulary

    (3)Listening practice

    5.Teaching difficulties(教学难点)

    Compare :

    (1) Would you mind (not) doing sth?

    (2) Could you please do sth?

    (3) Please do sth

    (4) You have to do sth

    6.Teaching Aids(教学用具)

    Multi-media, a song, pictures,recorder, tape

    II£Ⅲ.Theteaching methods and learning methods

    Next I am goingto talk about the teaching methods andlearning methods. You know, the students in my class, their English foundationis not so good, so I must choose some methods to activate their desire to speakout. Communicative, speaking and listening, these three methods will besuitable for teacher’s teaching and enhancing students’ interest in Englishlearning. I set up seven Steps. It is a pattern with words – sentences – game –sketch – practical use. In different activities, ask students to take part inclass actively and develop their cooperation in the pairwork, groupwork andother extending activities. It is real ‘learning bydoing’.

    Ⅳ. Analysis of learning condition

    Learning condition is also very important in a successfulreading class. Thestudents in my class are not active.Their language foundation is somewhat poor, especially their speaking ability.But they are cooperative and can be activated. The classroom facilities aremodernized, which is a classroom with computer, TV sets even DVDS, which arevery important to create the English-learning atmosphere. Other means can alsobe applied to create the atmosphere.

    V. Teaching procedure

    Next let’s come to the most important part, that is, the teachingprocedure. It includes seven


    Step1 Lead-in

    The first step is greeting and lead-in. After greeting, I will askthem sing a song ‘we will rock you.’ It is in order to create an Englishlearning atmosphere. Then induce a PK among four groups though the wholeclass. And they will have a guessing game about ‘What’s wrong with MissLe?’ ofcourse, they will give me different answers in different sentences patterns. Atlast, I will show them 4 answers, and let them compare which one is thepolitest. They are:(1)You have to close the window.

    (2) Could youplease close the window?

    (3) Pleaseclose the window.

    (4) Would youmind closing the window?

    ‘Would you mind+gerund?’is the mostpolitest way to make a request.

    Step2 Explain

    Then, I willgive them a further explain about the sentence structure, which is the usage ofthe structure, what’ more, I’ll show them some vivid examples to give them adeep impression about the practical use.

    For example:

    • (1)-Would you mind moving you bike?

    • - No, not at all.

    • (2)-Would you mind not singing here?

    • - Sorry, I will go right away.


    Next, 4pictures are shown on the screen, just for students’ further practical use ofthe sentence structure. In this period, I’ll ask some groups to makeconversations, so they can finish the task under the cooperative andcommunicative work. It is a good way to have a rational understanding about keystructure.

    A: Would you mind … ing …?

    B: Sorry. I will do it right away. / No, not atall.

    1 cleaning the yard2 turning down themusic

    3 (not) playing basketball in the street4 moving your car

    Step4 Matching andListening

    Point to the four requests in the box ofSection A 1a. ask students to repeat them. Then help Ss to finish 1a.

    Let students listen to the tape andnumber the requests. Listen carefully. Write the numbers after the requests.

    Play the recording again and let Ssimitate the four conversations.

    Through the listening and imitating,students can be more confident with their spoken English.


    Next step I’m going to talk about the practice. First, I’ll letstudents collect as many as marks in daily life in their mind, then I will showthem four familiar marks: Don’t smoke,

    Please save water, Don’t walk through, Don’t park.(停放), after that encourage them totranslate the sentence in the pattern ‘Would you mind+gerund?’.

    This step can used to Expand their knowledge and make sure thatstudents are able to master the sentence structure.

    Step5 A great task

    A dreaming school

    I call this period as a‘a great task’, because in thisextending step, students in 4 groups are asked to write downtheir suggestions and advice for their teachers and schoolmates about how toform a clean, civilized and homonious school from students’ study, habit, image and ect.. Nodoubt, students are sure to use the sentence pattern again. Students can display their imagination by using the structure.

    Step6 Homework

    Now comes the last step, homework. There are three homework forthem to finish.

    ◆Please copythe Grammar Focus for 3 times;

    ◆Collect “would you mind+ gerund” as manyas possible in class;

    ◆Put the sentences below into English byusing “would you mind+ gerund”.

    1. 你介意打扫一下教室吗?

    2. 你能否不在课堂上说话?

    3. 你介意把音乐声关小点吗?

    4. 你介意开下窗户吗?

    5. 你介意移开你的脚吗?

    6. 抱歉,我马上去做.

    Step7 Blackboard work

    Would you mind turning down themusic?

    •Would you mind doing…?

    • Not at all./ Certainly not./ Of coursenot.

    • Would you mind not doing…?

    • I’m sorry, but I do./ You had betternot.

    For example:

    (1)-Would you mind moving you bike?

    - Of course not.

    (2)-Would you mind not singing here?

    - Sorry, I will go right away.

    Step8 Self-reflection

    The last aspectis my self-reflection. They are, first,1.The instruction of the competition is not clear enough. Second,it would be better if the teacher use a small blackboard to check the answer ofthe competition.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Would you mind turning down the music?Section B说课稿

    Good morning, ladiesand gentlemen. It’s my great pleasure to talk about my lesson plan here. It isabout Section B (3a-4) taken from Would you mind turning down the music? I amgoing to interpret my plan in 4 aspects.

    Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching material

    Ⅱ.The ways of teaching and learning

    Ⅲ.Teaching Procedure

    Ⅳ.Blackboard Design

    Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching material

    First, Id like toshow my analysis of the teaching material.

    My understanding ofthe teaching material includes 4 parts: the status and the function, teachinggoals, the key points and the difficulties.

    1. The status and thefunction

    The topic in theperiod is trying to be polite when making requests. All of the materials arearranged around this topic. Pictures help students to understand some annoyingthings they may face in their everyday life. And they are encouraged to solvethe problems if they experience. If the students can learn the period well, itwill be useful for them learning to be a more polite student.

    2. Teaching goals:

    A. Knowledge goal

    Learn some usefulphrases and expressions.

    1) wait in linecut in lineget annoyedget mad…

    2) I get annoyedwhen….

    3) When this happens,I….

    4) Would you mind…? /Could you please…?

    B. Ability goal

    1) Learn how toexpress annoying things and make requests politely.

    2) Improve thestudents’ speaking ability by describing or talking.

    3) Develop Ss’reading and writing skill.

    C. Emotion goal

    1) Cultivate the Ss’ability of group cooperation further.

    2) Understand, careabout and respect the disabled.

    3) Strive constantlyfor self-improvement.

    3. Teaching ImportantPoints

    1) Consolidate modelsentences: Would you mind…? / Could you please…?

    2) How to complainabout some annoying things in a polite way.

    4. TeachingDifficultPoint:

    The difficult pointis howtolead studentsto make requests properly and skillfully.

    Or maybe some of mystudents can’t understand the difference between “would you mind…” and “Couldyou please…?”

    Ⅱ.The ways of teaching and learning

    Now lets focus onthe ways of teaching and learning.

    Considering thestudents in my class, I apply the task-based method first, at the same time,including communicative method. As for learning, I apply the methods ofco-operative learning and initiative learning. And I will use multimedia as myteaching aid.

    Ⅲ.Teaching Procedure

    Next comes myteaching procedure. Altogether, there are 4 steps: Step1 Revision andleading-in, Step 2 Reading and talking, Step 3 Tasks, Step 4 Homework.

    Step1 Revision and leading-in

    1.Greeting and ask students how to make requests.

    2.Show several pictures together and ask them to make requests with “Wouldyou mind…?” or “Could you please…?”.

    (Purpose: Revise the phrases and model sentences that they have learnedbefore.)

    3.Ask students to close their books, the teacher shows several pictures onCAI, ask them to say the annoying things. The important phrases in the periodare included in these pictures.

    (Purpose: Revise annoying things they have learned and help to lead inreading part in 3a)

    Step2 Reading and talking

    1.how the article in 3a, first play the tape, ask them to underline thethings that annoy people and circle what people do when it happens.

    (Purpose: The teacher doesn’t check answers by underlining or circling onCAI, just ask tell orally in order to encourage them to speak English freely,not just focus on checking answers.)

    2.Do fast reading, then finish True or False.

    (1)The girl doesn’t care if she waits in line.

    (2)When the shop assistant gets mad, she will never go to that store again.

    (3)She usually asks the shop assistant not to follow her around politely.

    (4)To the boy, it’s usually happens that someone talks to him while he was

    Reading in thelibrary.

    (5)He usually refuses to talk to the person.

    (6)Perhaps in the future, he should try not to be so polite.

    (Purpose: Make students to understand most information in the article.)

    3.Do careful reading, then retell the story according to the main chart.


    Annoying things

    Make requests(提出请求)

    The girl

    The boy

    (Purpose: Try to make students more familiar with the content in thearticle.)

    4.Leading in 3b, suppose you are the people in the pictures, what do you do ?

    Show pictures on CAI,ask them to complete the follow sentences.

    (1)I get annoyed when people cut in line.

    When thishappens, I

    (2)I get annoyed when people cut in line.

    When thishappens, I

    (Purpose: In the step, the answers can vary. The students can have a good

    Chance to practice English.)

    5.Then show the model sentences on CAI, ask them to list two annoying thingsand try to make requests.

    (1)I get annoyed when

    When thishappens, I

    (2)I get annoyed when.

    When thishappens, I

    (Purpose: In the step, the teacher first check answers by asking severalstudents to answer the questions: What annoy you? What do you do? Then, askseveral students who are better at English tell out in front of the classroom.The aim is to give different students different chance. Also, it can help toprepare for the next task.)

    Step3 Tasks

    Task1 Groupwork:Interview three classmates, then give a report.

    What annoy you?

    What do you do?




    Lin Zheng

    Classmates don’t return my eraser.

    Then give a report: Ihave interviewed three kids. ….gets annoyed when....

    When this happens, he/she …..

    (Purpose: Considering different level of my students, first, I ask severalpairs who are not very good at English to practice the conversation. Then askseveral better students to give a report in front of the classroom in order tomake more and more students active in learning English.)

    Task2 Givesuggestions

    Here are two shortmessages from mobile phone, please give suggestions to them.

    NO.1 Judy: I get annoyed recently, because my neighbor often

    breaks into my roomwithout knocking at the door. Sometimes

    it’s very noisy. Whatcan I do?From Mary

    NO.2 Judy: I get annoyed because my little cousin hasn’t

    returned my favoriteCD. He has had it for half year.

    What should I do?FromSam

    Task3 Help others

    This is someone’sdiary in his blog, read the diary, find out the annoying things, then write ashort passage to give suggestions by making requests.


    Sunday Jan,10th 2007Sunny

    It seems that some peoplehave really bad manner in our everyday life.

    I feel very terriblewhen someone writes or paints on the white walls. They are not allowed to dothat. Also, I find there are many people spit randomly in public. In fact,their actions always make others feel awful and it also causes much pollution.Another one is that someone even make loud noises in the reading room orlibrary. When these happen, I sometimes talk to them, but they can’t understandand often get angry or even shout at me. So I don’t know what to do now. Don’tthey know they should be polite?

    (Purpose: In the step, I give the diary to ask them to find out annoyingthings and then write a short passage in order to improve their wring skill.)

    Step4 Homework

    1.Copy the article in 3a, and try to recite it.

    2.Do you have any annoying things? Please list three annoying things atschool and write a short complain letter to your English teacher, maybe she orhe will help you.

    Ⅳ.Blackboard Design

    Keywords usefulexpressions

    wait in lineI get annoyedwhen…

    get annoyedWhen thishappens, I…

    follow around Wouldyou mind…?

    get madCould youplease…?

    Would you mind turning down the music?Section B说课稿

    T: Class begins!

    M: Stand up!

    T: Good afternoon,class!

    S: Good afternoon,Miss Bian!

    T: Sit down,please!

    Today we’ll studySection B of Unit 7. (板书Section B) What isSection B about, do you know? In Section B we’ll go on to learn more about howto make requests and answer requests in polite ways. This is the task of thislesson. 这就是我们本节课的学习目标:进一步学习有礼貌地向别人提出请求以及有礼貌地回答别的请求。



    Make requests

    Answer requests

    in polite ways.

    Before we studySection B, let’s first go over Section A. Do you still remember what we learned inSection A?

    Ss: Make requeststo sb.

    T: Good. When wemake requests, what should we say?

    S: Would you minddoing sth.?

    T: Another way?

    S: Could youplease do sth.?

    T: Very good! Nextlet’s do some exercises to check whether you have learned Section A well ornot.

    T: When we makerequests, what should we say?

    S: Would you minddoing sth?

    T: Another way?

    S: Could youplease do sth?

    T: Very good! Nextlet’s do some exercises to check whether you have learned Section A well ornot. The exercises are easy for you. Let’s do them together.

    Lood at No.1,“Would you mind turnig down the music?” What’s the sentence with the samemeening as this one?

    S: Could youplease turn down the music?

    T: Good. What’sthe negative sentence?

    S: Would you mindnot turnig down the nusic?

    T: Very good. Lookat the second one, we know when someone stands in the subway door, we getannoyed. So when your bike stands in the way, others might make requests likethis“Would you mind moving your bike?” If you don’t mind, What will you answer?

    S: Sorry, I’ll doit right away.

    T: Good! Whatelse?

    S: No, not at all.Gertainly not.

    T: Right. Whatelse then?

    S: Of course not.

    T: Yes. We canalso say“OK, I’ll do it right away.”

    They are allpolite answers. But if you want to refuse him, what should you say?

    S: Yes.

    T: Right, You cananswer“Yes or sorry, I don’t want to move my bike. ”

    Then let’s look atNo.3, Which one is the best?

    S: C.

    T: Yes. We shouldchoose C. “Better not” means“You’d better not sit here.”Because“it’s for Mr Brown”, not for you. So others have to refuse you.

    About thisexercise, I’d like to give you some advice. If you refuse, you’d better not say“You can’t sit here.”, because it’s impolite. You’d better say “Better not”,it’s more polite. Others will be happy to accept your requests.

    T: Next let’sstudy Section B. Look at the streen. Is the baby lovely?Why does such a lovely baby cry and cover his ears?

    S: The noisy musicmade the baby annoyed.

    T: Yes, becausethe music is too loud, too noisy. He can’t stand it!

    Then what can thebaby say to adults or to his parents?

    S: Would you mindturning down the music?

    T: Good! So yousee even such a little baby knows how to make requests politely.

    In our daily life,there are many annoying things happening, When we meet them, what should we do?The solutions to solve the problems are very important.

    I’ll play you thetape, let’s try to find what the people in the tape do with their annoyingthings. While you are listening, fill in the blanks, (Ask three students toread one by one and check. After the three students’ reading…)

    Now I have somequestions for you about the listening.

    In conversation 1,what’s the girl’s problem?

    S: The sales clerkgave her the wrong size.

    T: Then what didthe girl do to solve her problem?

    S: She said to thesales clerk“Would you mind giving me a smaller one ?”

    T: Very good!

    In conversation 2,what’s the boy’s annoying thing?

    S: He ordered ahamburger with French fries, but only got a hamburger.

    T: How did hesolve his annoying thing?

    S: He asked thewaitress“Would you mind bringing me my French fries?”

    T: Then what didthe waitress say to him?

    S: The waitresssaid “I’m so sorry, I’ll bring you some French fries right away.”

    T: They both usepolite ways, right?

    S: Yes.

    T: In conversation3 , what made the boy annoyed?

    S: He bought apen, but it didn’t work.

    T: What did he dowith his problem?

    S: He saidpolitely to the shop assistant. “Would you mind giving me a new one?”

    T: Pretty good!

    From the threeconversations, we find that it’s very important for us to solve problems inpolite ways.The three customers didn’t just complain. They politely maderequests and so they got polite and friendly answers.处理问题的方式很重要,这既是这节课也是本单元的学习目的,用礼貌的方式可以使问题更好地得以解决。

    T: Now let’s go onwith 3a. In this part,we’ll also learn more about the other people’s solutionsto solve the annoying things.

    Give you twominutes to read through the text, then answer my questions .

    (After reading)Look at the picture, it’s about the first part of the text.

    The girl looksunpleasant.What annoys her?

    S: She doesn’tlike waiting in line when the shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.

    T: Right, whenthis happens, what does she usually do?

    S: She usuallysays to the shop assistant“Would you mind helping me?”

    T: What alsohappens to her sometimes in the clothing shop?

    S: Shop assistantsalways follow her around.

    T: When thishappens, what does she usually do?

    S: She ususllysays to them“Could you please not follow me around?”

    T: Pretty good!

    Then look at thispicture.

    This boy looks….

    S: Happy.

    T: And that boylooks….

    S: Unpleasant.

    T: Or a bitannoyed.What annoys him in the text?

    S: He doesn’t liketalking to someone while he is reading.

    T: Yes.This boytalks to him and disturbs him.What does he usually do when this happens?

    S: He usuallytalks to others.

    T: Why?

    S: Because hewants to be polite.

    T: Does he reallylike doing that?

    Ss: No.

    T: So at last whatdoes he decide to do?

    S: He decidesperhaps in the future he should try not to be so polite.

    T: But is it thebest way? What do you think is the best way to solve this annoying thing? Whatadvice can you give him?

    S: I think heshould say“Would you mind not talking to me while I am reading”.

    T: Very good, Ithink you have a very good understanding of the text . Next let’s listen to goover the text .While you are listening, please fill in the blanks.

    Ss: (Read the texttogether.)

    T: I also haveseveral language points to teach you. Here are the uses of three importantwords.

    1. get v: 系动词:becomeget annoyed

    行为动词:得到、获得get a hamburger

    2. return:give…back

    come/go back

    eg: My classmatesalways borrow my eraser and don’t return it.

    give it back

    3. Sth happen tosb.


    eg: Last week, abig fire happened to a building in Wenzhou.


    T: Do you have anyquestions about this part?

    S: No.

    T: But now I meeta big problem. Look at the picture.They are my new neighbors.They must be veryexcited to live in a new house. They make a lot of noises. This makes meannoyed. I don’t want to argue or fight with them. Can you give me some advice?

    S: I think you canwrite a polite letter to them?

    T: Good advice!I need your help to write the letter.

    What should Iwrite to the father?

    S: Would you mindnot playing the guitar too loud?

    T: Good!What should I write to the mother?

    S: Could youplease keep your voice down while you are talking on the phone?

    T: What else aboutthe mother?

    S: Would you mindnot dropping litter out of the window?

    T: How about theirson?

    S: Please don’tplay soccer in the room.

    T: Good, thankyou. Could you please write the whole letter for me?

    Give you some timeto discuss with each other. Then read your letter to your partner.

    Ss: (Discussing and reading.)

    T: (Ask severalstudents to read.)

    Thanks for yourletters!I think you didvery well!

    At last, let’s go over what we have learned in thislesson. 最后让我们一起回顾一下本节课的学习。

    In this lesson,first we reviewed Section A, then we studied Section B. In Section B, welistened to tree conversations and the text 3a and learn more about how to makerequests and answer requests politely. I hope after learning this unit, we alltry to be polite people. This is the goal of this unit. 这样也就达到了我们学习本单元的目的:学会有礼貌地处理问题,做个有修养的人。Then we’ll get more help even more friends. Do youthink so?

    Ss: Yes!

    T: OK! Then afterclass please finish the homework.

    So much for today.

    Would you mindtaking a rest and relaxing?

    Ss: Certainly not!

    T: Class is over!Please have a break!


    《Would you mindturning down the music?》边海燕


    Learn Section B ofUnit 7:

    1.How to makerequests and say sorry to sb.

    2.Learn to solveproblems politely and to be a polite person.


    1.Would you mindturning down the music?



    2.----Would youmind moving your bike?


    3.——Would you mind mysitting here?

    ——. It`s for Mr.Brown.

    A. Not at all B. Never mind

    C. Better not D. Of course not


    一. Listen to the tape and fill in theblanks.

    Conversation 1

    Woman: Can I helpyou?

    Girl: I boughtthis shirt here yesterday, and the sales clerk gave me the wrong size.

    Would you _______ _______ me a smaller one?

    Woman: ______________. Do you have your receipt?

    Girl: Uh-huh. Hereit is.

    Conversation 2

    Boy: Excuse me.

    Woman: Yes?

    Boy: I ordered ahamburger with French fries, but only got a hamburger. Would you_______ _______me my French fries.

    Woman: I’m sosorry. I’ll bring you some French fries _______ _______.

    Boy: Thank you.

    Conversation 3

    Man: May I helpyou?

    Boy: I bought thispen here, but it’s not good.

    Man: What’s theproblem?

    Boy: It doesn’twork. Would you _______ _______ me a new one?





